Your Highness is too enchanting

◆139◆ please enter the urn

"Let's go... Qianli." Thinking of this, Gu Lanye's innocent smile finally showed a hint of fireworks.

Just one last step...he's about to make it.

"What? You want to leave here?" Hearing this, Qian Li suddenly raised her head in surprise, blinking her eyes and asked.

I saw that palm-sized face was delicate and tender, with an innocent and pure smile on it, there were no traces of tears, it was clearly smiling, Qian Li said kindly, "That's not right! Yeye and I left, you have to stay first." Oh here."

Qu Liushang was taken aback for a moment, his calm eyes glanced at the big bed... only Mo Lianna's intoxicated Shen-lun's body and flushed cheeks.

How can there be Gu Lanye's shadow on the bed?

Qu Liushang immediately sensed something was wrong, but it was too late——

A "bang" palm came from behind fiercely, and with a domineering momentum, it instantly shattered the muscles and bones of Qu Liushang.

The strength of this palm was controlled extremely skillfully, it didn't damage any skin, but it caused serious internal injuries to the Qu Liushang, and he lost the ability to move and escape for a while.

Under the severe pain and horror, Qu Liushang only heard a lazy and charming chuckle in his ear:

"The winding cup, please enter the urn."

Gu Lanye stood calmly behind Qu Liushang, with a domineering arrogance in his demeanor.

That charming face was captivating, and the bright red thin lips held an unruly evil smile, making treacherous ripples in the dark night.The deep and extravagant magnificence of the pupils is filled with the intoxicating and colorful magic color, and the fragrance of roses is lingering, hiding the faint and blurred connotations.

The girl and the boy stand shoulder to shoulder, like a dragon and a phoenix, with a graceful and noble temperament.

They looked at their opponents who were defeated miserably.

"Heh... Unexpectedly, the acting skills are so superb." Qu Liushang's thin lips were pale, and he smiled weakly, but still had an elegant and indifferent taste, like a remnant lotus swaying in the wind, about to fall and wither, "It's so interesting... ...cough cough cough..."

He lightly covered his slender fingers to his lips, and coughed a few times in a low voice.

It turned out that nothing could be helped by Gu Lanye.

As early as Gu Lanye saw that piece of salmon, he noticed the medicinal properties in the fish.In the riding and archery competition, facing Qu Liushang's temptation, he pretended not to know, pretending to become angry from embarrassment, which made Qu Liushang relax his vigilance and carry out his plan with peace of mind.

In fact, the medicinal properties in the salmon have no effect on Qian Li.The emotional transfer of the crystal ball was not successful at all.Everything is due to Qian Li and Gu Lanye's tricks, acting all the way to the present.

In the end... the jumping clown was actually him Qu Liushang.

Qu Liushang smiled helplessly.

He was weakened by the exhaustion of an emotional transfer performed with the crystal ball.Coupled with Gu Langye's ingenious palm, at this moment, he has no strength at all.

"Come on, you're hurt, don't worry, I'll help you to rest." Qianli smiled and "helped" the winding cup graciously, but in fact kicked the winding cup directly onto the bed and lay down with Moleina. together.

The two naked bodies were lying together, and with the effect of the aphrodisiac in Molena's body, Molena climbed up Qu Liushang's white and clean body intoxicatedly, and the scene looked extremely obscene.

This is the reason why Qian Li tore Qu Liushang's clothes to pieces just now under the "heartbroken".

Because Qu Liushang knew the art of restoration, she deliberately tore it into pieces and threw some of the fabric out of the window.Without a complete substance, the meandering cup cannot be restored.So, now he can only be naked.

Qian Li clapped her palms in satisfaction, raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Brother Immortal, don't be afraid. Wait a moment, the reporters and media you called here will obediently leave after taking the photos. Remember to cooperate when the time comes. ..."

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