My client Li Yunlong

Chapter 103 The arrogant civil engineering position!

Chapter 103 The arrogant civil engineering position!
Yang Village.

Independent Regimental War Room.

Including political commissar Zhao Gang, regiment leader Li Yunlong, and chief of staff Zhang Dabiao, more than ten battalion-level members of the All-Independent Regiment are having a meeting.

The purpose of this meeting is to arrange combat tasks.

"From the news of frontline reconnaissance, the Shandao Regiment marched very cautiously after entering the mountains."

Li Yunlong said:
"Every time we go to a place, we first alternately conduct reconnaissance, occupy it one by one, and then cover and advance."

"If you want to ambush, there is no chance."

Ambush battles are not easy to fight.

The reason why the Independent Regiment has been able to hold down the Japs' heads, beat them on the ground and kill more than a thousand Japs in ambush battles in the past few months is all thanks to the good cooperation of the Locust Army.

But after suffering so many losses, the Japanese finally understood the situation, stopped being arrogant, and showed the level and attitude that a modern army should have.

Alternate reconnaissance, occupation one after another, cover and advance tactics,
Coupled with the size of a regiment and the strength of an independent regiment, there is almost no possibility of an ambush.

However, Li Yunlong did not intend to play an ambush this time.

"The artillery of Guizishandao Regiment is very strong this time."

"There are six Type [-] mountain cannons!"

He continued.

Although he was talking about the powerful Japanese artillery, there was no trace of nervousness in Li Yunlong's voice.

Even with a hint of disdain?

"Forty-one mountain cannon!"

Zhao Gang also repeated the name of the Japanese artillery, without any nervousness in his tone, and finally smiled.

Type [-] mountain cannon.

The prototype is the Krupp M1908 artillery piece. The Japanese introduced the technology in 1908 and made some adaptive improvements before producing it themselves. Because that year was Meiji 41 in the Japanese calendar, it was named the Siyi-type mountain gun.

This type of artillery weighs 540 kilograms, has a range of six kilometers, and can be broken down into six parts for transportation.

It is also one of the several mountain artillery pieces equipped with the largest number of troops in the Republic of China, because Taiyuan Arsenal, Shenyang Arsenal, and Hanyang Arsenal have all imitated them, and the number is very large.

Six artillery pieces are equivalent to half a Japanese artillery brigade!
It can play a significant role on the battlefield.

But after all, the Type 30 Mountain Cannon is just an artillery piece that was built more than [-] years ago, and the technology is now very backward. Previously, Guo Preserved planned to replace it with the Bofors Mountain Cannon, but it was not successful because of insufficient funds.

Moreover, the Type [-] is still a mountain gun. Although the easily disassembled structure enhances mobility, it also reduces the range, firing range and accuracy.

In addition, the manufacturing process of the Japs is not good.

In fact, the accurate range is only five kilometers. Any further away, and the accuracy of the artillery shells will drop rapidly.

Now the independent regiment has 120 82mm mortars with a range of [-] kilometers. In the complex terrain of mountainous areas, it is almost no difficulty to suppress a mere six Type [-] mountain guns.

not to mention.

The Type 5.7 mountain artillery grenade is only [-] kilograms.

Civil engineering works thick enough to be almost invisible.

"Third Battalion Commander."

Li Yunlong looked at the third battalion commander.


The third battalion commander immediately saluted.

"The Xiazhuang stronghold is guarded by two companies from your battalion. Your task is to be a nail and nail the Xiazhuang stronghold to death."

Li Yunlong repeated the emphasis.

If you can't ambush, then don't ambush and have a head-on attack. But before that, Li Yunlong must first dampen the Japanese's spirit and let the Japanese feel the difficulty of establishing a stronghold.


The third battalion commander’s voice was loud and full of confidence.

Xiazhuang stronghold.

The first and second companies of the third battalion are building positions.

The current strength of an infantry company in the Independent Regiment is 165, and the total strength of the two companies is 330. Including the third battalion headquarters, which belongs to the artillery platoon, the total strength of the garrison at the Xiazhuang stronghold is 400.

But this only counts infantry.

There is also an artillery company with a total number of 150 people and equipped with ten 82 mortars under the command of the third battalion to help defend the Xiazhuang stronghold.

In other words, the total strength of the Xiazhuang stronghold currently reaches 520.

The Xiazhuang stronghold was designed to accommodate only 200 troops, and the defense target was still the Eighth Route Army, which lacked artillery for attacking fortresses.

But this time it was the Japanese infantry regiment that attacked Yangcun. It had six mountain cannons and three infantry cannons. It had sufficient firepower to attack the enemy. The main body of the little Japanese position mixed with a little cement would probably be destroyed in just a few shots.

Therefore, after receiving the task of defending the Xiazhuang stronghold, the third battalion commander first led the team to build a position.

In the middle, with the main body of the original Japanese stronghold as the center, a multi-level annular fortification group was built, including trenches, bunkers, tunnels, hidden areas, and ammunition depots.

There are layers of ordinary positions on the outside, but there are also machine gun bunkers, traffic trenches, foxholes, and anti-gun holes.

The third battalion has enough time and manpower, so it can naturally build a strong and suitable bunker.

And it is matched with reasonable firepower at all levels.

Of course, there is another main reason, that is, there are enough materials.

Civil engineering requires three types of materials.

Dirt, sandbags, wood!
Soil, this is Jinzhong, loess is everywhere, you can get as much as you want.

Sandbags should actually be called earth bags. After all, sand is commonly found in river beds and deserts, and soil is everywhere. Most of the time, the sacks filled with soil are what we usually call sandbags.

The base area can produce the sacks by itself, and the output is very large, and the sacks are the only thing that the system gives out in unlimited quantities, so you can get as much as you want.

Wood is the most troublesome.

Although Xiazhuang is located in the Taiyue Mountains, the vegetation is not considered lush. The areas with dense vegetation from the Taiyue Mountains to Lingxian County, coupled with the fact that people have been clearing wasteland for thousands of years and using wood for heating and cooking, make the vegetation relatively dense. rare.

Especially thick logs suitable for building positions.

As the main supporting structure of the civil position, the quality and quantity of the wood are related to whether the position can withstand the bombardment of the Japanese's 75-meter mountain artillery without collapsing.

The wood should be as thick as possible and in large quantities.

Otherwise, the position will not be supported by logs and will collapse as soon as the cannon is fired. No matter how deep it is, it will be useless. It will just be a grave dug for oneself.

In the past, finding suitable wood for building positions was the most troublesome thing for battalion and company commanders.

but this time...

"Three floors."

"The wood layers should be arranged densely and fastened with claw nails."

"One layer of wood and one layer of soil, all must have three layers, no one layer less!"

The commander of the third battalion made a bold statement and emphasized that there must be no shortage of wood.

Listening to the repeated instructions of his third battalion commander, Ma Rongshun shook the dirt from his hair, and then worked with several soldiers to place thick logs one by one into the position and fix them.

Finally, fill in the soil layer and secure it.

Soon, the three-story civil structure anti-blast cave was formed under the construction of Ma Rongshunban.

"This must be able to defend against 105 artillery pieces, right?"

Looking at the thick logs and layers of sandbags in front of him, Ma Rongshun recalled the teachings in the infantry tactics course: the best civil fortifications can prevent direct hits from 105 grenade.

At present, the bombproof caves and trenches built by his class were built in strict accordance with the requirements, using dozens of long logs thicker than his head, and hundreds of wooden planks and wooden beams of other sizes to fix them.

According to the knowledge of infantry tactics, even if it is hit by a 105 grenade, the position in front of you can still function.

As for the shell-proof hole, there were three layers of densely arranged logs, plus hundreds of sandbags, hiding inside. He was sure that it would be fine even if the 105 grenade hit two shots in a row.

It’s not like I’ve never seen the power of the Japanese’s 105 grenade.The earth and wood layer can also absorb shocks and prevent the soldiers hiding inside from being shocked to death.

Only more consecutive 105 grenades or larger-caliber artillery can kill the soldiers in the anti-gun hole.

However, the bombs from the Japanese planes cannot be guarded against.

That's reinforced concrete construction.

"I really hope the little devil can come soon!"

In Ma Rongshun's class, a soldier rubbed his hands and sounded expectant.

"Damn it, if there had been this fortification back then, labor and management wouldn't have been captured by the Japanese."

One of the new recruits was cursing.

This is a Central Army soldier who was rescued by a regiment leader from a prisoner of war in Liao County and captured by the Japanese in the Battle of Xinkou.

Obviously, the fortifications made with full materials made by oneself gave the soldiers a sufficient sense of security. No one was afraid of the upcoming Japanese infantry regiment with nine artillery pieces!

We are even looking forward to the next Japanese attack!

"Batalion Commander, where did these wood come from?"

"But it's all good wood."

Finally, someone finally asked the doubts in the hearts of all the soldiers.

Everyone saw that the position built by the Third Battalion in Xiazhuang estimated that tens of thousands of large and small pieces of wood were used.

Among them, the ones that can be used as the main beams of houses are thicker than an adult's head. There are thousands of long logs that can be sold in the market.

Where did all this wood come from?

"I don't know, the leader got it!"

The third battalion commander was also confused.

These timbers were brought over by the militia transport team from the logistics and supply department of the regiment.

As for where it came from, he didn't know!
“Why wood?”

Within the independent regiment headquarters, Zhao Gang also asked this question.

In June, not surprisingly, the independent group's material list review received an excellent score, and Boss Lu gave a material to apply for.

There is nothing in the list of weapons and equipment that can catch Zhao Gang's discernment.

He kind of wants a heavy machine gun. Compared to a light machine gun, a heavy machine gun has a more stable tripod, higher range and accuracy, a heavier barrel, better shooting continuity, and far better suppression capabilities than a light machine gun.

Very suitable for defensive battles.

But both the Japanese Type 08 and the German MG[-] are too heavy, and the independent regiment emphasizes mobile warfare.Even in positional warfare, mortars are far more effective than heavy machine guns.

It is expected that Boss Lu has said that there will be American large-caliber heavy machine guns in the future - large-caliber heavy machine guns that can hit infantry when leveled, aircraft when raised, and tanks when lowered.

So Zhao Gang gave up the idea of ​​equipping heavy machine guns.

But contrary to Zhao Gang's expectation, Li Yunlong chose wood this time.

All kinds of wood!

It can even be pre-processed wood.

In fact, although there are no steel bars among the existing supplies in the list, there are cement, various medicines, and canned meat, all of which are urgently needed by the troops.

What's more, there are military horses.

"Hey hey..."

Li Yunlong smiled proudly and explained:
"First of all, we need a lot of wood to build our positions and warehouses."

"Secondly, our Taiyue Military Region has greatly expanded its troops and acquired a large number of mules. We urgently need to expand canteens, dormitories, stables, etc."

“You can also burn firewood for heating in the winter.”

The position needs wood support, the cave warehouse also needs wood support, the stable needs wood to build, and the house needs wood to make the beams and even the walls.


Zhao Gang nodded.

For an army, it not only needs weapons and equipment, but also food, clothing, housing and transportation.

The food is enough for the time being, and the canned meat will not improve much. In the future, the clothes are enough. You can change into winter military uniforms or summer military uniforms at will.After the construction of the 10,000th Brigade Logistics Supply Center, more than [-] sets of military uniforms and military shoes have been received.

We’ll wait until winter to put on the cold-proof clothing.

Marching mainly relies on two legs in the base area. Even if there are two horses per person in the independent regiment, it will take several months for the soldiers of the independent regiment to learn to ride a horse.

All that's left is to live.

The army does need to build a large number of dormitories, canteens, and stables. It cannot always live in ordinary people's homes. It is troublesome to manage tens of thousands of people, and it is easy to violate discipline.

Although there is cement in Boss Lu's list, there is a lack of sand and gravel around Yangcun, and the troops are not skilled in the use of cement. It is true that wood is better.

With enough wood, the troops can quickly build various houses without fear of Japanese destruction.Anyway, when it comes to wood reconstruction, as long as there are enough materials and manpower, more than a dozen warehouse buildings can be built in a day.

There is a shortage of other talent bases, but there is definitely no shortage of carpenters.

Li Yunlong continued:
"I got the news from the headquarters that the Japanese have begun to carry out the so-called three-guang policy in the plain base area."

"Three Lights Policy."

Zhao Gang flashed a sharp light.

Burn them all, kill them all, rob them all!

Extremely vicious!

"With our current strength, it is impossible to keep the Japanese out. Although we can move people and property before the Japanese come, we cannot take away the houses."

"The devils will definitely destroy it."

"We cannot let the people have no houses to live in."

Li Yunlong was equally murderous:
"With the wood, we can immediately repair the houses of the people after driving away the devils."

"It depends on whether the devils destroy it faster or we repair it faster."

"Or the Japs will consume all of Brother Lu's wood."


Zhao Gang suddenly laughed out loud.

Consuming all Boss Lu’s wood?

at the same time.

The marching Shandao Regiment received a telegram:

"In a telegram from the First Army Headquarters, based on aerial reconnaissance, a large number of Eighth Route Army troops were found building fortifications at the original Xiazhuang stronghold."


"Building fortifications?"

Upon hearing this news, Shandao suddenly sneered:
"Tuba Road wants to use a stronghold to block me?"

"How stupid!"

This time, the regimental commander not only strengthened his artillery force, but also allocated four basic shells for each mountain gun, so that each artillery was equipped with 320 rounds of shells.

A total of 980 rounds of 75mm grenades.

He can easily demolish those civil fortifications that lack the main structure of wood!

"Order the engineering troops to first search for suitable artillery positions. After the brigade arrives at the attack position, the artillery brigade will immediately begin shelling the Xiazhuang stronghold."

"I want Tubalu to know what real artillery is!"

Shandao gave the order.

(End of this chapter)

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