Lord God, start!

Chapter 157 157 [32 Epee Head Dharma Appearances]! Refining anomalies! The quota is capped at 1!

Chapter 157 157 [Thirty-two Heavy Sword Head Dharma Appearances]! Refining anomalies! The quota limit +1!

The teeth of reincarnation were broken, and the rusty bronze sword hidden inside was the anomaly on the plane left by [Lord of the Century] Ye Lin!

Seeing it, Wu Ziqi's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Okay, okay! The new player quota limit for the Lord God's Playground is very close!"

"However, in this rusty bronze sword, there are still the means left by a powerful extraordinary being!"

"If my expectations are correct, the opponent's strength in his heyday is about the same as mine before, and his guaranteed combat power index is close to 90,000!"

Wu Ziqi originally thought that Ye Lin, the so-called Lord of the Century, was just a guy who didn't live up to his name. He might be a hero, so he made Zhuzi famous.

Now it seems that I was the one who got the idea first.

What is the concept of 90,000 combat power?

Ordinary fifth-level transcendental beings and fifth-level swordsmen only have a fighting strength of over 10,000!

That Ye Lin, in his heyday, slaughtered the warriors who were in the ninth level of Burning Martial Realm, as easily as he slaughtered chickens and dogs!

Ye Lin's handwriting was left in the rusty bronze sword, which meant that if something happened to it, the eight former warriors of the country could immediately borrow its power.


Eight rays of sword light fell on the eight people.

In an instant, new energy was injected into them, instantly replenishing the true meaning of martial arts that they had consumed in the previous fight.

The eight emperors were able to defeat thousands of armies and displayed their might one after another.

Blessed by the sword energy of the bronze rust sword, they fought endlessly in the battle formation, invincible, and there was no opponent in front of them.

"It is indeed an abnormal point in the killing plane!"

Wu Ziqi, who was watching the show from a close distance, was amazed: "It's quite impressive!"

"Originally, these eight old-time town national-level warriors have surpassed the ordinary ninth-level realm, but their combat power is between 17,000 and 19,000."

"Now that they have received the blessing of sword energy, their combat power has immediately soared to 30,000!"

The eight empires and the Earth Traveling Legion joined forces and could have restrained the eight national-level warriors from the Old Town.

Now these 8 people borrowed the sharp edge of the rusty bronze sword to kill soldiers and generals from all directions.

The bloody smell at the scene was so strong that Wu Ziqi was even a little intoxicated by it.

"Fight and hone your fighting skills."

Wu Ziqi clearly realized that the players in the Lord God's Playground were traumatized and oppressed when facing extremely powerful enemies, and they were rapidly transforming and growing: "Pain sharpens the will!"

The growth from a team of four players is fed back to Wu Ziqi all the time through the magical power of fate.

It can be said that most of Wu Ziqi's current combat experience comes from the efforts of Hu Fangyan, Wang Ruoyu, Tantai Rouze, and Ye Di.


Everything has its price. If you want to take risks, dance on the tip of the knife, and grow up quickly, you will definitely risk death.

Wu Ziqi saw that even many extraordinary and powerful people from the earth died tragically under this sword energy.

For example, [Sai Shiva] and [Sheng Brahma] from India, and the strongest transcendent [King of Yin and Yang] from Japan.

Their level, in Wu Ziqi's view, was that of genuine Four Realm extraordinary beings.

Although it incorporates a lot of technology and ruthless skills, its combat power is not inferior to that of any titled swordsman.

But now...

These three people died tragically in the hands of Zhan Wugou, Wu Xilin, and Ming Hongxiu respectively.

[Sai Shiva], [Victory Brahma] and [King of Yin and Yang] failed to cause any splash at all, and they couldn't even leave the slightest injury on the enemy!

They couldn't resist even three moves.

And those who died in this [Battle of Samsara Teeth] were not only the fellows from Earth, but also many Jiange disciples.

Poof! Poof! Poof! …

Some of the members of the Demon Slaying Department's Jiange died tragically at the hands of a formidable opponent.

More sword pavilion disciples have improved their own realm with the help of the Skeleton Devouring Sword Formation, but they lack fighting experience.

Now, everyone formed a sword formation and worked together to block one and a half moves by chance, but also gained huge improvements and gains from it.

"This ratio of battle damage to strength is pretty good and acceptable." Most of Wu Ziqi's attention was focused on the rusty bronze sword, guarding against its escape.

A small part of his attention fell on the battlefield.

The most important thing about the witch sword is not that it can only be used as cannon fodder against the weak, but when facing the strong, it can also form a sword formation, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and it can block the members of the sword pavilion with three moves and two moves.

The only value that the combat department can provide for itself is combat effectiveness, and there is nothing else to ask for.

If even the most fundamental things cannot be satisfied, then...

What's the use of it?

It would be better to destroy it.

Seeing that many people from the Cangming Demon-Slaying Division were killed, Gu Qiulan, who was restricting Ming Hongxiu from showing off his power, acted very calmly in cooperation with many strong men on his side.

Death was a common occurrence when she was very young.

As long as nothing happens to Wu Ziqi, Gu Qiulan won't have much emotional fluctuations.

In other words, even if everyone in the entire sword pavilion, except Wu Jianshou, died, Gu Qiulan would not be depressed.

With her character, she would only seize the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and work hard with Wu Jianshou to regain her strength and make a comeback.

Maybe Long Xiang Tianjiao will be able to get what he wants, realize his pursuit, and become a true partner with Wu Ziqi? However……

Seeing dozens of swordsmen from the Demon-Slaying Department dying at the hands of powerful enemies, Li Shanhe went berserk.

The young man with white hair and blue clothes, who looked like a banished immortal, was furious at this moment, and his eyes were about to burst: "How can you, the disciples of Jiange, allow you to be slaughtered!"

"Here comes the sword!"

Li Shanhe showed a method rich in the local characteristics of Black Rock Star.

It is "Faxian Tianqiong", one of the eight burning martial arts strategies.

This [Elepsy Sword Head] had obviously read a lot of online novels when he was on Earth.

With a sword sound, what was summoned were thirty-two flying swords with divine light!

Not only that, many flying swords were gradually held by one hand.

Then, thirty-two figures gradually condensed and turned into human shapes.

They are holding long swords, and although their clothes are different, there are men and women, old and young, but most of them have elegant postures, calm expressions, and a sense of smart sword charm lingering around them.

This is exactly the [Thirty-two Heavy Sword Head Dharma Appearance]!

Everyone knew the name of the Dharma in an instant.

Li Shanhe, who was furious, did not stop, and immediately joined the thirty-two figures to kill the eight former emperors.

They also showed calmness and calmness in the face of powerful enemies. They fought in the light of swords and shadows, showing the calmness and luxury of the strong.

They are proficient in all kinds of supreme swordsmanship, and every move shows the unparalleled mystery of swordsmanship.

Originally, many global viewers who watched the news live through the [Tempane] thought that Li Shanhe was overestimating his capabilities and bringing humiliation to himself, but...

Gradually, people realized something was wrong.

"So strong! Although there are still more people than others, but... this guy is surprisingly strong!"

"It's so terrifying! His swordsmanship skills are not on the same level as those of the eight former emperors!"

"This young man with white hair and blue clothes just borrowed the added power of the sword energy given to the Eight Emperors by the rusty bronze sword, and directly instigated part of the power to retaliate in the same way!"

In the battle formation, there were even warriors from the eight empires who controlled the country. They were horrified: "A person like Li Shanhe is not even at the ninth level of Burning Martial Arts? Can't he even be considered a country?"


"This is absolutely impossible!"

Like player No. 15 Xiao Yanwen, the Faxiang Emperor Wu Chenglin who was OB on the edge of the battlefield had his pupils trembling, his breathing rapid, his heart pounding, and he exclaimed in uncontrollable admiration: "He is indeed a strong man from the [Win] organization!"

"Fortunately, I didn't fall out with him back then! Otherwise, the consequences would have been disastrous!"

Wu Chenglin had met Li Shanhe once before, and the other party even asked for the "Faxian Tianqiong", a divine strategy passed down to the country, from him.

Now, the Faxiang Emperor Wu Chenglin is almost certain in his heart that the [Seizing] organization where Wu Ziqi, Li Shanhe, Gu Qiulan, Thunder Count Falk and others belong has completely mastered the means of [Time]!

Either it’s the top secret weapon with time attributes, or it’s the time-based Burning Martial Magic Strategy!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to practice "Dharma Appearance Sky" to this extent in such a short period of time!

The [Faxiang Zhenguo] who was guarding Wu Chenglin couldn't help but sigh: "I originally thought that the [Dragon], [Phoenix], and [Qilin] Dharmamen were already the strongest top Dharmamen."

"Now it seems that it is far inferior to this [Thirty-two Heavy Sword Head Dharma Appearance]!"

"Just a comparison, and a huge difference was immediately apparent!

Heaven and earth, clouds and mud are incomparable!

that's it……

The battlefield situation gradually changes.

Wu Ziqi could clearly see that the former [Elleatic Sword Head] Li Shanhe was like a desperate Saburo, burning his vitality crazily, bursting out his potential, and cooperating with his own combat power to kill the three most outstanding among the Eight Emperors one by one.

[Battle of Samsara Teeth], the overall situation has been decided.

The remaining five will definitely die!

At this moment, Wu Ziqi also captured the remaining power of [Lord of the Century] Ye Lin on the bronze rust sword, and there was a flaw.

"The time has come, now!"

Wu Ziqi grasped the fleeting flaw and his thoughts moved slightly.

The super trait [Sword Master of All Realms] created by the integration of the seven supreme swordsmanship, and with the blessing of the five realms of swordsmanship, has exerted a more outstanding effect than Li Shanhe.

The sword energy blessings of the five old Zhenguo figures suddenly disappeared without a trace!


The rusty bronze sword suspended above the Samsara Teeth suddenly flew up and fell into the dim ice-blue flame around Wu Ziqi.

In just the blink of an eye, this rusty bronze sword was used as nutrients, completely swallowed up and completely digested and absorbed by the great power of destiny!

[Lord of the Century] The plane anomalies left by Ye Lin were completely refined.

Player quota limit +1!


A strange young boy's voice suddenly sounded in Wu Ziqi's ears: "If you dare to touch my Ye Lin's things, you will be dead."

 As mentioned before, Li Shanhe's eyes evolved to adapt to the extremely hot environment of Black Rock Star. When he was on Black Rock Star, his eyes were not red, but brown and black.

  One minute later, another chapter! (▽)!



(End of this chapter)

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