My client Li Yunlong

Chapter 112 Brigadier: Boss, we are going to get rich!

Chapter 112 Brigadier: Boss, we are going to get rich!



The deputy general staff stopped the boss who had just attended the border meeting and asked doubtfully:
"what happened?"

At this time, four big words were written directly on the boss's face - he was in a bad mood.

This makes no sense.

The artillery reinforcement battalion supporting the independent regiment has returned, not only bringing back 500 new 82 mortars with a range of 16 meters, but also 82 rounds of [-] mortar shells.

In order to transport this batch of artillery shells, the headquarters used the directly affiliated cavalry battalion and the 770th Regiment that was originally going to the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region.

At this point, the artillery strength in the Taihang base area increased greatly.

Moreover, with the second batch of [-] tons of grain put into the market, grain prices in the base area have also been very stable in the spring when grain prices were originally the most expensive. This has stabilized the declining border currency in the base area and slightly alleviated the financial crisis.

As for the prison blockade of the Japanese, although that remains the same, the countermeasures have already been decided. Coupled with the greatly increased artillery power, we can launch it when the time is right!

Everything is developing in a good direction.

"Last month, we transported a batch of imported grain to the southern Hebei base area."

The boss said.

The deputy general staff nodded and continued to listen carefully - the Jinan base area is located on the east side of the Taihang base area, and there is a transportation channel between the two places. It was he who arranged this matter.

The boss continued:

"They used this batch of grain to stabilize grain prices. The effect was very good at first, and they steadily promoted the newly issued Hebei Nanbian coins. However, recently, a large number of businessmen have appeared on the market using fake Hebei Nanbian coins to purchase grain."

The deputy general staff officer's expression changed.

Needless to say, the destruction of the base area by a large amount of counterfeit currency is equivalent to direct large-scale robbery of materials, which is worse than the Japanese bombing and second only to the large-scale raids by the Japanese.

It’s just that the Deputy General Staff didn’t expect that,
Because the Jinan base area is located in a plain area, a batch of printing equipment was imported from abroad. The printed border coins were of the best quality, but they were successfully counterfeited by the Japanese so quickly.

"The Japanese are still in enemy-occupied areas and guerrilla areas, using these counterfeit coins to exchange counterfeit coins and miscellaneous coins at high prices."

The deputy general staff officer's expression became increasingly gloomy.

The Japanese used counterfeit currency to push a large number of counterfeit and miscellaneous coins into the base area.

Once there are too many currencies circulating in the market, the exchange problems between several currencies will seriously hinder the development of business, causing devaluation of property, chaos in production, and bankruptcy of farmers.

Seriously weakening the strength of the base area.

It will also lead to a reduction in the fiscal revenue of the border areas, and the army will be unable to concentrate the power of the masses.

"Jinnan Border District has organized technicians to work on new printing technology. At the same time, it has promoted methods of identifying counterfeit currency in schools and theater groups, set up cards to intercept merchants who use counterfeit currency, and traced the source."

"But this time the loss will not be small."

"We lost all the two thousand tons of grain we transported."

After the boss finished speaking, he sighed.

Such good food was ruined by the Japanese with some counterfeit money, and the loss was even worse. The boss was very unwilling to accept it.

But in many cases, the losses caused by economic wars and currency wars are no worse than those caused by Japanese raids.

The deputy general staff's brows relaxed a little.

Listening to the boss's detailed explanation, he also understood that it was not that the counterfeit coins forged by the Japanese were sufficiently fake to be real, and there were still slight differences, but that ordinary people and businessmen in the base areas lacked the ability to distinguish.

The situation was not as serious as he thought.

It can be solved by paying some price,

But the situation is still very serious.

A large number of counterfeit coins flowing into the base area need to be cleared away, as well as miscellaneous coins and counterfeit coins. In this confrontation, the Jinan base area suffered heavy losses.

"no way."

"Our economic foundation is too weak."

The deputy general staff shook his head.

Currency war is only a direct manifestation of economic war. The essence behind it is the confrontation of military strength and industrial strength. The latter two, base areas and troops are far inferior to the Japanese.

It is normal to suffer losses.

He continued:
"The Jinan base area has suffered a big loss this time. We, as well as the Taiyue Military Region and the Luliang Mountains, must also be prepared."

"The little devil will definitely use this trick to cause destruction."

The boss also said in a serious tone:
"I am going to convene a meeting with the heads of each base area immediately."

At this time, the teacher who didn’t know when he came in also said:
"We have to find a way to completely remove all kinds of counterfeit coins, miscellaneous coins, and even legal tenders from our base area. Otherwise, we will still suffer big losses in the future."

The chaotic domestic environment has resulted in an extremely chaotic currency market in the base area - silver dollars, legal tenders, Chongqing coins, counterfeit banknotes issued by the Japanese and puppets, China Reserve Certificates by the Wang puppets, and various local miscellaneous certificates.
This is also one of the fundamental reasons why the southern Hebei border region suffered a huge loss, being held back by these counterfeit coins.

If edge coins were exclusive in the border area, counterfeit coins would spread easily and quickly, and they would be discovered from the beginning.

"You can only take it slowly."

The vice president shook his head:
"Unless you have enough principal, such as silver dollars or hard currency such as US dollars, you can only take your time."

The Japanese drove a large amount of local currency and counterfeit currency into the base area, resulting in a large number of counterfeit currency in the hands of the people in the base area. They wanted to get rid of it, or use the policy of gradually devaluing the counterfeit currency to slowly squeeze them out.

Or directly declare the counterfeit currency to be greatly devalued, or even invalid.

The former is slow to take effect and costly.

As for the latter, it is tantamount to letting the common people bear the price of the currency war, which not only violates the original intention of establishing the army, but also damages the mass base in the base area, which is what the Japanese devils are happy to see.

"A large amount of principal, if we had this..."

The boss shook his head. Before he finished speaking, he heard the brigade commander’s loud voice:
"Boss, we are going to get rich!"

at the same time,

North Review,

In the headquarters of the North China Front, a Japanese officer was reporting to the commander of the North China Front, Shun Tada, and the chief of staff, Michichi Miyano. His tone was full of triumph:
"In this special economic operation, a total of 57 tons of imported white flour, 100 tons of imported pork suet, [-] liters of tung oil, [-] pounds of bristle, [-] heads of various livestock, cloth... excluding losses, the total income Around [-] million yen.”

"Yo Xi."

After hearing this report, Tada Shun was overjoyed.

In other words, this time, during a special economic operation directed by the head of the Hebei Province, Suzuki Totoji, against the Tuba Road base area in southern Hebei, which took one and a half months, the locust army made a profit of 100 with counterfeit currency that cost less than [-] yen. Ten thousand yen.In [-], the yen fell to [-] to one against the dollar.

This amount is equivalent to US$28.

Although compared with the military expenditure of the North China Front, it is a drop in the bucket, but it also means that the empire's plan to use North China as a military station has taken a big step forward.

Presumably, it was enough to make the voices from the base camp lean a little towards him.


Tada Shun ordered:

"It is your responsibility to promote this combat plan to the mountainous areas where Tubal Road is entrenched, such as Taiyue, Taihang, and Wutai Mountains."


Suzuki Fanji was also overjoyed.

He currently holds the rank of Colonel, and his position is the head of the Hebei Provincial Agency. He belongs to the secret service. His main task is to cooperate with the military and provide political guidance to the established pro-Japanese regime.

As long as this is done well, he can be expected to become a major general, and he can also be transferred to the position of brigade commander.

We can also avoid the trouble of investigating where this batch of imported white flour and lard fat come from!
Two months of investigation without clues made Suzuki Fanji acutely aware that this matter was very troublesome!

"The Japanese's large-scale use of counterfeit currency in the southern Hebei base area resulted in a profit of nearly 100 million yen in one month."

"The equivalent of approximately $28."

"The base area suffered too much loss this time!"

The time is slightly earlier.

North Review,

A relatively remote place called Wulibao, an old-fashioned house, is one of the temporary contact points of the army's Northern Intelligence Organization. At this time, three comrades were meeting here.

A comrade sighed deeply after reading the information he had just received about the counterfeit currency operation carried out by the Japanese in the southern Hebei base area.

After the success of the Japanese counterfeit currency war, the confidentiality of relevant information was greatly reduced. In addition, for the sake of publicity, the Beiping Intelligence Team successfully obtained the Japanese report.

"There are so many?"

One comrade did not believe it.

The little devil also often talks nonsense.

"Credibility is high."

The first comrade shook his head:
"This is a report from the Japanese spy agency of Hebei Province. It is for Shun Tada to see. It is not for propaganda. It will not contain much water."

"You little son of a bitch!"

Someone immediately cursed.

The life of the people in the Jinan base area was already miserable. This time the Japanese used counterfeit currency to plunder US$28 worth of supplies. In terms of Jinan currency, this was equivalent to robbing each person of more than two yuan.

And this was only what the Japanese plundered. The actual losses to the people and the base area were much greater, estimated at 50 million US dollars.

"The task our superiors gave us this time is to find the source of the Japanese counterfeit coins."

"According to the information provided by superiors, the person responsible for printing counterfeit currency this time is Guizi Dongxing Company."

"Our mission is to find the counterfeit currency printing factory of the Japanese Dongxing Company, and then find a way to blow it up."

The first comrade was obviously experienced in battles, and his tone still sounded calm even now.


After the three of them finished arranging their work, they left separately.

The first comrade went to the permanent intelligence liaison station located in the suburbs, where there is a radio station that can send intelligence to the commanders of the border regions and the Eighth Route Army headquarters.


"Is there anyone buying the lives of the Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff of the First Army?"

"150 million silver dollars?"

"Or give me ninety-five percent cash in silver dollars?"

The three bosses were all surprised.

Of course the headquarters knows it.

Because the U.S. Silver Act has raised international silver prices, 100% of the market price of silver is very high. If converted into U.S. dollars, 30 million silver dollars can be exchanged for 150 U.S. dollars, which is about five to six thousand dollars more. So in fact, 45.8 million silver dollars can Exchange for $[-].

"Yes, someone paid for the life of the Chief of Staff of the First Army, including the Deputy Chief of Staff."

The brigade commander emphasized:

"But it's not 150 million silver dollars."

"Every time one is killed, 150 million silver dollars will be given every month."

"Every time you kill one..."

After all, they are a group of big guys, and they quickly understood the meaning of this sentence:
"Isn't that right, if you kill one, you will get 550 million US dollars a year?"

The deputy general staff's eyes widened:

"The total loss to the southern Hebei base area due to the Japanese's destruction of counterfeit currency was only about US$45."

"Kill one of them and you'll get your money back in a month."

"It will double in two months."

In the conference room, everyone's eyes turned into the shape of silver dollars.

"According to the information sent from Yangquan today, the Chief of Staff of the First Army Teng Kazuo and the Deputy Chief of Staff Kaeda Enji will go to Yangquan in the near future."

The deputy general staff immediately recalled the intelligence he saw in the morning.

"From now on, we will fully cooperate with the independent group."

"We must kill these two 150 million silver dollars, no, these two devils!"

The boss's words were distorted.

Because of the Silver Act and the habits people have developed over decades, the silver dollar is an absolute hard currency in the country, no matter where it is, and is stronger than any other currency.

(End of this chapter)

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