Lord God, start!

Chapter 60 60 "Wuziqi's vision is as bad as ever!"

Chapter 60 60 "Wuziqi's vision is as bad as ever!" (A [-]-word chapter, please subscribe!)

Wu Ziqi has always believed that desire is the strongest source of motivation!

Jealousy, hatred, love, and greed are just subsets of desire.

He noticed that one of the two old players had a broken hand and the other a broken arm in the last official mission. After returning to Earth with a disability, their mentality has not been right.

Although both of them concealed themselves very well, their changes were completely invisible to Wu Ziqi's eyes!

With the current technological level of the earth, although there are indeed many ways to allow two people to have prosthetic limbs with mobility that is not inferior to that of ordinary people, or even exceeds that of ordinary people, but...

Wu Ziqi knows better than anyone else that for Wang Ruoyu and Hu Fangyan, who are extraordinary beings, any prosthetic limbs are meaningless.

Forcibly equipping them with prosthetic limbs would actually affect their cultivation efficiency and body balance, becoming a drag.

In order to ensure the speed of their strength improvement, both of them rejected the plan of custom-made prosthetics, forced a smile, and presented a free and easy appearance to the outside world.

In fact, they all encountered a lot of negative emotions deep inside.



Worry about gains and losses!

All these emotions are reflected in their swordsmanship, which is incomprehensible to outsiders, but Wu Ziqi understands it clearly.

Based on this mentality, Wang Ruoyu and Hu Fangyan immediately started a crazy training mode after receiving the reward of "Blue Emperor Mending Sky Sword" through the novice guidance mission.

They are eager to practice Buddhism as soon as possible so that their limbs can be reborn and restored to their original state.

In Wu Ziqi's view, the two veteran players get along very well, with the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

It is a pity that Tantai Rouze, the new player No. [-], who has not fought side by side with the two, cannot have the same tacit understanding with the old players in this regard.

Perhaps it's because she has some social anxiety and is not very good at communicating with others. She spends most of her time alone studying new swordsmanship.

Although Wang Ruoyu and Hu Fangyan both have average compatibility with wood swordsmanship, they often communicate and practice their skills, just like a study group. They help each other and are willing to invest a lot of time in Qingdi Mending Sky Sword no matter the cost. and energy.

Because of this, after almost crazy training, both the bespectacled young man and the hedgehog-headed boy got what they wanted. They successfully mastered the Qing Emperor Butian Sword and acquired the characteristics of [Invincible Fighting Body].

Although this trait is obviously at a very primitive stage, and the recovery speed of the two of them is not fast, their physical condition is improving at a steady pace.

As time went by, Wang Ruoyu and Hu Fangyan grew arms and hands respectively, and bit by bit, they fully recovered!
This is a biological miracle like a gecko growing its tail again, which well-informed researchers call unscientific.

But the facts are in front of you.

When Wang Ruoyu majestically appeared in front of the world with his original arm, the eyes of all the countries on earth that were desperately preparing for the extraordinary competition turned red.

Wang Ruoyu issued an extremely outrageous statement, saying that the reason why his arm was able to recover as before was actually a little magic trick - he had never been injured from the beginning, and this was just a joke to the whole world.

In this regard, representatives of the supernatural power research departments of various countries expressed with emotions written on their faces that everyone is more willing to believe that he is Qin Shihuang.

Compared to these, what makes Wu Ziqi even more happy is...

As a novice mission reward, "Longxiang Yunhua Sword", Tantai Rouze started to practice it, and the progress was also gratifying.

She has now successfully mastered this secret technique!

When promoting the circulation of sword charm in the body, Tantai Rouze only needs a little preparation time to soar into the clouds, control the wind, and travel across the sky.

Although Tantai Rouze has been practicing hard and absorbing the scientific knowledge of the earth eagerly, without any distractions, and has no ears to hear what is going on outside the window, the world continues to move.

Miko Lacquer is in another world, but he can still know what's happening on the earth through what the three players see and hear.

He knew that in recent months, supernatural events had occurred frequently on that blue planet.

Most of them are based on speculation, or are interpretations of artificial scripts.

There are many real extraordinary people.

Take China as an example, which can be seen from the headlines of major news media.

"He never trained, surpassed Bolt!" 》

"Effort is nothing compared to talent!"Genetically mutated monster boy! 》

"9 seconds 42!"Break the limits of humanity! 》

"Miracle Flash!"Break the world record! 》

"Hu Fangyan: "I don't dare to use my full strength, for fear of scaring you."

Mathematics is the most rigorous science.

Data doesn't lie.

When the wind speed complied with regulations, Hu Fangyan easily broke Bolt's [-]-meter dash world record, and far surpassed it, raising it to a level that is almost unattainable for ordinary humans!

You must know that in a [-]-meter race, after reaching the top standard line, even improving the performance by [-] seconds may require a professional athlete to spend more than ten years or even a lifetime.

In the process of this kind of training, even if they strictly abide by the scientific training diet and do everything to the best, the performance of the track and field athletes may not advance but retreat.

Hu Fangyan did indeed run very relaxedly and casually without honing his track and field skills, and easily broke the record that many people dream of.

This is the beauty of the supernatural.

Professional athletes from all over the world, whose outlook on life and world were shattered by this, began to practice swordsmanship in private.

They did this not to blindly follow and imitate Hu Fangyan, who is an absolute powerhouse in the field of track and field, nor because they trust Wu Ziqi, but because...

It is difficult to tell whether the extraordinary beings from other countries are real or fake. At least the few extraordinary beings who have been confirmed so far are all inseparable from their swords.

From this point alone, we can see many clues.

Regardless of the reactions of these people, for the players of the Lord God's Playground, after the three official missions are over, including the intervals between temporary missions, the total vacation period exceeds twenty months.

Hu Fangyan also officially entered the senior year of high school from a freshman in high school.

This time period is very magical.

The old classmates and friends of the hedgehog-headed boy have now begun to prepare for the college entrance examination.

No matter what extraordinary era is coming or what supernatural power awakens, they will not be able to change the life trajectory of many students.

However, Hu Fangyan could only lament to his classmates in a rare meeting: "I really envy you, you can study mountains and seas every day, and strive for a goal that is very close at hand."

"And I can't experience the joy of the college entrance examination at all."

"The top schools around the world are vying to recruit me, saying that they will give me a recommendation, and they also promised me a lot of benefits in private."

"Tsinghua? Peking University? They also made conditions for me, saying that I only need to go through the process and don't have to take any exams. But I won't go to Tsinghua or Peking University. Why? Because I don't want to."

"A greater cause is waiting for me to devote all my time and efforts!"

Hu Fangyan's speech sounds unflattering, but he is indeed putting in all his efforts for his dream.

In the world of the Last Sword Head, Wu Ziqi used the magical power of fate to perfectly synchronize the growth of the three players.

What worries Wu Ziqi the most is naturally the improvement from Tantai Rouze.

"Long Xiang Yunhua! Up!"

The dark light in Wu Zi's lacquered eyes flashed, and as soon as he thought, the sword rhyme circulated in his body at high speed, and the crocheting interaction turned into mysterious and obscure circuits.

At the same time, curls of white smoke dispersed from the whole body, condensing into strips of clouds and mist, lingering around the body.

After a short period of preparation, Wu Ziqi rose into the air and walked in the wind, his body gradually getting taller.

Wu Ziqi came to the sky, freely galloping through the sky, enjoying the powerlessness of gravity over him.

He listened to the roar of the strong wind and looked down at the earth below. He suddenly felt that the world was vast, his thoughts were clear, and he felt extremely happy.

"Hahahaha! So refreshing!"

Wu Ziqi's laughter was broken in the strong wind and failed to spread too far.

The only thing he regretted was that even in this state of mind, he still couldn't enter the previous state of enlightenment.

However, this is fine, as it saves me from wasting my precious time and efforts on cultivation.

After Wu Ziqi tested his flying ability many times, he returned to the ground with great satisfaction.

“Player No. [-]’s quality is indeed very strong!”

"It's great to have achieved the 'target' so quickly without anyone's guidance!"

The flying ability this time was obtained from Tantai Rouze's progress, but Wu Ziqi has a higher realm, more knowledge, and better physical fitness, which leads to...

With the same Feng Shui compound swordsmanship skills, Wu Zi Qi Fei was better than her!


Change direction more flexibly!

Longer battery life!

Being able to reach higher airspace without worrying about the stagnation of the sword and the freezing of the blood in the body!

"Having mastered this kind of flying ability, my strength has reached a whole new level!"

Wu Ziqi fell to the ground, with a smile in his eyes and a ball of cold dark flames in his hand. However, his whole person was refreshed and in a very happy mood: "It is equivalent to a qualitative change caused by a quantitative change."

"If we had to start over and fight [Floating Sword] Wanyan Yuwei again, we wouldn't need to scheming and racking our brains to plot against the opponent like before!"

He is not weak in physical ability to begin with. Thanks to the hard work of the players, he has acquired many qualities. His sword charm and physical strength recovery speed are extremely fast.

In this case, after mastering the ability to fly independently without any external objects, you can travel in the sky 24 hours a day!
You don’t have to worry about flying halfway and suddenly losing energy supply, causing you to fall to death.


"Wang Ruoyu and Hu Fangyan brought me many surprises again!"

Originally, Wu Ziqi sent "Blue Emperor Mending Sky Sword" to players No. 5 and 6 without much expectation for him. He just hoped to use it to improve the strength of the two old players and restore them to their peak state.

There are bound to be risks when you release a mission in your own God's Playground. As time goes by, even if players fly a plane and carry a cannon into the mission, it is impossible to guarantee that it will always be in an intact state.

This reward was given with treatment and recovery in mind.

After all, the current Main God’s Playground does not have any professional healing extraordinary talents.

Even in the world of The Last Swordsman, the scene of holding a sword and directly cutting the patient's wound until it heals is really too abstract.

Of course, maybe it's because I am ignorant and have never seen such a master.

Who would have known that I would encounter the situation of "unintentional planting of willows and willows".

Wang Ruoyu and Hu Fangyan practiced the "Blue Emperor's Sky-Mending Sword" at the same time. Although they checked for each other's mistakes and helped each other, they were ultimately different individuals and had different experiences and understandings of this ability.

The characteristics of [Invincible Battle Body] obtained by the two are also slightly different.

After relying on the magical power of destiny to simultaneously strengthen the two people's improvement on himself, Wu Ziqi suddenly discovered...

I already have a higher level [Invincible Battle Body]!
It is the inhuman recovery ability gained from a sword fruit!
Obviously, the two come from the same source!
The growth from Players No. 5 and 6 has complemented the inherent characteristics of this Shazuko Lacquer, allowing it to take a further step forward and reach a higher level!

"It's perfect!"

"My recovery ability is even more exaggerated..."

Wu Ziqi stretched out his left hand, held the sword in his right hand, and swung it suddenly.

The edge flashed, and with just one sword stroke, his left hand was cut off and separated from his body!


Before the severed left hand fell to the ground, the blood floating in the air and the sword rhyme that had not escaped naturally resonated!
The blood turned into more fine thread-like substances, intertwined in the air, and stuck together.


In just the blink of an eye, the blood vessels healed again!

Then there are nerve connections and skin connections.


After a crisp sound like fried beans, even the bones were completely healed together.

This is already healed!

Not even a trace of scar was left!

The strength and flexibility of the left hand, and even the smoothness of the sword rhyme flowing up to this point, are no different from before!
The test is complete.

Wu Ziqi moved his left wrist and couldn't help but marveled.

"Such a tenacious vitality is simply ridiculously strong!"

Before, Wu Ziqi always thought that in terms of recovery ability alone, he had reached an inhuman level after eating that magical sword fruit.

Only now did he realize what it means to be truly inhuman!
"You must not be inflated. The stronger you are, the more you must stabilize your mentality. Don't be arrogant and complacent!"

After Wu Ziqi was happy for a while, he immediately began to warn himself in his heart: "There are countless strong and ruthless people in the world, and I am just a little extraordinary person who has just started to show some improvement!"

"Pride and conceit are the way to death!"

"Including my Lord God's Playground, in terms of operation and construction, we have only taken two or three steps, and are still far from real success!"

Thinking like this, Wu Ziqi quickly calmed down.

Let's not talk about it from afar, considering this world where swordsmanship is the only one, even if we only focus on Xijing, this trait of ours is not worth inflating.

"Whether [Scarlet Demon Sword] Guan Zhaoyang or [Fusheng Sword] Wanyan Yuwei, their recovery abilities are very strong."

"The former's life form is twisted and has no fatal points at all."

"Even if I dig out an eyeball of the latter, it will grow back in just a few breaths!"

"Only half of her body is left because her recovery ability was interfered by the weird sword rhyme remaining in the wound area!"

"And both of these men died tragically in the end."

Wu Ziqi's thoughts were spinning. Thinking of this, he truly calmed down: "The ability to recover is useless at all. It is equivalent to a blood cow, a wooden stake, or a sandbag. You can only die when you encounter an enemy that you cannot defeat." Just go slower!"

"Now, because of Hu Fangyan's efforts to successfully cultivate the "Fengchi Sword Technique", my shooting speed is no longer a shortcoming that hinders my combat effectiveness."

"Even when it comes to cross-level challenges, the speed of my moves will not be my weak link."

"If I want to continue to improve my personal combat power, I still lack a lot of foundation."

"It lacks a powerful enough [long-range attack method], and its [defensive ability] is not outstanding enough, otherwise it can be perfectly matched with this inhuman recovery power and complement each other, and there is also [universal toxin passive resistance]..."

Wu Ziqi shook his head: "After all, we have just started, and there are too many missing parts!"

"To be on the safe side, don't worry too much. Next, let's complete it one by one!"

Wu Ziqi was not someone who liked to get into trouble, so he just silently kept the things he lacked in his mind one by one.

What he fears most is actually "not being able to find the problem."

As long as you can realize the existence of the problem and want to solve it, it is the easier part.

Wu Ziqi collected his thoughts, took off the mask-shaped accessory the size of a child's fist from his belt, stretched out his index finger and pointed it at the center of the mask, pouring the sword charm into it.

In an instant, the [Jade of Changing Muscles and Changing Bones] began to take effect, and his figure and appearance underwent drastic changes.


His appearance is constantly changing.

Wu Ziqi's appearance turned into a heroic three-eyed lady for one moment, and a cold and cold girl in white for another.

One moment he transformed into a passionate, spiky-headed boy, and the next moment he transformed into a gentle young man with glasses.

At this point, Wu Ziqi pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said with a playful expression: "It looks almost exactly like normal glasses, but in essence, they are made by me twisting and deforming my flesh and bones."

"It's a little weird."

"The overall feeling is quite magical!"

A piece of [Jade that changes muscles and bones] is enough to deceive anyone who is not stronger than yourself.

Coupled with the fantasy sword technique "Dream Bubble" obtained from [Floating Sword] Wanyan Yuwei, Wu Ziqi's disguise can be said to be almost flawless and impeccable!

At least, even people who are a big level above him can't see any clues!
"Well, considering the special nature of this world, maybe we should exclude that [Crazy Sword Head]."

"After all, the swordsmen of the past generations all carry huge secrets and nearly invincible combat power, and all of them have such gorgeous records that they are almost invincible."

After practicing with familiar people, Wu Ziqi began to design and carve the image of the vest for himself.

When people travel around the world, how can they not have a few trumpets?
After carving part of the vest, Wu Ziqi felt a little tired.

He calculated the time and found that the next official mission of the Lord God Playground was almost about to be released, so he planned to relax for a while by "peeping at the screen".

At this moment, the earth aspect.

National Supernatural Power Supervision and Management Department, base camp, in the core conference hall.

Wang Ruoyu's face was expressionless, his tone was calm, and he did not show any abnormal emotions: "Regarding this three-day [Sword and Bones Version of Biohazard] incident, everyone should not have any worries and just express their opinions."

All the participants were sitting upright, and the atmosphere of the meeting was extremely serious.

After Wang Ruoyu spoke, someone immediately stood up below.

He tapped the notebook a few times, and the relevant video began to play on the projector.

The video begins with an ordinary street scene in a developed country.

The sun was shining brightly and there were no clouds in the sky. There were cars and pedestrians coming and going on the road.

Teenagers in fancy clothes, white-collar workers in suits and ties...

Dirty homeless people, scrawny drug addicts with needle marks all over their bodies...

Suddenly, an addict grabbed his neck, rolled his eyes, screamed and wailed.

Not long after, he was frothing at the mouth, collapsed to the ground, and was convulsing all over.

The pedestrians on both sides of the road looked like they were used to it, they just kept their distance slightly, and no one paid too much attention.


The addict's skin quickly dissolved and disappeared, and the bright red muscle fibers were exposed. They quickly faded under the sunlight and looked like specimens that had been soaked in formalin for many years, showing a dull brown color. brown.

From a distance, it looks like a person of color.A sharp long sword flashing with cold light appeared silently in his hand.

It stood up tremblingly and began to kill the people nearby crazily.

Due to the extremely poor initial physical fitness of this sword skeleton, its performance was not impressive. It only wounded three people and was emptied of its magazine by the passing armed order defenders.

Its sword limb was also shattered by stray bullets, and it died suddenly on the spot.

But the crisis is not over, this is just the beginning.

The homeless people, teenagers and white-collar workers who were slashed were naturally infected and became new sword skeletons, turning into three mobile sources of infection.

From this video, everyone discovered that many passers-by suddenly mutated and joined the hunting army without any contact with the sword skeleton.

Although the defenders of order are all fully armed, and they are not stingy with bullets for the tan sword bones, but...

They didn't know the fatal weakness of the sword skeleton, and the one they killed at the beginning was just lucky.

In this video, the defenders of order on the other side of the ocean, based on the experience they learned from biochemical apocalyptic disaster movies, always want to shoot the sword's head off.

As a result, they naturally cannot escape bad luck.

The video ends.

A video made Wu Ziqi marvel at it.

"Cow, ah, ah!"

From a personal perspective, Wu Ziqi also hopes that the earth can gain extraordinary power through this and improve human beings' comprehensive quality and per capita strength.

In this way, if you have a free spot in the future, you can choose Earth again when you select new players.

if not……

Every new player is trained from level 0?
Who has that leisurely mood?
At least the reserve players must be able to develop their strength to the advanced level on Earth, or at least lay a solid foundation.

Unfortunately, judging from the current development of the situation, Wu Ziqi can only say that there is a long way to go.

The content shown in the video is obviously just an ordinary trial and error process in a certain earth country.

If I want to make results, benefit all mankind, and popularize supernatural powers in my hometown, there is still something missing, and I need to accumulate more experience.

All countries on earth must work harder.

"Everyone knows what happened next."

The spokesperson said eloquently: "Three days ago, the sword crisis broke out in Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana."

"Normal humans who are infected will completely lose their minds, their skin will melt and disappear, and their muscles will be exposed to the air."

"The right arm of the vast majority of infected people will twist and deform, turning into a sword limb, and become a walking zombie with only primitive attack and desire for destruction."

"People injured by sword limbs will mutate into sword skeletons within 1 to 50 minutes due to differences in individual immunity. They will be active during the day and sleep at night."

"The United States claims that as of [-]:[-] today, all sword remains have been captured and destroyed."

Since it is a claim, it must be false.

Anyway, no one at the scene wanted to believe in the integrity of those old enemies.

It is commonplace for everyone in Europe and the United States to use various media mouthpieces to splash dirty water and blame the situation, and everyone ignores it.

As soon as the words fell, someone immediately picked up the conversation and added: "It is worth mentioning that there is a clear difference between the Sword Bone Virus that triggered this crisis and the virus of the same name that we know!"

"Our intelligence network collected massive amounts of data, conducted deduction calculations, and finally found..."

"In this incident, there is no [Infected Person No. 0]."

"In other words, this matter is driven by man!"

"In addition, after the Sword Bone Virus arrived on the other side of the planet, it developed local mutations and became 'airborne'."

"I suspect that this is the work of those 'old rivals'. Even so, we cannot rule out the possibility that other Lord God Playground players are involved."

Everyone looked very serious, obviously taking this matter very seriously and being very nervous.

Wang Ruoyu, after listening to everyone's reports and opinions, said leisurely: "Don't worry too much about this matter."

"Although the new Sword Bone Virus has the ability to spread through the air, it deteriorates very quickly during the spread of infection."

"Research results show that the Earth does not have a 'good environment' for the Sword Virus to naturally mutate, and the situation will hardly continue to worsen."

"Besides, we already have the [Sword Bone Nemesis] vaccine."

"As long as we keep following up and update it at all times, even if we take [-] steps back, when the situation is the most severe and worst, our citizens will not have to pay for the radical behavior of others."

"Compared to those..."

Wang Ruoyu's eyes fell on a younger spokesperson: "I am more concerned about the [Florida Strange Man] you mentioned just now - he acted alone without any professional training and captured the sword skeleton privately. And imprisoned him in the basement..."

“Is that a citizen scientist?”

The person named responded with a strange look on his face.

"In fact, the sword skeleton was the opposite sex that this person loved but pursued repeatedly to no avail. After he captured the sword skeleton, he wanted to live with him."

"Because this person was stabbed by the sword limb during the private arrest, but did not show any negative symptoms or signs of distortion afterwards, our lurkers believe that he is a [natural sword skeleton virus immune person]."

"Unfortunately, before we had time to act, that person was already captured by Mark F's people."

As soon as the words fell, the hedgehog-headed boy who remained silent throughout the conference room and acted as the mascot couldn't help but put down the two fingers that had been simulating the trajectory of the sword in front of him.

"Damn it! It tastes so strong..."

Hu Fangyan's mind was in a mess, and he felt that his understanding of human beings was still too shallow: "I actually want to live with Jian Gu, and I am really not afraid of death!"

Even Wu Ziqi, who was peeking at the screen, couldn't help but feel that things in the world were strange and unpredictable.

They say "Florida doesn't breed idlers."

Originally, Wu Ziqi thought this was just a joke that netizens liked to join in the fun.

Now it seems that the rumors are indeed true!

Wang Ruoyu pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, his face full of words, "Everyone has a drink of water, take a rest, and prepare for the next agenda."

After all, those Sword Skeletons transformed by the virus were originally ordinary humans on earth who were not diligent in their limbs and could not distinguish between grains and grains.

There is no so-called fighting instinct in their memory and body. Even if they bring a sword that is as sharp as iron and clay, their combat power is low, they are vulnerable to a blow, and the threat they can pose is extremely limited.

Even the least trained and weakest modern armed team can operate at night and clear out all the sword skeletons in a large area!


The recent intensification of the "sword training craze" on the earth has gradually improved the physical fitness of people from all over the world, and at the same time also increased their swordsmanship attainments.

As long as the sample is large enough, anything is possible.

Didn’t someone say that even if you put a monkey in a small dark room and give it a typewriter, it is possible for it to write "One Hundred Years of Solitude"?

Billions of people are practicing swordsmanship. Even if they are practicing blindly without any rules at all, there may not be any chance of mastering a peerless swordsmanship.

When they were humans, the swordsmanship they practiced might only strengthen their bodies and make them healthier.

If they are infected with the virus and turn into sword skeletons, then there is no guarantee that powerful monsters may appear in the second or third level!
Thinking of this, Wang Ruoyu picked up his thermos cup, sipped the tea mixed with [Sword Art No. [-]], and joked: "We are paying close attention to the [Sword and Bones Version of Biohazard], but there is no need to worry too much. .”

"As long as our old rivals don't create mutants like [Super Sword Skeleton] and [Night Walking Sword Skeleton], our earth will be safe and sound, and there won't be any problems!"

Hearing the bespectacled young man raise the flag, Wu Ziqi wanted to laugh.

Can you say this kind of thing casually?

Wu Ziqi kept looking at the screen, listening to the follow-up of the meeting, and obtained a lot of first-hand news and information from the earth.

End of the meeting.

Then he slowly raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man who came to the door of the guest room.

The other party is the current controller of the Duan family, Duan Yingwu!
"Brother Wu, the weather is nice today!"

Duan Yingwu forced a smile on his face and said: "It's better for me to have a few drinks and discuss swords over wine..."

Hearing this, Wu Ziqi directly interrupted the other party's speech: "Don't beat around the bush, just say what you have to say."

"No need to use polite words."

"I don't like to make excuses with others."

Hearing this, Duan Yingwu seemed to be relieved.

He quickly walked into the room and delivered an oil-paper package to Wu Ziqi: "Here is the "Platinum Sword Manual", one of the seven supreme sword techniques of the Sword Pavilion. After being refined, the sword energy will be as intense as a rainbow. It is indestructible and indestructible! Of course, I know that Brother Wu may not need it at all."


"Inside this, there are also cultivation experiences and swordsmanship annotations written by generations of heads of my Duan family!"

"Perhaps, after reading it, I can also draw parallels and gain some inspiration for Brother Wu."

Duan Yingwu had long been accustomed to the "ultra-low emotional intelligence" of the black-eyed boy in front of him and would not feel offended.


In this situation, it doesn't matter whether Wu Ziqi is a [Reserve Sword Head] or not.

By killing two titled swordsmen of the Four Realms one after another, he has proven his worth and strength with the sword in his hand.

Wu Ziqi looked at the other party sideways: "Isn't it just to repay the favor?"

Duan Yingwu seemed to have prepared the draft a long time ago and immediately replied: "I do have something to ask for! I hope Brother Wu can help me overcome this difficult situation!"

"The situation in Xijing has always been complicated. Because of the struggle for interests and power, my family has had enemies for generations."

"Now, the other party takes advantage of the situation and just seizes my property. They also want to commit murder."

Speaking of this, Duan Yingwu looked miserable: "Five members of our clan's handsome men have died tragically under the opponent's sword."

"Without a strong man like you, the Duan family would have been slaughtered like the Tantai family in the Northern Wilderness, and completely exterminated!"

Duan Yingwu was older, but he called Wu Ziqi his brother, considered himself his younger brother, and kept his attitude very low.

He is not strong enough, and the Duan family has been in bad luck recently, suffering from bad luck one after another.

Duan Yingwu must work ten times harder if he wants to overcome the difficulties and preserve his family's bloodline.

Hearing this, Wu Ziqi was noncommittal and said: "I don't care whether your two families are right or wrong, at least..."

"I found that under your supervision, the surviving members of the Duan family did not kill innocent people or bully the people - you did a good job and successfully reversed the bad impression left by Duan Yingqi and the Duan family ancestors on me."

Duan Yingwu looked miserable. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start. He could only sigh repeatedly.

"Hey...my abilities are still a little behind."

The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

The ancestor and the seventh sister are both weird. One makes friends with gangsters and stabs his best friends in the back, while the other kills innocent people indiscriminately and makes swords out of people.

Even if the two were dead, they would still leave a mess for him to deal with. What could he do?
Since you enjoy everything from the Duan family, you naturally have to bear corresponding obligations.

Duan Yingwu couldn't control the bad things of his ancestors, at least Duan Yingqi, the seventh sister of the same generation, Duan Yingwu couldn't restrain her bad behavior during her lifetime.

In Duan Yingwu's view, it was his own fault - he was guilty of lax discipline.

Wu Ziqi's voice woke him up from his annoyance: "There must be four realms on the other side!"

"Otherwise, you wouldn't have come so humbly to beg me."

He pondered for a moment and said: "The clan leaders, ministers and elders of the major families have all been recruited by Jiange."

"As an exception, the hostile force you mentioned is not afraid of offending [Crazy Sword Head] and putting the entire family into a situation that is beyond redemption?"

Duan Yingwu touched his nose and said with a wry smile: "That person's situation is quite special."

"He was once recognized as a swordsman genius here in Xijing. He advanced as easily as eating and drinking. It was hard to compare to him. He can be called a dragon or a phoenix among people."

"However, his swordsmanship was frustrated in his early years, and he suddenly lost his talent. He sank into depravity and failed to recover. He became a "waste" known to the world."

"For many years, everyone has known that he has long abandoned his cultivation, indulged in pleasure, and never practiced swordsmanship."

"He has been patient for many years, but now he is finally willing to show his fangs and show his true ability!"

"As an [untitled] swordsman of the Four Realms, he has never been seriously injured and his limbs are sound. He is definitely stronger than Guan Zhaoyang who has not recovered his strength!"

"I can't say for sure. He is stronger than Wanyan Yuwei. He is definitely the type whose strength is greater than his fame!"

The more Duan Yingwu talked, the more unsure he became, full of sorrow, depressed, and demoralized.

He even couldn't help but start to wonder if God was going to destroy his Duan family.

After hearing these words, Wu Ziqi chuckled: "Interesting!"

Isn't this a coincidence?
The enemies Duan Yingwu mentioned just now are simply standard [Protagonist Templates].

A genius loses his talent and becomes a known [waste]...

This scene is too familiar.

You must go there in person and take a good look!

If the opponent has a [Plane Anomaly], or even if that person himself is an anomaly, wouldn't that earn him a player quota limit?
Wu Ziqi was still thinking before. If he took the players directly to the mission of [Exploring the Sword Pavilion] at this stage, he would have to at least reach the fourth realm to be safe.

After all, the achievements of sword heads in the past are somewhat exaggerated.

As far as Wu Ziqi knows, anyone who has obtained the title of [Sword Head], no matter which titled swordsman they fight, can kill him instantly with one move!

No exceptions!

As long as the second move is made, it will be considered so embarrassing that one can withdraw from the group directly.

Although the name of [Crazy Sword Head] is not very pleasant, and he is most likely the last king of Jiange, the last afterglow, but no matter what, he is a big shot with the same background in this world.

It is no exaggeration to say that he possesses the strength of "invincible in the same situation"!

If you regard this kind of person as a potential opponent, you must maintain enough patience and attention!
The consequence of underestimating the enemy and being careless is that all players will be killed by others, the development progress of the Lord God Playground will be cleared, and everything will have to start over.

Wu Ziqi is not a Gou King with no sense of existence, nor is he a reckless man who breaks through the southern wall and never looks back.

He has flexible bottom lines and operating principles, and is good at flexibility.

just now……

After listening to Duan Yingwu's words, Wu Ziqi was like a sleepy person meeting a pillow, and immediately found a better way to solve the problem.

Taking over the "Platinum Sword Codex" secret book and training experience notes from the other party, Wu Ziqi said firmly: "I will take this matter."

"The time is set for tomorrow morning!"

At this point, there is no need to painstakingly conceive new tasks by yourself, they can be delivered directly to your door.


As soon as Duan Yingwu got the answer he wanted, before he could be happy, he heard Wu Ziqi say: "I have some important things recently and I can't get out of it."

"My friends, will come and take care of this."

"When the time comes, just be responsible for leading the way!"

Duan Yingwu was stunned by these words.


Could it be the two people who fought with Scarlet Demon Swordsman Zhaoyang in the Forbidden Forest a day ago?
Although their swordsmanship is unique and they can quickly release strange and powerful sword energy, one of them has lost his right hand and the other has lost his dominant arm, so their strength is greatly reduced...

Could it be that [Long Xiang Tianjiao] Gu Qiulan came forward to challenge the Jing family?
"How can this be good..."

Let’s not talk about Duan Yingwu, who is worried about gains and losses.

Gu Qiulan was in the dragon carriage, immersed in the vast sea of ​​earth's knowledge, eager to increase his total knowledge reserve.

Wu Ziqi, on the other hand, was very motivated and completed the sculpture of his royal vest and trumpet overnight.

The timbre of the voice, the expression and demeanor, the charm of the temperament...

In terms of details, everything is finalized one by one, harmonious and balanced, and perfect!

The next morning.


The girl in white who had just finished washing suddenly had two pieces of information appear in her mind.

[Team players Hu Fangyan and Wang Ruoyu are about to travel to the world of "The Last Sword Head". 】

[You can choose whether to team up with them, evaluate them simultaneously, and participate in this mission. 】

Today's player No. 9 Tantai Rouze has been recuperated and is full of energy, and the fatigue of the past is no longer visible on his face.

In the eyes of the girl in white, the divine light was restrained: "Did Mr. Wu not be mentioned at all in the team collaboration mission?"

"So, even in the same mission world or even the same mission location, if players have different [Personal Hidden Evaluations], the content of the missions they can receive may also be different..."

Tantai Rouze, who had only rested for about six days and whose vacation was not yet over, just thought about it briefly and gave the answer: "I will join!"

She longs for the power to gain insight into the truth and complete revenge, so she will naturally not refuse any challenge that can bring huge rewards!

The next moment, Tantai Rouze felt like the world was spinning, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

Hu Fangyan and Wang Ruoyu were teleported five meters in front of her.

Before they had time to ponder the information about this mission, a arrogant male voice sounded in the ears of the three of them.

"Are you the new members of [Miko Lacquer Team]? His vision is as bad as ever!"

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  Brothers and sisters, see you tomorrow! (▽)!

(End of this chapter)

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