Douluo: The star-filled goddess Yun Yun is signed in at the beginning

Chapter 8 Tang San knelt down and Tang Hao vomited blood

Chapter 8 Tang San knelt down and Tang Hao vomited blood
On the carriage, Su Chen received a system task.

[Ding, system task! 】

[Ask the host to complete six years of study at Notting College, and the system will increase your physical strength every day! 】

This mission is quite good.

Su Chen roughly did the math.

On average, his soul ring can add ten years to its life every day.

If you stay for six years, the life span of each soul ring will be increased by at least 21900 years!
This does not include the number of years of his soul ring for self-improvement and growth.

Anyway, the plot has just begun.

He also needs a lot of time to develop.


Not only the development in realm, but also in body.

Stay in the academy and beat Tang San every day.

It's not bad to play around with Xiao Wu, Zhu Qing, Zhu Yun and Yun Yun.

After six years, he was fully developed.

The goddesses on the mainland have also reached their most beautiful age, so he can collect them all and include them all in his harem, not sparing any of them!
Su Chen got off the carriage.

Xiao Wu immediately ran to him and complained to him.

It can be seen that he has become the person Xiao Wu has the best relationship with, not Tang San.

Xiao Wu angrily told her what had just happened, especially Yu Xiaogang's sentence, "I am not a teacher in the college," which almost made her furious.

You are not a teacher in the college, but you still have the nerve to educate others?
What they teach is all wrong!
"Su Chen, that guy is so hateful, I want to teach him a lesson!"

In fact, Su Chen was also paying attention to things outside.

He knew everything that had just happened.

It can be said that after today, Xiao Wu and Tang San's master and apprentice will not have any interactions, and there will only be disgust.

Because at this time, Tang San has begun to "become a master once, a father forever", treating the master as his biological father, and kneeling down to worship him.

With a personality like Xiao Wu's, she will inevitably complain about Yu Xiaogang behind her back in the future.

When Tang San hears that his "big daddy" has been complained about, he will definitely have a conflict with Xiao Wu. The conflict between the two parties will get bigger and bigger, with no possibility of easing!
"Don't pay attention to that guy. Let's take our Yangguan Road, and he'll take his single-plank bridge. Just don't interfere with each other."

Su Chen led people into the academy with a smile on his face.

Sure enough, at the edge of a flower bed, they saw Tang San, who was bowing three times and nine times.

Whether it was Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuyun, or Zhu Zhuqing, the expressions on their faces all became contemptuous.

In Douluo Continent, people will only kneel down to worship the king and their parents.

In their opinion, Tang San recognized the man who claimed to be the master as his adoptive father.

In just a few steps from the entrance of the college to this flower bed, it would be too despicable to recognize an unfamiliar person as your adoptive father and kneel down to him.

Moreover, this master does not look like a senior member of the academy. He is dressed in an ordinary black cotton coat, cotton trousers, and cotton shoes. Dressed like this, he looks more like a small-time worker in the academy.

"What kind of benefits did that master give him? He actually made him kneel down and kowtow..."

"I don't know, maybe his father treated him badly, so he wanted to recognize someone as his father again."

"It's not impossible. The clothes on his body are obviously smaller, and his face also looks like he lacks nutrition. Maybe he hasn't eaten anything delicious since he was a child."

Xiao Wu and the other three started to guess why Tang San had to kneel down.

In the tree behind them, a tall and burly middle-aged man with hair as messy as a bird's nest and smelling of bad ale listened to all their words.

He clenched his fists very tightly, and the anger in his heart was almost uncontrollable and burst out.

He is Tang San's father, Tang Hao.

Not long after Tang San left the village, he followed behind and protected him silently until he arrived at Notting College.

Originally, he had not planned to follow him into the academy to avoid being discovered by the academy's soul masters and exposing his identity.

But the master's gaze made him slightly worried, so he thought about it and followed him.

From entering the college to the flower bed.Tang San only chatted with this master for a few words before he chose to kneel down and kowtow, making his father feel humiliated and extremely angry.

"My Tang Hao's son is actually such a weakling. I don't want such a son!"

Tang Hao couldn't wait to stage a righteous killing of relatives.

And what Xiao Wu and the others said made it impossible to reduce Tang Hao's anger.

As a titled Douluo, he took up the most humble job as a blacksmith for this brat.

Isn't it just for you, a brat, to complete the construction of farm tools on time and in quantity tomorrow?

Otherwise, where would the rice and noodles come from at home?
Made it out of thin air?

Now when I see a master with some status, I kneel down and recognize him as my adoptive father!
How could I, Tang Hao, give birth to such a scoundrel!
This master is nothing!

If I hadn't been able to expose my identity, otherwise this would have made this master kowtow to his head for three days and three nights!

"Cough cough cough..."

Seeing his son kowtow to a master who was countless times lower than his true identity, Tang Hao was so angry that he tore his internal injuries and coughed up blood.

The smell of blood spread instantly.

Yun Yun noticed something was wrong and looked back.

Tang Hao was shocked and shouted "Not good"!
He dodged and disappeared into the tree.

The collision between masters only requires a look.

The moment Yun Yun turned around, Tang Hao knew that this woman's strength was not simple.

If you take action, you may not be your opponent.

In order to avoid exposing his identity, he did not dare to stay in the academy and decisively chose to run away.

When you find an opportunity, come back to the academy to question that brat and ask him why he wants to worship that master as his adoptive father!


Yun Yun has already locked onto Tang Hao and wants to catch up and have a look.

If she wanted to chase him, Tang Hao would never be able to escape.

Su Chen guessed the identity of the black-robed figure.

In the early stage, apart from Tang San's father, there was no one else who would dress up so obscenely.

He waved his hand and said, "There's no need to chase him. There's no point in chasing that guy."

Seeing what Su Chen said, Yun Yun gave up her plan to catch up.

Beside the flower bed, Tang San had already finished kneeling down.

He sensed that someone was looking at him.

Looking back, I happened to see Xiao Wu and the others.

He frowned suddenly. Although he liked little girls, these three little girls all looked at him with disdain, which made him a little unhappy.

"What are you looking at? Have you never seen a disciple?" Tang San said coldly.


When Xiao Wu heard what he said, she couldn't help laughing and pointed at Master Yu Xiaogang behind her.

"Is it him who is the apprentice?"

"It's funny that such a guy who talks nonsense can also be someone else's teacher!"

Tang San was angry, his eyes instantly turned scarlet, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Apologise to my teacher, or you will die!"

Obviously, Xiao Wu's behavior has led to death.

Xiao Wu was not frightened by his reaction.

After all, she is an old rabbit who has lived for 10 years. She has seen many ferocious spirit beasts, and a grinning little kid will not scare her.

(End of this chapter)

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