My client Li Yunlong

Chapter 115 This time it’s the independent regiment’s turn to attack!

Chapter 115 This time it’s the independent regiment’s turn to attack!

"Fifty heavy guns, [-] rounds of artillery shells."

After Lu Renjia left for a long time, Zhao Gang was still immersed in joy - even the heavy mortar has not yet been obtained, only a weapons and equipment manual and pictures.

Li Yunlong can understand Zhao Gang's joy.

The combat weight is 7700 kilograms, and a single part exceeds 105 kilograms. The range is 120 meters, and its power is comparable to the [-] mortar of the Japanese [-] howitzer.

This is a real heavy artillery!

And it is also the heavy artillery that is most suitable for the current transportation capabilities of the army.

Even if he exchanged the Japanese 105 howitzer, 105 cannon, or even the 150 howitzer, Li Yunlong would not exchange it.

For a unit going to the battlefield, fitness is more important than strength.

Once the Taiyue Mountain Area gets fifty 120-meter mortars and [-] rounds of artillery shells per month, in the complex and familiar Taiyue Mountain Area, the [-]th Brigade can be calm and fearless even if the Japanese dispatch division-sized troops.

Fifty 120 heavy mortars are enough to form three heavy artillery regiments. Together with the forward observation posts and walkie-talkie communication to guide the firing, it can completely suppress a mixed brigade of Japanese soldiers.

There are only fifty or sixty artillery pieces in a Japanese division, and most of them are 75mm mountain field guns.

"It's not that easy!"

Li Yunlong shook his head.

The price to obtain fifty 120-mm mortars and [-] rounds of artillery shells per month, weapons comparable to a heavy artillery brigade and sufficient to consume artillery shells for a large-scale battle, is to seize two Japanese regiment flags.

"The Japs United Flag is not that easy to capture."

Li Yunlong said in a serious tone:
"Don't look down upon it. It was very easy for us to capture the Shandao Alliance flag during the battle in Shangcun."

"That's because Brother Lu provided almost all the intelligence of the Shandao Regiment. He placed the location of the Japanese positions, troop deployment, and the location of the headquarters in front of us. This means that Brother Lu contributed more than [-]% of the force and we only had less than [-]%."

"But this time more than [-]% of it depends on us!"

"It's not that easy."

"And if you seize one flag, you can only get the new 120 mortars. We need to seize two Japanese flags to get [-] artillery pieces and [-] rounds of artillery shells every month."

After Brother Lu received the warning, he could not apply for artillery casually.

Based on the size of the independent regiment, the regiment's heavy artillery such as the 120 mortar can only be equipped with 12 guns and 1 rounds of artillery shells per month.

"Can it be done?"

Of course Zhao Gang knew that things were difficult.

Extremely difficult!

But no matter how difficult it is,
Fifty 120 mortars and [-] rounds of artillery shells must be obtained every month.

Not negotiable!

"of course can."

Li Yunlong chuckled.

Without the location of the Japanese alliance flag provided by Brother Lu, it would be difficult for the independent group to capture a few alliance flags even if they tried their best. But with the location, things would be much easier.

"have goal?"

Zhao Gang asked.


Li Yunlong took out a map and pointed to Li County, which is located south of Liao County:
"The Xitian Regiment of the Japanese 33rd Brigade is stationed in Li County."

"Westfield United."

Zhao Gang looked at Li County on the map, thinking about the intelligence collected by the headquarters.

Like Liao County, Li County is also located between Taiyue Mountain and Taihang Mountain. It is an important transportation line. In addition, Li County guards the north of Chang City, so the Japanese stationed a full brigade here with more than 1000 Japanese.

The Westfield Wing Headquarters is also stationed here.

It has more troops and is stronger than Liao County.

However, the 33rd Brigade and the 29th Brigade are both newly formed garrison brigades formed by the Japanese.

"Attract the Westfield United out?"

Zhao Gang asked.

The most important thing about being able to capture the Shandao Regiment's flag is that the Shandao Regiment was in the mountainous area and was infiltrated and approached by an elite team of the army.

This is also the best way Zhao Gang can think of.

"Do not."

Li Yunlong shook his head:
"This time, it's the independent regiment's turn to attack!"

"Take the initiative to attack?"

Zhao Gang frowned:
"Attack Li County?"

Although the independent regiment is now very strong, it can succeed in attacking a county, but the losses will be huge, and it is almost impossible to capture the Japanese flag.

"Old Zhao, you have to remember." Li Yunlong explained: "Our purpose is not to attack Li County, nor to eliminate or severely damage the Xiye Regiment, but to seize the Japanese coalition flag."

"After all, we can know the real-time location of the Japanese flag."

"And the Japs don't know this."

"You're thinking··"

In terms of military ability, although Zhao Gang is not as good as Li Yunlong, he has been in the independent regiment for so long and has experienced more than ten battles, large and small, and has improved a lot. He immediately understood what Li Yunlong meant:
"Tiaohu Lishan?"

"Haha, Lao Zhao has made great progress!"

Li Yunlong suddenly said proudly:

"The Japanese army camp in Li County is in the plain area on the west side of the county. Judging from the information given by Brother Lu, the flag of the West Field Regiment is also there." "Next month, we will have a cavalry camp."

"When the time comes, I will send the cavalry battalion to attack first."

"The plains are the home ground of the little devils."

"Once we launch an attack, the Japs will definitely dispatch troops to pursue us."

"As long as the main force of the Japs leaves, a small group of lurking troops can sneak up and seize the opportunity to seize the Japs' coalition flag."

Wuxiang County.

Outside the Japanese stronghold.

"First battalion commander, please keep an eye on me. I will arrange both open and covert sentries."

"Second Battalion Commander, you organize ten sharpshooters from the entire regiment and use the newly issued sniper rifles from the brigade headquarters to attack."

"Commander of the third battalion, you will lead the troops to guard the surrounding areas to block the Japanese reinforcements coming from Qin County and Li County. Once the Japanese reinforcements are discovered, the battalion will first call with mortars, and then notify me via walkie-talkie."

Cheng Shifa of the 772nd Regiment issued the order with high spirits.

After the Shandao Regiment was completely wiped out,

The garrison strength of Yuxian, Wuxian, and Liaoxian, the three counties originally stationed and defended by the Shandao Regiment, dropped sharply. Yuxian and Wuxiang, the two counties with the largest garrison, only had [-] Japanese each.

Each county is worthy of a squadron.

But more than three months have passed. At this time, no matter which regiment of the [-]th Brigade, the strength has increased by more than seven or eight times.

The 772nd regiment, as the main force of the old numbered regiment, has increased by about ten times.

In fact, at the beginning, the brigade headquarters' idea was just to capture Liao County first and open up the communication line with the Taihang base area to facilitate food transportation. After all, the Taihang base area is close to the North China Plain, has a large population and consumes a lot of materials.

20 tons of grain will not last long.

In the Taiyue Mountain area, there are [-] tons of grain per month, and the balance exceeds [-] tons. This does not include the [-] tons of grain that the independent group can get every month.

But the brigade headquarters did not expect that,
Three full days after the New Third Regiment captured Liao County, intelligence personnel in Yu County and Wu Xiang reported that the Japanese had not yet sent reinforcements to Wu County and Yu County.

The garrison in the two counties still only has a pitiful squadron.

So the brigade commander waved his hand and asked the 772nd Regiment, the 57th Regiment, and the 38th Regiment to start besieging Yu County and Wuxiang County.

The brigade commander had no intention of attacking by force.

The Japanese held on to the city and relied on the county walls and improved fortifications to defend the city.
Although due to lack of troops, if troops are mobilized to attack by force, both counties can be captured.

However, according to the estimates of the battle situation deduced by the brigade staff department, even if the captured Type [-] infantry artillery is used, the total number of Type [-] infantry artillery shells is less than [-] rounds, and it will probably take a lot of effort to storm Wuxiang and Yuxian. Over four battalions of casualties.

Today, the infantry battalion of the 650th Brigade has [-] people!

For the sake of the county where two surrounding villages and towns were controlled by the army, more than 1000 people died, more than 1000 people were injured, and a large number of civilian casualties were paid.

Not cost-effective.

So the brigade commander just let three regiments surround him, then set aside a retreat route, and continued to harass them, forcing the Japanese to retreat, or until the Japanese reinforcements arrived, and by the way, see if they could beat the Japanese reinforcements.

Cheng Shifa resolutely carried out the brigade commander's order, surrounded Wuxiang County, mobilized sharpshooters to harass, and prepared to ambush the Japanese reinforcements.

"Damn it, even the little devil is here today!"

Looking at the Japs on the city wall who dared not show their heads, Cheng Shi laughed particularly wildly, like a villain.


same day.


No. 20 In the ninth brigade headquarters, brigade commander Kotani Matsubarada looked at the map on the table, focusing on the three counties of Liao County, Yu County, and Wuxiang. He frowned deeply and cursed incessantly. stop.

From the map,
The four county towns of Yuxian, Liaoxian, Wuxiang, and Lixian are located at the four corners, blocking the part of the Taiyue Mountain area where the [-]th Brigade is most active and where a large amount of supplies are found.

However, as all members of the Shandao Regiment were destroyed, Liao County was occupied by Tubal Road that day.

There is a big hole in the blockade,

The Taiyue base area has since been connected with the Taihang base area.

Afterwards, the headquarters ordered him to immediately mobilize troops to urgently reinforce Yuxian and Wuxiang to prevent more county towns from being captured by Tubal Road.

But before, three squadrons and one brigade were annihilated, and now another regiment has been annihilated. Half of the 29th brigade's strength has been wiped out. Where can reinforcements be mobilized?

Moreover, with the current strength of Tubal Road in Taiyue Mountain, at least one super-staffed brigade, that is, a team of 500 people, is needed to reach the two counties safely.

In the end, troops could only be drawn from the garrisons in Jinzhong, Fenyang, Changshi and other places.

Although the troops stationed in these places belong to the First Army, the strength of the Locust Army is seriously insufficient. The strength of each regiment and brigade is very tight, so the deployment of troops to his defense area is naturally delayed.

So it took four full days, plus what he himself had gathered from here and there, to finally collect 500 people.

So now there is a very troublesome thing before Kotani Matsubae:

Which county, Yu County or Wuxiang County, is for the Eighth Route Army?

Kotani Matsuharada fell into incompetent rage again.

Wuxiang and Yuxian are located on the center line of Taiyue Mountain. They are key strategic points for the locust army to divide the Taiyue base area on Tubal Road. They are both very important counties. No matter which one, they cannot be given up.

The capture of any county town by the Tubal Road means that a large amount of materials appearing in the Yangcun area can flow to the western and southern sections of the Taiyue Mountains through this route.

If both are captured by Tubal Road, it means that Tubal Road and Taiyue Mountain Area are completely connected.

The cage plan was a complete failure.

After cursing angrily for a while, he made a decision:
"Go to support Wu Xiang immediately!"

Although both counties are important and cannot be lost, in comparison, Wuxiang, which has a railway passing through it, is more important.

(End of this chapter)

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