Lord God, start!

Chapter 23 23 Substitute Death Technique! [Endless teleportation]!

Chapter 23 23 Substitute Death Technique! [Endless teleportation]!
The world named "The Last Sword Head" by Miko Lacquer.

The great plain area between Beihuang and Dongye.

The sun is shining and the sky is clear!
While Wang Ruoyu and Hu Fangyan were fighting desperately, Wu Ziqi was walking on the plains, looking as comfortable as an outing.

Due to certain historical factors, this is a very dangerous area full of sword skeletons.

As we all know, as long as the relatively weak part of the sword skeleton is aware of its shortcomings, even a young man who has never practiced swordsmanship and only has a strong sense of bravery can kill it.

Among the sword skeletons, the most powerful ones can kill even third-level experts one on one!

Whether people who try to cross these two areas directly will survive depends on whether their fate is strong enough!
Facing the dazzling sunshine, Wu Ziqi couldn't help but sigh: "The growth rate of No. 5 and No. 6 is really quite good!"

"They have become qualified warriors now!"

"If it hadn't been for them, I wouldn't have been able to hang out during the day."

At this time, not far away, three monsters that looked like their skin had been torn off captured the presence of Wu Ziqi.

They turned back suddenly, their eyes locked on Wu Ziqi.

The sword skeletons were holding long swords that exuded a rotten aura. Without any hesitation, they instantly burst out with a speed far exceeding that of a cheetah and charged forward ferociously.

"The strength of these three seems to be pretty good!"

Wu Ziqi's eyes suddenly lit up: "Look at these steps and body skills, they all have some skills!"

"They were human swordsmen during their lifetime, and some of the things that were engraved in their instincts can still be used smoothly!"

With the three sword skeletons, Wu Ziqi immediately made an accurate judgment just by looking at the speed of their movements and feeling the ripples of the sword rhymes on their bodies.

"They are all sword skeletons of the first-level [Swordsman True Seed] realm."

"It's time to give the players some intensity!"

Facing the three monsters that were killed, Wu Ziqi's face was filled with calm and calm.

Not only did he not draw the sword he carried with him, he didn't even take out his pistol.

"How can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain? My players, I just need your training!"

Wu Ziqi's eyes flashed, and he suddenly stretched out his left hand, hovered over his chest, and gently held it in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, the three menacing sword skeletons all disappeared without a trace, no longer a threat.

This is the third ability of the Great Divine Power: Destiny - the owner can transmit/receive material, energy and information to the bound person at any time without consumption.

In the final analysis, the sword skeleton is also an aggregate of material energy and information.

Wang Ruoyu and Hu Fangyan thought that the main god directly created monsters and refreshed them around them, but this was not the case.

Living body teleportation is the truth of [Temporary Mission·Sword Skeleton Siege]!

There are actually even more unscrupulous ways to use this newly developed trick.

Wu Ziqi called it [substitution technique].

——When encountering a powerful hostile life form that cannot be defeated, throw it directly to the players, and you will be safe.

This move can be used anytime and anywhere by Wang Ruoyu and Hu Fangyan, whether they are on Earth or in this world where swordsmanship reigns supreme.

Wu Ziqi originally issued this temporary mission with the intention of using the [Skeleton-Eating Sword Formation] obtained from the Zuoqiu family to directly improve the skills of the two players, thereby strengthening themselves and improving the overall strength of the organization.

It's just that by some mistake, Wu Ziqi developed this slightly evil ability based on his own natural talent.

The feeling of uneasiness that always followed me suddenly dissipated for the most part!
With this move, he is almost invincible!

However, this method is somewhat self-defeating.

Wu Ziqi still has some feelings for players No. 5 and No. 6, who are hard-working and have great potential, and hopes that they can develop better, so that his benefits will be greater.

If you start from scratch to train players from the Earth area, your own speed of becoming stronger will also be slowed down.

After welcoming the sense of security after being away from home, Wu Ziqi suddenly had a sudden inspiration and his imagination was wide open!

"Since they are all the development and application of the great supernatural powers and destiny, then..."

"I can definitely practice the [Substitute Death Technique] reversely!"

"If this can be done... No! It must be possible!"

"After all, aren't human beings just like sword skeletons, a collection of matter, energy and information?" "I can regard myself as a [express delivery] and can teleport myself to any area around the two players at any time. !”

As soon as this idea emerged, it became difficult to contain it.

If this idea can be realized, then as long as any player is still alive, he can teleport without restrictions and without consumption!

Not to mention "unparalleled in the world", at least he can be invincible!
Wu Ziqi's eyes were slightly dim, he held his breath and concentrated, trying to calm down his mood.

"Then, let's give it a try!"

He has already mastered the use of the great supernatural power Fate, and has completely integrated into his instinct.

Therefore, with just a thought in his mind, Wu Ziqi immediately broke through the air and crossed the boundary, landing next to Wang Ruoyu and Hu Fangyan.

"Big success!"

No dizziness.

There is no physical or mental loss.

There is no need to think about the issue of activating forward and backward shaking. As fast as your thoughts are, you can teleport as fast as you want!
"Just perfect!"

The corners of Wu Ziqi's lips raised, forming a knowing smile, and he said silently in his heart: "Let's call this move [Endless Teleportation]!"

He already possesses abilities that exceed the ordinary second level, and his reaction speed and recovery ability are both at an inhuman level.

With this move, you can be invincible against any enemy you encounter!

So what if the opponent is stronger?
If you can't beat yourself, can't you run?

The worst case scenario would be to send the two players directly back to Earth, then target one of them and package and mail him there.

Such a powerful ability is simply unparalleled. Normally, Wu Ziqi would have laughed wildly at this moment.

However, since two players were present, he had to act and try not to reveal his true nature.

Speaking of which, Wu Ziqi still has some professional ethics and integrity, and works hard to maintain his own personality.

The sight of the hedgehog-headed boy who was fighting in a bloody battle suddenly lit up. He chopped down a sword skeleton next to him and gasped, "Witch...Senior Wu Ziqi!"

"Your sword rhyme wave... is much stronger than last time!"

"Have you entered the second realm of swordsmanship [Sword Art Germination]?"

The unique feeling between advanced swordsmen made him immediately realize that Wu Ziqi's level of swordsmanship had improved again!
The senior Wei Chensha who couldn't even be killed by a tank back then has now reached the same height as him!
Hu Fangyan was not surprised by this, he only felt full of fighting spirit.

After all, Wang Ruoyu had helped him analyze and speculate on this matter before - Wu Ziqi, as a senior, obviously did not specialize in the mysterious sequence of extraordinary swordsmanship, and might have mastered special abilities in other worlds.

The more thoughtful young man with glasses looked at Wu Ziqi and calmly changed his title: "Captain, long time no see!"

From Wang Ruoyu's perspective, he and Wu Ziqi had not seen each other for more than three months, so there was no problem in saying this.

He didn't expect much help from Wu Ziqi.

In fact, Wang Ruoyu just hoped that the senior Lone Wolf Forerunner could help the two of them overcome this hurdle.

The current situation is that Wang Ruoyu is almost out of bullets, and Hu Fangyan has lost a liter of blood by visual inspection, and there are only a few intact parts of his body.

As for this time-limited mission, the countdown has not been completed, and I don’t know how long it will last.

In this state, it would be the best thing to get help from Wu Ziqi!

"My swordsmanship is indeed at the second level."

Wu Ziqi glanced past the two of them, squinting at the sword skeletons not far away, and said in a calm voice: "Let's discuss the issue of team formation another day!"

"Now, kill them all first!"

Speaking of which, [Endless Teleportation] can indeed make you invincible, but there is a slight hidden danger.

——Frequently using [Substitute Death Technique] and this move in front of players will increase the risk of exposing your identity.

Although even if the identity of the "Lord God" is completely exposed, it will not cause too much trouble, but that is a result that Wu Ziqi does not want to see.

His game has just begun. If you tear off the vest too quickly, it will reduce a lot of fun.

 In 1 minute, there is another chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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