My client Li Yunlong

Chapter 125 Ding Wei: Hello, Brigadier!

Chapter 125 Ding Wei: Hello, Brigadier!

"Old Summer."

Headquarters, Xinhua News Agency.

Xu Lin, newspaper editor and printing technician, greeted the photographer Xia who walked in.

"Xu Lin."

Lao Xia waved as a response, but he was packing things in his hands.

An old camera with film.

"Are you planning to go to the Jinan base area?"

Xu Lin asked.

Not long ago, the Jinan base area suffered heavy losses from the Japanese's economic attack, which made the troops realize that the financial power of the base area was very weak, and a meeting was held to summarize the lessons learned from this failure.

We also organized personnel from various base areas to conduct on-the-spot inspections.

Xinhua News Agency is also planning to send two people there together.

"Yes, let's go to the Jinan base area and take a look. Our newspaper is going to publish a special issue of each base area. I want to take photos of each base area."

Lao Xia answered, but his brows furrowed.

A plan is a good plan.

Let the soldiers and ordinary people in all base areas have a look at the customs and customs of other base areas and broaden their horizons.

But the problem is.

He's running out of film.

This plan requires at least a thousand pieces of film, maybe even thousands, or even ten thousand pieces.

You can buy film in Taiyuan, but it's too expensive.

The application has already been submitted.

But the newspaper probably doesn’t have enough funds.


Hearing this, Xu Lin also frowned.

As for printing technology, the last time he reported on the battle to annihilate the Guizishandao Regiment in the Taiyue Mountains, Xu Lin realized deeply that Xinhua News Agency's printing equipment was too old.

The printed photos are of poor quality and blurry.

It is completely unable to meet the current propaganda needs of the base area.

But the problem is,

At present, let alone the introduction of new photo engraving equipment, newspaper rotary printing machines are also one of the main reasons for blurred photos. Buying just one set will cost seven to eight thousand yuan.

The base area is currently financially poor.

If Li Yunlong hadn't gotten a batch of grain in May, it would have been even more difficult.


Even if you have the funds to buy a printing press, you don’t have the channels to do so.

This thing only has import channels.

None in Taiyuan.

It can only be purchased in Beiping or Shanghai, but transporting it from there would cost [-] oceans.

"It would be great if we could get the most advanced newspaper rotary printing press in the world."

Xu Lin sighed:

"This printed newspaper picture is not much worse than a photo."

"Even illiterate people can see it clearly."

"The most advanced newspaper rotary printing press in foreign countries?"

Lao Xia couldn't help but shook his head:
"I really dare to think about it."

"This machine costs NT$50 per machine. This is the price quoted in Shanghai, excluding shipping costs, and it requires special [-]g newsprint and special color ink."

"Can the superiors allocate [-] to [-] yuan to buy us the latest newspaper rotary printing press?"

"Can't you think about it?"

Xu Lin curled his lips disdainfully:
"I also thought, what if we could import the latest color newspaper printing technology developed in the United States and publish a color printed newspaper."

"Let the common people in the base areas, the Eighth Route Army soldiers, and the common people in the guerrilla zones and occupied areas have a look at the colorful world."

"A world of vivid colors."

These few words directly made Lao Xia fall into reverie.

What changes the most to a person?

The answer is well known.

Knowledge and vision.

read more, walk more.

This is also the reason why all the old Red Army soldiers who came out of the snow-capped mountains and grasslands are top talents.

Although the Long March was arduous and full of crises, they truly traveled thousands of miles and saw the great rivers and mountains of the vast motherland, which broadened their horizons. With their good knowledge, they were all talents.

It is temporarily impossible to popularize education in the base areas.

Traveling thousands of miles is not realistic.

Due to limited transportation, more than [-]% of the people in China have never left the county town in their lives. Most of them wander around within one-third of an acre of their own homes.

But that’s what newspapers and photography are for!
Let people stay at home, understand the news and facts thousands of miles away, and see the people and scenery thousands of miles away.

It would be great if we could publish a Xinhua Newspaper and use the color printing technology that is still under study to print a photo on it so that even illiterate people can take a look.

There is also a radio station.

It doesn't matter if you are illiterate, you can always understand it if you listen. Use newspapers for photos, and use radio stations to spread written knowledge, so that people can listen to it on radios.

"You think too much too."

Lao Xia shook his head.

Not to mention radio stations, radios, and color newspaper printing technology, even the latest newspaper rotary printing presses available on the foreign market are still far away!

"If you can buy a good newspaper printing press, a photographic plate machine, and enough ink, newsprint will be good."

Lao Xia smiled bitterly.

Today, Xinhua News Agency not only has poor printing technology, but also a serious shortage of ink and newsprint.

"Old Summer."

On the side, the editor-in-chief of Xinhua News Agency of the Northern Bureau listened to the discussion between the two and did not interrupt.

Although he knew that the comrades of the Beijing Review had found channels to purchase more advanced newspaper rotary printing machines, high-quality ink, and high-quality newsprint.

And the price was negotiated.

However, the funds have not yet been transported to Beiping.

The goods didn't arrive either.

Not to mention transporting it to the base area.

Problems in any link during this period will lead to loss of materials and waste of money, and the risk of problems is extremely high.

No need to say it now.

After the two of them finished speaking, the editor-in-chief said:
"Film, I've sent someone to buy it for you!"

With that said, he handed a large box of film to Lao Xia.

The headquarters has made it clear that if you have any funding needs in the future, you can apply to the General Logistics Department. As long as the application is reasonable, the appropriation will be approved. The editor-in-chief immediately applied to the General Logistics for a batch of funds to purchase film.


The superior gave him a thousand oceans.

This amount of money is enough to buy tens of thousands of high-quality films in Taiyuan.

The editor-in-chief was stunned.

"so much!"

Lao Xia looked at the film in front of him and was equally stunned.

"Ha ha·"

"Keep a good record of the customs and customs of our base area."

"If it's not enough, I'll buy more."

The editor-in-chief waved his hand, full of pride.

When photographer Lao Xia was packing up his equipment and preparing to go to the southern Hebei base area.

Ding Wei led the new transport team and happily drove towards Yangcun.

"It won't be a problem this time."

The accompanying battalion commander was a little nervous.

Four times!
Already four times!

Our own group has never received the equipment that the independent group replaces at the end of every night.

But last month, the regiment commander didn't go at all because of the reinforcement of the artillery battalion at the headquarters.

"What else could go wrong this time?"

Ding Wei vowed resolutely and happily:
"After today, our new regiment will be equipped with six 82nd mortars belonging to the artillery company, a thousand new mules and horses, and walkie-talkies have spread to the company's main battalion."

"Except for Li Yunlong's independent group with the God of Wealth, we will be the strongest main group." Ding Wei said in a stern tone.

If you get Li Yunlong's equipment this time, you will definitely not be able to swallow it all.

The total strength of the independent regiment is 5000. As far as he knows, there are more than 180 walkie-talkies, which are enough for the new regiment to spread to work.There are over fifty [-] mortars, six in each battalion.

But leaving six 82 mortars and twelve walkie-talkies is absolutely no problem.

The new independent regiment of mules and horses also has [-] horses, so it will definitely be no problem for him to leave [-] horses.

"The strongest main force?"

Upon hearing this name, the battalion commander's spirits suddenly lifted.

The strongest main team!

Ding Wei continued to draw cakes:

"Maybe we can also assign two 82 mortars to each battalion."

Like the independent regiment, it is impossible to have six 82 mortars per battalion, but leaving twelve mortars and giving each battalion two directly under them might work.

It depends on the brigade commander's attitude then.

"The battalion's 82nd mortar?"

The first battalion commander swallowed his throat, his expression both disbelieving and full of expectation.

In the expectant eyes of the group, the transport team rushed towards Yangcun at high speed.

But also at the same time.

Yang Village.

"Hello, brigade commanders."

Li Yunlong greeted each brigade commander with a smile.

As the army expanded, the number of brigade commanders also began to increase, from six at the beginning to now more than two hands can count.

At this time, even the person in charge of the Wutai Mountain base area rushed to Yangcun.

"I heard that Li Yunlong is short of officers?"

Everyone is already very familiar with the process and the rules. The brigade commanders have come up with their own prices:

"I have ten old Reds here."

"But, there is a shortage of excellent officers and cadres everywhere. We have to follow the old rules. Only capable troops can get the job from their superiors..."


"I also have eight..."

Just like a vegetable market, everyone is asking prices.

"That's easy to say."

"Two 82 mortars, each artillery is equipped with two sets of spare parts. In addition to the base plate, the barrel bracket can be replaced and repaired if it is damaged. Each artillery also has two thousand rounds of shells, plus a walkie-talkie, five Thousands of bullets..."

"Change to an old Red Army company commander."

Li Yunlong made a direct offer.

"it is good!"



All the brigade commanders nodded.

But I was shocked beyond words.

Before coming, I was mentally prepared. After all, after the battle to annihilate the Shandao Regiment, the headquarters obtained sixty 82 mortars and 12 rounds of 82 mortar shells.

One hundred new walkie-talkies.

After seeing the sophistication of the new equipment, the brigade commanders took out their best military officers and cadres and came to Yangcun.

But unexpectedly, Li Yunlong's price still made them all unbelievable.

That walkie-talkie alone made everyone jealous.

It is lightweight and can be used by individual soldiers. It has a battery life of 24 hours and a replaceable battery. The communication distance can be up to [-] kilometers using a whip antenna. The reinforced antenna can double the number.

After setting up large antennas for the Japanese division-level radio stations and artillery command radio stations, the maximum communication distance is only ten kilometers under good weather conditions.

In the eyes of a group of brigade commanders, this thing is as powerful as an artillery battery with a full base of artillery shells.

In the end, after an hour of bargaining, the excess weapons of the independent regiment, including [-] mules and horses, were divided up, and Li Yunlong obtained fifty officers, cadres and technical soldiers with high levels of education and strong beliefs. .

"What good stuff have you been working on recently?"

After the brigade commanders were satisfied, they all got closer to Li Yunlong.

After all, everyone has seen the new long-range 82mm mortar and the new long-range 60mm mortar.

That's the real good stuff.

Everyone is jealous.

Moreover, the officers assigned to Li Yunlong in the future can be transferred back to their original units after half a year or more.

The brigade commanders were passing cigarettes and wine, which made Li Yunlong feel miserable.

During this period, the deputy general staff of the brigade headquarters who came with him couldn't help but ask.

The other brigade commanders also looked over.

Li Yunlong's recent actions in Li County are well known to everyone.

"Are there any weapons that can deal with the Japanese stronghold?"

Before Li Yunlong could answer, the deputy general staff couldn't help but ask.

The offensive plan has been initially drawn up. As one of the drafters of the plan, the Deputy General Staff is very clear that the troops are in urgent need of various offensive weapons.

"Deal with the Japanese stronghold?"

Li Yunlong remembered the introduction to the 120 heavy mortar in the information.

Made of high-strength alloy steel, the combat weight is 220 kilograms, the maximum range is 7700 meters, the grenade weight is 16 kilograms, and the Octogen high explosive charge is three kilograms.

A hit can directly destroy all three layers of wooden bunkers.


Li Yunlong answered directly.

It is unrealistic for the 120 mortar to shoot flatly, and the recoil is too great.

But the new 120 heavy-duty long-range mortar has extremely high accuracy within one kilometer. To deal with the Japanese artillery towers, you can hit wherever you point. The big deal is, just fire a few more shells.

The Japanese lacked materials. Even for a stronghold that claimed to be made of cement, its defense was equivalent to a three-layer wooden bunker.

Three kilograms of Octogen dynamite is equivalent to [-] kilograms of yellow explosives. As long as it hits, it is enough to destroy any stronghold theme, any machine gun bunker, and they can all be destroyed with one shot.

If it doesn't work, the new 120 mortar also has white phosphorus incendiary bombs.

This thing is a great weapon against strongholds.

Just a little cruel.

But if the opponent is a Japanese soldier, he won't be cruel.

"it is good!"

The deputy general staff asked no more questions.

"it is good!"

The brigade commanders also applauded.

Naturally, they all knew about the big move that was about to take place.

After all, the headquarters has ordered the intelligence forces in various base areas to start taking action.

At this moment, Ding Wei's loud voice came from outside:
"Li Yunlong, I'm here to help you!"

"Damn it, it's finally the turn of labor and management."''

"No one will compete with me this time..."

Pushing open the regimental door, Ding Wei's voice suddenly stopped as if his neck was stuck.

But Ding Wei is Ding Wei after all. He rolled his eyes and immediately stood up and saluted:

"Hello, brigade commanders!"

"Ding Wei, the leader of the new regiment, is here to report."

"What are you doing here?"

A brigade commander asked immediately.

"I have brought a new transportation team to help the brigade commanders with transportation."

Ding Wei answered with his head held high.

But behind him, a battalion commander could hear the heart-piercing heartache of his regimental commander, as well as the helplessness of knocking out his teeth and swallowing them in his stomach.

"Yes, I have awareness."


The brigade commanders naturally knew what was going on, but since Ding Wei had reacted, they naturally would not expose it and praised Ding Wei one after another.


Li Yunlong laughed so hard that he almost broke his voice. In order to cover up his laughter, he also joined the team that praised Ding Wei:
"Captain Ding is still enlightened!"

(End of this chapter)

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