Lord God, start!

Chapter 141 141 [Time] and [Space]! [The most mysterious] Burning Warrior Strategy! 【The Strongest O

Chapter 141 141 [Time] and [Space]! [The most mysterious] Burning Warrior Strategy! 【The Strongest One】!

"I only make one move."

Wu Ziqi pointed his fingers together like a sword, raking the air and twirling his fingertips lightly.


The super trait [Sword Master of All Worlds] is quietly activated.

Once the sword's command is issued, all swords will naturally surrender!

Matt Gray's expression suddenly changed, his pupils instantly shrank into a dangerous needle shape, and he couldn't help blurting out: "This... what kind of power is this?"

At this moment, he sadly discovered that he had no power to resist at all. His soul seemed to be completely separated from his body, and the connection between them was severed.

Matt Gray can clearly see everything in front of him, listen and feel his own movements, but cannot give any interference.

The body is not willing to accept the instructions given by the brain.

Matt Gray, who refined himself into a human-shaped flying sword, was defeated by Wu Zi from the beginning until he died.

Wu Ziqi just made a gesture and he was completely defeated.

Matt Gray hugged the left side of his shoulder with his right hand, and passed his left hand under his armpit, hugging himself like a human top.

He slowly exerted force and slowly twisted his body.


Matt Gray's body was completely out of control and suspended in the air.

He seemed to be grasped by a pair of invisible terrifying hands. His whole body was pinched and twisted hard, twisting like a twist, making the sound of broken bones and cracked tendons.


Matt Gray spewed scarlet viscera shards.

He was bleeding from all his orifices and looked extremely pitiful, but also terrifying, like a bloody monster from a horror movie.

America's most powerful transcendent suddenly had a wry smile on his face, and said weakly: "I lost!"

"It's such a complete loss..."

"Wu Swordsman, I am no match for you now."

"Thank you for letting me see the gap between me and the real [Supreme Power]."

These words came from the heart and were sincere, but Wu Ziqi shook his head.

【The Strongest One】?

I am still far behind!

The current Wu Ziqi has gone one step further and has only reached the sixth level.

The sixth level of Transcendence is a level that the Demon King can reach naturally without any training.

That kind of Ao Huang was just an existence that came into being after a glance from [the most powerful man in the world].

People... often see people who are stronger than themselves, and they will arrogantly think that that is the end of the world.

Wu Ziqi knew very well in his heart that among all the worlds, he could only say that his "strength is not bad". If he wanted to compare with the real [Supreme Power]...

There is no comparison.

I still need to survive and develop, and I can't be too arrogant.

As for the direction of progress...

It's still relatively clear.

First, find the abnormal points in the plane and increase the upper limit of player quotas.

Second, find the eighth "Ji Chen Xing", which is known as the "most mysterious" among the eight Burning God's Strategies.

Wu Ziqi concentrated his thoughts, collected his thoughts, and clarified his thoughts: "Considering that "Ji Chenxing" is the last burning weapon, it can be used to translate codes, reason and reveal secrets, and see through the "secrets of the gods"..."

"These two things are basically the same thing!"

Everything suddenly becomes clear!

Whether you are strong or not is all relative. What you have to do is to keep your feet on the ground, find the right direction, and become stronger little by little!

Live broadcast room viewers from all over the world could hardly bear to watch when they saw this scene.

"It's too bloody and cruel!"

"[Dragon Controller] looks gentle and gentle, giving people the impression of a sunny and cheerful boy who loves to laugh. I didn't expect that when he moved his hands, he turned out to be so scary!"

"What Dragon Controller? You haven't been online for a few years? This one is the real [Sword Head]!"

"I don't care! I don't care! I still think it's easiest to call him [Black Flame User]! My Black Flame User is indeed invincible! He's handsome and strong, and he also likes to smile! He's so cool!"

"Am I the only one who thinks he looks like the villain in anime?"


"The righteous American brave has the strongest extraordinary talent. As long as he doesn't die, he will eventually grow up and defeat the evil devil from the mysterious ancient country in the East!"

"I laughed! So you are finally stubborn? Are you admitting that the victory has been decided?"

"Hahahaha, it's true! This move kills instantly. The difference in strength is too obvious. Even if you use the history books and the Spring and Autumn Period, it is impossible to tamper with the historical facts!"

"After all, Matt Gray himself has resigned himself to defeat..."

Discussions from netizens from various countries failed to cause any disturbance to the scene.

Just when Matt Gray thought he was certain to die, he suddenly felt that the uncontrollable power exerted on his body suddenly disappeared and turned into nothing.

In the moment of life and death, Ao Qiuluan, who was hidden in the dragon-shaped pendant, finally took a huge risk and stood up.

Originally in a state of remnant soul, he spent a lot of soul power to protect Matt Gray's heart.

Matt Gray, bleeding from all his orifices, fell to the ground, splashing dust all over the sky. However, his body slowly twisted and returned to a human form, and he stood up with force.

He put his hands on his knees, barely straightened up, and whispered: "Teacher, you saved my life again."

"It's me who is too incompetent and failed to live up to your training. I'm sorry..."

At this moment, Ao Qiuluan wanted to die.

Ao Qiuluan's weak voice came from the dragon-shaped pendant: "We were tricked by Wu Ziqi!"

"Actually, even if I don't take action, you will only lie in bed for a year and a half before you recover, and you won't die at all!"

no way.

This is the margin of the strong.

Wu Ziqi can do whatever he wants, tease them, it can be called kindness.

Controlling their actions is just a matter of thought.

"too weak."

The wizard sword took the first step, and his figure broke through the air and crossed the boundary, tearing apart the shackles of space. In the next moment, Wu Ziqi came to Matt Gray. He just looked at him calmly and did not continue to pursue him.

Matt Gray's tattooed hair suddenly had goosebumps all over his body as he counted down. He noticed some things that others would ignore...

Wu Ziqi's movement did not cause any disturbance.

Even the dust was not blown away by the "strong wind that should be brought about by high-speed movement".

This kind of performance shows...

Wu Ziqi has mastered at least one of these two powers: [Time] and [Space]!

Wu Ziqi looked down at this [America's most powerful transcendent]: "Only at the level of a titled swordsman from the Four Realms..."

"It's still too weak and not interesting at all."

At this point, he suddenly changed his attitude, raised the corners of his lips slightly, and there was a hint of joy in his tone: "However, I like your will, your beliefs, and your ideas very much!"

Wu Ziqi pondered for a moment and praised: "You are an interesting person - at least for now, that is the case."

"I don't like killing interesting people."

"Having absorbed the power of three nuclear explosions, after being hammered and tempered by this battle, you will surely be able to take a step further and reach a higher level soon!"

At this moment, although Matt Gray is bleeding from all his orifices, his bones are broken, and his tendons are broken countless times, and the same injuries have probably killed countless other extraordinary beings of the same level countless times, but...

He knew that Wu Ziqi was right - Wu Ziqi was indeed doing it for his own good.

With the skills and methods he showed just now, if he really had murderous intentions, he would be able to kill him on the spot in just a moment.

Wu Ziqi was also very satisfied with Matt Gray's reaction.

Those who repay kindness always deserve more rewards and commendations.

Then, Wu Jianshou said quietly: "So, I will give you a chance."

"In the decisive battle in the world of "Burning Warrior", you can choose whether to participate or not."

"You can even bring no more than three thousand cannon fodder and any Earth technology weapons."

This is quite rude to say, cannon fodder?

What cannon fodder?

That is the legion of time-travelers from fellow earthlings.

In a word, people are divided into two groups based on their values.

Cannon fodder and non-cannon fodder.

Matt Gray didn't agree with the concept of cannon fodder, but he had to admit that when he heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

To put it bluntly, after being killed instantly with one move, he saw a broader sky and truly realized his own weakness.

At this moment, Matt Gray is more eager to be powerful than before!

He will not waste his talents, and he will never be complacent.

If you want to show your holiness in front of others, you have to suffer behind others.

Wu Ziqi, who is stronger than him, must have worked countless times in private to reach his current level!

Thinking this way, Matt Gray strengthened his belief.

From now on, he will work harder and practice harder.

He believes in [God rewards those who work hard]!

The harder, the more fortunate!

Unfortunately, just working hard is not enough.

He wants to challenge the strong, hone himself, surpass Wu Ziqi, and become the [Earth Sword Leader]!

Wu Ziqi read the many thoughts and thoughts of Matt Gray, and a smile bloomed in his eyes: "In short, if you want to participate in the Burning Arms Final Battle, then in the next period of time, bring with you what you can mobilize Cannon fodder, stay near Li Shanhe."

"I wouldn't bother going out of my way for you."

"——Life and death are determined by destiny, wealth and honor are in the sky, how much benefit you can get depends on your own ability."

"If you don't have the ability and end up in another world, you can only blame yourself for being incompetent."

What should I do if I don’t want to participate?

Isn't it a waste of words?

There is no such possibility!

Wu Ziqi has seen many thoughts and thoughts emerging in Matt Gray's mind through the [Soul Bipolar] among the eight burning weapons.

At this moment, Matt Gray is very curious about the other world.

At the same time, this [America's most powerful transcendent] in the current era is also eager to encounter more powerful enemies.

He wants to sublimate himself in the fierce battle, improve himself, reach an unprecedented higher level, and then challenge himself again!


The remnant soul of Ao Qiuluan, who was pretending to be dead in the necklace around his neck, was scared to death. He was trying hard to subdue his thoughts for fear of exposing any of his thoughts.

"Stop hiding."

Wu Jian's first words almost made Ao Qiuluan's soul freeze, and he was almost scared to death.

"I think your changes are quite interesting. At least for now, I don't intend to kill you."

Wu Ziqi glanced at Matt Gray's necklace: "Before I took the sword, you had already smuggled to the earth. The information was blocked. I'm afraid you didn't know..."

"The hundreds of demon clans in the deep sea have already introduced a common leader, calling him the [Emperor of Demons]."

"His name is 'Ao Huang'."

"When he was born, he had strength comparable to the fifth realm of swordsmanship. He has unlimited potential. With just a little effort, he can surpass the sixth realm and even reach the seventh realm."

"The Dragon Head, the Phoenix Peak, and the Qilin Throne all willingly surrendered to him and fought for him."

After the words fell, the pendant on Matt Gray's chest suddenly bloomed with light.

A shadow that resembles the [Ying Long] in ancient Chinese myths and legends condenses the figure.

This dragon-like [Blue Thunder Thunder] Ao Qiuluan has obviously undergone some physical changes compared to the time when we met on the 30th floor of the Jiange Pavilion.

Its wings were wide, and its rolled-up dragon scales shone with light.

Even if you see the image of Yinglong through the screen, you can fully feel its powerful ability.

People even suspected that its roar could shatter mountains and the flapping of its wings could easily create hurricanes.

Ao Qiuluan's huge body is covered with scales like black iron, and its horns are sharp, like a demon king wearing a strong sword, but...

His dragon eyes staring at Wu Ziqi were full of vigilance, wariness, fear and fear.

As soon as Ao Qiuluan appeared, the barrage in the live broadcast room began to boil wildly.

 One minute later, another chapter! (▽)!



(End of this chapter)

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