Your Highness is too enchanting

◆41◆ Who is more beautiful

The moment her small, jade-white toes fell to the ground, Molena raised her hand charmingly, and gently pinched the corner of the veil.

In an instant, the eyes of the audience became hot and bright!

Under the attention of everyone, Mo Lianna let out a charming smile on her lips, and proudly lifted the dark red veil on her face...

The magnificent wine-red gauze fluttered down to the ground, exposing a delicate face that was suffocating.

Those soul-stirring deep eyebrows and eyes are like the enchanting goblin in Liao Zhai, enchanting that melts poison.The soft dark gold satin-like smooth hair is half covered in front of the forehead, and the silky eyes are blurred and flowing, lingering around a kind of hazy temptation that still holds a pipa and half covers the face.

The most seductive thing is Moliana's half side face, which reflects a fresh and ghostly crimson rose, blooming seductively, as if being cast by the most mysterious and treacherous spell, showing the unruly and seductive look that overwhelms all living beings.The snow-skinned delicate lips were carved wildly and delicately, exuding a charming and charming charm.

The corners of the cherry red lips are slightly raised, which easily arouses the male's desire to conquer.

Because it was so beautiful and flirtatious, the audience was in an uproar, with constant exclamations.

Qian Li stared closely at the demonic red rose on the side of Mo Lianna's face, slightly lost in thought.

Oh, Qianli seems to have remembered.

Half a year ago, when Qian Li returned to the palace, she happened to meet two maids carrying a dying girl, and then rudely threw her into the trash.The girl was unconscious, half of her face was scratched, her lower body was eroded and bloody, it was obvious that she had been gang-raped.

Qian Li asked later, this girl seemed to be a princess sent by a small country to travel.There are too many foreign envoys visiting the Sunset Empire every year, and most of them come from weak kingdoms.The princesses of some small countries will secretly seduce the ministers of the Sunset Empire, hoping to bribe the important figures of the Sunset Empire after a one-night affair, and secretly strengthen their own national power from then on.But the Sunset Empire has strict discipline and has always put an end to such things.Once the princesses of these small countries have such intentions, the end will be cruel.

But this time, the fate of this girl was a bit too tragic.It doesn't do well for Empire of the Setting Sun, either.Qian Li thought about it, and personally used a wonderful technique to tattoo a crimson rose on the girl's disfigured place.The girl's already beautiful face was even more charming because of this delicate and charming rose.After finishing all this and helping her lower body to clean and quiet, Qian Li left in a hurry, almost forgetting about this trivial matter.

Thinking of it now, Qian Li smiled softly.

Oh, it turns out Moleena is that girl...

Qian Li rested her jaw lazily, looking in admiration at the lifelike and charming rose on Moleina's face.It's not that he admires Moleina's face, but his own craftsmanship is so good.

Mo Lianna smiled charmingly, proudly staring at Qian Li with admiration.

How can this young girl compare to the amazing charm of her, Mo Lianna?

Mo Lianna turned her eyes to look at Gu Lan Ye, but found that he was looking at Qian Li deeply, not intoxicated by Mo Lianna's face at all.

Mo Lianna secretly suppressed the unwillingness in her eyes, she moved lightly and lazily, her beautiful face bloomed with a coquettish smile like a beautiful rose, and her soft and hoarse voice was uniquely languid and sexy.

Mo Lianna raised her tender white lotus root arm that was as soft as a bone, and put it lightly on Gu Lanye's shoulder, a soft laugh came from her magnificent lips:

"Ye, tell me, is she beautiful, or am I beautiful?"

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