Lord God, start!

Chapter 47: 47 player quota: 1!

Chapter 47: The upper limit of 47 players is +1!

Guan Zhaoyang's confidence was shaken.

The Wu Ziqi in front of him was obviously just a young boy, but he was older and more mature than expected, and his belief was firm and hard to shake.

Words are of no use to him!
Moreover, facts have proven that Wu Ziqi appeared in front of him just now, and the method he used was not the secret method of concealment and illusion, but a method that he could not understand.

A burst of speed?

No!Absolutely not like that!

In order to slaughter the entire Duan family, leaving no chickens or dogs behind, Guan Zhaoyang had already set up a blood mist sword formation in the forbidden area.

Now, Guan Zhaoyang could clearly feel the black-eyed boy's firm murderous intention and determination.

He could only hope that the move Wu Ziqi used just now would consume a lot of physical strength, energy and sword charm!
The two sides looked at each other, and their gazes interacted. There was almost no warning, and they started to act at the same time just after their eyes collided, forming a battle.

Clang!Clang!Clang!Clang! ...

The rhyme of the sword stirred, the blades clashed, and sparks flew everywhere.

The dark icy flames and the blood-smelling mist intertwined with each other, like two ferocious beasts, one black and one red.

They bite each other, trying to devour each other completely!

Wu Ziqi fought with him with a sword, his thoughts racing in his mind: "This man's speed, strength, and moves are all very powerful. He is the most powerful opponent I have ever encountered in this world!"

After all, Guan Zhaoyang was once a fourth-level titled swordsman.

Even if he is reborn after a catastrophe and returns from seizing the body, he has not returned to his prime state. In terms of speed and strength, and even the richness of the means to suppress the bottom of the box, he far exceeds himself!
If the two players are still on the earth, then at best, I can only be tied with this person.

With his current shooting speed, it is very difficult to hit Guan Zhaoyang, and it is almost impossible to kill him.


With Wang Ruoyu and Hu Fangyan by his side, there is nothing to worry about.

With players by his side, his combat power more than doubled tenfold?
[Endless teleportation] Fully activated!

Wu Ziqi's figure flickers endlessly, moving freely through the blood mist, doing whatever he wants and calmly.

In this state, he can challenge himself as easily as eating and drinking!
As long as the enemy is not some heaven-defying old monster that has surpassed Wu Ziqi in several realms, then there is nothing to be afraid of!

Using the enemy as a sharpening stone, Wu Ziqi became more courageous as he fought, improving his abilities and making up for his shortcomings in actual combat.

His moves became more and more sophisticated, and gradually gained a hint of proficiency.

Guan Zhaoyang's expression gradually darkened.

"Damn brat! If he doesn't have that sword..."

His teeth were clattering, the bloody sword in his hand was broken one after another, and new wounds were constantly appearing on his body.

Whether it is to re-condensate the weapon or restore one's own state, the bloody mist needs to be consumed.

Although he was unconvinced and felt that the other party had taken advantage of him, Guan Zhaoyang knew very well in his heart that he could not deal with Wu Ziqi's mysterious and magical [weird movement], even if the other party held an ordinary sword. Spending a little more time is enough to kill yourself!
Seeing this scene, Hu Fangyan was very proud and delighted: "Senior is indeed invincible!"

A healthy boy had one hand chopped off by the enemy, and it was his dominant right hand.

Under such circumstances, the hedgehog-headed boy's combat power was at least [-]% useless. How could he not hate him?

Although as a player in the Lord God's Playground, you have endless opportunities. As long as you are still alive, you will definitely have the opportunity to regenerate a severed limb, but the beam has already been forged!
The worse Guan Zhaoyang was beaten, the happier he became!
If he hadn't only had one hand left, Hu Fangyan would have wanted to applaud on the spot.

Wang Ruoyu was even more miserable than his comrades, as he lost one of his right arms, but his mood was more stable.

The young man whose bleeding eyes stopped temporarily touched the section of the severed arm with one hand and said thoughtfully: "Compared with the previous meeting, Captain Wu Ziqi's character has actually changed slightly."

"Before, I thought it was the change brought about by his rebirth from a broken arm and his cheerful mood."

"Now it seems that this is a new mask."

"However, putting aside the mystery of his character, the captain is really ridiculously strong!"

The longer Wang Ruoyu practiced and the higher his strength improved, the more clearly and deeply he became aware of the gap between himself and this mysterious captain!
Fortunately, Miko lacquer is not the type to be extremely low-key.

He is not averse to being famous and demonstrating power.

As the number of contacts increases, you will witness more and understand him more deeply!
Previously, Hu Fangyan said that he wanted to recruit Wu Ziqi into the team, and the three of them united as one to meet various challenges together. Wang Ruoyu only agreed casually and did not really take it seriously.

Now, he has really come up with this idea and started to seriously develop the win-win plan and alliance plan.

At the same time, the young survivors of the Duan family were watching the confrontation between the two with fixed eyes, not daring to express their anger for fear of disturbing Wu Ziqi and allowing Guan Zhaoyang to successfully counterattack.

Everyone at the scene could clearly see the situation, and Guan Zhaoyang, as the person involved, was naturally no exception.Although he still looks intact and has sound limbs at this moment, but...

The thick blood mist that filled the surroundings had become thinner and fainter at some point.

But Wu Ziqi, from the beginning to the end, did not receive a single sword injury.

Fearful thoughts emerged in his mind: "This black-eyed boy did not show his full strength!"

"I'm not an opponent who can make him happy at all!"

"Is this guy the successor trained by this generation of [Sword Head]?"

At the thought of this, all Guan Zhaoyang's courage was swallowed up by fear.

He completely lost the will to continue fighting with Wu Ziqi, and his figure immediately collapsed, blending into the surrounding blood mist, trying to escape.

"Escape! As long as I can escape from this place, I still have hope and a future!"

"As long as I slaughter a few more villages, I can regain my mobility and come back for revenge!"

"When the time comes, both the Duan family and this dark-eyed boy named Wu Ziqi will die!"

Guan Zhaoyang suddenly realized that his thinking speed was getting slower and slower.


It turned out that unknowingly, the cold flame attached to the blade of Wu Ziqi's hand had quietly burned away the blood mist!

Guan Zhaoyang left his last words in a sad voice.

"Fate is unfair!"

With the annihilation of the last trace of bloody mist, his breath was cut off, his soul was scattered, and he suddenly passed away.

Since the body was not preserved, the process of touching the body and searching for trophies no longer existed.

After this battle, there is no secret treasure left.

But compared with the real income of Wu Ziqi, it doesn't matter anymore!

Where Guan Zhaoyang died, a bloody red ball full of cracks was suspended in the air!

A sound like glass breaking came from the blood-red sphere.

Wu Ziqi found it strange - the two players did not see the sphere, nor did they hear the sound of it breaking!

Not only the players, but also the teenage survivors of the Duan family seemed unable to detect the existence of this blood-red sphere.

"Don't worry about it, the most important thing is..."

"The abnormal point in the plane has caught you!"

Wu Ziqi's mind was spinning. Just a thought, [Fate] magical power was activated instantly!
The relevant information was read instantly by him.

After thoroughly digesting and absorbing this information, Wu Ziqi understood in his heart: "So that's it!"

It turned out that the Guan Zhaoyang he killed was not the swordsman named [Scarlet Demon Sword] more than 100 years ago.

This red sphere is exactly his true form!

Now that Guan Zhaoyang is dead, it has also split open, which is just convenient for him to swallow and absorb!

Wu Ziqi now knows that the ability of this thing is to copy the memories and emotions of dying advanced intelligent life forms, and to seize and occupy the bodies of nearby creatures with weak will to survive.

The so-called reincarnation is nothing more than a false appearance that even deceives itself!

Looking at this alone, the scarlet sphere itself seems to be of little use.

However, considering it as "ration", it is extremely valuable!
Bring me the supreme swordsmanship, and I won’t even change the witch paint!


The scarlet sphere completely burst apart.

Little bits of crimson light separated from the ball and fell into Wu Ziqi's body.

As soon as the thought changed, the great magical power [Fate] swallowed it, absorbed it, and completely refined it, and it only took a moment!
The red ball burst into pale fragments, then turned into powder and dissipated in the wind.

Player quota limit +1!

 In 1 minute, there is another chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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