My client Li Yunlong

Chapter 97 Gradually serious expression

Chapter 97 Gradually serious expression


May 25st.

Shandao Regiment Headquarters is located in Yu County.

A staff officer ran into the headquarters:

"The brigade reinforcement team and the baggage transport team have been arranged."

"Yo Xi."

The staff officer's report made Colonel Yamashima feel good.

With the reinforcements of a half-infantry brigade of five hundred troops and fifty carts and supplies, he could dispatch a full infantry brigade with a total strength of over a thousand men to go to Shangcun and wipe out the local Tubal Road.

At the same time, a stronghold in Shangcun was established to complete the task of extending the actual control range of the headquarters to the depths of the Taiyue Mountains.


After he commanded the Shandao Regiment to complete the important task of going deep into the hinterland of the Taiyue Mountains, blocking the north-south communication between the Eighth Route Army's Taiyue base, and dividing it into two, he then used some connections.

The Major General can be expected.

"Li Yunlong, Li Yunlong!"

"I should really thank you!"

Colonel Yamadao couldn't help but feel secretly happy.

Assistant officer, general.

The difference of one word is a world of difference.

A junior officer, even a colonel, is only a mid-level officer, while a general, even a brigadier general, is a senior officer. Although he is only the threshold of a senior officer, he is still a senior officer.

The status and influence of the two are completely different.

No matter what!

The colonel will at least be a natural chasm. I don’t know how many imperial soldiers have blocked their dreams of being a general. No matter how many colonels have tried their best and exhausted all their favors, they have not been able to break through this natural chasm.

Throughout the past 50 years of the Imperial Locust Army, only one-sixth of the colonels could be promoted to brigadier general while alive, and most of them were junior officers with backgrounds.

The number of major generals in this period has nothing to do with him.

Nobutetsu Sakata and Masabu Hirata, these two people are almost the default major generals. The former commands the elite infantry regiment of the second-class division and has great military exploits. The latter holds an important position as the deputy chief of staff of the North China Front.

And he was just a garrison infantry regiment of a garrison division.


Both of them were killed by Li Yunlong!
So it was his turn!
He really needs to thank Li Yunlong!

"After you kill Li Yunlong, let's burn a stick of incense in front of his grave!"

Colonel Sandow thought in his mind.

Sakata was so arrogant that he actually set up the headquarters just over a kilometer away from the front line, giving Li Yunlong a chance, but he wouldn't do it.

"Captain, there's an urgent call from Liao County!"

At this moment, a communications soldier ran into the headquarters with a panicked tone.

"urgent telegram?"

Colonel Yamashima was stunned:
"what's up?"

After half an hour.


No.20 The headquarters of the ninth brigade.

Inside the headquarters.

Brigade commander Kotani Matsubara stood up quickly, looked at the communications staff officer in front of him, and his tone was full of disbelief:
"What did you say?"

"The Beijing Battalion stationed in Yangquan encountered a heavy ambush by the Eighth Route Army on its way to reinforce the Xiazhuang stronghold. The battalion leader Beijing Minghe and the three squadron leaders, including the 420, were shattered, and all artillery and heavy machine guns were destroyed."

"The Xiazhuang stronghold was also captured by the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army. Only five members of the garrisoned squadron, including the squadron leader, successfully broke through, and the rest were all in pieces!"

The staff officer repeated the report he had just received, then bowed his head solemnly and handed the paper report to Matsumata Kotani.

According to the regulations of the Locust Army, when there is a message in the telegram about the broken jade of an officer, he must bow solemnly and slightly.

"This is impossible!"

Kotani Matsubaraeda even forgot to bow solemnly and slightly. He shouted loudly, then grabbed the report and read it several times, but still found it difficult to accept:

"what happened?"

"how can that be!"

Kotani Matsubarada's eyes widened.

Forget about a squadron.

How could a large team be severely damaged?

Moreover, the number of personnel was reduced by more than 400. The captain and all squadron leaders were shattered, and all heavy weapons were lost. This meant that the entire brigade organization had to be abolished!
It can be said that it was annihilated!
Even if Tubal Road sends a large number of troops to surround him, Lieutenant Colonel Kitai is also a senior captain with rich combat experience. Once he senses something is not going well, he will definitely find a suitable position to defend and wait for reinforcements.

Unless Kitai Minghe is stupid enough to enter a dangerous area alone.

But not long ago, according to a routine report from the Shandao Regiment Headquarters in Yu County, the Beijing Brigade was marching at a slower pace due to harassment by the Eighth Route Army. It was impossible for the Beijing Brigade to accidentally enter the ambush circle, right?

"It's not clear yet."

The staff officer shook his head:

"I have sent people to Liao County to investigate the details."


"Based on the verbal report by phone from the remnants of the Beijing Brigade that withdrew from the Xiazhuang stronghold, as well as Ogami Satoshi and others."

After taking a deep breath, he slowly spit out two words:
"While the Beijing Brigade was advancing on highway alert, it was bombarded by a large number of large mortar groups as powerful as mountain artillery. The enemy fired tens of thousands of artillery shells, and then dispatched heavy troops to attack in a surprise attack. Although the Beijing Brigade fought bravely, they were ultimately outnumbered. The enemy's firepower was too strong and they were defeated."

Although the new 82 mortar has a range of only 4.5 kilometers, its shell weight is 75 kilograms, which is only two kilograms lighter than the Japanese 75 mountain field gun. In addition, the mortar shell has a large charge, and its power is almost as powerful as The Japanese's [-]mm mountain gun.

In the eyes of the Japanese soldiers, it was already a heavy artillery.

After all, the Beijing Brigade is just a garrison brigade, the Japanese's third-line infantry, and one brigade is only equipped with a Type [-] infantry cannon.

"Tens of thousands of shells!"

Kotani Matsubarada subconsciously didn't believe it.

Lied about the military situation.

Exaggerate the enemy's situation.No army can avoid it.

Even the locust army!
Out of panic, fear, and in order to evade responsibility, grassroots soldiers and officers will subconsciously exaggerate the enemy's strength and the degree of enemy firepower they encounter.

Unless it is a lie that the Kitai Brigade was severely damaged to the point that its establishment was almost cancelled, or Kitai Minghe was careless and led the troop group deep into the dangerous area, otherwise, there were thousands, if not tens of thousands, of artillery shells.

Only the Eighth Route Army concentrated a large number of 82 mortars and fired thousands of artillery shells, which could cause the Beijing Brigade to suffer such heavy losses. It could not be done with 60 mortars.

In other words, the Eighth Route Army also obtained a large number of 82 mortars and artillery shells?

Kotani Matsugata's eyes were solemn.

The 60mm mortar has only light firepower. There is no absolute gap in performance between the Type [-] grenade and the Type [-] grenade commonly equipped by the empire. It is just an infantry accompanying support artillery.

Once the combat strength reaches the brigade level, the battlefield effectiveness will be much worse.

But the 82 mortar is already as powerful as the Imperial Mountain Field Artillery.

Can be used as infantry to suppress artillery.

Once Tubal Road is equipped with a large amount of equipment, the trouble will be big, which means that even the brigade-level troops cannot march alone in the Tubal Road base area, which will be seriously detrimental to future raids.

"Detailed investigation!"

Kotani Matsumaharada ordered.

An imperial infantry brigade was almost annihilated by the Eighth Route Army, with less than a squadron remaining. No one in the brigade headquarters survived, and the organization had to be abolished and reorganized. Although it was only a garrison brigade, the matter was very serious.

Kotani Matsugata spoke in a serious tone:
"Send someone immediately and take a car to Liao County."

"Order Colonel Yamashima to submit a detailed combat report before tonight."


The Japanese staff immediately went to execute it.

The next day.


First Army Command.

"On the way to reinforce the Xiazhuang stronghold, the Beijing Battalion encountered a heavy ambush by the China Army, including 421 warriors including the captain Beijing Minghe and three squadron leaders."

After realizing that Tubal Road had recently obtained a large amount of supplies and become much stronger, Yoshio Shinozuka became much calmer about this news.

With supplies, in mountainous areas, it is not a problem to concentrate superior forces to severely damage an imperial brigade.

Wait until he cuts off the source of materials for the Eighth Route Army, and then calculate the general ledger.

"I know Lieutenant Colonel Kitai. He is a very outstanding imperial soldier. He graduated from the Imperial Army University. He has a rare cautious character. I didn't expect that he would be loyal to the emperor here."

Then he stood up and bowed slightly to express his silence:

"Who moved the hand?"

Yoshio Shinozuka then asked:

"Independent Group Li Yunlong!"

The staff officer replied.

"Li Yunlong of the Independent Group?"

When he heard this name that had appeared repeatedly in his ears recently, Shinozuka Yoshio's eyes suddenly became serious.

Colonel Sakata.

Hirata is the Deputy Chief of Staff and the Liao County Prisoner of War Camp Garrison Squadron.

Hejin Squadron.

Nishino Squadron.

They all died at the gunpoint of this man.

That's fine.

There are winners and losers in battles. It is normal for the Empire to have captains of the God of War who have repeatedly accomplished extraordinary feats. It is also normal for Tubal Road to have elite captains.

However, according to a recent report by Enji Kada, the head of the First Army's intelligence department, the large amounts of food, weapons and ammunition that appeared in the Taiyue Mountains seemed to be directly related to this person.

Something is wrong!
"Yamamoto-kun, what do you think?"

Yoshio Shinozuka looked at Kazuki Yamamoto beside him.

As the current deputy chief of staff of the First Army, Yamamoto sent someone to Liao County not long ago, so he could get the news as soon as possible.


Kazuki Yamamoto was already prepared:
"I'm afraid it's more serious than we thought."

"Oh, what do you say?"

Yoshio Shinozuka became interested.

"According to the combat investigation report of the Shandao Regiment stationed in Yu County."

"While heading to the Xiazhuang stronghold by road, the Beijing Brigade encountered artillery fire from dozens of 82 mortars."

"Through inquiries about the retreating imperial army and analysis of on-site bomb craters, we found that the 82 mortar used on Tubal Road not only consumed a large number of shells, firing more than 79 shells, but also the shells were more powerful than before. , more powerful than the Imperial 75mm infantry gun, and not weaker than the Imperial [-] mountain gun."


Shinozuka Yoshio's eyes became serious again.

In the past, the 82 mortar equipped by the Eighth Route Army was as powerful as the Imperial Type [-] infantry gun.
Now came more powerful shells.

In other words, Tubal Road obtained the new 82 mortar with better performance and a large number of artillery shells.

For a commander who commands more than 7 people, it is not a problem for the enemy to obtain some artillery and artillery shells. Even if Tubal Road is equipped with a large number of 82 mortars and has sufficient artillery shells, he will not be an opponent of the Locust Army in frontal combat.

The real question is, where did these guns and shells come from?
"Furthermore, according to the on-site investigation and interviews with surviving soldiers, only one infantry battalion of the independent regiment participated in the attack on the Beijing Brigade. At most, it was a reinforced infantry battalion."

"A reinforced infantry battalion?"

At this time, Yoshio Shinozuka's expression finally turned serious.

Isn't that about the same strength as the Beijing Brigade?
Encircling and annihilating an Imperial squadron with heavy troops with the support of an artillery group, and annihilating an Imperial squadron with the same force with the support of an artillery group are completely different concepts!

If true, then one conclusion can be drawn.

An infantry battalion of the Independent Regiment, its actual combat effectiveness far exceeds that of the Imperial Beijing Brigade.

"Go and ask Colonel Kaeda Enji of the Intelligence Department to come over!"

(End of this chapter)

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