My client Li Yunlong

Chapter 193 Yoxi, you did a great job!

"Hey, this active infrared observation device is really useful!"

The direction of the matter was exactly the same as analyzed by the Japanese deputy captain.

After discovering and annihilating half of the Japs in Shiratori Yuei's detachment through active infrared equipment, the truck fleet transporting food did not pay attention to it. They just sighed again at the usefulness of infrared night vision equipment.

Then, they routinely notify the troops stationed nearby to strengthen patrols and alerts, and search for possible enemies.

Since the highway was completed and opened to traffic, the transportation team began to transport grain to the southern Hebei base area. Small groups of Japanese have been harassing the transportation team, but this is the first time that a small group of Japanese has been so close to the truck transportation team.

"Battalion Commander, what if the Japanese lay mines on our roads in the future?"

After cleaning the battlefield, transport battalion driver Niu Li'an suddenly thought of a question.

Niu Li'an, driver of the Independent Regiment Transport Battalion.

Since Niu Wanlin exchanged positions with the two chiefs of staff of the Japanese First Army at the Yangquan Japs Headquarters, earning the first pot of gold for the entire army, the five members of the Niu family have moved to the base area to avoid Japs retaliation.

Today, a family of five lives in a village near Yangcun.

Niu Wanlin also inherited the legacy of his father and brother and joined the army. Because he was young and had some cultural background, and because Niu Li'an had worked as a mechanical apprentice, he was assigned to the automobile corps.

He has participated in system instructor training.

It is clearly stated in the textbook.

Mines are the best way to deal with transport vehicles.


Shen Quan, commander of the transportation battalion of the Independent Regiment, fell into deep thought.

The regiment set up a transportation camp. After seeing these big guys and feeling the charm of machinery, Shen Quan was the first to sign up. In addition, he had a background in mechanics, had worked as a car helper, and had a very good cultural level. Finally, he was successfully selected into the transportation camp. battalion commander.

After more than a month of training and step-by-step guidance from system experts, Shen Quan also successfully mastered car driving and maintenance techniques, as well as fleet command and other abilities.

As the commander of the motor transport battalion, Shen Quan was naturally separated from the frontline combat command.

However, Chen Quan is an old battalion commander after all, and he has a strong military background.

He has thought about the landmine issue since he became the commander of the transportation battalion.

Although landmines are an ancient weapon, they are very effective in actual combat. They are powerful, highly concealable, highly cost-effective in combat, and more importantly, very troublesome to defend against.

In the past, the army often used landmines to deal with Japanese transport teams, which gave the little Japanese a huge headache and heavy losses. Even if no losses were caused, it still wasted a lot of Japanese time and bought time for the troops.

Although the problem of landmines was considered from the beginning when the heavy-duty truck was designed.

But a truck is not an armored vehicle after all.

A grenade can damage a tire, and it will take at least an hour to repair it on the road.

An anti-tank mine, even if you are lucky, will need to be towed to a logistics repair shop for overhaul. If you are not lucky, it may even be scrapped directly.

Clearing landmines is very time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Although the Japs in North China are not equipped with landmines and have not used this trick yet, landmines basically have no technical difficulty and are very simple to produce. Sooner or later, the Japs will use landmines.

"I will report to the regiment headquarters."

While Chen Quan answered Niu Li'an's question, his thoughts were running wild.

The regiment leader was an expert in using landmines, so he must have thought of the threat that mines posed to the transportation team.

So, how will the leader plan to solve it?
the next day.
early morning.

The transport team escorted by the 689th Regiment, which had entered the Taihang base area and rested at a transfer station, set off again.

"Be alert."

Along the way, the battalion commander closely arranged the cavalry battalion and infantry reconnaissance team to patrol the surrounding areas to avoid falling into a Japanese ambush.

Having fought a lot of ambush battles, you will naturally have rich experience in dealing with ambush battles.

As an artilleryman, Yu Jindou was in the center of the army, following the transportation, and couldn't help but yawn during the process.

According to the leader's speech, the transportation team was actually a long-distance marching training. Marching two hundred kilometers with the transportation team in five days was a severe test of the soldiers' physical strength.

But Yu Jindou is a veteran!

His physical ability is very good.

As the army's food supply improved and every meal was full, his physical fitness further improved. Now his muscles are strong, and he marched 200 kilometers in five days, with all the marching baggage still on the cart, making it easy.

He felt a little bored.

Why haven't the devils come yet?
Because he was the artillery platoon leader, he knew a piece of confidential information.

The comrades lurking underground in the army found out a piece of news from the Japs - the Japs not only sent a brigade to harass the Zhizishan Bridge again, but also sent a brigade to infiltrate near the highway.

The superior means,
It seems that the grain transport team is used to attract the Japanese and then annihilated?

Or does it mean something else?
Yu Jindou, who had participated in military training at the training class in Taiyue Base Area, thought of his superiors' plan.


Although it is difficult to find a Japanese group lurking in.

However, it is not difficult to find him by sending out a large-scale reconnaissance force and conducting a wide-net search.

What Yu Jindou didn't expect was that,

Just three kilometers ahead of them,

The deputy captain of the Heze Alliance held up his binoculars and looked at the transportation team on the road with a troubled expression.


After a long time, he spit out a Baga.

Things were beyond his expectation.

The Eighth Route Army actually sent more than a thousand people to guard the transport team of more than 500 trucks, and the transport team was surrounded by cavalry guards and patrol teams.

And he only brought more than 800 people.

There is no advantage in military strength, there is no advantage in firepower,
Wouldn't this ambush lead to death?

"Captain, do you want to fight?"


Gritting his teeth, the captain of the Heze Alliance issued the order to attack.


When a Type 92 infantry artillery shell fell in the transport team, Yu Jindou and all the soldiers of the 689th Regiment did not panic at all, and even more soldiers were excited. "finally come!"

The second battalion commander of the 689th Regiment even howled excitedly.

There are ten transport teams in total.
Twelve thousand troops and five thousand transport trucks.

A total of ten battalions.

And there was only one Japanese who came in.
Fortunately, he met him.

"Ha ha··"

"The transport company retreated with its mules."

"Second Battalion, protect the mules."

The second battalion commander followed the instructions of his superiors and pretended to retreat.


As soon as the shelling started, the Eighth Route Army transport team hurriedly gave up the important food and retreated in large steps, which made the captain of the Heze Alliance suddenly feel relaxed.


Although Tubal Road has obtained a large amount of weapons and equipment, even more advanced than the Locust Army,
Often during battles, the Locust Army would equip the Type 38 rifles left behind on Tubal Road that they picked up or captured, because the Eighth Route Army's Type 38 rifles were more advanced and more reliable.

And so are machine guns.

As for mortars, they are even rarer items. Once captured, no one is willing to hand them over because they are so useful.

But good equipment also requires elite soldiers to use it.

Compared with the Imperial Locust Army, Tubal Road is after all an army formerly made of farmers. Even if there are some elites, most of them are just chickens and dogs.

As for whether it was an ambush.

The most important task of the baggage transport team is to protect supplies. If they even give up transporting supplies, how can it still be an ambush?

The deputy captain of the Heze Alliance held his samurai sword high and took the lead in charging.

His decision was not wrong.

He wants to annihilate this Tubal army.

Prove the glory of the Locust Army.


"Is this also a charge?"

"Aren't you afraid that it's the enemy's plan?"

Shiratori Yuei was shocked when he saw his deputy commander leading the entire brigade to charge.

Although he is only a first-class soldier.

But we also know that before charging in groups, we need to first determine whether it is the enemy's plan to lure the enemy deeper, especially when the enemy's strength is obviously superior.

This is common sense!

What the hell did the Imperial Bushido brainwash them into?

Just like this, do you still dare to claim to unify East Asia and achieve common prosperity?
You're not awake yet!
"Don't rush."

Feeling bad, Shiratori Yuei directly ordered the detachment to slow down.

He doesn't want to die.

Thanks to last night's investigation, some die-hard elements in his unit were killed by the Eighth Route Army, and the rest were non-die-hard elements. Naturally, they obeyed Yurong Shiratori's order and slowly slowed down.

In the end, Shiratori Yuei's team fell at the end of the charge team.

"Destroying food."

When charging onto the road, Bai Niao Yourong rolled his eyes and immediately ordered:
"Destroy the food immediately."

Following Shiratori Yuei's order, the remaining five Japanese in his unit immediately began to burn the grain and carts.


At the first moment of the Japanese attack, Yu Jindou immediately led his artillery platoon to retreat to the high ground on one side.

Five thousand mules and horses every month.

Plus scattered gains.

Today, there are more than 30,000 high-quality system mules and horses flowing out of the independent regiment.

It is impossible to equip the entire army;
But the 689th Regiment will certainly not be lacking.
The equipment of the artillery platoon was all carried on the backs of mules and horses. Thanks to the high mobility of mules and horses and the excellent training of the artillery platoon, when the Japanese charged onto the road, he had already reached the commanding heights.

Start building artillery positions.

When Shiratori Yurong began to destroy the food, the Japanese forwards began to contact the rearguards of the 689th Regiment, and the artillery position was completed.

Yu Jindou decisively fired a round of shells.


When the artillery shells fell on the position, the deputy captain of the Heze Alliance suddenly woke up.

The transportation team escorting the troops on Tubal Road may indeed lack training and collapse at the first touch.


The troops in front of me were fleeing in such an orderly manner.

It was as if it had been rehearsed in advance.

This is a conspiracy.

However, when the deputy captain of the Heze Regiment realized that something was wrong, it was already too late. The dense rain of bullets dropped by six 82 mortars instantly covered his brigade.

The Eighth Route Army on both wings suddenly crossed over, cutting off the Japanese brigade's retreat.

Thanks to the support of Jaap aircraft, the Second Battalion of the Heze Alliance successfully retreated after sacrificing a squadron of Japs.


"You did very well."

During the retreat, when he learned that Shiratori Yurong had quietly destroyed all the food and carts, the deputy captain was overjoyed and praised Shiratori Yurong repeatedly. (End of chapter)

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