"Who am I with, and what do I have to do with her?" Gu Lanye sneered, raising his eyebrows proudly, revealing a bit of unruly evil spirit and impatience.

The red-haired girl hesitated for a moment, then whispered softly: "At noon today, the Casta Academy will hold a return party for Her Highness the Princess, including a wedding party for Her Highness the Princess. In fact, the Princess' default engagement object is you, the Young Master."

In fact, the princess' default engagement object is you, young master.

Hearing this sentence, Qian Li's confused and innocent expression moved slightly.Oh, I didn't expect that there are quite a lot of women who fall in love with Gu Lanye.

"Engagement?" Gu Lanye raised his eyebrows evilly, a hint of arrogance and coldness gleamed in his enchanting crimson pupils, and a mocking sneer appeared on the corners of his beautiful lips, "She is really whimsical. Go back and tell her, stop dreaming." .”

The red-haired girl drooped her eyelashes, and said with a humble but secretly proud attitude: "Young Master, forgive me, when you see Her Highness's peerless beauty, you will fall madly in love with Her Highness."

In fact, there is a reason why the red-haired maid is so confident.

Casta Noble Academy is located in the Kingdom of Tans, and the princess mentioned by the red-haired maid is the only royal princess of the Kingdom of Tans.She is mysterious, her face is always veiled, and no one has ever seen her face.All I know is that she has a pair of charming pupils, and the movement of her eyes reveals a charming and charming style.

But Qianli couldn't help sticking out her tongue and rolling her eyes.

If a beautiful face can be exchanged for love, then this kind of love is so cheap that it only deserves to be trampled underfoot.

"Oh? Really? Then I'll wait and see."

There seems to be an undercurrent slipping through the bottom of Gu Lanye's deep and charming eyes, and the rosy and bewitching pupils are filled with the color of ice and snow, and the corners of his bright red and thin lips are slanted, "But before that, a warning If she plays such a childish game again, don't blame me for being rude."


Soon, Gu Lanye drove away everyone, leaving only Qianli by his side.

Qian Li raised her eyes, the cherry rain was flying, and the hazy mist under the sun engulfed Gu Lanye's beautiful silhouette that turned all living beings upside down.

I saw Gu Lanye leaning forward gracefully, with his slender and white fingers gently lifting Qianli's exquisite chin, his charming crimson pupils narrowed slightly, tinged with a beautiful enchanting charm, he gently opened his thin lips: " Qianli, do you have anything to explain to me?"

"Huh? Huh?" Hearing this, Qian Li innocently widened her misty watery eyes, and her pure pupils blinked, with a natural, cute and harmless expression, "Ah? What do I want to explain?" ? Explain what?"

"I don't know?" Gu Lanye Bing Rao raised his eyebrows, and said with a half-smile, "That's fine."

Just as Qian Li breathed a sigh of relief, she heard Gu Lanye's bewitching and mellow male voice sounding like a ghost in her ears, "Let's punish him directly."


ps: Sorry for not updating yesterday.The specific reason is the transfer of summer courses.

Tonight, I will strive to provide a supplementary update, and Momo didn’t forget the chapter that recommended adding updates, so I won’t renege on my debt!

Try to replenish the chapters with more updates in the next few days!Thank you for your recommendation and support, keep up the good work! ~

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