Lord God, start!

Chapter 129 129 [Dragon Blood]! 【The King of Demons】!

Chapter 129 129 [Dragon Blood]! 【The King of Demons】!
  Cangmingxing, Xijing.

Under the sword pavilion, the one suppressing is the [Eye of the West Sea]!
  If any demon race wants to complete the evolution of life and reach a higher transcendental level, it must enter the Eye of the Sea and undergo water tribulations before it can complete its transformation and reach a higher level.

Wuzi was determined that after he broke through to the fifth realm, he would use the full power of the sword's authority and follow the clues with the help of the Eye of the West Sea to find the super deep sea monster who was born to be exceptional.

As it turns out, that was the case.

It didn't take much effort for him to find his goal.

"The body is not big, but the appearance is quite extraordinary!"

Wu Ziqi couldn't help but comment on the super underwater monster whose body resembled the Eastern Dragon: "It looks more handsome than my Longxiang Yukonghu!"

"If you are willing to come here and serve as my mount, I can spare your life."

It is much easier to speak under the sea than in a vacuum environment.

At least here, there is no need to consider things like "sound needs a medium to be transmitted", and there is no need to use the true meaning of martial arts or divine thoughts to directly trigger resonance.

The hundreds of meters long dragon looked unconcerned when he heard this.

"The head of the sword, Wu Ziqi."

"I know you!"

The unusually handsome Eastern dragon, with two dragon whiskers surrendering in the sea water, said in a majestic and vicissitudes of voice, not at all like a newly born creature: "My name is Emperor Ao."

"Originally, I thought that your reaction would be slower, but now it seems that I have underestimated you."

Dongfang Long, who calls himself Emperor Ao, laughs heartily: "You have now reached the fifth level of swordsmanship, but you think that you are unprecedented and have reached the height of 'it is impossible to go any further'."

"You are too superficial and have a narrow vision. You don't know at all that the world of heavens, endless planes, is vast and boundless."

"The fifth level you just reached is not the end, but just another beginning!"

Ao Huang obviously has not been severely beaten by society and is a simple and honest man.

When he came up, he told the truth and gave important information: "This emperor is a fifth-level extraordinary person when he is born!"

"You don't even need to practice. As time goes by, you can naturally grow to the level of extraordinary sixth level."

"I, who was born noble, have endless potential. With just a little effort, I can reach a level that most extraordinary life forms on this planet would never dare to imagine in their lifetime."

Speaking of this, a group of underwater demons exuding powerful aura appeared in the deep sea.

Shrimp soldiers, crab generals.

Whale demon, shark demon.

Qilin, Phoenix.

There are also various sub-dragon clans appearing one after another.

"Meet my lord!"

Numerous deep-sea monsters, crawling on both sides of Ao Huang, spoke in unison.

Obviously, regardless of their bloodline level or strength, all deep sea monsters regard Ao Huang as the supreme co-owner of monsters and monsters and the master of the deep sea.

However, Ao Huang completely ignored their existence and just stared at Wu Ziqi attentively.

The more he examined Wu Ziqi, the more pleased he became. A dragon's face was full of smiles: "Hahahaha! This emperor was born extraordinary. He is simply the most chosen one among all the chosen ones, and he is the [Beloved Child of Heaven]!"

"It is even more [an existence formed by the gathering of the essence of all worlds]!"

Ao Huang, who showed the trait of "narcissism", seemed to have stunned many deep sea monsters, but they were helpless.

after all……

He is the most capable of fighting among the countless deep sea monsters, and the one with the highest potential. He has the highest say.

As if narrating an objective fact, Ao Huang said faintly: "In terms of extraordinary talents, the thirty-four swordsmen on this planet throughout the ages are not as good as me!"

"Come here at this time..."

"Wuziqi, you performed very well. You came quickly and did not disappoint me!"

Having said this, Emperor Ao pondered for a moment, then slowly floated up to the same height as Wu Ziqi, and said loudly: "Don't worry, I will never kill you!"

"Your soul is crystal clear, pure and extraordinary."

"Your skin is also exquisite."

"Wu Ziqi, you made me forget the ordinary things at first sight. You are handsome and cute. You are also the [Sword Head]. You are noble and extraordinary. You should not be treated as a common thing."

"Even if I defeat you later, I will only treat you as an ornamental pet and keep you in captivity."

This is a cognitive conflict and difference.

As soon as Wu Ziqi came up, he asked Ao Huang to be his mount.

However, Ao Huang wanted Wu Ziqi to be his pet.

Many demon kings with powerful auras guarded Ao Huang.

Wu Ziqi was even keenly aware of several special existences among this group of demon kings.

Ink unicorn!
  Ice Phoenix!
  Just like Ao Qiuluan, the "Yinglong" has two wings on its back!
  This three-headed demon king is different from Wu Ziqi, and even different from Ao Huang.

They exuded an aura of vicissitudes and simplicity. Wu Ziqi just quietly activated the dual poles of his soul, and he could immediately feel that they were old monsters who had lived for who knows how many centuries.

Originally, before the upper limit of the world was broken, they were all powerful demons who could compete with the four realms of swordsmanship.

Now, Ao Huang came into being and brought blessings to them.

"Your Majesty, do you want to capture this [Sword Head] alive and keep him as a pet?"

Mo Qilin was the first to jump out and express his loyalty to Emperor Ao.

As one of the three original demon kings, Mo Qilin was surrounded by black and red thunder, and his eyes were filled with dark golden magic: "You don't need to worry about this matter, please leave it to us!"

The ancestors of the Qilin clan are relatively arrogant. Even if the human race is facing a powerful enemy, their relationship with the dragon and phoenix clans is not very good.

Therefore, as the new king, Mo Qilin must work harder to restore his position in the eyes of [Demon King] Ao Huang.

Xuanbing Phoenix also followed immediately.

It vibrates its wings, and the seawater that is blown away condenses into ice crystals during the flow, and evolves into a vortex, exuding a strong chill: "Only with the [Dragon Blood] given by you can we gain blessings. Pushing the limits and reaching a whole new level.”

"It is the greatest honor to serve you!"

The golden "Yinglong", whose appearance is somewhat similar to that of Ao Qiuluan, who only has a remnant of his soul, is obviously a taciturn demon king.

The golden king of Yinglong just silently came to the side of Mo Qilin and Xuan Bing Fenghuang and said concisely and concisely: "If the emperor has an order, I will obey it!"

Many deep sea demons who also exuded strength comparable to the four realms' titled swordsmen stared at Wu Ziqi with burning eyes.

The first-generation sword head once beheaded the dragon head, phoenix peak, and unicorn throne, drove all the demon clans into the deep sea, and broke the demon's backbone.

Today, Mo Qilin, Xuanbing Phoenix and Yinglong, with the help of Emperor Ao, have all surpassed the Dragon Head, Phoenix Peak and Qilin Throne in history, and have reached the fifth level of extraordinary, reaching unprecedented heights.

To avenge our past humiliation, today!

 One minute later, another chapter! (▽)!

  (End of this chapter)

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