Douluo: The star-filled goddess Yun Yun is signed in at the beginning

Chapter 84 The Elephant Armor Sect is destroyed and Oscar’s defection

Chapter 84 The Elephant Armor Sect is destroyed and Oscar’s defection
Hu Yanzhen wanted to laugh in his heart.

Where did this junior get the courage to speak harshly to him?

You don’t think that just a few of them can defeat him, do you?
He has a soul skill that can instantly suppress everything within a hundred meters.

Anyone who is suppressed by him will bear thousands of kilograms of force on his body. Even if he is not dead, he will be suppressed in place and unable to move.

This move alone might be too much for the delicate-skinned and tender-bodied Lanba Academy disciples in front of him!

As for whether there was anyone helping them secretly, Hu Yanzhen had sensed this a long time ago. There was no one around, and Salas had sent people to drive away the people around him, so he could do it boldly!
"Okay, you can go to die!"

Eight soul rings appeared under Hu Yanzhen's feet. The power of the outermost soul ring gradually became violent, giving off a heart-stopping feeling, which was very terrifying.

He sneered, as if he had seen the scene of these students from Lanba Academy being suppressed to death.

But the next moment, Su Chen, headed by the seven people, disappeared from the place without a trace.

Hu Yan was shocked. Before he could react, Su Chen had already appeared behind him.


Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of flesh being pierced.

Hu Yanzhen's face became visibly pale, his forehead was suddenly covered with cold sweat, and the flesh on his face trembled slightly.

He looked down in disbelief and saw a hand piercing his back. While grabbing his heart, it also pierced his chest. Blood flowed down from his chest like water.


The hand was retracted, and Hu Yanzhen's tall body fell to the ground, with a look of death.


Looking at the corpse on the ground, Su Chen snorted coldly and released some soul power to disperse the blood stains on his body.

Immediately afterwards, he used his soul power to disperse Hu Yanzhen's corpse, leaving behind a soul guidance device ring and three very low-year soul bones on the ground.

"Su Chen, are you okay?"

After all this was settled, Xiao Wu and the others came over with frightened expressions on their faces.

They were frightened just now, but they had seen Su Chen's strength in private.

Otherwise, if Su Chen took action rashly, they would definitely not be watching the show from behind.

Su Chen doesn't mind using his true strength in front of these confidants. They have already turned their hearts to him and will 100% keep his secrets.

He was holding Hu Yanzhen's storage ring in his hand. He mentally sensed the items in it and his face darkened slightly.

"Okay, you guys go back first, I have to go out."

After speaking, he left here.

Later, even if Xiao Wu and the others met the person responsible for surveillance from Wuhun Hall, nothing happened.

After all, if they came out safely, it meant that Hu Yanzhen had failed.

Even Contra can fail, so what are they trying to do?

Naturally, I should go back and report the news immediately!
"It's not good, my lord bishop!"

In the Wuhun Hall, Salas was still looking forward to Hu Yanzhen's successful return.

A deacon who had tipped off the news stumbled back from outside: "Oh no, Your Majesty Bishop, Hu Yanzhen did not kill a few people from Lanba Academy!"


Salas frowned slightly, Hu Yanzhen didn't kill them?
What a joke!
With Hu Yanzhen's strength, isn't it easy to handle those juniors?

"We only saw Hu Yanzhen entering the area arranged in advance. We haven't seen his people since then, and we haven't even sensed the fluctuations in his soul power."

"Later, a few disciples from Lanba Academy walked out in a swaggering manner. There were no traces of battle on their bodies. My subordinates guessed that that piece of shit Hu Yanzhen might have been bribed by someone from Lanba Academy and then slipped away quietly!"

Salas frowned. How could Hu Yanzhen be bribed by those guys from Lanba Academy?
In order to break through the boundaries of Titled Douluo as soon as possible, Hu Yanzhen has secretly sought refuge in their Spirit Hall, hoping to obtain a soul bone to achieve a breakthrough in realm.

The desire to break through the title Douluo was always affecting the old man's heart.

How could he be bribed like this?

Seeing Salas's contemplative look, the deacon who came to report quickly said: "What I said is absolutely true. If you don't believe it, the bishop can question other deacons responsible for surveillance!"

Seeing this, Salas's face darkened slightly. This subordinate of his was very loyal.

Never lie to him.

So that's really what happened.

So what on earth did Hu Yanzhen do?
Could it be possible that he really was bribed?

A terrible thought came to Salas' mind.

But then this idea was denied by him, because if he wanted to deal with Hu Yanzhen, he would need to be at least a Titled Douluo level master.

Once such a master touches Huyan, the Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo and Dugu Bo in the city will not be able to sense it.

Even if they can't sense it, the two elders, Snake Spear and Guillotine, should be able to sense it, right?

But there is no news from him...

"It's strange."

Salas waved his hand to his men and told them to go out and look for traces of Hu Yanzhen. They would see the person alive or the body if they died!
When everyone left, Salas was still sitting in his seat, looking worried.

At this time, he sensed some changes in the environment around him. He suddenly looked up and found that except where he was, everything else had turned into a vast expanse of white.

"This is... some kind of realm!"

Salas was also well-informed, and he immediately knew that someone had released the domain and enveloped him in it.

He exclaimed, stood up quickly, clasped his fists in the air around him and said, "May I ask which senior is visiting my Spirit Hall?"

He looked very calm, but in fact he was sweating profusely, and his tone changed slightly.

"Why, you just sent Hu Yanzhen to attack me, and you don't know who I am?"


Salas exclaimed, following the source of the sound, he saw Su Chen, the captain of Lanba Academy, sitting on the chair where he had just been sitting. The other party was so silent that he didn't notice it at all!

When did he sit here?

Salas was startled and quickly took a few steps back.

He took a deep breath and barely recovered from the shock.

At this moment, he realized that the young man in front of him was by no means an ordinary person, and his strength was even more terrifying than he imagined!
The next moment, a coercion fell on him.

Salas, who was originally standing, could only kneel on the ground. His knees hit the ground hard, making two pits in the marble on the ground.


Salas screamed in pain, his old face extremely red.

"Salas, Hu Yanzhen was sent by you to kill me?"

Su Chen looked through various situations collected by Wuhun Palace and asked casually, seemingly not angry.

But Salas was so frightened that he lost his mind. He kowtowed to Su Chen continuously, his forehead was bloody and blurred, "I was blind and bumped into the lord. I hope you don't remember the villain's fault and save his life." !”

The dignified platinum bishop actually knelt and kowtowed to a young man. If someone saw this, they would probably not believe what they saw.

Su Chen sneered, and a burst of soul power stopped Salas' movement.

"In the past few years, you have killed many genius soul masters in the Tiandou Empire..." Salas was trembling with fear and did not answer.

Because he was afraid that if he said one more wrong word, he would be mercilessly killed by Su Chen.

He wanted to delay as much time as possible.

What if Snake Spear and Galileo Douluo sense something is wrong and come to save him?

Su Chen seemed to understand his thoughts.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

He took out a token, which was the elder's token given to him by Bibi Dong.

"Elder Order!"

Salas looked horrified, and then he thought of the news that came from Wuhun City some time ago, saying that His Majesty the Pope appointed a man named Su as the elder of Wuhun Palace while he was away.

At first, he didn't take it seriously. After all, most of the elders of Wuhun Palace were practicing in Wuhun City.

I won't go out unless it's important.

When he stayed in the Tiandou Empire, he might not meet the other party even once in ten years, so he ignored the news in this regard.

But now it seems that the so-called elder named Su is the Su Chen in front of him!
Salas felt dizzy at the thought of sending someone to kill an elder of Wuhun Palace. He felt that his future was over and his position as bishop might not be guaranteed!
But then, a burst of hope ignited in his heart.

Because the other party is an elder of Wuhun Hall, he should not kill him.

And Su Chen just said he wouldn't kill him...

Salas finally let go of his hanging heart. As long as he could save a dog's life, everything else would be easy to talk about.

Beat him, punish him, he admits it all!

"Your mentality is good. Although I will not kill you, you will also lose your freedom. You need to be ready to do things for me at all times and cannot be negligent in the slightest. Otherwise, you know the consequences!"

Su Chen's soul power penetrated Salas' body.

This soul power went straight to Salas' heart, wrapping his heart tightly.

As long as Su Chen has a thought, this soul power will crush Salas' heart and kill him in an instant!
Salas was startled, and he felt palpitations all the time, as if something was hanging above his head, and he didn't know when it would fall and kill him, which made him suffer.

Still, it's better than him dying.

Sarath kowtowed in thanks.

When he looked up, Su Chen had disappeared.


With the disappearance of Hu Yanzhen, Xiangjia College fell into chaos. In the next few days, Hu Yanli did not participate in the competition, but kept looking for traces of his grandfather in the city.

When Wuhun Palace and Tiandou Empire heard about this, they all joined the search queue.

However, because Hu Yanzhen went out in disguise that day and deliberately hid it, no one except the people from Wuhun Hall knew that he was out. They only knew that he returned to the hotel from the stadium and never left.

Just one day later, news came back from outside Tiandou City that the Elephant Armor Sect had been wiped out.

Thousands of people in one gate died tragically.

At this point, Hu Yanli and his party were the only ones left in the Xiangjia Sect in the city.

This incident shocked the entire continent.

You know, in recent decades, the mainland has been very peaceful.

But ever since the leader of the Haotian Sect made a big fuss in Soto City, various forces began to stir up undercurrents.

It was only now that the Elephant Armor Sect was wiped out, making everyone realize that the war might have begun.


On the playing field, Su Chen looked at Tang San and others whose strength had greatly increased, and sneered.

"This kid really doesn't know how to restrain himself!"

"He was beaten like that by Hu Yanli that day and could no longer move. Unexpectedly, after the Elephant Armor Sect was wiped out, his body recovered completely, and his strength reached that of the Soul Sect!"

At this time, the lineup of Canghui College changed.

Oscar, who was originally serving as an assistant, withdrew from the competition for unknown reasons and disappeared.

Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai were always with Tang San.

It seems that the three of them have been completely bound to the same boat, working together and reluctant to separate!
"Brother Su Chen, do you feel that something is wrong with this disciple of Canghui Academy?"

Next to Su Chen, the prince Xue Qinghe sat.

Today, Lanba Academy's opponents surrendered again, so they don't need to compete.

Even though the evil soul master selected by Tang San and his group was well hidden, during the battle, people could not help but feel that something was wrong.

Su Chen nodded and said, "Something is indeed wrong. These people don't look like serious soul masters, but like evil soul masters. Ordinary soul masters don't have such murderous aura as them!"

Xue Qinghe nodded and said: "I have sent people to investigate Canghui College. If there is any news, I will share it with Brother Su Chen."

He seemed to sincerely want to win over Su Chen.

He didn't even go to the VIP seats, but just disguised himself and went to the lounge of Lanba Academy.

A game is over.

Su Chen and Xue Qinghe came outside to get some air.

At this time, a voice from the corner shouted towards them: "Your Highness, Your Highness!"

The owner of this voice seemed to be afraid to show his face. He was wearing a mask, only half of his face was exposed, and he was looking around.

And he kept his voice down as much as possible, not daring to speak loudly, as if he was afraid of something.

Despite this, Su Chen recognized the identity of the voice owner at a glance.

"Oscar from Canghui Academy?"

Su Chen paid special attention to Oscar and his group.

So even if the other person concealed his face, he could still recognize him at a glance.

Oscar's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly: "Your Highness, Captain Su Chen, I have important matters to discuss with you, but it is not convenient for me to show up now. Can you come to a private place with me to communicate?"

Oscar was not sure whether these two people would pay attention to him and whether they would agree with what he said next.

If these two people ignore him and don't recognize his content, but instead expose his identity, then he will be in trouble.

That day, he left the arena with Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun. He originally planned to call Flanders to join him, and then fly away, leave the ranks of evil soul masters, and go to a place where no one knows to rebuild Shrek Academy.

However, Dai Mubai and the others have become obsessed and cannot escape from the group of evil soul masters.

Not only that, they also joined forces to deal with him, planning to hand him over to Tang San.

How could Oscar let himself fall into Tang San's hands.

Fortunately, what happened before Tiandou City made Dai Mubai and the others dare not use their soul power to chase him and let him escape.

But in the secret, Dai Mubai and other evil soul masters have been looking for traces of him.

Helpless, he could only find help and destroy the group of evil soul masters!

(End of this chapter)

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