Your Highness is too enchanting

◆17◆ You are looking for death

Dawier was sitting dignifiedly on the crystal chair, her proud and contemptuous posture was like a noble princess who was proud of being favored, arrogantly commanding her humble servants.She stretched out her feet lazily, and ordered Qianli casually:

"Kneel down and wipe Miss Ben's shoes clean."

The ridicule and teasing in Daweier's words were exactly the same as before, and even worse.

But this time, upon hearing this, Qian Li smiled.

She smiled differently from the last few times.

The smile was enchanting for a moment, and then turned into that eternal harmless simplicity.

It is said that people can bear it.However, there are no more than three things.

Therefore, a person can endure the first time, or the second time, but absolutely not the third time.

But Qian Li can only bear it once at most.She generally likes to save the funniest things for later, though.

Qian Li's smile was so extremely clear and innocent, she looked into Daweier's eyes, and asked softly, word by word:

"Dear Sister Dai Weier, are you—looking for—death—right?"

Hearing this sentence, Dai Weier was stunned for a moment, her pupils shrinking slightly.

Immediately, Dai Weier frowned, and said in a cold and stern voice: "Presumptuous! How dare you speak to me like that! Have you forgotten Ye's words? He asked you to serve me well. You said such disrespectful words to me , I am qualified to severely punish you!"

Immediately, Daiweier turned her eyes, looked eagerly at Gu Lanye, and complained: "Ye, look at Qianli, how can she say that about me?"

But Gu Lanye ignored her, he cut the steak in a leisurely manner, and then lazily put it in his mouth to chew...

"Sister, are you finished?" Qian Li blinked her misty blue eyes, smiled slightly, and said in a harmless and delicate voice as sweet as honey, "I just want to say one thing, right away, you will Realize who is punishing whom now."

Qian Li finished speaking with a smile, reached out and gracefully took a full glass of red wine, shaking it lazily.

"Just now, is that how you swirled the wine glass?" Qian Li opened her water eyes curiously, and said with an innocent smile, "Then if I accidentally accidentally spilled the wine juice? Oh, it's so fun Is it..."

Daiweier saw Qianli holding the wine glass slowly approaching her face, and immediately realized Qianli's intentions. She just wanted to avoid it, but found...

My body was glued to the chair and I couldn't move!

"Well, I forgot to tell you, I accidentally got a lot of super glue on the rag just now."

At this time, Qian Li smiled more innocently, and while shaking the red wine glass slightly, she said regretfully and helplessly, "Hey, really, it was you who asked me to wipe the super glue on your chair thirteen times. of."

"Also, Miss Dai Weier, you'd better not struggle and not move around." Qian Li continued blinking her misty eyes, and said softly, "This is special super glue, the more you struggle, the stickier it will become. The more powerful it gets, maybe it will seep into your skin, so it won't be easy to handle now..."

" damn bitch!" Hearing this, Devier finally couldn't control herself, and cursed angrily.

As soon as Dai Weier finished speaking, she heard a "crash".

In an instant, even the entire restaurant became silent.

——This is the sound of pouring red wine.

This is the sound of a large glass full of red wine suddenly splashing on a person's face...

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