Lord God, start!

Chapter 123 123 Li Shanhe and Player No. 5

Chapter 123 123 Li Shanhe and Player No. [-]

Wu Ziqi activated the power of "Soul Bipolarity" and silently read Xiao Huanwen's memory.

Although human beings on the [Super Power Planet] may transform from helpless waste into extraordinary beings of a very high level in one fell swoop after reaching adulthood,...

Their biggest problem is that they are "not comprehensive enough" and their shortcomings are extremely prominent.

Like Wu Ziqi, an extraordinary individual who has been cultivated step by step (players) has a balanced and powerful body, soul, energy, spells, skills, combat experience and other aspects, with no obvious flaws.

Therefore, it is almost effortless to read Xiao Yanwen's memories and many thoughts.

After reading many thoughts of Player No. [-], Wu Ziqi couldn't help but marveled.

"[Limited Prediction], random observation of the future..."

Regarding the newcomer's superpower, Wu Jianshou was full of praise: "This is a serious time-based superpower, a great method that can truly touch the long river of time."

"No wonder, this Xiao Yanwen will be judged by the great power of fate as the person with the highest extraordinary potential on the super planet!"

"Although there are restrictions and the number of times it can be used per day is limited, this is definitely a [plug-in level] super power."

"In many novels, comics, and movies, the golden fingers of the protagonists are not as good as this method of predicting the future!"


Xiao Yanwen's mental strength is not enough to support him using [Limited Prediction] many times. If Wu Ziqi masters the same ability through fate's feedback, then the limitations in this area will become less obvious.

Thanks to the efforts of many official players of the Lord God Playground, the spiritual power of Wu Jianshou is extremely powerful.

"Having said that, Player No. [-] does have some skills. Judging from his current performance, he is enough to become the leader of the second team!"

In Wu Ziqi's view, Xiao Yanwen wrote important information on paper, and after writing it, he burned it immediately and only wrote "for my past self" to read.

This method is very interesting!

In the book "Jianweizhizhi", Xiao Yanwen's development of [limited precognition] ability is quite good.

If this person is not particularly unlucky, there is a high probability that he will become the mainstay of the second team of the Main God Playground.

However, Xiao Yanwen is cold-blooded and ruthless.

Compared with his sunny and handsome appearance, his cold and cruel heart was an eye-opener for Wu Ziqi.

Wu Ziqi estimates that the mortality rate of members of the second team of the Lord God Playground will probably not be too low in the future!


United States.

The figure in Xiao Yanwen's field of vision was not surprised after hearing his speech.

This was beyond his expectation.

Originally, Xiao Yanwen was thinking that through his performance, he would leave a deep impression on this senior expert in the Lord God's Playground, so that he could gradually take action and get more help.

Unfortunately, he miscalculated!
  Limiting the future scenarios that can be glimpsed in the future are extremely limited.

Xiao Yanwen is by no means an omniscient and omnipotent being.

he sees...

[Earl Thunder]'s blood-red eyes showed a trace of amusement, and he responded leisurely: "The taste of time, I see the shadow of an old friend in you."

"Time and space...no, that's not right!"

"Are you a pure, time-based transcendent?"


"Then, I wish you a happy time in the world of "Earth"."

As the words fell, Earl Thunder's figure faded and disappeared.

Xiao Yanwen still maintained a sunny and handsome standard mask-shaped smile, but the brilliance in his eyes gradually turned into a gloomy and gloomy dim light: "It's too scary..."

"A veteran of the Lord God's Playground, it's much better than expected!"

His thoughts went back and forth thousands of times, flickering like lightning: "For a person like Falk, time actually has a flavor?"

"I'm too careless!"

"I'm so arrogant!"

Xiao Yanwen resisted the urge to stab himself, but silently gritted his teeth and bit off a small piece of flesh on the side of his mouth.

The smell of blood and pain in his mouth made him clear-headed and he remembered the mistakes he had made: "I made a mistake once, and I will never make it a second time. I want to remember everything I experienced today!"

"Moreover, the veteran of the Main God's Playground who called himself Falk just mentioned the word [time and space]."

"I will never make a mistake!"

"Is this powerful being who has mastered the power of time and space just an 'old acquaintance' of Falk?"

"I have long heard that it is not his friends and supporters that determine a person's character and value, but his enemies!" ˆ ˆ ˆ "You must not fall out with Falk before you are sufficiently sure!"

After silently writing down these messages, Xiao Yanwen began his survival mission in the world of "Earth".

He did very well in the beginning and blended into the era almost quietly.

He even quickly mastered daily communication in English and collected a lot of extremely valuable intelligence information, living in the United States just like a native of Earth.


Soon, he was found by the American paranormal agency.

——This cannot be blamed on Xiao Yanwen for not acting secretly, it is all on the seniors of the Lord God Playground for acting too high-profile and arrogant.

All countries on the entire planet regard the official players of the Lord God's Playground as if they are their own.

Among the countless futures Xiao Yanwen saw...

He will definitely be found by America's violent institutions!

From the countless possibilities of a tragic future, Xiao Yanwen found the most profitable one.

He claims to be an extraordinary person with [danger sensing] ability, and his personal ability is sometimes ineffective and does not always take effect. It can only take effect once a day.

——Actually, Xiao Yan Wenzang is so stupid that his limited precognition superpower can be used three times a day with his spiritual power.

At the beginning, Xiao Yanwen and the United States were coy and coy, exchanging "characteristic information of two different civilizations" with each other, and obtained the most cutting-edge "extraordinary technology" on the earth in "The Age of Great Sword Art".

As time went by, the American Paranormal Imagination Research Institute, which was no longer satisfied with blood, urine, skin, and hair samples, asked Xiao Wenwen to provide more things.

For example, bone marrow aspiration.

For example, they could combine with native women on Earth and try to reproduce offspring to see if [superpowers] could break through species reproductive isolation and pass on their noble and outstanding bloodline.

The two worlds are like one family!
  If it succeeds, it will be a higher-level political marriage.


Xiao Wenwen knew that there was no separation between himself and the female reproductive species of the earth. Once he left the seeds, he would no longer have special value and would be cruelly abandoned and mercilessly sent to the operating table to undergo various executions. Inhumane and cruel experiments.

Therefore, Player No. [-] took the initiative to turn against the United States and started his own escape career with the help of foresight.

In as many as seven times of death dilemma, Xiao Yanwen survived at the critical moment without being captured alive.

Wu Ziqi felt that Xiao Yanwen really left a deep impression on him.

After Xiao Yanwen's two crucial escapes from death, he completed two [Hidden Missions].

Later, Wu Ziqi threw Black Rock Star's universal training language [Martial Arts Proverbs] and Guan Lixuan's manual on "Swallowing the Universe" to Xiao Yanwen respectively as rewards.

Although he failed to complete the survival mission and Xiao Yanwen was unable to obtain the original secret book of "Swallowing the Universe",...

Even so, he quickly embarked on the practice system of [Black Rock Warrior] with the help of Guan Lixuan's experience manual and the extraordinary information obtained from the United States.

Player No. [-]’s outstanding personal talent was fully demonstrated.

Xiao Yanwen even used those dry and pale words to come up with some extraordinary methods that looked like heresy.

——By sucking blood and eating raw meat, you can quickly replenish energy, strengthen your physical fitness, and gain stronger strength, faster speed, and tougher bones and muscles.

In this regard, Wu Ziqi’s evaluation is...

"As expected of the [most powerful person with extraordinary potential] on the super planet!"

"Although there are big problems in terms of character, Xiao Yanwen did not let me down."

Wu Ziqi's dream is very lofty.

If you want to achieve your ultimate goal, you must be strong enough to not be afraid of the [Mysterious Powerful One] who can "distort the world with one gaze".

But Wu Ziqi knew very well that the food had to be eaten one bite at a time and the road had to be walked step by step, so it was most correct to follow the steps and move forward steadily.

Now, what he wants to achieve most is to realize and completely master "Swallowing the Universe", which is known as the number one in growth among the eight Burning God's Strategies.

And on the Earth side…

Xiao Yanwen, who showed the attribute of "the highest extraordinary potential person on the super planet", faced the pursuit and interception of the American supernatural management department, and did not kill anyone, but pretended to be a "Mother of Goodness" persona.

This leaves room for return.

The more Xiao Yanwen fought, the braver he became, and the more he fought, the stronger he became.

Moreover, the day before the US was about to close the net in "Operation Capture"...

Xiao Xunwen suddenly had a "luck burst".

The No. [-] player in the Lord God's Playground, under the watchful eyes of many employees of the U.S. Supernatural Power Administration, miraculously found the residence of [Depraved Sword Head] Li Shanhe.

 One minute later, another chapter! (▽)!

  (End of this chapter)

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