Lord God, start!

Chapter 151 151 Wu Ziqi’s combat power value! Made at the speed of light! The sword points to the si

Chapter 151 151 Wu Ziqi’s combat power value! Made at the speed of light! The sword points to the six realms!

The two-dimensional doll [Taotieke], who looks exactly like Miko Lacquer, pointed at the [Sword Head Statue] with a smile, and said with determination: "Even an idiot who knows nothing about swordsmanship will turn into a figure if he stares at it for a long time. A genius favored by swordsmen!"

"As for that kind of swordsman who is already rare, after getting it, he can transform into a talented person with a special focus on swordsmanship!"

"If we say that I was 'sliced ​​and fissured' from Wu Ziqi's body and represented his [good humanity], then..."

"This statue represents his part as [the divinity of the sword head]."

When Ye Di next to him heard this, he nodded repeatedly, as if he felt the same way: "I think so too."

"However, I don't see it as thoroughly as you, so I can't describe it in such a concise way."

"My combat power before was 975."

"Staring at this statue for a while, I felt that I had clearly understood a set of "Fist and Sword Techniques", which suited me very well, and my combat power immediately increased to 976 points!"

The boy with the scar on his lip didn't even dare to think about how powerful he would be if he didn't sleep 24 hours a day, staring at the statue day and night, observing, and comprehending, after seven months. degree!

There is no doubt that this is a super baby like a plug-in!

Hu Fangyan smiled happily when he heard this: "Ha! I have improved much more than you."

"At this moment, my combat power has increased by two points, and it is now 1168!"

He himself has a good talent in swordsmanship. After obtaining the sword head sculpture, he was directly promoted to the same level as Ye Tian, ​​a player in the Dead God Playground in the light system's extraordinary swordsmanship.

As a native of Jiange, Tantai Rouze put forward constructive suggestions at this time: "Swordsmanship emphasizes meaning rather than form!"

"Instead of observing its appearance, it is better to find a way to memorize it, visualize it in your mind, and figure it out."

"Who knows, we can also create our own Yi Sword technique that is most suitable for us!"

"I've even thought about the name."

"When it's created, we'll call it "Sword Head Visualization"!"

She has a good foundation and has had a feeling similar to the feelings of family and country towards Jiange since she was a child.

Nowadays, Tantai Rouze also feels proud of the power of Wu Ziqi, the sword's head.

Wang Ruoyu next to him did not speak this time.

"My head hurts a little..."

"Expensing too much effort on this sword-headed statue will also lead to excessive mental loss!"

Wang Ruoyu just concentrated on staring at the sword head sculpture, entering a state of almost crazy asceticism.

Even if he is at the bottom of this team in terms of combat power, he still has to break through to the fourth realm of swordsmanship before the final battle in the Burning Martial World!

He wants to beat the increasing speed of the mission difficulty in the Lord God's Playground, and he must survive!

Live till the end!

Although in the last mission, the Lord God Playground team obtained the most mysterious "Ji Chen Star" secret book among the Ranwu Shence, but...

No one has spent time or effort on this.

Hu Fangyan, Wang Ruoyu, Tantai Rouze, and Ye Di all knew about this thing after just reading it briefly...

"Ji Chenxing" is extremely difficult to get started with, and even among the divine strategies, it is considered the most mysterious.

It was created not to improve immediate combat power, but to have other specialties.

As a [Mage], [Wizard] or [Qi Refiner], it is very worthwhile to invest a lot of time and effort in practicing "Ji Chen Star".

But this "extraordinary secret method with extremely strong growth potential" is a trap that must be guarded against for the players of the Lord God's Playground who are about to face the final battle of Ranwu!

You must know that whether it is the Eight Burning Divine Strategies or the Seven Supreme Sword Techniques, there are secrets that can quickly improve one's combat ability as long as one invests time and effort in practicing them.

What everyone needs most now is real combat power!

Although "Ji Chenxing" is very good and extremely valuable,...

It can only be said that it is a backup option after everyone has more time, and it is not in everyone's current interests.

Even so, Wu Ziqi stayed on the Black Rock Star for just one day and had completely mastered "Ji Chen Star".

Do not misunderstand!

With Wu Jianshou's lazy character, it is impossible for him to practice hard in seclusion.

What's more, it is extremely difficult to get started with "Ji Chen Xing". Even with Wu Ziqi's current level, it would take a lot of time to refine it.

The reason why I was able to master "Ji Chen Xing" quickly is because... Hidden player Ao Huang on the 16th, after receiving the secret book of "Ji Chen Xing" as a gift from Wu Ziqi, he stayed in Texas, USA, and devoted himself to seclusion. Repair it.

This super demon king who was born to be an exception gave full play to his talent and potential, and completely mastered the secrets of "Ji Chen Star" in just one month!

Therefore, such improvement and progress were also fed back to Wu Ziqi through the magical power of fate.

This was the result of Ao Huang being interrupted several times in his practice, interrupting his practice and understanding of his thoughts, and took time out to kill more than thirty agents who did not know whether to live or die.

Otherwise, Wu Ziqi is certain that with Ao Huang's extraordinary talent that can be called "terrible", he can master all eight Burning Martial Arts Strategies within seven months!

"Specialization also has the benefits of specialization. If Aohuang is only allowed to practice one "Ji Chenxing"..."

Wu Ziqi kept peeping at the screen, relying on his connection with player No. 16 Ao Huang to observe what he saw, listen to what he heard, and read what he thought, and judged: "It is estimated that after six days, the world of "Burning Martial" will By the end of the war, he will be able to fully cultivate this Burning Martial Arts Technique to its peak!"

"As expected of the dragon-type 100-fold cultivation speed cheat I appointed early!"

"I really was not disappointed!"

Wu Ziqi collected his thoughts, calmed down and focused on his own growth.

Each of the eight burning martial arts strategies has a label word as their symbol.

Space, Soul Search, Immortality, Dharma Appearance.

Rebirth, seizing Qi, thousands of armies, scorching sun.

"Ji Chenxing" is among the eight great Martial Burning Divine Strategies, and its representative word is "Yang Yang", but...

This is actually a misunderstanding!

Wu Ziqi only now knows that it means the power of "water and fire".

If you analyze it at a deeper level, you will know that the so-called water and fire represent both [life] and [civilization].

——Water is the source of life, and fire is the root of civilization!

After completing the "Ji Chen Star", it can greatly improve the practitioner's occult cognition, understanding and tolerance.

In addition, it is less likely to cause mental and physical collapse, and there is an additional layer of soul protection.

"Thousands of wonderful methods and magical powers are all found in the stars... So that's what it means."

Wu Ziqi briefly summarized it in human terms: "In short, "Ji Chenxing" is equivalent to adding three attributes to the refiner, namely [Comprehension +10], [Soul Protection +10] and [ Mystery +10]."

"It's just that the improvement of understanding and mystery can only take effect in a world where the 'star system' exists. When encountering certain planes where stars and nearby planets do not exist at all, these two are in a state of inactivation."

The scariest thing about "Ji Chenxing" is...

The improvements brought about by practicing it are not limited to the extraordinary sequence of [Black Rock Warrior], but are also applicable to most power systems and supernatural pathways in other heavens and worlds!

Ao Huang, the hidden player on the 16th, lived up to Wu Ziqi’s expectations.

He refined the "Ji Chen Star" at the speed of light, which also allowed Wu Ziqi to see the light and hope beyond the five realms of swordsmanship!

"All eight Burning Warrior Strategies have been mastered!"

Wu Ziqi's eyes dimmed slightly, and he understood every cell in his body and every material and energy in his body: "Although the realm is not advanced, but..."

"If calculated according to the data panel I gave to the players of the Lord God's Playground..."

"The collection of these eight magical strategies has made my normal combat power a huge improvement and taken a step further."

"It has soared by more than 30000!"

The players at the Lord God Playground were very excited to have their combat power increased by a few points. The results of the instant feedback allowed them to clearly see their growth and improvement.

As for Wu Jianshou, he has gradually become accustomed to the state where he can increase his combat power by thousands or even tens of thousands from time to time by hanging up and lying down.

"Thanks to the efforts of the current eight bound players..."

Wu Zi suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a glimmer of light in Wu Zi's lacquered eyes: "My current personal combat strength, when converted into data, is 97777 points!"

"Next, in the battle with the [Destiny Weaver] in the Tianyi Gorge, with the help of the opponent's pressure, we can completely point the sword at the six realms and try to break through to a higher level!

 One minute later, another chapter! (▽)!



(End of this chapter)

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