My client Li Yunlong

Chapter 136 Yoshio Shinozuka: Is my Chief of Staff of the 1st Army breaking the rules of heaven? !

Chapter 136 Yoshio Shinozuka: Is our Chief of Staff of the First Army violating heaven's rules? !
Chapter 28 Yoshio Shinozuka: Is our Chief of Staff of the First Army breaking a law of heaven? !
The next day just dawned.

The headquarters of the Fifth Battalion of the Independent Regiment,
Go to the village.

The Fifth Battalion of the Independent Regiment is organizing a strong wall to clear the country.

Hide food, destroy water wells, hide livestock, mules and horses in the mountains, build secret hiding spots on the mountains, search for water sources, etc., and be prepared to hide for a long time - in order to prevent anyone from informing you, these hiding spots are scattered and built.

Try to hide the people in a village in batches so that each other does not know where the hiding spots are.

As the beginning of the mountain horse trail expansion project in Taiyue Mountain District, Shangcun has now changed dramatically.

From the beginning, when the independent regiment came to station, although Shangcun was also the core base of the army, with the blockade of the Japanese prison and the garrison of the Xiazhuang stronghold, the mass base of Shangcun also weakened.

At that time, the people had quite a lot of complaints about the troops.

But now, after several months of consolidation, the mass base of Shangcun has been unprecedentedly solid.

Faced with the task of strengthening the walls and clearing the country, the people were very cooperative.

The only thing that the people are reluctant to part with are the newly renovated houses and some new furniture. Since the road construction team started recruiting workers, the people's lives have also improved, and they have more spare money.

as well as,

Newly planted crops.

and hidden grains—the devil's nose is sharper than that of a dog.

Zhao Tou, the elder of the Independent Regiment, also saw the reluctance of the common people and was anxious in his heart.


This time, the Japanese army of more than 2 men came with great force, and the sweep spanned the entire Taiyue Mountains. Although the regiment headquarters was determined to make up for the losses of the common people after the war, it was powerless.

According to the warehouse accounts of the Taiyue base area, there are [-] tons of grain, [-] tons of canned meat and lard suet every month.

The independent regiment can receive [-] tons of food supplies and [-] tons of canned meat or lard every month.

In total, 1 tons of grain, [-] tons of lard and canned meat are produced every month.

That sounds like a lot,
But as the Secretary-General of the Independent Regiment, Lao Zhaotou knew very well that this amount of food was simply not enough.

After annihilating the Shandao Regiment and occupying Yuxian and Liaoxian counties, the population of the base area increased, and a large number of disaster victims poured into the Taihang base area, with the total population exceeding 330 million.

In addition to supporting the southern Hebei base area, the monthly food gap is as high as [-] tons.

These are grains to be put into the market to stabilize grain prices.

Not counting the consumption of troops, militia, and political workers.

Sixty thousand tons of grain is enough.

But it would be a drop in the bucket to fully subsidize the losses caused by the Japanese raids.

According to the headquarters' plan, in the future, transportation channels to the Shaanxi-Gansu border area will be opened to transport grain to the rear, to the Wutai Mountain base area, and to other base areas.

Since then, [-] tons of grain have been insufficient.

As for the silver dollar,

Having money but no food is useless.

Fortunately, with funds this year, each base area has begun large-scale land reclamation and planting to support self-reliance. However, most of the base areas occupied by the troops are mountainous areas, which are not suitable for large-scale food planting and the yield is low.

There are no good seeds, water, fertilizers, lack of scientific management of planting, and lack of experience, so not much food can be added.


At this moment, a communications soldier came running over:
"The regiment headquarters ordered that during the period of clearing the country, statistics should be collected on the houses and property of the people, and no stitches or threads should be missed."

"Count all properties?"

Lao Zhaotou's eyes lit up.

Although the regiment headquarters did not say the reason, detailed statistics on this order revealed many problems.


Lao Zhaotou responded excitedly.

"After the statistical form is completed, it will be handed over to the dedicated person at the regiment headquarters for review."

The correspondent continued.

In line with the principle of gathering what can be gathered and not taking away empty goods, Captain Li also took the opportunity to recruit some expatriate talents from the system master to avoid waste and possible overreporting.

As a result, the Independent Regiment now has more than thirty all-round talents sent by the system master.

Zhao Gang put together a plan and directly set up a school and set up study classes to train electrical, artillery and other talents on a half-year cycle to improve the cultural level of the officers in the entire military camp, company, platoon and class.

this afternoon.


An open area near the railroad.


Ogami, who was leading his squadron in neat formation, frowned when he looked at the captain of the railway brigade, who was holding a samurai sword in front of him and shouting for locusts and for the empire.

He didn't expect that the captain of his railway brigade would be a completely brainwashed idiot who only wanted to fight for the Locusts and the Empire.

Although I look down on such idiots,

But this also makes Oshangchi very troublesome.

If you want to continue trading with those underground parties and escort the materials they transport, you must get permission from the captain.

But there is almost no possibility of bribery for this person.

Because the five hundred yuan he gave to this idiot was actually handed over by this idiot, leaving not a penny for himself.


The male Shangzhi was very upset when his way of making money was blocked, but he couldn't think of a solution for a while.

"We will train well for the rest of the day. If the enemy attacks the railway, we must bravely fight the enemy and be loyal to Tian Locust Jade."

"I have to go to the brigade headquarters for a meeting and won't be back until tomorrow. Captain Ogami, you will be responsible for supervising the training. You are not allowed to leave the camp casually."

After leaving a few words, the captain of the railway brigade rode to the brigade headquarters more than [-] kilometers away, and by the way handed over the supervision power to Ogami Satoshi - handing over [-] yuan, it finally had some effect.

"When I encounter an enemy, I will definitely be the first to run."

The male Shangzhi curled his lips in disdain.

That night.

Outside Yangquan. "Walk."

The first battalion commander of the [-]th Regiment led a hundred elite soldiers and walked towards Yangquan Headquarters under the cover of night.

Yangquan is different from Taiyuan. Due to the destruction of the war and some other reasons, there is no completely surrounding towering city wall, so naturally there is no way to completely block the city.

Originally, there should be a large number of patrol teams in the city.

But starting from tomorrow, troops from the 27th Division will be stationed one after another. The 29th Brigade in Yangquan needs help building camps, providing warehouses, supplying water, etc. Most of the 29th Brigade's brigade headquarters personnel have been sent out.

Also, the previous attack in Ping County dispersed the security forces.

Of course, the Japanese had never thought that someone would dare to enter Yangquan at night to attack, so the vigilance in Yangquan at this time was extremely low.

And, the route drawn up by local intelligence personnel in Yangquan.

More than 100 people actually approached the headquarters smoothly.


"Kill or kill."

When we arrived outside the headquarters, it was already 11:30 at night, and most of the people in the Japanese headquarters were already asleep. The first battalion commander of the [-]th regiment did not hesitate and took the lead directly to climb over the wall and enter the headquarters.


After all, it was the headquarters, and there were Japanese guards patrolling at night, but as soon as they met, they were shot to death by a battalion commander.

"Come on!"


Suddenly, there were shouts of killing, and they faced more than 100 soldiers of the [-]th Regiment holding submachine guns. In order to rush for time and complete the task quickly, they almost carried out a desperate charge attack.

The less than fifty Japanese soldiers at the headquarters of the No. 20 Ninth Brigade were no match for them, and they were all wiped out in just half an hour.

Not only the former commander of the 29th Brigade and the current chief of staff of the First Army, Kotani Matsumahara, was killed, the former deputy commander and now deputy chief of staff of the first army, and the captain of the Japanese Railway Brigade were also killed.


Half an hour later, a battalion commander led the retreat.

This battle was still a relatively brutal battle. Because the Sixteenth Regiment was unfamiliar with the terrain and wanted to end the battle quickly, the number of casualties was the same as that of the Japanese. Almost every Eighth Route Army soldier was killed for every Japanese killed.

Forty soldiers fell in the battle, and seventeen more were injured, including a battalion commander.

Fortunately, taking advantage of the chaos of the night, the remaining soldiers withdrew from Yangquan.

"After our headquarters is attacked this time, the Japanese will definitely conduct a large-scale search in Yangquan. You must be careful."

Before leaving Yangquan, the first battalion commander told shopkeeper Yao Ji, who was responsible for leading the retreat this time.

"rest assured."

Shopkeeper Yao Ji nodded.

The plan was set at the beginning. After this operation, the intelligence officers who participated in the operation would return to the base area to avoid the enemy's search and cut off the enemy's investigation route.

Anyway, with sufficient funds, the army's intelligence power in Yangquan has grown rapidly.

Leaving some people behind has no impact at all.



Although the headquarters was overturned, Yangquan was a city that the Zhengtai Line passed through after all. The Japanese reinforcements quickly controlled the situation and figured out the situation.


The news was immediately delivered to Yoshio Shinozuka.

It was almost four o'clock in the morning, and Yoshio Shinozuka was woken up by Kazuki Yamamoto.

"what's up?"

Yoshio Shinozuka looked at Yamamoto with a surprised expression and frowned.

Apparently, the First Army commander was not happy with being woken up.

"Urgent call from Yangquan."

"Tonight, Tubal Road attacked the 29th Brigade Headquarters."

"The former commander of the 29th Brigade, the current chief of staff of the First Army Otani Matsuharaeda, the former deputy commander and now the deputy chief of staff of the first army, and more than 50 guards will not be broken!"

Yamamoto lowered his head and reported.


Yoshio Shinozuka's eyes suddenly widened, and he was a little confused.

The chief of staff and deputy chief of staff died again?
How long has it been?

It’s been less than a month since the first time the Chief of Staff of the First Army was attacked to pieces!
In just one month, three chiefs of staff and deputy chiefs of staff of the First Army were killed.

As for it?
"The attacker is Tubalu."

"They sent an elite team to raid the 29th Brigade headquarters. Their operational purpose was very clear, which was to kill the Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff of the First Army at any cost."

Yamamoto lowered his head and explained.


Yoshio Shinozuka looked puzzled.

The first time might be an accident,

The second time was when Tubalu accidentally found an opportunity to launch an attack.

But what is this third time for?
Why were the Chief of Staff of the First Army attacked twice in a row?

"The reason is not yet known."

Yamamoto smiled bitterly.

The attack that occurred tonight allowed Yamamoto to confirm that Tubalu deliberately killed the positions of Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff of the First Army.

But why?

This kind of action carries huge risks, and the benefits are not big.

(End of this chapter)

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