Lord God, start!

Chapter 71 71 "I am science!"

Chapter 71 71 "I am science!"

Wu Ziqi's goal was very clear, and he wanted to rush to the top floor of the 33rd floor of the sword pavilion immediately, face the [Elderly Fallen Sword Head], and have a good fight with him.

But you must abide by the time you set.

Since it has been agreed a long time ago that the players will be given seven months of rest, it must be no more and no less, exactly seven months, without any compromise.

Although Wu Ziqi's moral bottom line is relatively flexible, he unexpectedly keeps his promises and credibility when it comes to granting holidays and rewards.

Anyway, one day in the Jianshou world is equivalent to one month in the Earth world.

Because Li Shanhe, the leader of the sword, has fallen into a state of madness and has no interest in world affairs, the sword pavilion is now leaderless.

In the last month, Wu Ziqi still gave all countries sufficient preparation time, so that the death squads they sent out were of better quality and better equipped.

Even in order to highlight the high importance he attached to it, Wu Ziqi publicly stated this time that unlike the previous two times, the [travel location] he chose was on the high seas of the earth.

In this strange area, any country can come with battleships and aircraft carrier groups loaded with guns and ammunition.

Wu Ziqi only felt that it was a pity that the final chapter of the song "The Last Sword Head" took place in the sword pavilion instead of at sea.

Otherwise, these sea and air firepower technology coverage weapons from the earth can exert their full power.

Compared with the process of issuing the notice and the responses of various countries, there are basically no major differences between them, so there is no need to elaborate.

However, while waiting for time to pass, Wu Ziqi noticed something interesting.

——Among the more than 2 surviving players who returned to Earth in the second batch, there was an American. After returning from the return journey, the growth rate of sword charm in his body was far beyond what normal humans could achieve.

Far more than the so-called geniuses, even the geniuses would feel inferior compared to him, the difference is huge!
Because of this blind spot, Wu Ziqi paid special attention and found that there was a huge difference in the opponent's mental power fluctuations compared with before, so he made some assumptions in his mind.

and so……

When Wang Ruoyu took the initiative to contact Wu Ziqi and expressed that he wanted to seriously discuss matters related to the final battle mission of Jiange Exploration, he mentioned this matter casually.

"You can pay a little attention to that person named Miriam Reinhardt."

"Some people may look the same on the outside, but what's underneath their skin has been completely changed."

In Wu Ziqi's view, Miriam Reinhardt had actually died in another world long ago.

If Scarlet Demon Swordmaster Zhaoyang is a [Fake Body Seizer], which is essentially a [Small Plane Abnormal Point Manifestation Item] imitating and replicating the powerful intelligent creatures it has come into contact with, then...

Miriam Reinhardt, who has returned to Earth now, is nothing more than a fake wearing his own skin.

Although Wang Ruoyu was puzzled, he immediately arranged for the people below to intercept the person who was about to leave the customs.

For this matter, many staff members of the relevant departments of the two forces even came to blows, as if they were going to use all their weapons and fight on the spot.

But Miriam Reinhardt himself waited quietly without saying a word.

This non-staff player who had a drastic change in temperament and was tragically taken away from his body was originally extremely patriotic. In addition to lacking charisma and being more powerful, his appearance and temperament are somewhat similar to Captain America in the Avengers. He is one of the strongest among the second-level transformation bodies.

Many forces gradually realized that this person might have some huge secrets hidden in him, so regardless of Sanqi 21, they began to participate in the fight for Miriam Reinhardt, trying to get a share of the pie.

Even if you can't let him join your own forces, at least, adhering to the international humanitarian principles of the great human civilization on earth, give him a physical examination, draw dozens of tubes of blood, perform ten bone marrow punctures, and take out four or five kilograms of brain tissue. It doesn’t hurt, right?
Adhering to the mentality of "if there are dates or no dates, let's take a shot", many countries have been involved in it.

The force that occupies the geographical advantage and offers the most outrageous conditions is naturally the force represented by Wang Ruoyu.

Representatives from various countries watched eagerly, sitting upright with serious expressions.

Wang Ruoyu, who was wearing military uniform and arrived at the scene in time, stared contemptuously at the cap-locked second-level Washington reformer representative opposite.

He pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said politely, but with a firm tone that left no room for argument: "Splitting this person equally is our bottom line. You can only keep half of Miriam Reinhardt at most."

If the other side sends ordinary people as representatives, they are not even qualified to speak in front of Wang Ruoyu, and their spiritual defenses will be crushed bit by bit by his momentum.

Even the earth's current achievements in transforming alienated people can only compete with him.

Although everyone is in the second level, Wang Ruoyu's background and strength are many times stronger than his opponent, and he can continue to improve through practice, while his opponent's upper limit and potential are all locked, and there is no room for progress and improvement. .

This allows him to maintain his psychological advantage.

Hearing Wang Ruoyu's speech, Washington's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

He almost immediately said words like "goodness, goodness," and "a man should keep his promise."

At worst, use a chainsaw to cut Miriam Reinhardt in half, take away the left half and the right half, and both parties will be satisfied. Wouldn't it be beautiful?
His greed made him want to continue struggling for a while to gain more benefits.

Miriam Reinhardt, who had been silent all this time, finally couldn't help it and spoke: "The moral bottom line of you humans in the "Earth" world is much lower than I expected!"

"The owner of this body, after all, fought for the earth, and sacrificed himself for the development and continuation of civilization. As a result, you don't care at all whether he still has consciousness, and they will treat him as a commodity and divide him up directly!"

As soon as this "Captain America with the wrong points" opened his mouth, he suddenly spoke the universal lingua franca of "The Last Sword" with smooth words and no accent.

All representatives from various countries present were stunned.

Facing the Washington representative who came close to him, Miriam Reinhardt just glared and said two classic English sentences: "Fuck Squid!" (Fuck you!)
"Squid three evil moans Bichi!" (You son of a bitch!)

After a barrage of insults, the other party rolled aside in embarrassment. Miriam Reinhardt then looked at Wang Ruoyu and seamlessly switched back to the universal language of the last sword: "King!"

"I know that to a certain extent, you can represent the will of a huge force on the earth."

"Now that the matter has come to this, I won't hide it, I will just open the skylight and speak out."

Miriam Reinhardt sighed a very long breath, as if he wanted to spit out all his masculine energy.

Then, he shook his head, his eyes dimmed slightly, and he chose to show off his cards directly: "The owner of this body had already died in the battle during the invasion of Jiange."

"And I am a swordsman belonging to the Four Realms of Jiange. You can call me 'Ying Guangjun'!"

"No need to say more about my title."

"I was killed by the three moves of [Blue Thunder Thunder], and I no longer have the face to mention that title again."

After pondering for a moment, he was ashamed to talk about his past and said quietly: "I used a self-created semi-finished soul secret method, abandoned my body, highly condensed and compressed my will and spiritual power, and turned myself into a The spiritual sword, wrapped in the sword's rhyme, forcibly pierced and occupied this newly dead body!"

This is the truth. Originally, he thought that even if he was locked in this body, he would no longer be able to cultivate to the maximum potential, and it would not matter if he lost money. At least he could save a small life. As long as he could survive, he would have unlimited hope and hope in the future. possible.

Who knows, plans can't keep up with changes.

When he created the "Ying Jun Shi Shen Jian" method of soul seizing, the theory was perfect and there were no flaws. He thought there would be no problems, but when he actually put it into practice, he found that he was still wrong.

The remaining, incomplete knowledge of the earth in his mind told him that theory must be combined with practice to truly create a perfect swordsmanship!
As he spoke, Ying Guangjun's face gradually turned pale: "I kept silent before, because I was concentrating on trying to mobilize the sword charm and heal the injury."

"Now, after treatment, this body is no longer seriously injured. At least, it is not fatal! But..."

"But I found that my mental strength was rapidly weakening!"

"The secret method I created to seize the body failed after all!"

"In other words, I will soon have a nervous breakdown, my soul will be shattered, and I will die completely!"

Although Wu Ziqi was only responsible for provoking troubles and not solving them. He was not at the scene, but was eating three small steamed buns at a Shaxian snack, but he also used the power of destiny to peek at the screen and pay attention to the situation here. .

Representatives from various countries cannot fully trust the claims of the travelers who smuggled themselves to Earth.

But Wu Ziqi believed it.

He had long noticed that the growth of Ying Guangjun's sword skills was extremely abnormal, and that his mental power and physical power were completely out of balance, and he paid a very serious price for it.

Ying Guangjun's soul felt like a punctured water balloon, slowly and irreversibly spraying water outwards.

And those "waters" are the source of his soul and spiritual power.

Although this man was not very strong, and in terms of pure combat power, he might even be inferior to [Eternal Flame] Le Yiqing, but Wu Ziqi still admired him quite a lot.

After all, he is a man who can create his own body-seizing technique in the ordinary world of martial arts.

Even if someone fails, their spirit is commendable.

His inevitable death made Wu Ziqi feel a little regretful.

And Ying Guangjun himself, after the showdown, looked like a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water, and was extremely arrogant: "Now, everyone, shut up and listen to my long story!"

"I have very important information that I want to share with you - although I hate you earthlings who are inherently evil, I have to admit that if you want to save my beloved world, you must rely on your greed and your technology. strength!"

Because it was spoken in the common language of the world, except for Wang Ruoyu, all the representatives from various countries present had a hard time listening, but Ying Guangjun didn't care.

Through the memory that has not disappeared in the body, Ying Guangjun knows that there are things called "recorders" and "video recorders" on the earth, which can save all his words and deeds, and then play and watch them over and over again afterwards.

Therefore, Ying Guangjun said very quickly: "Every word I say next is true!"

"In the world I live in, the human race first gained extraordinary power, expelled demons and drove them into the deep sea, because they were blessed by the [Primal Sword Wood]."

"It's similar to the process in which green plants on Earth absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen through chloroplasts. Maybe there's something wrong with my explanation, but that's probably what it means."

"——[Original Sword Wood] swallows the 'filthy mortal energy' and releases the 'Sword Spirit Energy'. All those affected by it have energy called Sword Rhythm within their bodies."

"The human race learned how to cast and use the 'sword', and the first batch of strong human race masters who mastered supernatural power came into being."

"In countless bloody battles with demons, the strongest man and recognized leader of the human race was born."

"The first-generation swordsman started from scratch, led everyone, cut through thorns and thorns, created the sword pavilion, and finally led the human race to stand on top of the world!"

"However, starting hundreds of years ago, the [Original Sword Wood] that helped the human race rise has gradually begun to bring destruction and disaster to the human race!"

Speaking of this, Ying Guangjun's face turned pale and bloodless: "At that time, the original sword wood had already taken root, matured completely, and began to deeply influence the whole world!"

"The excessively high concentration of sword spirit energy will automatically transform most swordsmen who are not protected by the dark pattern field of the "Cang Ming Annihilation Sword" into sword skeletons that retain their sword skills in life and only know how to kill."

"The 25th generation swordsman Yue Shicheng who once 'died of a mysterious illness', in order to solve this problem, once promoted and popularized the "Cang Ming Annihilation Sword" to the whole people!"

"While practicing the Cang Ming Annihilation Sword is not immune to the Sword Skeleton Virus, nor can it reverse the process of turning a person into a monster, it can suppress the natural transformation process from a swordsman to a Sword Skeleton on a large scale."

"It's a pity that the compassionate Mr. Yue couldn't save the world by himself. He tried to weaken the original sword wood, but was killed by its backlash!"

Ying Guangjun's face turned ashen, and his body began to exude a rotten aura like that of a dead person: "Mr. Li Shanhe, who the world calls [Madman] and [Crazy Swordhead], is actually the same as the swordsheads of all generations, he is a sage who cares about the human race." , is the last afterglow of Jiange. In order to save the world, he did everything he could..."

"In order to suppress the distortion and corrosion of the world by [Original Sword Wood], Li Jianshou willingly assimilated with it and accepted its erosion. His will was twisted by the Original Sword Wood, and he also mastered inhuman power."

"The legend of [The Fifth Realm of Swordsmanship] is just the delusion of some storytellers."


"Although Li Jianshou is still in the fourth realm, his strength far exceeds the limit of any storyteller's imagination!"

"All conventional killing methods cannot harm him at all!"

Wu Ziqi felt that after a long period of development, the original sword wood that could have a huge impact on the entire world would most likely be the [medium-sized plane anomaly] he had been looking for.


Ying Guangjun took a breath and took a deep breath of air, as if trying to save his own life: "Destroy the sword pavilion!"

"Give Jian Shou some relief..."

"He was so deeply affected by the original sword wood that he could no longer control his own degeneration and transformation."

"Don't let the sword head turn into the monster he hates most - this is my last prayer!"

Ying Guangjun, who was dying, said seriously: "If you still want to explore the sword pavilion, you must come up with the strongest and ultimate weapon on earth!"

"...Although I don't know why this body's broken memory gave the most powerful weapon the strange label [Japanese antonym of skinny old man], but..."

"Listen to my advice, otherwise, you will definitely lose!"

As for how to use the ultimate weapon of the earth, so that the mushroom bombs will not be intercepted by the automatic defense sword formation of Jiange with colorful sword light?

That is not a question that Ying Guangjun has the energy to think about.

Let’s leave the problem to the people on earth!

Different from his colleagues like Zhang Jinyi of the Dark Fire Sword and Yan Lingyu of the Ice Frost Sky, who were in their positions but did not perform their duties, Ying Guangjun had received Jiange education since he was a child, and he had a good foundation and correct thoughts.

Now, he has tried his best for the human race...

It is impossible to reverse the general trend, either because it is impossible to do anything, or because it is beyond our power!

When representatives from various countries were salivating over the original sword wood and coveting it, Wang Ruoyu reacted immediately: "Ying Guangjun, you want us to destroy the sword pavilion and help the crazy sword leader Li Shanhe free himself, yes! But! , we want the [Soul Seizing Method] you created!"

Wang Ruoyu still feels that maximizing his life-saving ability is the most correct approach.

As an official player of the Lord God's Playground, he does not need the original sword wood at all to touch a higher level of extraordinary realm, and even become a real immortal Buddha, with immortality and endless lifespan!

Ying Guangjun tried hard to maintain his breathing, and large areas of corpse spots gradually appeared on his face and neck, showing signs that he was about to die soon.

He held his breath, his face turned red, and he reflected back: "Okay! I'm dead anyway!"

"Before I die, if I can pass on the swordsmanship I created and gain a glimmer of hope and dawn for my compatriots, I will be able to smile!"

"The content of "Ying Jun's World Sword" is not much. It mainly requires extremely high levels of swordsmanship and mental talent..."

He opened and closed his mouth, and quickly finished reciting the half-finished Soul Condensation Sword method he had created to seize the body, and then died suddenly.

Wu Ziqi, who was watching the screen intensively throughout the entire process, felt that this person was good at inventions and creations, and his character was not bad, so he was quite valuable, so he did some tricks.

Before Ying Guangjun died, Wu Ziqi did some tentative rescue operations, hoping that after Ying Guangjun survived, he would work hard for himself to repay this life-saving kindness.

"The soul, after all, is also within the categories of matter, information and energy!"

"There's no reason why humans can transmit and receive, but souls can't!"

Thinking like this, Wu Ziqi started his own [little soul experiment].

The first step is to use the magical power of fate as a medium to capture "Ying Guangjun's escaped soul" and transmit it back to himself.

The second step is to race this fragmented, chaotic, and incomplete soul power into Ying Guangjun's original corpse.That's right!Ying Guangjun and his three fellow titled swordsmen were all killed by [Blue Thunder Thunder] Ao Qiuluan, and their bodies naturally fell into Wu Ziqi's hands as trophies.

The third step is to activate the Qing Emperor's Sky-Building Sword Technique, breed the vigorous sword charm, and restore its damaged corpse. Ying Guangjun was extremely lucky. He was not able to learn the Qing Emperor's Sky-Building Sword during his lifetime, only because of his broken heart. He died miserably from a minor injury.

But now, this flaw has become one of the many opportunities for his resurrection.

Seeing Ying Guangjun's body gradually regaining its color but still not waking up, Wu Ziqi knew that his [little soul experiment] was not successful this time.

However, this at least accumulated valuable experience for myself, and...

Ying Guangjun also retained a glimmer of hope for recovery.

Wu Ziqi, who was wandering around the earth, found a nearby cold storage.

He simply threw Ying Guangjun and his three colleagues who had lost their souls into the ice and froze them roughly.

He plans to wait until the technology matures in the future, and then let Ying Guangjun wake up and work for him to repay his kindness - even if he allows Ying Guangjun to stay in the Last Sword Head World to protect his foundation, it would be good!

As for what should be done if human cells are broken and deconstructed due to freezing causing cell volume to expand?
Wu Ziqi was too lazy to waste his brain cells on this kind of thing. He felt that by that time, his attainments in the "Blue Emperor's Sky-Mending Sword" would probably have made further progress and reached a higher level, or perhaps , has mastered more powerful healing abilities, and there is no need to worry about such things.

If Ying Guangjun still died due to factors such as "the relevant departments received the report and exhumed four corpses for thawing"...

Even if he is not lucky enough, he will die!However, this kind of thing probably won't happen. The people under Wang Ruoyu have already discovered his actions. Next, they will definitely block this area to prevent other departments from getting involved in this kind of thing.

After the episode of his first soul experiment, Wu Ziqi went to a Sichuan restaurant and ordered delicacies such as Mapo tofu, twice-cooked pork, Kung Pao chicken, couple's lung slices, fish-flavored shredded pork, Dongpo elbow, spicy chicken, etc. While enjoying the delicacies of my hometown, I continue to "watch dramas".

At "the place where Ying Guangjun died," representatives from various countries are still arguing fiercely about how this precious [Specimen of Alien Travelers] should be distributed.

The representative from Washington, who is not strong but has a tough mouth, said that the final battle in Jiange must be their home court, and at the same time, he worked hard like a peacock to show off his achievements.

"We invented [Super Sword Bone Toxin]! Monsters infected with the related virus are many times stronger than the ordinary ones before!"

"We also created [Nightcrawler]! We successfully fixed the bug that the sword skeletons could not move freely for 24 hours, and enhanced their strength, speed and defense!"

"We have even updated the supernatural individual transformation technology, so that the transformers can obtain normal physical fitness comparable to a second-level swordsman without having to transform. With customized thermal weapons, they have full coverage of near, medium and long range, without any shortcomings. , simply invincible at the same level!”

Of course, except for the first two, these so-called research results can never be shared or traded in other aspects. They are their core technologies.

After watching them quarreling for a while, Wu Ziqi stopped paying attention. After finishing foraging, he started his sojourn life.

Because of the pressure from the sword head, he, who had always been lazy, also practiced seriously during this month, fully honing in on the various extraordinary techniques he had mastered.

In the world of Sword Head, one day flies by in a blink of an eye.

The agreed deadline has come.

Earth, above a certain high sea.

Wearing a pure black shirt, Wu Ziqi put his hands in his pockets, his figure frozen in the sky, imprinted in the sky.

He lowered his head and looked down...

Elite non-staff players from various countries arrived one after another.

It doesn't matter the quality of these one-time suicide squads, or cannon fodder. After all, no matter how high their quality is, even to the extreme, they are only at the level of two realms of extraordinary beings.

If what Ying Guangjun said is true and the information given has a high degree of authenticity, then when facing the sword leader Li Shanhe, even the ordinary three realms and four realms are nothing more than cannon fodder!

Wu Ziqi's real expectation for these people is that the forces behind them can bring benefits to him and improve the success rate of his strategy.

In the final analysis, the objects he traded were the cultural heritage, crystallization of wisdom and violent creations specially designed for destruction between the earth's industrialization era and the great swordsmanship era!

——Just through the mental power sweep, Wu Ziqi quickly realized that the purpose of his group had been achieved.

The strategic ships, aircraft carriers and other vehicles of various countries are filled with a variety of top thermal weapons.

Even among them, Mikoqi saw mushroom bombs!
Not one.

Not two.

But three in total!

To be honest, Wu Ziqi had never imagined that it would develop to this extent before seeing it with his own eyes.

Before the era of great swordsmanship reaches its peak, they are still the ultimate strategic weapons that deter the world.

Originally, Wu Ziqi could be sure that only one was approved by Wang Ruoyu who tried his best to apply for it.

Now it seems that at least three parties have shown their own courage!

Countries that want to reach the top of the world and climb to the top of the world usually look serious.

At the critical moment, who is not crazy?

Although the yield of these three ultimate weapons of the earth is not too large, they are definitely enough for fixed-point tactical blasting!

Taking into account the existence of about a thousand non-staff players, the special environment, launch medium restrictions and many other factors, in order to avoid the funny situation of "the explosion radius is greater than the launch distance"...

These three ultimate weapons of the earth have been carefully selected!

It can be said that they are the most perfect models for use in the current situation, and there is no one more suitable than them!

As for how to launch...

Both of them chose the method of delayed blasting - stay away from the sword pavilion and protect themselves so that they can bring back more precious extraordinary materials and otherworldly materials!
Wu Ziqi's voice resounded across the sea, and even the air seemed to vibrate with it: "Since everyone is here, let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone who was armed to the teeth was teleported to the Sword Head World.

[Background: The truth of the world slowly unfolds before your eyes, and you seem to gradually understand it all. 】

[Task content: Enter the third floor of Jiange No. 30, complete the exploration from beginning to end. 】

[Reward: Unknown (settled based on task contribution). 】

[Time limit: One natural day in the world of "The Last Sword Head". 】

[Punishment: None. 】

[Hint: The most powerful person in this world is there, he has never left. 】

Xijing, Jiange.

Not only was the 32nd floor filled with people and equipment, but the 31st, 30th, and 29th floors were all filled to the brim.

Tanks, multifunctional infantry vehicles, artillery...

Wu Ziqi noticed an interesting situation.

——The [Traverser Legion] from the earth has divided into three routes: A, B, and C.

It is impossible to get forces from various countries to work together and move in the same direction.

No commander on the scene had that high a reputation.

Wu Ziqi himself was too lazy to give orders, so...

The non-staff players from Earth who crowded the top four floors were almost immediately divided into three completely different factions.

People on line A believe that since everyone has been fighting for this matter for more than 20 months, this matter should come to a complete end.

To achieve this, we should rush into the 33rd floor collectively - if the sword leader Li Shanhe is not as powerful as Ying Guangjun claims, and is still a mortal body in nature, reckless bombardment and saturation firepower will only lead to the destruction of the sword pavilion. Destroyed!
At the same time, the most precious and rare extraordinary materials and scientific research materials at the top will be destroyed.

Even if they can successfully complete the exploration, they will not gain much benefit.

After all, only official players with numbers can get the Lord God Playground Weekly rewards. If they don't work hard, it's like traveling to another world for a day, getting nothing, and returning empty-handed.

Among the representatives who raised their hands in favor of this plan is Player No. 5 Hu Fangyan!

The hedgehog-headed boy was excited and full of passion: "Sword head, Li Shanhe!"

"That's the [Sword Head] who has been living in the 'mission background'!"

"When I think about being an enemy of that kind of being who stands on top of the world, I feel like my whole body is about to burst into flames!"

"I may not be his opponent now, but... one move!"

"Even if I can only fight him once, I'll be satisfied!"

After all, Hu Fangyan is a guy who talks about his dream of "I want to become the strongest transcendent on earth" all day long. It is reasonable for him to have such an idea.

In the mind of the hedgehog-headed boy, this is an epic battle!
You can even give it a news title of "Earth's Strongest in the Future VS The Last Sword Head, The World's Strongest Today".

Some people on route B believe that the best solution is to deploy firepower on each floor and outside the sword pavilion in advance, then step into the sword pavilion and escape immediately!

The reason given by those who encourage everyone to do this is that [Original Sword Wood] can release the so-called "Sword Spirit Qi" and transform people's bodies and genes. The closer you are to the Original Sword Wood, the greater your harvest will be!
As for whether they want others to die and dig up the original sword tree by the roots and bring it back to the earth, or whether they want to cut off a few branches at random, that is unknown.

Although Tantai Rouze, the feared No. 9 player, did not speak, he also approved of this plan!
She is very grateful to the Lord God's Playground for changing her destiny and helping her complete her revenge.

If possible, Tantai Rouze will work hard to complete every task given by the Lord God Playground and seize every opportunity to become stronger, but wants to control the risks to a minimum.

Using people's greed and desire for the original sword wood to complete this mission can be considered a smooth sailing.

Those on route C believe that you shouldn’t go to the 33rd floor at all. Just one look at it just makes you think your life is too long!

The representative figure of this strategy plan is Wang Ruoyu, who is earnestly admonishing his companions: "Have you still not noticed? This mission failed, and the punishment is actually 'nothing'!"

"There's not even 'player rating reduced'!"

"This just shows that the difficulty of the task has reached an unexpected level!"

"Perhaps Captain Wu Ziqi is qualified to participate, but inexperienced players like us shouldn't take this risk!"

“My advice is, run as far as possible!”

"When the time comes, stay at the extreme distance and cooperate with the ultimate weapon we brought from the earth to bomb at regular intervals! Then it depends on the situation!"

The bespectacled young man who has always been greedy for life and afraid of death, and regards his life above all else, feels that survival is the most important thing, and there is no need to force it!

Three thoughts, three different choices!

None of them could convince each other.

In this impasse situation, [courage] naturally trumps everything else.

Wu Ziqi chose route A without hesitation, taking the lead, overcoming all difficulties, walking at the forefront, and blazing a trail!

He forced everyone to take action - even if the Earth Traveler Group was divided into three parts, everyone was no longer in a stalemate.

"Hey! [Senior Player] from the God's Playground, Wu Ziqi!"

The person who called for a halt to Wu Ziqi is a genuine transcendent who was born on earth!
This man's name is Damiano Tate.

He is 1.9 meters tall, with dark skin, clear muscle lines like sculptures, slender eyebrows, a body as strong as steel, and broad and straight shoulders, giving people a sense of stability, honesty, and reliability.

As the captain of the [Superman Dream Team], he is many times more powerful than the idol star who often appears on TV and in the news media. He is a true team bully and often bullies his teammates.

But those second-level transformers who were bullied by him dared to be angry and dare not speak out.

Because Damiano Tate is really fierce!
His strength cannot be revealed without bragging!

Strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, defense, explosive power...

Damiano Tate, who was almost perfect in every aspect, after hammering three members of the "Superman Dream Team" to death, no one dared to stab him again.

Today, Tate has broken many Earth Olympics world records.

Except for the [-]-meter dash, which was repeatedly broken by Hu Fangyan, all world records can be easily broken if he is willing.

Damiano Tate quickly rushed to Wu Ziqi: "I am Tate from Nevada. I think that since everyone is from the earth and we have to do team work next, we should use freedom And choose a captain in a fair way!"

Wu Ziqi glanced at him and said in a cold tone: "Do you want to vote?"

Damiano Tate shook his head: "No! Before I really set off, I want to test your strength first and see if you are enough to lead us and attack Jiange!"

As he spoke, he clenched his fists without waiting for Wu Ziqi to respond, and an energy similar to the rhyme of the sword but with a completely different essence accumulated and compressed in his body.

"I will only make one move next, but I will go all out!"

The [Life Strength Detection Instrument] shows that his energy value can not only crush other members of the Superman Dream Team, but is even slightly higher than Miko Lacquer!

Although he said it nicely, Damiano Tate actually wanted to test whether there was a chance to give Wu Ziqi a hard blow, causing more injuries to this veteran player of the Lord God's Playground.

What's more, if it happens that a critical hit will seriously injure Wu Ziqi, making Wu Ziqi appear weak, Tate will just take a gamble and make up for the "miss" with a fatal trample.

Maybe, he could make Wu Ziqi die on the spot!
For Damiano Tate, who was so confident that he once smashed seven hills in a row just to practice boxing...

You don’t have to explore the Jiange!
The earth doesn’t have to come back!

You can live very well even if you stay in another world!
And that mysterious country in the east shouldn't have such a powerful extraordinary individual as Wu Ziqi!

Damiano Tate believes that there is original sin in Wu Ziqi!

Although he has been warned many times by his superiors not to act rashly, Damiano Tate still stubbornly believes that as long as such a powerful Miko lacquer is alive, it is a provocation to his motherland and is an extremely uncontrollable dangerous factor. !
Even if this attempt failed, it could not expose the flaws of Wu Ziqi...

Even if it's not today, not tomorrow, one day in the future, he will become the hero who kills Wu Ziqi!
With the determination to kill, Damiano Tate exploded with all his body, gathered a ferocious punch with enough power to shatter a hill, and suddenly landed on Wu Ziqi's chest.

The strong wind was raging, causing several earthlings who were relatively close to cover their faces.

The sound was like the sound of exploding artillery shells, making people feel like their ears were ringing.

It's a pity that this punch that he was determined to win failed to break the defense.

This is the extraordinary quality of "Human Emperor Midi Sword" and the wonderful function of "Immortal Barrier"!
Even the black shirt on Wu Ziqi's body was intact and well protected by him.

Wu Ziqi's cold, dead eyes fell on Damiano Tate, and he praised him: "The murderous intention is well hidden. Now, you can die."

The values ​​on the contact lenses worn by Damiano Tate changed crazily.

Alarm bells rang in his heart, and he backed away while saying in disbelief: "Why? How could your life intensity soar so much in a short period of time?"

"This unscientific!"

Wu Ziqi glanced over, and the fate derivative skill [Erasure] was activated instantly!
In the novels I have read, the method of erasure by the original Lord God is just to make people's bodies explode.

Wuziqi can now do more!

Not to mention the body exploding, he can even extract the soul and refine the soul!
of course……

The prerequisite for launching these fateful derivative skills is that a bound player is not far away from Wu Ziqi.

For example now...

Damiano Tate was still saying "unscientific", but Wu Ziqi suddenly changed his mind. The destructive sword rhyme derived from "Nanmingli Fire Sword" was directly sent to the "Superman Dream Team" The skull of the first black captain directly ignited his brain.

In an instant, Damiano Tate's brain burned to ashes.

From his eyes, orange-red flames and pitch-black ashes spurted out.

As a result, the fate of this provocateur was naturally to die suddenly and lose his life.

Looking at the opponent with a "killing" look, Wu Ziqi hung one hand on the hilt of the sword hanging at his waist, with a calm expression and said leisurely: "I am science."

As long as the seven supreme swordsmanships are gathered together, one can transform one's own genes through one's own will, perfect the body, and evolve into the [Ultimate Human].

This is not biological science, what is it?
During the second Earth Traveler Group's attack on Jiange, Wu Ziqi, who was still in the third realm, had already taken the opportunity to confirm that the upper limit of [Erasure] was used for extraordinary beings of the same level. For those of higher realms, The enemy is useless!
After breaking through to the four realms, as long as the players are in the nearby area, then the obliteration can naturally be used on any titled swordsman.

As soon as I thought of this, I immediately took action.

Under the attention of everyone, the black-eyed boy put his hands in his pockets, stepped out, and entered the third floor of No. 30.

Wu Ziqi climbed to the top of the sword pavilion and took the lead in completing the final exploration of this place.

Now, Wu Ziqi really wants to know whether Li Shanhe, the [Episode Sword Head] who claimed that "all conventional killing methods cannot harm him at all" after being corroded and assimilated by the original sword wood, can hold the earth. bombing with three ultimate weapons.

If the other party can withstand it, then...

When you take out [Erase], the sword that stands at the top of this world, how should you deal with it?
(This chapter has 10733 words! Please vote for the monthly ticket! It is said that if you join the book club group, you have a chance to receive the sword spirit energy generated by the original sword tree↓)
 My friend, see you tomorrow! (ω)!
(End of this chapter)

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