Lord God, start!

Chapter 133 133 [Civilization Promoter] [Exceptional Pet]! [Sword Head Brand]!

Chapter 133 133 [Civilization Promoter]·[Exceptional Pet]! [Sword Head Brand]!

Being low-key is just a means of development for the Demon King.

As an extraordinary extraordinary life form that was born noble, Ao Huang was more arrogant than anyone else, but...

After meeting Wu Ziqi, the King of Demons suddenly felt that he was dwarfed by him and felt a little ashamed.

"Want to watch pets?"

Ao Huang came to Wu Ziqi, lowered his proud head, sighed, and said resignedly: "As you wish."

He believed that after his confrontation with him, Wu Ziqi knew more deeply and clearly than anyone else that his potential was endless.

No other creature can rival him in terms of speed of progress.

In terms of the upper limit of ultimate achievement, it is even more unparalleled.

Even so, Wu Ziqi still decided not to kill himself.

How arrogant is this?

Even so, Emperor Ao couldn't help but sigh for his magnanimity.

He truly admitted his failure.

Even if he could win it back in the future, he would not erase the history of his tragic defeat at the hands of Wu Ziqi.

This experience will become a precious memory that Ao Huang will remember throughout his life.

However, the three demon kings had barely recovered their mobility at this time.

The golden Yinglong who was torn into two pieces and his wings were torn off; the Mo Qilin who was beaten to the point of losing his breath; the Xuanbing Phoenix who was hammered into ice eggs...

They came to Ao Huang one after another without saying a word, but stimulated by the huge sense of humiliation, they came up with the plan to die voluntarily to buy time for Ao Huang to escape.

——As the King of Demons, what Emperor Ao has done is worthy of their efforts!


Ao Huang just glanced over and stopped their irrational behavior: "I have made up my mind!"

"Do you want to make a decision for me?"

Wu Ziqi, however, did not struggle with the title.

He just looked around and saw the monster corpses floating on the sea. He stared at the broken arms and limbs floating in the waves. The crimson light in his eyes gradually faded and he said with a smile: "You have lost your temper and are a little indulgent." By myself."

"Fortunately, I stopped in time and didn't kill you into an [endangered protected animal]."

Emperor Ao was silent for a while, then said quietly: "There are endless variables in the world, and the offensive and defensive momentum can change easily, often in an instant."

"The hundreds of demon clans in the past also viewed the human race in this way."

As a super deep-sea demon who was born to be exceptional, he obtained the basis of his birth from the blood and bones of the demon dragon clan.

Later, Ao Huang benefited from the radiation of the nuclear bomb of the earth civilization.

In the end, by chance, he gave birth to a good fetus, and was conceived by the power of [The Most Powerful One]'s eyes.

This demon king was born with [inherited knowledge] and had his own knowledge and understanding of the heavens and the world.

It can even be said that Ao Huang's understanding of many planes is deeper than Wu Ziqi's.

After listening to Emperor Ao's speech, Wu Jianshou was startled and nodded slightly: "After realizing that the past was not admonished, you can catch up with those who come, but you are not far off when you are actually lost. I realize that what is now is but what was wrong yesterday."

"You are right. Before you truly reach the top of the heavens and become the strongest, any complacency is the most terrifying poison."

After some self-examination, Wu Ziqi put his hands upside down, glanced sideways at Emperor Ao, and returned to his previous stern expression: "On my Cangming Star, species diversity should be guaranteed."

"The Deep Sea Demon Bai Clan can be kept in captivity and display its due value."

"Such as medicinal value, research value, edible value, etc."

"Fry, fry, steam, boil..."

As he spoke, Wu Ziqi felt like he was starting to drool. He changed the topic and concluded his statement: "No matter what, it is always best to make the best use of everything."

No "cooking techniques" should be discussed in the pet area. This is just like the word "cruel" should not be mentioned in the food area. It is a basic etiquette that humans should have.

However, it was only at this moment that Wu Ziqi realized belatedly...

As long as you are alive, no matter what world you are in, the [Sword Head Authority], the [World Mediator], will always be in effect, subtly affecting the Cang Ming Star human race.

Nowadays, on Cang Ming Star, a new change has appeared silently, Greedy.

In addition to swordsmen and scientific researchers, the status of chefs is also quietly improving.

Faced with Wu Ziqi's offensive words, Ao Huang behaved quite calmly: "I feel relieved to hear you say that."

The knowledge derived from that inherited memory told him the cruel nature of the heavens and the cold laws common to all worlds.

For example... A valuable ethnic group will not be easily exterminated.

A worthless ethnic group, no matter how many allies they have, cannot escape the end of destruction.

Once upon a time, demons ate people.

Nowadays, people eat monsters.

These are just cycles of history.

Emperor Ao was very open to this.

Across the universe, many civilized races deceive themselves, thinking that their own civilization will learn lessons from history, spiral upward, and develop better and better.

Actually, this is not the case.

Ninety-nine percent of civilized races will, at some point in time, suddenly return to the state they were in hundreds or even thousands of years ago.

Then continue to develop, trapped in it, sinking and falling, never being able to transcend, until the resources are exhausted and the flame of civilization is completely extinguished.

Unless, one or two important [civilization promoters] are suddenly born.

Regarding the hundreds of monsters in the deep sea, Ao Huang did not have many demands and hopes.

As long as they are not exterminated, that is enough.

Wu Ziqi's nose moved slightly, and he smelled nearly a thousand bloody scents above the sea, and he could distinguish the differences among them.

These are all the results of my own battles.

Wu Ziqi's cold gaze passed over the corpses of many monsters, and his dark eyes were filled with scarlet brilliance.

There was a hint of cruelty in his cold tone: "This time it's just a beating. It's considered a small punishment but a big warning. It should be regarded as collecting some interest for your abuse of the human race in history."

"From now on, every month, the demons and monsters will make offerings to the human race, offering a pair of child demons and child demons, cooking them into delicious dishes for this sword head to enjoy."

"Otherwise, you should be prepared to be completely exterminated!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Ziqi admired the golden Yinglong, Mo Qilin and Xuanbing Phoenix with great interest.

These three demon kings had despairing eyes and pale faces, but they had no choice but to endure the humiliation and lowered their heads one by one, kneeling in front of them.

Wu Ziqi looked at Ao Huang with a smile: "You help the three of them break the shackles and evolve to the fifth realm. Take out the treasure."

Aohuang immediately squeezed his own cells and demonic energy, and barely squeezed out three drops of [Dragon Precious Blood].

These are three drops of blood emitting ten colors of light. They were originally in the shape of water drops, but turned into dragon shapes in the blink of an eye, as if they were about to be resurrected at any time.

Wu Ziqi grabbed them with a wave of his hand and put them into [Xumi Ring·Ji].

Ao Huang said honestly: "This is the limit of what I can squeeze out without damaging my own potential."

"Actually, if I hadn't helped the three demon kings break through the realm, I would have already reached the peak of the fifth level."

"The outcome of this battle is unpredictable."

Wu Ziqi nodded: "You have to use your own discretion. The [ornamental pet] of this sword head should naturally have strong energy and blood, and the scales should be shiny and shiny."

"If you look weak and sick, wouldn't it be a disgrace to me if you go out to meet people?"

He is not greedy for more [Dragon Precious Blood]. At this stage, three drops are enough.

Sustainable fishing is the strategic policy guided by scientific theory.

Wu Ziqi has already seen many related futures through the limited precognition super power from player No. 15 Xiao Yanwen.

If Aohuang overdrafts his potential and then forcibly squeezes out the [Sacred Dragon's Blood], aging and degeneration will occur.

He will degenerate from an [exceptional pet] to an ordinary [top pet].

In Wu Jianshou's view, Emperor Ao was not actually an ornamental pet, but more like a cow that he raised freely on the pasture. It was his precious property and he was unwilling to let it go too far.

The next moment, his figure flashed, and he stepped out in front of Ao Huang.

Wu Ziqi's movements were not stagnant at all. He just grabbed the dragon's neck of the super deep-sea monster with one hand, activated the power of the great supernatural power of fate, and used Xiao Yanwen as the anchor point to travel to the super planet together.

"As my pet, the [Dragon Precious Blood] in your body, as well as your trophies on this planet, belong to this sword."

High in the sky, Wu Ziqi, whose figure was hidden in the bright sun, looked down at the weak Ao Huang below: "Now, I have left a [sword head mark] in your soul to monitor you. Everything he does."

 One minute later, another chapter! (▽)!



(End of this chapter)

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