Your Highness is too enchanting

◆10◆ Be my boyfriend

"Don't you want to, Qianli?" Gu Lanye narrowed his eyes slightly, his bewitching rose-colored pupils shone with a dangerous and mysterious color.

"It's useless if you don't want to. I don't have the right to refuse at all, do I?"

Qian Li blinked her pupils, sighed faintly, her misty eyes looked at the arrogant young man not far away.In the depths of her gentle and harmless eyes, a hint of arrogance and disdain was fleeting.She has never been afraid of making things difficult for others.

Isn't it just a confession?

Isn't it just to make him accept it?

Isn't it just a knife in the face?

Hmm... what's so difficult about it?

Hearing this, Gu Lanye looked at Qian Li with great interest, and the smile on his lips became more charming and enchanting.

She was the first woman in the world who dared to punish him.

If possible, from now on, he wants to tear apart her gentle and harmless disguise inch by inch.He was very interested to see what kind of heart she was hiding under her pure and innocent disguise.

Qian Li felt Gu Lanye's breathtaking gaze from the side, but she turned her gaze away from a distance without paying attention.

She tilted her head and thought for a while, then suddenly opened a palm to Gu Lanye.

The palm of the hand is up, which means asking for it.

"Huh?" Gu Lanye slightly raised his eyebrows, looking at Qian Li's hazy beautiful eyes.

"Your Highness, I want money." Qian Li raised her head to meet those bewitching eyes, and said directly.

It is said that when a woman reaches out to a man for money, she will appear humble.

But Qianli's outstretched palm was very frank, without any intention of feeling humble.There's nothing to be humbled about, is there?If he wants her to do something, shouldn't she bear the cost of buying props?

"Why?" Gu Lanye's eyes flickered slightly.

"Buy roses and give them to him when he confesses his love." Qian Li said seriously.


Soon, Qian Li came out of the flower shop beside her with a bouquet of 999 red roses in her hands.

With light brown hair, snow-white skin, and a sweet smile, she looks very cute and docile as a girl.

The misty blue pupils are filled with soft mist, like the romantic and charming Greek Aegean Sea.The breeze blows, lifting the girl's soft and flowing hair.The girl nodded, smiled, and lightly sniffed the fragrance of the flaming rose.

The beauty and illusion like a fairy tale dream dazzles people's eyes.

Gu Lanye's seductive eyes flickered around, and Mili Xie's eyes were slightly narrowed, and there was a faint taste in her heart.Ordered her to confess, did she really confess with a longing look?

Qian Li raised her hazy blue eyes to look at Gu Lanye, then walked around him holding a huge bouquet of flowers.

Qian Li went straight to the arrogant boy leaning against the car door.

The boy chased away the girl who confessed to him, and was about to get in the car, when Qian Li called out to him: "Brother, wait a minute."

The voice is delicate and soft, sweet and glutinous, a bit coquettish.

This is what ordinary girls usually do when they confess their love, but Qianli's voice is better.

If you only listen to the voice and tone, the boy will never turn around.

However, Chihiro called "brother".

In this academy, except for his biological sister, Dai Weier, no matter if it is a princess in the royal family or a noble lady, they all respectfully address him as "Young Master" when they see him. Which lawless woman dares to call him "brother" directly and ambiguously? ?Don't want to live anymore?

The young man turned around dangerously, piercing Qian Li with a bit of evil and cold eyes.

However, Qian Li still held the rose in her hand and smiled innocently and innocently.You know, no matter how cruel your eyes are, they can't be used as knives.

"Brother, I want you to be my boyfriend."

It's not that I want to be your girlfriend, but that I want you to be my boyfriend.

In the soft and sweet voice, there is hidden arrogance and arrogance no less than that of a teenager.

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