Your Highness is too enchanting

◆21◆ Gentle as water

Looking at the thin lips that were already close at hand, Qian Li smiled lightly, her soft and white arms actively wrapped around César's neck, a charming and pure smile floated around her magnificent lips: "Brother, play Is it enough?"

Qian Li's seemingly casual and bold behavior made César slightly taken aback.

But he didn't realize that Qianli's slender fingers were coldly bent into hooks on the back of his neck...

It only takes one move to kill!

In the depths of Qianli's beautiful eyes that are always misty, there is a demonic light flowing, and the murderous intent suddenly emerges.

However, it was destroyed again.

Her attacking posture gradually relaxed, and the killing power hidden in her white fingertips gradually dissipated.

Immediately, Qian Li casually raised the corners of her pink lips, and smiled lightly, the innocent smile on her lips was undeniably brilliant.It seemed that her bloodthirsty murderous aura in the last second was nothing but an illusion.

At this moment, on the territory of the Casta family, she cannot directly kill César.Otherwise, she must be difficult to escape.

And Qianli's testing of César's skills will end from now on.

Thinking of this, Qianli lazily pushed César away, keeping a little distance from him.

"Do you think I'm playing?" César asked coldly, frowning slightly displeased.

Qian Li looked up at César, with a harmless and obedient expression, her clear blue eyes like rhinestones were like blue ice crystals glistening with dew.She raised her white and slender fingers, and gently stroked the bloodstains on César's face.

Qian Li smiled slightly and parted her cherry lips, but did not answer César's question, but only sighed slightly:

"Hey, this scar really makes me feel bad."

Hearing this, César's ice-green pupils narrowed slightly, splashing a bewildering and dangerous shattered light: "Thanks to you."

"Brother, if you want to wrong me so much, I can't help it."

Qian Li lowered her slender eyelashes dejectedly, with a pitiful look of being wronged and unspeakable, and continued to say softly in a sweet and waxy voice, "Forget it, I will not care about you with good intentions. Brother, I advise you Let’s save your own sister first. Qianli brand special superglue, after more than an hour, your sister’s plump buttocks will be with that crystal chair forever.”

After finishing speaking, Qian Li turned sideways and slowly walked around César, and walked towards the door of the restaurant.

Her movements are as gentle as water, and her words are earth-shattering.

But César had an astonishing illusion, it seemed that the girl in front of her was really an existence like flowing water, invisible and colourless, she could never be caught or kept.But once he lost her, he would die of thirst.

Behind her, Devier shouted urgently and angrily: "Brother, why did you let her go? Why didn't you kill her!"

Hearing this, César immediately reacted from his thoughts. He glanced at Devier's angry and beautiful face, pursed his lips and remained silent.César took a meaningful look at Qianli's back, under the treacherous green pupils like devil flames, there were little ripples...

Qian Li walked all the way to the door of the restaurant, her misty pupils were innocent and clear.

However, in the depths of the water eyes that no one can see clearly, there is a sly light like a fox moving around.

Anyway, Gu Langye went to pour wine, if she slipped out of the restaurant now, Gu Langye probably won't be able to find her in a while.In this way, Qian Li should have enough time to send a secret signal to his organization.


Run now!

In the next second, a seemingly delicate and delicate figure was seen, galloping frantically out of the restaurant at a whirlwind-like speed.

As everyone knows, a pair of enchanting rose-colored pupils have already seen all this.Finally, in the depths of the lazy and sloppy crimson pupils, a seductive and profound wave of bewitching light flowed faintly...

Qian Li ran all the way, and ran to a remote lush green shade based on memory.

She stopped just now, but she was not in a hurry to send out a signal from the organization.Because, she heard a mess of footsteps, including a sharp female voice mixed in the middle:

"Sisters, don't let that bitch get away! Go up and surround her!"

Qian Li raised her misty pupils and looked, and saw not far away, a group of young girls were rushing towards her aggressively!

[There was no update yesterday, so there will be another update tonight to make up for the chapter owed yesterday]

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