Lord God, start!

Chapter 206 206 [Cyber ​​Immortal Star] [Final Ticket]! Earth 1 Week [Final Curtain]! The meaning of

Chapter 206 206 [Cyber ​​Immortal Star]·[Final Ticket]! One Earth Week · [Ending Curtain]! The meaning of time!

When Leng Wenlin heard Ma Shenwu's request, he instinctively wanted to refuse.

"[Killing Miko Lacquer] is very important to me."

But Ma Shenwu's overly sincere speech just now made him hesitate a little.

When the words came to his lips, Leng Wenlin felt that refusing at the first opportunity would only make him appear to be insincere. At least, he had to give enough valid reasons.

"Actually, I admire Wu Ziqi very much - even if he is not enough to catch my eye at this stage, just looking at his growth rate, character, and thoughts, I will give him a different rating. Low personal rating.”

When his strength reaches Leng Wenlin's level, he can be said to be standing at the top of the pyramid in all the worlds.

The stronger he became, the more clearly and profoundly Leng Wenlin realized the importance of friends.

Under any circumstances, fighting alone, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the [Supreme Power] who wants to bring "the withering beauty of the annihilation of all things to all the heavens and worlds."

And he is very optimistic about Ma Shenwu's potential!

Leng Wenlin, who was trying to organize his words and prepare to describe the reasons for his killing, was suddenly interrupted by Wu Ziqi's speech.

"The feeling of being ignored makes me very unhappy."

Wu Ziqi glanced sideways at Leng Wenlin and said, "Let's make a bet!"

"One month."

"According to the time calculation of the main material plane of the spiritual world, within a month, I will be able to promote [Destiny] to the ultimate stage and have strength that surpasses yours."

"Leng Wenlin, you said before that you are a principled person and there must be a reason for killing."

"But the reason you just said is nonsense, more like an excuse!"

"As the second awakener of [Great Supernatural Power: Destiny], the cause and effect and karma inherited can actually be easily resolved, and it is not a big problem at all."

"Besides, you failed to kill fate and let it escape from birth and be reincarnated. The flaws left deep in the heart of the Tao can be easily eliminated."

Wu Ziqi stared at Leng Wenlin with a calm expression and said in a calm tone: "There are common solutions to these two points."

"——As long as I swallow the [Great Supernatural Power, Cause and Effect], [Supernatural Power, Karma], and [Supernatural Power, Vow Power], which are the same abilities, I can erase all cause and effect."

"Think about it carefully, at this stage, do we really need to care about the so-called Taoist heart?"

"Sticking to the 'Dao Heart Flaw' will eventually only make you a puppet for killing again."

Indeed, even if Wu Ziqi and Ma Shenwu combined now, they are definitely no match for Leng Wenlin. They will only be pushed to the ground and beaten violently.

However, it is very difficult for the other party to kill him completely.

Wu Ziqi is confident that he can become more and more courageous in the process of escaping, and continue to improve his strength until he is strong enough to compete with him.

However, during this process, the bound players in the Lord God's Playground may have to lose dozens of rounds of blood, resulting in countless casualties.

Now, Wu Ziqi's speech was just to strive for the best result for his subordinates.

If players die in the mission of the Lord God's Playground, it is equivalent to being incompetent and failing to seize the countless times and opportunities to become stronger.

If the players die at the hands of a person with great supernatural powers, it means that they, as the main god, are incompetent.

It is to pass on the responsibility and pressure to the subordinates.

Hearing this, Leng Wenlin turned his face sideways and stared at Wu Ziqi.

However, this time, his expression became quite complicated. After looking at it for a long time, he said quietly: "It's really impressive..."

"Just after meeting me for the first time, you can understand my true feelings."

"Wuziqi, your spiritual sense is definitely the sharpest among the people of your kind that I know!"

The weak are not qualified to preach to the strong.

Unless that person is Wu Ziqi.

What does it take to convince someone?

Tongue blooming like a lotus?

Gorgeous rhetoric?

A lengthy and powerful speech, paired with appropriate body language?

No need!

As long as you capture what others desire and care about most deep in their hearts, and use this as a starting point, you can achieve your goal.

What Leng Wenlin is best at is killing and erasing all kinds of powerful life forms.

The infinite possibilities of the future can also be annihilated one by one.

What he was most worried about was that he would become a puppet of [Great Divine Power: Killing].

Leng Wenlin wants to take full control of killing and become the master of killing, not its slave.

Even if at this stage, he uses the "Killing Principle" to set limits on himself and successfully controls his desire to kill, he still has to worry about whether the master-slave relationship between the two will suddenly be reversed one day.

"You have successfully convinced me, so..."

Leng Wenlin said categorically: "There is no need to bet." "I hate gambling, probability and mathematics-related things."

"Now, make a promise!"

"Calculate it according to the time of the world you were born in, [Earth]."

The white-haired boy raised a finger: "I'll give you a week."

"If you can evolve [Destiny] to the ultimate stage within the limited time..."

"No matter how much weaker you are than me at that time, I will give you a [ticket to the end]."

Leng Wenlin believed in Wu Ziqi's growth rate and potential, but he was more concerned about another thing.

He said in a faint tone: "The world that the ticket leads to is what I call [Cyber ​​Immortal Star]. It is a seemingly ordinary plane, but actually contains infinite mysteries."

"It is not only the drawing stage of "The Atlas of Destruction", but also the final intersection of us 'inks'."

"If you can enter that area in advance, you may be able to break away from your identity as a chess piece and become a chess player."

"This is also an opportunity to jump out of the picture scroll, ascend to a higher level, and face the [painter] face to face."

Hearing this, the corners of Wu Ziqi's lips could not help but rise slightly: "A week on earth?"

"Hearing you say that, I suddenly feel like the [curtain of the ending] is being opened."

"The picture scroll of the heavens is about to draw the final stroke."

"The story of the world will come to an end."

"The music of all living beings will play its final chapter in sorrow or joy."

"Then, it's agreed!"

Hearing Wu Ziqi's words, a smile seemed to appear on Leng Wenlin's face, as if he got to know this person again.

"You can actually understand what I mean?!"

"This...is unexpected."

"It seems that the label of [Second Master of Fate] must be torn off from you."

"Wuziqi, I look forward to meeting you again."

"And Ma Shenwu, goodbye!"

The white-haired boy immediately waved towards the two of them, and his figure gradually faded and disappeared into the air.

Seeing Leng Wenlin's aura gradually disappearing, the forty-two escaped great supernatural powers returned sporadically, gathered together, and discussed the matter in a group.

"Usami is indeed dead. She was also unlucky to meet Leng Wenlin, a similar indiscriminate murderer."

"Zhu Shiyao is really a pity. I originally wanted to bring him into the [Five Elements Great Magical Powers Alliance], but I didn't expect him to die so suddenly..."

"It's normal to end up dying if you provoke the wrong person. But Ma Shenwu has already reached 'that step'... He is worthy of being the man who monopolizes two of the powers of [Three Guages ​​of Time]!"

"On the other hand, Leng Wenlin doesn't seem to be as scary as everyone's rumors say? He seems to have cultivated his moral character?"

"I have heard about the [Earth] world for a long time - a week in that low-level world passed in the blink of an eye!"

"It seems that Wu Ziqi has no way to fulfill his agreement with Leng Wenlin..."

"Does the second awakened person of destiny need my help?"

"Wuziqi, you have proven your ability and worth. Do you want to join our [Peak Alliance]?"

"Yes, join us! People who stand at the top of the world should form a community of interests!"

Figures of people with great supernatural powers gradually appeared in front of Wu Ziqi and Ma Shenwu.

Some people watched with cold eyes, some tried to establish friendship, some pretended to be kind, and some extended an olive branch.

Wu Zi looked at these "similar people" who had no friendship with him. His thoughts were racing in his heart, but he temporarily suppressed the urge to hunt.

"Don't worry, I have my own arrangements!"

Usami died tragically at the hands of Leng Wenlin, and her [Great Divine Power·Concept] naturally became a trophy and was harvested.

Therefore, in the current [spiritual world], there are ownerless [Great Divine Power·Fire] and [Great Divine Power·Modification] wandering around.

If you can devour, surrender, and control them, then you will definitely be able to evolve [Destiny] to the ultimate stage and get the [Final Ticket] that Leng Wenlin mentioned!

Wu Ziqi's fate must be controlled by his own hands!

As for the question of whether one week in Earth time is enough...

Ma Shenwu and Wu Ziqi's eyes met. Without opening a word, he knew what he wanted to say, and immediately promised: "I will do this thing [changing the speed of time on earth] beautifully."

Today, for Wu Ziqi, the greatest significance of time is that it will be on its side!

 See you tomorrow, friends!



(End of this chapter)

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