Lord God, start!

Chapter 198 198 redefines [single kill]! Immortal jump! A restrained relationship with great superna

Chapter 198 198 redefines [single kill]! Immortal jump! A restrained relationship with great supernatural powers! [Now] Died tragically!

"How does my sword taste?"

Wu Ziqi smiled ferociously, and with a sword filled with the power of fate, Yang Xidao was cut into two pieces from the Tianling cover to the tail vertebra: "How is it?!"


The blood stained the rainbow, and everything in the world seemed to be dyed with a bright red.

"This is impossible!"

Yang Xidao's broken body was floating in the air, and the sticky, golden blood worked hard to bridge the two parts of the body.

His face was full of disbelief, looking like a character in a horror movie: "You guy, your energy response is obviously far inferior to mine, how can you do this?"

"You are a great psychic, and so am I!"

"Furthermore, I, Yang Xidao, am the most noble time-based ability user!"

Actually, he was right.

Calculated according to Wuziqi's numerical standards, at this stage, Wuziqi's combat power is just over four million. Although he is a genuine seventh-order transcendent,...

It's just mid-range.

In terms of absolute force, Wu Ziqiu is even temporarily inferior to Usami. It will take another day to surpass him, but...

The great supernatural powers are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other.

It can be said that the past, present, and future, these three awakened magical powers are each other's destined enemies.

And Wu Ziqi is their nemesis!

[Fate] When faced with any other great magical power, it is more than self-preservation and not enough progress.

Only when faced with the [Three Hanging Walls of Time System], which many great supernatural power users hated so much, he could strike hard and restrain them all!

"You idiot, you look like a dog. You thought you were a wise and calculating guy, but you turned out to be so stupid."

The magic sword in Wu Ziqi's hand was raging, and with each sword, Yang Xidao was chopped into more and more pieces. At the same time, he mocked: "You don't even understand what fate is, how dare you challenge me, Wu Ziqi? In my case? Here, playing with chestnuts from the fire is simply asking for death!"

"Did you shoot all your brains out?"

Not to mention Wu Ziqi, even the more than 300 bound players in the Lord God's Playground, Yang Xidao's [Present] power cannot interfere with them.

Among the many heaven-defying supernatural powers, this is the only one that is worthy of praise.

As strong as you are, your destiny will not be affected by you.

——The so-called [most mysterious] lies in this concise and concise sentence.

The pure black giant blade in Yang Xidao's hand seemed to be able to cut through the long river of time, but it was directly cut into pieces by Wu Ziqi's Dragon Xiang Demon Sword.

"how so……"

Yang Xidao's face was full of confusion, and his originally confident look suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Since awakening his great supernatural power, he has been going smoothly and has never encountered any opponent who can match him.

Even if it is a powerful enemy whose personal background and combat power far exceed his own, Yang Xidao can rely on his current magical power to defeat the opponent over the next level!

Later, he traveled to all the heavens and realms, traveled among the endless planes, gathered and conquered 30 million beauties and concubines, and it can be said that he saw the beauty of the world.

For those beauties, Yang Xidao also fought against many great magical powers.

Although he never actually killed any of the great supernatural beings, he always emerged victorious and never lost.

and so……

The outcome of "defeat" has never appeared in his mind.

But now?

Moreover, in all the worlds and infinite planes, not all beauties love me?

How could such a thing happen?

On Yang Xidao's side, he was still shocked, but Wu Ziqi slashed out dozens of sword lights with strong demonic flames without any sense of martial ethics.

歘!歘!歘!歘! …

Yang Xidao's body was cut into hundreds of pieces of meat in an instant.

These pieces of flesh tried to be healed, but Wu Ziqi chopped them into smaller pieces at a faster speed.

He pursued the victory without leaving the opponent any room to breathe.

If it weren't for the blessing of [now], Yang Xidao would have died miserably at this moment.

"Run! Run! Run!"

Yang Xidao gritted his teeth, filled with hatred, and immediately thought of escaping: "As long as I can escape, I have the possibility of a comeback!"

If the green hills are left, there is no need to worry about no firewood.

No matter how miserable, embarrassed, down and out he would appear after being defeated by Wu Ziqi, it didn't matter. As long as he could survive, he would have the possibility of making a comeback.

Yang Xidao firmly believes that he is invincible [now]!

The reason for the temporary setback was just that the other party used despicable tactics!

After he becomes stronger, he will turn around and kill Wu Ziqi completely.

Even all the intelligent creatures in this world will die because of this!

At that time, no one knew that Yang Xidao had been defeated here.


When Yang Xidao used his own means of time travel to try to escape, he sadly discovered that he couldn't escape at all! The other two breaths of great supernatural powers have quietly turned the world into a hard amber.

This [World Amber] cannot be broken from the inside and can only be broken with the help of external force.


Ma Shenwu and Usami, at some point, had quietly sealed off this [vassal plane] belonging to the spiritual multiverse.

Although they were nowhere to be seen, their voices could be heard.

Ma Shenwu's voice was as serious as ever: "Brother Wu, kill this beast as soon as possible!"

Usami's tone was filled with the feeling of revenge: "Yang Xidao, you damn free prostitute! Let's not talk about free prostitution, but you are still chasing me for so long like a idiot! I didn't expect that, You actually have today, right?"

"Huh? You actually secretly sent a message that you want me to help you break your shackles and escape with you?"

"No matter how great the conditions are, no matter how much the reward is, what's the use?"

"Do you think your credibility is much better than mine?"

"How many people have you said the words 'I only love you' to you? Do you need me to remind you?"

"It's not thirty, it's not three hundred, it's thirty million! Thirty million! Do you know how many cuckolds you have been cuckolded by?"

"I'd rather marry a wild boar wallowing in the mud than be your so-called [Fighting Holy Concubine]!"


While Yang Xidao was being beaten, he was also looking for opportunities to escape.

Unfortunately, his hope of survival was ruthlessly crushed by Usami.

Only now did Yang Xidao know that Usami had clearly had a relationship with him, but had always refused to be his concubine.

This is not at all because Usami is pursuing the hard-to-get boudoir fun, but because she really wants him to die!

It was clear that Usami hated Miko Lacquer and Ma Shenwu, the two people who had tricked her and made her sell her reputation at a low price, but she hated herself even more!

"It turns out that I was wrong...she really wants me to die!"

Yang Xidao realized that he was also desperate.

The power of destiny in [Complete Period] completely locked him up, and he could not even use one-tenth of his abilities.

After begging and struggling for a long time, he suddenly realized that he had always thought that he was confident of victory and had everything under control. In fact, he was just a pathetic clown.

Yang Xidao, who finally realized that he was in a certain death situation, turned blood red and veins burst out on his forehead, and said fiercely: "Then let's die together!"

"Right now, I will chop down this star and completely destroy this world!"

"All living beings, bury with me!"

"Now all things are reduced to one blade!"

"Destroy the world!"

Yang Xidao clenched the giant black blade with both hands and actually detonated himself on his own initiative.


In an instant, the sky and the earth were filled with white and endless loneliness.

But the terrifying sound of muffled thunder and concussions disappeared without a trace in just an instant.


The planet was completely destroyed, exploded from the inside out into cosmic dust in the endless starry sky.

In a vacuum, there is no medium for sound to propagate.

Therefore, except for the solid-liquid coexisting substance that is constantly splashing out like inextinguishable magma and is still emitting infinite light and heat, there is no living thing in the chopped-up [Spiritual World No. 842].

The planet is completely shattered.

Ninety-five billion human beings and more living creatures will all be extinct.

For a moment, Yang Xidao, who was floating in the cold vacuum, was not dead yet.

Wu Ziqi, on the other hand, had a calm expression, and calmly replenished the three hundred swords, slowly slashing the opponent until his soul was completely destroyed, and he was completely dead.

Weak Yang Xidao, even his last words were only the short and weak word "bitch".

"In terms of personal combat power, I am now different from what I used to be. Even when the weak defeat the strong, I can achieve such a crushing effect."

Wu Ziqi leisurely recalled the battle just now, and was filled with emotion: "After killing Yang Xidao alone, there is one more [Great Divine Power] floating in the [Spirit World] with nowhere to go!"

"Huh? No, at least this time, Ma Shenwu and Usami can get assists."

"And Usami and I don't have a good relationship. It can even be said that we are plotting against each other."

"If someone is in trouble, the other person will definitely add insult to injury, so it's impossible to ask her to help and redefine the concept of [single kill]."

Wu Ziqi's thoughts were spinning, and he did not show much excitement. He just said quietly: "Shenwu, reverse the [past]!"

"I am a kind-hearted and kind-hearted person, and I can't stand to see such a scene of people being devastated."


The space crystal wall was torn open by a white hand, and a thin but tall purple-haired young man came to Wu Ziqi.

 See you tomorrow, friends!



(End of this chapter)

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