Lord God, start!

Chapter 37 37 Principle of Reciprocity!Beheading and shortcomings!

Chapter 37 37 Principle of Reciprocity!Beheading and shortcomings! (Please follow up and read!)
Duan Yingqi is a person who is very good at using his own advantages.

When dealing with strangers, she would reveal her identity as a member of the Xijing Duan family.

At a disadvantage, she immediately took advantage of her appearance.

Duan Yingqi, who has an excellent appearance and figure, looked like she was about to cry, and I felt pity for him. Liang Gou couldn't help it at all: "Young hero, you and I are facing each other with swords. There must be some misunderstanding!"

"We could stop and have a chat!"

"I am willing to apologize for my previous willfulness, and offer sincere and sufficient compensation. I only ask that the young hero can be a gentleman and ignore the faults of the villain, and forgive the little girl this time!"

Her eyes were pink and full of tears. Those who were not tough enough or those who were compassionate would probably feel sympathy immediately when they saw Duan Yingqi's posture.

In fact, Duan Yingqi, who was speaking with a crying tone at the moment, was just trying to delay time.

She wanted to drag the swordsmen under her command to kill Wu Ziqi's helpers, and then join her to surround and kill Wu Ziqi!
Without killing Wu Ziqi, it would be difficult to understand the hatred in her heart!
I lost an arm today and my fighting strength is greatly reduced.

If I want to reach the top again and return to a state of complete victory, I don't know how many famous doctors I have to visit and how many favors I have to spend!

If you miss the family competition because of this, you will completely miss the chance to become the head of the family!

At that time, we can only retreat to the next best thing and rely on that stupid second brother who is untainted from the mire and is too kind.


Wu Ziqi's answer was very simple.


The Divine Sword Jinghong came to kill him head-on and face-to-face. It was fierce, murderous, ruthless and decisive, leaving no room for retaliation.

Duan Yingqi maintained a high degree of concentration throughout the entire process and tried her best to avoid the sword.

Even so, most of her long hair was cut off, and her whole body suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

"Young hero, you..."


Wu Ziqi is a very reasonable person.

Those who are good to me are good to me, and those who are evil to me are evil!
How others treat him, he will treat others!
This is called [Principle of Reciprocity]!
Duan Yingqi said before that she wanted to kill Wu Ziqi, and Wu Ziqi really felt the murderous intention of the other party, so...

This female swordsman in red will definitely not survive today!
Wu Ziqi said it!
Duan Yingqi deeply hated Wu Ziqi for being so cold-blooded and ruthless, and didn't know how to show mercy to her, but there was nothing she could do about it.

If the other party lets you go, it only means that he is stupid!

Now, the other party has made it clear that he wants to kill him, and seems to have a blood feud with him, so he can only desperately find a way to survive!

Duan Yingqi has lived in an extremely competitive family since she was a child. In order to win the position of the head of the family, Duan Yingqi is willing to pay any price, even if she kills her own brothers and sisters.

She never knew what giving up meant!
Even though one of his arms had been chopped off by the opponent, Duan Yingqi still held the weapon tightly with the remaining arm. The sword charm was lingering around his body, and he was struggling to escape from left and right, trying to delay time.

"Come and save me!"

The people brought by Duan Yingqi this time were all dead soldiers trained by the Duan family. Although they were picked out individually, their strength was not outstanding, but they were more loyal and reliable, and after brutal training, they had mastered the art of combined attacks. .

Ordinary strong men in the third realm of swordsmanship would be defeated with hatred when meeting them.

Take Duan Yingqi herself as an example. As a strong person in the third realm of [Sword Art Condensation], if she faced off against these dead warriors and fought to the death, and was stubborn and unwilling to escape, then there was a high probability that she would be surrounded and killed!

As for the miko lacquer in front of me...

This young man's eyes are as dark and deep as the night. He cannot be regarded as an ordinary third realm!
Duan Yingqi, who gradually woke up from the grief and anger of losing an arm and was no longer dizzy, immediately changed her mind after being hunted for several rounds.

"Survive! As long as I can survive, I will have unlimited opportunities!"

"Whether it's revenge or fighting for the position of the head of the family..."

"I haven't lost yet! I won't lose either! I, Duan Yingqi, will definitely be the final winner!"

Duan Yingqi, with disheveled hair, had a blank look in her eyes, and her pupils seemed to have lost focus.

Encroached by the darkness and black flames, her sword skills and physical strength were rapidly fading.

But Duan Yingqi seemed to have unleashed her potential between life and death, and the frequency of her attacks was [-]% faster than before!
At this moment, she has figured it out.

She did not ask her subordinates to kill Wu Ziqi on the spot. She only hoped that the loyal soldiers could use their lives to hold Wu Ziqi and his helpers back and create a chance for her to escape from this place.


Duan Yingqi almost shouted at the top of her voice, but failed to call for help. "Could it be that those guys have secretly taken refuge with eldest sister and second brother and betrayed me?"

As soon as Duan Yingqi thought of this possibility, she immediately felt her heart stop, and the speed of the sword rhyme seemed to slow down a few points.

It is impossible for dead warriors trained by a family to seek refuge with outsiders, but when members of the same clan fight against each other, it is not necessarily impossible for them to change their masters.

"Your head, I accept it!"

Wu Ziqi's voice rang in his ears.

The next moment, Duan Yingqi felt like the world was spinning, and her whole body felt a lot lighter.

The attraction of the earth to itself seems to have disappeared.

"I'm flying!"

After Duan Yingqi was confused for a moment, a look of ecstasy appeared on her face, and a thought suddenly emerged in her mind: "At the fourth level of swordsmanship, you can fly freely and travel through the sky!"

"Is it possible that, under the pressure of a life-and-death crisis, I successfully broke through the shackles, shattered the cage, transcended myself, and reached a higher realm?"

"In this way, wouldn't the position of the head of the family be easily obtained? There is no need to use the method of refining the magic sword with the blood of living creatures! After all, the creator of the evil secret method is a failure!"

In the blink of an eye, Duan Yingqi realized something was wrong.

——The lower part of my neck felt cool, accompanied by a numbing feeling, and a tingling sensation gradually came to my heart.

The field of vision in front of him was completely out of control, as if the whole world was spinning at high speed.

A headless corpse dressed in red was standing in front of Wu Ziqi.

"That's...my body!"

At this moment, Duan Yingqi's brain cells were more active than ever, her thoughts were flashing like lightning, and everything in front of her seemed to slow down a lot.

She suddenly realized: "It turns out that I have been killed by him!"

"This man is the same as me in the third level of swordsmanship. Moreover, I am almost twice as old as him. How can I be killed by his sword so easily!"

"13 moves! He only used 13 moves! He killed me. I didn't even leave any scars on him..."

Duan Yingqi, who was full of unwillingness, her face instantly distorted, looking ferocious and terrifying: "I'm not willing to give in! I'm not willing to give in!"


The vision in front of her eyes gradually darkened, and Duan Yingqi's consciousness gradually collapsed and disappeared.

With her last glance before her death, she saw a female knight in apricot-yellow clothing using a handkerchief to wipe a blood-stained sword, and at her feet were a group of corpses with familiar faces but unwilling to die.

Those are the dead men of the family who follow him.

They all had their throats slit and died.

"It turns out they didn't betray me...who killed them?"

Duan Yingqi will never get the answer.

In the third realm of swordsmanship, he is still a mortal body after all. If his head is cut off, no matter how strong his vitality is, it will be in vain!
"[Rank] is indeed the same as [Mathematics], it cannot lie!"

Wu Ziqi waved his long sword, and blood flowed down the spine of Jinghong's sword. The sword suddenly became as smooth as new: "Before I broke through to the third realm of swordsmanship, the most I could do was severely injure and defeat her, and Unable to kill."

“If you work hard, you will definitely be rewarded!”

"However, my strength structure still has obvious shortcomings!"

Thinking of this, the black-eyed young man frowned: "Many fatal flaws have been discovered, but my shooting speed cannot keep up with the rhythm!"

"Even for a weakling like Duan Yingqi, if she only wants to save her life, I can only rely on the [Energy Devouring] feature of "Cang Ming" to kill her!"

"It eats away at Duan Yingqi's sword charm little by little, wears away her will, and drains her physical energy, so that she can be slowly killed."

"If she hadn't been looking for death on her own and distracted herself at the critical moment..."

Wu Ziqi thought for a while and came to a conclusion: "Under normal circumstances, if I want to kill her, even if I have the sword rhyme circuit attributes of the divine sword [Jinghong] to increase my abilities in all aspects, I'm afraid it will be too much." We have to wait until 50 moves are released."

"We must find a way to make up for our shortcomings as soon as possible and solve the problem of [shooting speed not matching observation ability]!"

However, Wu Ziqi's mood suddenly brightened when he thought that next was his favorite [trophy counting session].

 In 1 minute, there is another chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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