Lord God, start!

Chapter 155 155 Zhan Wugou! Wuxi Rin! Ming Hongxiu!

Chapter 155 155 Zhan Wugou! Wuxi Rin! Ming Hongxiu!

"The place where the eight emperors of the old era guarded was the legendary [Tooth of Samsara]."

In the sky, an old news integrator, with a rosy complexion at this moment, showed unusual excitement: "Without exception, they are all former comrades-in-arms of [Lord of the Century] Ye Lin!"

"They all accompanied Ye Lin to suppress the proud man of an era!"

After hearing this, many people at the scene understood.

The eight people with strong nobility in front of them are indeed eight emperors, and even among the emperors, they are among the best!

Without exception, they are all country-level experts at the ninth-grade Burning Martial Realm!

These eight men and women were once the emperors of the Eternal Life Empire, the Faxiang Empire, the Tianya Empire, the Only Empire, the Qiankun Empire, the Qianjun Empire, and the Mingquan Empire.

In addition, there is the former Immortal Empire’s known as the [Unparalleled Prince] Zhan Wugou, who can even compete with [Immortal Emperor] Zhan Jie in terms of talent!

"...The eight emperors are stationed here to guard Ye Lin's retreat. They do not seek glory and wealth for eternity, but just want to wait here for Ye Lin's return."

After listening to the explanation of the old host in the sky, Wu Ziqi found this matter quite interesting.

I have seen countless heart-wrenching stories that are deeply touching. However, there are often huge discrepancies and contradictions between those stories and reality. They are the plots that have been modified by people's imagination after being artistically processed and beautified.

But in this story of [Eight Emperors Watching the Teeth of Samsara], the host in the sky screen did not add any exaggeration or give any content that was inconsistent with reality.

Wu Ziqi relied on the power of [Soul Bipolar] to directly observe the thoughts of the six emperors.

"I must defend Brother Ye's retreat here! This is the only thing I can do for him!"

"I, Wu Xilin, make a promise that will last forever and will live up to your trust!"

"Brother Lin, why haven't you come back...how many years has passed? With his strength, even if he cannot defeat the [God] of martial arts, he will not be defeated..."

"Ye Lin is invincible! My Emperor Xueyao will stay here forever, waiting for his return! He will definitely return to kill the gods!"

"My practice of the Burning Divine Strategy "Eternal Spring Immortality" went awry, and I accidentally created the "Pan Rock Immovable Heart Sutra". I was able to use the state of feigning death and petrification, opportunistically, and let the power of time have minimal effect on everyone, but... When will Brother Ye come back?"

Although Wu Ziqi could not directly observe the thoughts of the two people who practiced "Reincarnation" and "Usurping Souls", he could also detect their emotional changes.

These thoughts, emotions and thoughts fully illustrate...

The Eight Emperors stayed here, turned into statues, and guarded the place for who knows how many centuries. It was all out of their own free will and not due to some conspiracy or conspiracy.

"[Reincarnation Tooth] is my lover Ye Lin. It is my escape route when I return. No one is allowed to get involved!"

A female emperor's gaze swept in all directions, causing countless well-trained soldiers to hold their breath: "Anyone who dares to act without permission in Mingquan Empire shall be punished with death, and I will punish all nine of their clans!"

In the Mingquan Empire, an elegant commander holding a scroll suddenly sneered when he heard these words: "You usurper, a female thief, stupid and immoral, extremely licentious, cholera palace, wasteful government, everyone can find it and punish her, How dare you speak nonsense here!"

"All officers and men obey orders!"

"Kill this guy for me!"

When the empress heard this, she saw everyone in the Mingquan Empire gathering together and starting to launch an attack. An incredible look suddenly appeared on her face: "Usurping the country?"

"I, Ming Hongxiu, am the most orthodox imperial bloodline of the Mingquan Empire. How can I, the daughter of the direct eldest son, usurp the country?"

"What's more, I abolish slavery."

"I abolish the bad practice of human sacrifice."

"I transformed Mingquan and forged ahead with determination, so that the Mingquan Empire was revived and returned to the list of the eight empires!"

"Who are you? You actually tamper with history like this?!"

Ming Hongxiu did not refute the incomparable lewdness and evil, the cholera palace and so on.

At the beginning, the Mingquan Empire's bloodline was thin, and what remained were some inferior genes that could not be put to great use.

In order to continue the purity and superiority of Mingquan's bloodline, Minghongxiu has indeed raised more than a dozen facial expressions.

These things are indeed difficult to understand from the perspective of others.

But the other ones were obviously dirty water that was forcibly thrown on her after she left, someone usurped her power and voice, and they were completely distorted!

Ming Hongxiu felt incredible.

She has clearly made perfect arrangements and has everything under control!

Even if I was guarding Ye Lin's retreat at [Reincarnation Teeth] for thousands or tens of thousands of years, I shouldn't be slandered like this...

In Ming Hongxiu's fantasy, when future generations mention his name, they should all yearn for him, regard him as an idol, and look forward to worshiping him!

Several other former emperors were in similar situations.

After just a short exchange, they all knew that because they were too perfect during their lifetime, they did not leave any good reputation. The successors must pollute their reputations in order to appear to be less mediocre and incompetent.

The eight statues of the old town had gloomy expressions and boiling murderous intent.

It's disgusting enough to be slandered, have your words and deeds tampered with, and have your own achievements put on the enemy's head.

Even some of them, even their names, have been completely erased from history!

Future generations have no idea what great achievements they have done and what a glorious mark they have left in the history of mankind.

Several of them have been downplayed by the Spring and Autumn writing style, and have become weak emperors similar to "the emperor of such and such generation, whose posthumous name is Ru".

Seeing this, Wu Ziqi grinned, and a knowing smile appeared on his face: "Hahahaha, interesting!"

"Strength is only a matter of dominance for a while."

"After a person leaves, what kind of reputation he can leave in history depends entirely on luck!"

Wu Ziqi can be considered a well-read person.

As soon as he thought about it, he immediately combined the situation in front of him with the past years of the earth.

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, a famous tyrant in history, built the Grand Canal, which made the Tang Dynasty and even later dynasties happy for countless years.

Moreover, he only attacked Goguryeo (South Korea) three times, and the fact that Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty took the initiative to change the name of Goguryeo to Xiagouli showed his personal preferences and attitude problems.

However, at that time, war was not in the interests of the family members and they could not make ends meet.

Because of this, Emperor Sui Yang was stabbed in the back by his courtiers represented by the Li and Tang clans.

It failed to represent people's interests and deserved a disastrous defeat.

As for Ming Hongxiu...

"The female version of King Zhou of Shang."

In Wu Ziqi's view, what she did was almost the same as Emperor Xin of the ancient Shang Dynasty in China, and he immediately became very curious: "So, [Lord of the Century] Ye Lin is actually a nine-tailed fox." Daji’s sexual transformation?”

"What does he look like to make Ming Hongxiu so obsessed?!"

Emperor Xin is King Zhou.

What did King Zhou do?

Let’s not talk about the abolition of slavery. This is actually like the United States being thousands of years ahead of schedule.

As a result, the Civil War broke out in the United States, not to mention the slave era when productivity was not developed enough and was at least two dimensions behind.

At the beginning, the widespread practice of human burial reduced the population of the Shang Dynasty and greatly reduced the labor force.

For this reason, King Zhou of Shang decided to abolish human burial and replaced living people with animals.

However, this move completely angered the princes.

Their interests (after death) were offended, so they made an excuse, saying that King Zhou of Shang had blasphemed the gods and disrespected the heaven, so there was an allusion about King Wu conquering Zhou and Feng Ming Qishan.

History is always a cycle of interests and selfishness.

Wu Ziqi has completely understood the mystery.

You have to ask, who is qualified to be the ultimate winner of the era?

The answer is actually very simple.

——Whoever stands on the side of the strongest group of the times and is willing to speak out for the strongest group, as its representative, will surely win.

In ancient China on earth, the strongest group in the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties were the [princes].

After the Qin Dynasty, the First Emperor completed the great unification, so the strongest group became the "Aristocratic Family".

 One minute later, another chapter! (▽)!



(End of this chapter)

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