My client Li Yunlong

Chapter 169 The usage of traitors!

Chapter 169 The usage of traitors!

"How do you post these three hundred newspapers throughout the city?"

"Let all the people in the city see it."

Northern Review.

Several latent comrades held a secret meeting.

During the meeting, Vincent raised the biggest problem they are currently facing.

This is Beiping.

Japanese North China Front Army Headquarters.

Not only is there a large gathering of troops,

There are more than 7,000 Japanese regular troops stationed directly in Beiping and nearby areas, reaching the size of a brigade. If you include the police force and puppet troops, the total strength exceeds 15,000.

It is also the base camp of the Japanese special high-tech area in North China, where various secret service agencies are gathered together.

The streets and alleys are full of Japs spies.

If they post newspapers on a large scale, they will inevitably be discovered by the Japanese. It is easy for the Japanese to follow the clues and catch them all.

Don't underestimate the devil.

This is a bloody lesson.

"Our superiors asked us to try to let as many people see this newspaper as possible."

"That is to say, we still need to put it on the wall again the next day after the devils tear it off."

Vincent added:

"It's best, before the independent group takes action, make sure that this newspaper is available in the streets and alleys of Beiping."

"That's ten days!"

A comrade attending the meeting whispered to himself.

"Yes, ten days."

Vincent nodded in emphasis.

Although Xinhua News did not specify the date, it ends in early to mid-August and there are still ten days left.

In other words, the independent group will launch an attack on Miyano Michichi within ten days.

They will also post this newspaper on the walls in the streets and alleys every day within these ten days.

"One or two days is no problem."

"But over time, something will definitely go wrong."

"The devil's nose is not an ordinary one."

Everyone looked solemn.

It was an exciting job to post this Xinhua Newspaper in Beiping, the headquarters of the Japanese North China Front, so that nearly one million people in Beiping could witness this attack.

No less than killing the Japanese on the frontal battlefield.

But the danger is no less than the frontal battlefield.

The intelligence forces of the Japanese North China Front, the Japanese special high-tech, and the traitors have been searching like mad dogs for them lurking in Beiping.

Once you are caught with clues, you would definitely rather kill by mistake than let go.

After more than ten minutes, I still couldn't come up with a good idea.

"I have an idea."

Vincent suddenly said:

"This matter can be left to others, and we will be responsible for supervision."


Everyone looked over.

Xinhua News Agency.

It has been listed as a banned journal by the Japanese. Once someone is found to be in possession of it, not only will it be confiscated, but the holder will also be severely fined, imprisoned and interrogated, and the worst cases may even lose their heads.


Vincent smiled slightly.


Everyone was stunned.

The traitor works for the Eighth Route Army?

It’s still a stupid thing like posting Xinhua Newspaper in the streets and alleys.

Is this possible?

"How could they do it?"

Some people gritted their teeth:

"Those bitches only know how to work for the devils."

"Being a devil's dog."

"Don't scold the dog..."

Vincent smiled slightly and continued:

"A dog is much more loyal than a traitor."

"But traitors, there is absolutely no word loyalty in the minds of these people."

"For this group of people, there is only profit and following the trend."


Everyone nodded in unison.

The Japanese are no more wary of traitors than they are of their own family.

Even more so.

Who dares to use this kind of guy who eats everything and sells his ancestors for glory?

It's just that the little devil needs this group of people now, otherwise they might all be killed.

"You mean?"

When the topic reached this point, several people attending the meeting immediately understood Vincent's thoughts.

Someone’s eyes immediately lit up:

"Use money to hire traitors to help us post Xinhua Newspaper?"

"good idea!"

Everyone praised him one after another.

What is the purpose of the traitors taking refuge with the Japanese?

Nothing more than two things.

Money, power!

In fact, it’s more about the former.

The Japs rarely really delegate power to traitors, and the traitors know this, so they are all trying to make money, by any means or at any cost.

Otherwise, is it really for the common prosperity of Greater East Asia and the career of the Japanese?

This group of people, as long as they have money and the money is in place, they dare to do anything.

And there are many such people.

Today's Beiping underground organization lacks people, territory, and intelligence capabilities.

Only there is no shortage of money.

Five transport planes depart every two days, each trip bringing 250,000 silver dollars in cash.

Currently, they have more than two million silver dollars stored in their secret warehouse.

According to news from the headquarters, from now on, the army will never be short of silver dollars. It has also been directly stated that if problems can be solved with money and silver dollars, try not to take risks.

"Yes, just use money to solve problems."

Vincent laughed.

"Ha ha··"

The others also laughed heartily.

With sufficient funds, these latent forces can exert their maximum capabilities.


"Posting newspapers in town?"

That night.

Tian Liuer received a job. Someone asked him to post newspapers on several streets in Beiping City.

Tian Liuer is an authentic Northern critic.

If I could describe him in just a few words, he would be a complete hooligan, who does all kinds of bad things and bad things, never cheats or deceives anyone, and does not do any good things to good people.

After the Japanese came to Beiping, he joined the Japanese without hesitation.

Because with the support of the Japanese, we can make better money and enjoy ourselves better.

"This newspaper..."

Tian Liuer has never read a book, but after so many years of living around, he still knows a few words:

"Xinhua News!"

Tian Liuer suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at the person in front of him with dangerous eyes.

Xinhua News Agency.

Listed as an absolute banned publication by the Locust Army.

Once discovered, they may be beaten severely, or even beheaded.

This person actually wants to post Xinhua Newspaper in the streets and alleys...

He immediately thought about whether to hand this person over to the Locust Army and get some reward money.

"This is a 10% deposit."

The visitor ignored Tian Liuer's dangerous look, placed a pile of silver coins on the table, and then pushed it in front of Tian Liuer.

"Silver dollar!"

Tian Liuer's eyes twitched when he saw a pile of silver coins on the table.

What a big deal!

Before the Locust Army came, he was just a little gangster with no power or influence. He relied on his ruthlessness and deceit to get by every day. He was not a big shot.

The hand is very tight.

Even if he joins the Locust Army, he is just a little traitor, helping the Locust Army do dirty work and still not rich.

The pile of silver dollars in front of him was only a 10% deposit, but it was also his annual income.

Hand this man over. He is a low-level traitor and will never get so much.

The little devil is also a thief.

You won’t feed them all at once.

Tian Liuer felt clear in his heart.

The little devil is not a good thing.

Although he bowed his head day and night, before the locust army and behind the locust army, in the eyes of the little devil, he was even worse than a dog.

"After it's done, there's still 90% left."

The visitor continued with a very calm tone:

"We will send people out to the streets to check."

"I don't care what method you use."

"For ten days, I want people in the streets and alleys to see the newspaper posted every morning."

"For every extra day, I will give you an extra amount of money."

"The Japanese tear it up every day."

Tian Liuer licked his lips.

This life is not difficult.

Although it is very dangerous, once caught by the Japanese, at least the skin will be peeled off, and in the worst case, one may even lose one's life.

But one day is worth a year of exhausting work.

Worth it.

And if the devil wants to know that he did it, it's not that easy.

The worst case scenario is to run away after finishing the job.

Can the Japanese still search for him all over the world?

With money, you can go anywhere.

"It's ok."

"As long as people can read the newspaper every morning."

The person came said.


Tian Liuer hesitated for a moment, originally wanting to add some money.

But he doesn't do this work, there are people who do it.

So I decisively agreed.



The next day.


Inside the North China Front Army Headquarters.

Hearing Tada Shun's scolding and seeing the commander slap the brand-new Xinhua Newspaper on the table, Colonel Matsuzaki Naoto, currently the section chief of the Beijing Review Agency, was trembling in his heart.

Together with the 27th Division, they investigated the Taiyue Mountains and spent a lot of manpower and material resources. The Locust Army lost more than one and a half regiments of troops. In the end, they still failed to find out where and what the enemy's transportation channels were.

His superiors were already very dissatisfied with him.

In contrast, Colonel Suzuki Tobi, the section chief of the Hebei Provincial Government responsible for the economic war against Tubal Road, has good news.

One after another, funds were continuously handed over to the empire from Suzuki Fan's second hand, and the amount was increasing and the scale was getting larger and larger. It was an extremely rare distribution of large net income in the entire North China region.

Not only the headquarters, but even the base camp were very satisfied. Some people even bluntly said that Suzuki Fanji was the first to realize the North China military station plan.

To nominate him for promotion to major general.

And he...

Responsible for the Beiping, Tuba Road's newspaper claiming to assassinate General Miyano, Chief of Staff of the North China Front, was actually posted in the streets and alleys, and has now spread throughout the Beiping.

The impact is extremely bad.

As for the police department under his jurisdiction, the police force was not aware of it at all.

"Deal with it immediately."

Tada Shun's tone was unkind:

"If I see these newspapers again in the future..."


Matsuzaki Naoto's legs and feet were trembling.

After leaving, Matsuzaki Naoto immediately called in the police force and various traitors to arrange for the removal of the Xinhua Newspaper posted in the streets and alleys.

It's nearly noon.

A certain street in Beiping.

"Tian Liu'er."

"Hi, Taijun."

Tian Liuer bowed his head to a Japanese soldier.

"You, tear up all these Tubal newspapers."

"Also, if you find the person who posted these newspapers, there will be a huge reward!"

A Japanese soldier arrogantly lectured Tian Liuer.

The location of these newspapers was extremely tricky, and the glutinous rice juice used was very tightly adhered, making them very troublesome to handle. Naturally, the Japanese were unwilling to do it themselves, so they assigned them to their henchmen.


Tian Liuer continued to bow his head, but he was completely disapproving of it.

Are there any rewards?

How many can there be?

Can there be more from the Eighth Route Army?

Feeling disdainful, Tian Liuer immediately started working and arranged for people to tear down the Xinhua Newspapers he had posted on the wall last night.

Newspapers are easy to put on, but not so easy to tear off. They worked until the afternoon before the Japanese cleaned up more than 500 newspapers posted in the streets and alleys.




(End of this chapter)

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