Lord God, start!

Chapter 88 88 "That's it!" X4

Chapter 88 88 "That's it!" X4 (7K big chapter)

As soon as Internet chatter Hu Fangyan saw her statement, he raised his own question in the encrypted chat group at the speed of light: "The contender for the Lord God?!"

As soon as the keyword came out, Wang Ruoyu, Tantai Rouze and Ye Di all moved in unison, holding their phones and pricking up their ears.

Everyone was attentive and listened quietly.

As a player in the Lord God's Playground, this is an important issue related to interests and even lives, and cannot be ignored!
The four players clicked on the little red dot representing the speech bubble almost at the same time, and the strong voice of the powerful queen suddenly sounded.

"As far as I know, the [Contenders] are also players, and they are not much different from you in essence."

"It's just that their strength is extremely strong, their hidden evaluation is very high, and they coincidentally hit the critical time point of [the loss of power in the playground]."

"This is a chance to compete for the position of Lord God!"

The second speech bubble appeared in front of everyone.


Gu Qiulan's voice sounded faintly in everyone's ears: "As you all know, Wu Jianshou experienced a group annihilation accident before. Even he was seriously injured. His strength is now completely gone."

"The enemy that caused that team-killing accident was a competing team."

When Hu Fangyan heard that he was filled with anger and evil, he immediately responded with righteous indignation: "I must avenge my seniors! We will live and die together, and share adversities!"

Tantai Rouze followed closely: "Mr. Wu has great virtue and kindness to me! - Beihuang Tantai, any enemy must be avenged, and any kindness must be repaid!"

Ye Di and Wang Ruoyu were a little slow to react, but they also expressed their opinions.

The bespectacled young man deleted, deleted, and revised his reply more than a dozen times before finally giving a relatively concise but extremely cunning response: "I, Wang Ruoyu, no matter what happens, I will advance and retreat together with the captain!"

Looking back now, Wang Ruoyu realizes that many of his original speculations have come to nothing!
The current Main God Playground is basically a simulated personality similar to a super quantum computer. It is in a state of autonomous operation without anyone controlling it!
The response given by the boy with the scar on his mouth was also very personal: "Although Boss Wu Ziqi has always been mysterious, I have also heard his deeds told by my seniors!"

"I've been doing black market boxing for several years, and I have a way of looking at people - don't listen to what others say, look at what a person does!"

"There are some bosses who always like to brag to the point of ecstasy when nothing happens. When something happens, they get so panicked that they simply run away for their lives and let the subordinates below take their own lives to delay them."

"Compared with those people, Boss Wu Ziqi's character is quite good, and he feels very reliable!"

"I am willing to hang out with Boss Wu Ziqi! From now on, the boss's enemies will be my Ye Di's enemies!"

After all four players gave satisfactory expressions, Gu Qiulan replied faintly: "You guys, overall, are pretty good. You're a level better than I expected."

"However, the [Lord God Competition Team] that caused the group annihilation accident has been killed by the Wizard Sword Leader."

"This hatred has ended."

Hu Fangyan's face was full of regret, and his whole body became weak, like a deflated basketball.

Wang Ruoyu breathed a sigh of relief, obviously feeling much more relaxed.

A look of joy appeared on Tantai Rouze's face, feeling happy that Mr. Wu's great revenge had been avenged.

Ye Di blinked and felt that the boss he had just recognized was a fierce man who never wanted revenge, a strong and pure man.

Player No. 13 had already reached a high level of loyalty because of the team bonus, and it climbed up a few points again.

However, Gu Qiulan's light words made everyone's nerves that had just been relaxed become tense again.

"There are many more [Lord God Competition Teams]."

"Some teams, in terms of comprehensive strength, are far superior to the newly reorganized [Jianshou Team]. They can destroy our group in a frontal battle."

"Some teams are good at all kinds of insidious and extraordinary methods. Even their figures can't be seen, and the battle has been settled."

"[Poison of Cause and Effect], [True Name Curse Device], [Planet Annihilation Device], [Great Rip of the Universe], [Concept Twister]..."

"These may be hostile methods we will encounter in the future."

"Don't take it lightly, avoid slacking off, seize every opportunity, and work hard to become stronger!"

In terms of acting skills alone, Gu Qiulan is much better than Wu Ziqi.

Long Xiang Tianjiao's tone was not solemn, and it did not give people a feeling of depression, but it carried an inexplicable sense of awareness and transparency.

Just hearing her speech, one can't help but feel that she, who lives in the world as a "half-human, half-sword spirit", already has the determination to "live and die together" with Wu Ziqi. Awareness, this awareness will not waver at all with the passage of time and changes in the external environment.

of course……

Gu Qiulan himself couldn't tell how much of what Wu Ziqi asked him to convey was false and how true.

After all, many truths are presented in the form of jokes.

She felt that apart from her own identity, it was impossible to say that [-]% of this set of rhetoric was true!

The four players in the God's Playground repeatedly clicked on the very short speech bubbles and listened carefully several times before finally digesting the large amount of information provided by Gu Qiulan.

Finally, Gu Qiulan gave the final conclusion, giving everyone a boost of confidence: "Now that Wu Jianshou has entered the game and participated in the competition for the power of the Lord God's Playground, he will no longer treat you with the same attitude as before. .”

"From now on, as long as you can get the approval of the Wizard Sword Leader and do not hinder the team, you will be eligible to receive assistance from [Sword Pavilion] when encountering dangers and difficulties."

The promise is powerful, but this prerequisite is very important.

As we all know, [recognition] may gradually disappear with the passage of time and poor performance in certain emergencies...

It is not the kind of physical law that can be proven once and for all.

Faced with the questioning of the four people, Sister Qiangqi just responded calmly: "I don't know more specific details."

"After all, unlike you, I am not an official player in the Lord God's Playground."

"The reason why I can freely travel across the world is because I have the trust and blessing of the Wizard Sword Leader."

"If I do things poorly, am incapable of keeping up with the progress of the entire team, and lose this favor, I will lose this reciprocal right. At that time, the Wizard Sword Leader may choose a certain person. A peaceful world, as a [place where swords are buried], allows me to retire early and spend the rest of my life in peace."

Gu Qiulan saw it very clearly.

Rights and responsibilities are corresponding.

Although he had always wanted to defeat Wu Ziqi and get him to marry him, Gu Qiulan did not aim too high. Instead, he wanted to become Wu Ziqi's most trusted right-hand man first, and through practical actions, establish meritorious deeds, and let Wu Ziqi Be happy and enjoy yourself, thereby consolidating your position.

The meal must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road must be walked step by step!
In the words of this side of the earth, it is...

The accumulation of soil creates a mountain, and wind and rain stir up it; the accumulation of water forms a abyss, and dragons emerge; the accumulation of good deeds becomes virtue, and the gods are content with themselves, and the holy heart is ready!

The most stable road is the road under your feet!

Even the five players who participated in the meeting didn’t know that this was the first macro-strategy meeting of the [Sword Head Team] with a scale of five people in the history of the Lord God Playground.

After completing the order given by Wu Ziqi and achieving his goal, Gu Qiulan began to practice swordsmanship and no longer paid attention to the reactions of the four people.

[National Department of Supervision and Administration of Supernatural Powers], restaurant.

At dinner time, the four players reunited.

Wang Ruoyu rolled up the roast duck slices and shredded green onions with the dough, and just brought it to his mouth, but before stuffing it into his mouth, his body suddenly shook, and a look of sudden realization appeared on his face: "So that's it!"

"In this way, all the questions will be answered!"

He murmured to himself excitedly: "The many missions of [Sword Head Team] and the intensity of all the opponents they encountered were very strange. They are obviously not normal!"

"I'm just asking, why is the difficulty gap between the novice guidance mission and the official mission, one is like heaven and the other is like purgatory..."

Feeling the gazes of the three players next to him, Wang Ruoyu pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said in an excited tone: "Those of us who take greater risks will naturally get higher returns!"

"We are quite lucky!"

"Captain Wu Ziqi is kind-hearted. At the most critical moments of several group destruction crises, he passed by and helped us turn danger into good fortune, survive the disaster, and crush the disaster!"

"This shows that we have passed the captain's test and received his approval!"

Wang Ruoyu stuffed the roast duck into his mouth, chewed it for a while, and then swallowed the food.

"From now on, our relationship with Captain Wu Ziqi will no longer be as insignificant as before, but will truly build the initial bridge of cooperation and become a community of interests and destiny!"

"With these two relationships, we truly have a strong backer!"

Of course, Wang Ruoyu knows very well that while enjoying the benefits, he must also bear corresponding risks.

In the Lord God's Playground and even in all the worlds, Wu Ziqi's possible enemies will not let them go after encountering them.

However, this idea is unfounded. As members of the [Sword Shou Team], they have a close relationship with Wu Ziqi and cannot be separated from each other. If they trade together, it will be a pure profit!

Wang Ruoyu didn't say it, but he knew it. Everyone knew it in their own hearts, so there was no need to say more.

He put down his chopsticks, pondered for a long time, looked relieved, and finally revealed many of his previous guesses at the dinner table. (In Chapter 86, I won’t go into details)

Hu Fangyan held a wooden bucket filled with spicy and sour potato shreds, and said wildly, "Huh? I have always felt that no one controls the Lord God's Playground. It is like...a fully automated black technology creation!"

Ye Di, whose appetite was only inferior to that of the hedgehog-headed boy, finished his seventh plate of twice-cooked pork rice bowl, wiped the grease on his mouth, and then looked at Wang Ruoyu with a very strange look, and said quietly: "Brother Ruoyu, although I didn't say it, But before today, I have always felt in my heart that you are the one who is most like the [Lord God]..."

"Today, after hearing this long speech of yours, I suddenly felt that you really can't achieve that level of identity."

Among the benefits of the Jianshou Team, the scarred boy is most satisfied with the top-notch food on earth. There are delicacies every day, and you can eat as much as you want in one go.

This kind of life was something Ye Di didn't dare to hope for during his time on Black Rock Star.

Tantai Rouze has excellent dining etiquette. Her movements are gentle, elegant, and efficient, and she wipes out the sweet and sour pork in front of her.

The fearful girl in white shook her head and disagreed with Ye Di's statement: "On this side of the earth, there is a tabletop game called Werewolf. In that game, whether it's [thinking] or [good] Speech], all can be forcibly disguised with the help of intelligence."

"If it weren't for the fact that the master of Longxiang Dock had not brought solid information about the [competition for power in the Lord God Playground], I'm afraid, I would still insist that Wang Ruoyu is more suspicious."

"One thing, maybe you haven't noticed - many things were first mentioned by Wang Ruoyu and verified one by one in terms of the Lord God's Playground."

At this time, Hu Fangyan swallowed the last bit of potato shreds in the bucket: "Ah, you guys are so complicated! I think these are not important! Anyway..."

"The one who will eventually become the [Main God] will definitely be Senior Wu Ziqi!"

"I firmly believe that as long as the senior has such an idea, he will definitely become the final winner! - Just like... I, Hu Fangyan, will definitely become the strongest transcendent on earth!"

The first transaction between Cang Ming Star and the Earth was not only of far-reaching significance, establishing a trading channel for the two worlds, but at the same time, it also brought visible improvements to the members of [Sword Head Team]!

Originally, in fierce battles, Jian Yun would always be in a pinch and use a little less, but now there is no shortage at all, and you can squander it as you like!
And the negative impact of the Skeleton-Eating Sword Formation directly increasing the power...

At least in the early days of the Great Sword Art Age on Earth, no sword skeleton was qualified to move freely - they were just pathetic experimental subjects of various countries, and it was impossible to escape from the cage and move freely.

Therefore, the negative impact is directly equivalent to zero!
The emotion called "joy" is contagious among people.

Seeing everyone so happy, Wu Ziqi, who was looking at the screen, also had a smile on his face: "It's great! I like this atmosphere!"

At least, so far, this warm, harmonious and progressive team atmosphere has not made Wu Jianshou feel bored.

He feels very comfortable.

In short, on the first day of Gu Qiulan's journey to the earth, the total amount of Wu Ziqi's sword charm surged to a level that would normally require 200 years of hard work!
As for that, why not 1000 years, 1 years, or even [-] or million years of skill?

Is it because players "don't want to become stronger"?Or is there insufficient supply of sword limb production capacity?
The answer to both is no!

Players' sword skills determine the total amount of sword charm they can freely control!

If they don't have enough attainments and have too much sword charm, they can't drive it as they please, and it will only become a burden to them!If all the players in the Lord God's Playground are highly skilled in swordsmanship, Wu Ziqi would be more eager to maximize everyone's skills than anyone else.

He wished he could just set a small goal - 10 years of sword rhyme!

One person lives for 10 years!

Unfortunately, the prerequisite "swordsmanship attainment" is a hard target that cannot be eliminated.

Players should study harder and practice harder!

"Two hundred years of skill have not given me the feeling that I have reached the critical point of being a titled swordsman and may break through to a higher level at any time..."

Wu Ziqi had a thought and silently activated the [Destiny] great magical power. This time, it had no purpose. He just relied on his own inspiration to find the way forward: "Well, it seems that the total amount of pure sword charm has increased. ,not enough."

"The total amount of Sword Rhythm reaches the standard, and it only meets one of the many advanced conditions!"

"In the deep sea of ​​Cang Ming Star, due to the nuclear bomb radiation and the collapse of the original sword wood, the deep sea monster mutated, [born to be exceptional], surpassing the upper limit of the world."

"If you want to open up the fifth realm of swordsmanship and reach the same level as it, you have to work harder and look for more fresh extraordinary materials, information and ideas on the Black Rock Star!"

"The road is long and long, I will search up and down..."

After the meal, the four players did not return to their respective sword training rooms as usual to improve the digestion of food through practice, but started a new team-building activity.

During the Jianshou Team's second mission battle on Black Rock Star, the video equipment lost by Ye Di and Hu Fangyan returned to Earth as part of the transaction.

The actual combat scene of "Miko Lacquer VS Artificial Zhenguo Lu Zizai" is being projected on the big screen.

"...Who are you, Your Excellency?"

"You have killed 30 people..."

"Give me the sword behind your back...and I will spare...the innocent...the true meaning of martial arts...swear...not to kill innocent people indiscriminately..."

The video is not too long.

After the battle, basically, Wu Ziqi killed Lu Zizai instantly with one move.

He encountered absolutely no decent resistance.

The gap in strength between them is extremely obvious.

The real amount of information in this video lies first in the title itself added after the video was completed, and second in the attitude shown by Wu Ziqi.

Hu Fangyan's blood surged as he saw it, and his whole body trembled with excitement: "So strong! Senior Wu Ziqi, even when he encounters a ninth-grade Burning Warrior, he can kill him with one move! But..."

"Since the title specifically states that Lu Zizai is a 'man-made Zhenguo', then he is essentially a parallel import, right? Lu Zizai is actually a [fake Zhenguo]!"

"Senior also knew this, so he didn't use his [Born Immortal Sword] at all, but instead used the secret weapon he grabbed in the last mission!"

Tantai Rouze's focus is completely different from his: "I understand Mr. Wu's deep meaning!"

The frightened girl in white rubbed her smooth chin and said with a serious expression: "Killing is to protect living beings, killing karma is not killing people!"

"Mr. Wu wants to use this to teach us that even benevolent people with great love must kill evil when they encounter it, and must not be threatened by enemies!"

"Perhaps, 3 people will be buried with Lu Zizai because of his death, but..."

"If Lu Zizai does not die, as time goes by, there will be ten times or a hundred times this number of innocent civilians who will be tortured and die miserably because of him!"

"Buddhism also has a saying of 'Vajra with Angry Eyes'. For some people, reasoning won't work. Killing must be used to stop killing!"

Ye Di was refuted by Player No. 9 before. Not only did he not refute her this time, he actually agreed with her statement: "Yes! Even if the enemy is a [good man] or a globally recognized [sage], as long as he becomes our If our opponents choose to be our enemies, they will all die!"

"Furthermore, right or wrong, good or evil, actually doesn't matter! As long as you are confirmed to be an enemy or a mission target, you must not be merciful!"

"However, let me tell you something... Boss Wu Ziqi's strength is simply exaggerated! Killing a ninth-grade warrior is like slaughtering a chicken and a dog!"

"Just listening to you talk about how powerful the boss is, I haven't been able to build a clear and clear impression in my mind."

"After all, he is too good-looking, and his face is too delicate and not rough enough, so it is easy for people to misjudge him."

"Now, I realize that Boss Wu Ziqi is simply a peerless macho man!"

Wang Ruoyu said nothing during the whole process, just watched silently and listened to everyone's sighs.

He noticed the blind spots that others did not notice, and felt that [Earl Thunder]'s original evaluation of his captain's "pussy" was really right!
Captain Wu Ziqi is not a perfect sage. He is a man with a heart, and he also has his own preferences - this "holiness" heart is obviously much heavier than others.

When a saint has a heart, he becomes a weirdo.

Perhaps, "manifestation" is a method used by the captain to "anchor his own humanity", in order to prevent himself from becoming a superior, heartless god and demon...

Both seniors, Earl Thunder and his own captain have completely different attitudes in this regard.

That Fulker

After the trading relationship between the Earth and Cangming Star was concluded, everyone returned to their own lives and cultivation.

Player No. 9, Tantai Rouze, was in a quiet room, using martial arts mottos and reciting the text formula of "Seizing the Soul and Seizing the Soul" in a low voice.

Her thinking is very simple.

"Improve my swordsmanship so that I can carry and control more sword charms, break through the four realms of swordsmanship as soon as possible, and reach the level of a titled swordsman..."

"On this basis, only by maximizing your soul talent and expertise can you possibly get an exclusive title worthy of Tantai's name!"

She wants to revitalize her family and make Tantai's name resound throughout the world, so she is not someone who aims too high.

The girl in white who is afraid of society wants to move forward step by step, down-to-earth, and break down a grand goal into small goals within reach.

And the goal she wants to accomplish most now is to break through in cultivation and reach the fourth realm of swordsmanship!
Player No. 5 Hu Fangyan, as always, has made his dream that he shouts out loud every day known to everyone.

Crazy training has become his habit.

Player No. 13, Ye Di, wanted to improve his personal player evaluation in the Lord God's Playground, and borrowed the power of the Lord God to resurrect his twin brother Ye Tian.

His desire for strength growth is no less than that of Tantai Rouze and Hu Fangyan.

It is worth mentioning that……

From the current point of view, Ye Di's luck is the best among the [Sword Head Team]!

This young man with a scar on his lip soon discovered during his practice...

My own practice of "The End of the World Is So Close" among the eight Burning God Strategies has made progress many times faster than expected!
With the same book, Burning Martial Arts, his progress efficiency is far superior to that of his peers, just like riding a rocket, traveling thousands of miles a day.

In the practice room, Ye Di raised his knees and kept chanting martial arts mottos.

The thoughts in his heart changed, and he would slowly take the next step almost every ten seconds.

""The End of the World is So Close" is really suitable for me!"

"Obviously it is an extremely profound, obscure and extremely mysterious Burning Martial Arts Strategy, which is directly aimed at the level of a country. However, when you practice it, it is more than ten times faster than the crappy stuff that is taught for free in public secret martial arts academies!"

“It’s almost like it was tailor-made for me!”

"I must make good use of this training holiday so that my strength will grow explosively!"

"At the very least, we must become a qualified Main God Playground player as soon as possible and improve our strength to a level that [will not drag down our seniors]!"

"Then we can think about 'how to improve the evaluation'!"

Player No. 6, Wang Ruoyu, like everyone else, never forgets his original intention.

In his training room, there were more than a dozen death row prisoners imprisoned in straitjackets.

Wang Ruoyu himself worked hard to activate the sword charm, trying to drive his own will, condense the true meaning of martial arts, and activate several methods of "Usurping the Soul and Seizing the Soul".

"My talent in the space system is obviously mediocre. Even if I work ten times harder, I can only barely make the same progress as Ye Di."

"However, every loss must be rewarded!"

"My soul talent is pretty good!"

"Although it's not as good as Tantai Rouze, it's not too bad!"

"If you can rely on your own efforts to master "Usurping the Soul and Seizing the Soul", one of the eight Burning Divine Strategies that represents the [Bipolar Soul], then..."

"When I arrive in another world in the future, I will be able to remotely control and control the locals to do some more dangerous things for me, just like Lu Zizai of [All Things Ruler]!"

"That way, the [safety factor] can be guaranteed!"

Hidden player No. 12 Gu Qiulan keeps his mission in mind.

She did not waste even a minute: "The progress of training the scientific research team is as expected. It is quite good. There is no need to rush."

"The most important thing right now is to improve myself, lest I fail to keep up with the pace of Wu Jianshou - I must not become a [boring person] or a [useless person]!"

"I have to go hand in hand in both aspects and do my best!"

"Now, here on Earth, I happen to be able to deeply cultivate the few supreme swordsmanship skills I have mastered, and try to push them to a higher level!"

The five players who stayed on Earth were all injected with a new source of external power by Wu Ziqi.

Everyone was in high spirits and started a new round of arduous practice.

Time flies by, just suddenly.

For players on Earth, there are still 35 days left before the next official mission is released.

And on the Black Rock Star.

It had just been five days since Lu Zizai, the artificially created ninth-grade burning warrior, was killed.

Wu Ziqi opened and closed his eyes, with a bright light in his dark eyes, and a calm and cold attitude: "Since the identity change has been completed, then..."

"Next, the contact with the fate-bound ones will increase correspondingly."

"Hu Fangyan, Wang Ruoyu, Tantai Rouze, Ye Di..."

"Now, I already have the extraordinary method of [Saint Transformation·Transformation and Forgery]. I can completely make up for my shortcomings in acting, and I don't have to worry about losing my character at all!"

The change in role label brings more responsibilities, but also brings benefits!
Although it is important to have more opportunities to "show holiness in front of others" and "create fun", let's leave it aside for now.

Tear off the identity card of [Senior Lone Wolf Player] and play the new identity card of [Contender for the Power of the Lord God's Playground]. This move injects additional power of cultivation into the players.

Those who were bound by fate had greater expectations and invested more passion in their respective cultivation processes, which resulted in more understanding, understanding and progress than expected.

These progresses were synchronously fed back through the power of fate, and unified and concentrated on Wu Ziqi.

If there is no accumulation of small currents, there will be no rivers and seas.

Many inconspicuous improvements came together to finally achieve a qualitative change.

Wu Ziqi grinned and said happily: "It's done!"

The efforts of the five players allowed Wu Swordsman to get what he wanted, and finally mastered the extraordinary abilities he desperately needed at this stage.

What made him happy was not just that - just thinking about the next scene of fooling the players, Wu Ziqi felt full of fun and happy!
 This chapter has 7577 words!My friend, see you tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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