Your Highness is too enchanting

◆134◆ Long time no see

The coronation ceremony of the sunset queen was late, at eight o'clock sharp.

Royal dinner.

The dishes are rare and exquisite, and the taste is even more delicious.Some people eat sweetly, some people eat absent-mindedly.

Gu Lanye carefully picked out large and small fish bones, his slender jade-like fingers turned gently, dexterously and gently.In just a few seconds, a complete and beautiful piece of snow-white fish meat was served on a thin porcelain plate, which was crystal clear and attractive.

Gu Lanye pushed the porcelain plate to Qianli, then his face turned, and he approached slightly, blinking enchantingly and charmingly:

"Xiao Qianli, do you want me to feed you?"

"I..." Qian Li stared at Gu Lanye for a while, his eyes gradually blurred.

It wasn't until she felt the shining eyes of the Empress that Qian Li came back to her senses.Like an innocent white rabbit with wet eyes, she quickly lowered her head and started to eat fish. She was not willing to eat too fast, but chewed and swallowed slowly.

Yeye has already picked out the fish bones for her, and it would be too ostentatious to feed her again.The future mother-in-law is watching... No matter what, you have to restrain yourself!Her Majesty, who is rebellious and unruly in her bones, is very well-behaved and sensible with her soft and pure appearance.

"Ye Xiaobao is so considerate! Tsk tsk, no wonder it's my son, so gentle and virtuous..."

The charming Queen's eyes were shining brightly, and she stared excitedly at the affectionate two people opposite her, and bumped her arm boldly into Gu Ye next to her, but her movements did not appear rude, but had a chic elegance on the contrary, " If Ye Xiaobao is as coquettish as you were back then, I'll have a headache! Hey, Ye Dabao, shouldn't you be thankful for marrying me..."

A round taro head was brought over, blocking Her Lady Queen's chattering mouth.

However, some people are not so happy.

"Why don't you eat?" It was rare for Qu Liushang to talk to Mo Lianna once.

He held up the porcelain white teacup and lightly covered his thin lips. His lips were light red and the porcelain cup was white.Qu Liushang was equally astonishingly handsome, but compared to Gu Lanye, he was still slightly inferior.

"Up to now, you have only drank a cup of tea." Moleena raised her eyebrows, and in her cold and arrogant eyes like a Persian cat, there was uncontrollable hatred and coldness, "Your concentration is really good, I I can hardly bear it anymore..."

Qu Liushang smiled softly, his smile was still pure and clear, like a white lotus on the top of a snow-capped mountain.

Good concentration?

No, just because of confidence, the joy of seeing them hurt each other...

The dinner was almost coming to an end, there was constant chatter and laughter, and the whole audience looked relaxed and lazy.

Qian Li went to the locker room to change her dress, Gu Lanye was still in the arena, and many kings surrounded him to toast.At this moment, the two separated briefly.It's a good time.

Mo Lianna quietly followed Qian Li, and waited in the royal corridor leading to the dressing room.

Her tall and straight chest rose and fell slightly, a little nervous.The slender fingers painted with bright red coquettish nail polish tightly held a bottle of amber perfume.Molena opened the perfume, and a strange fragrance filled the air. Without hesitation, she sprayed a lot on her body in a hurry.

The stronger the scent, the better her chances of winning.

When Qu Liushang gave her the perfume, he warned her that there is only one chance, and if you are only allowed to succeed, you will surely succeed.

At this time, Qian Li finished changing into a dress and came out of the dressing room.

Mo Lianna's eyes turned cold, her red lips curved into a sneer, and she blocked her fragrant body in front of Qian Li...

"The setting sun is shining, long time no see."

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