Your Highness is too enchanting

◆49◆ Are you a virgin?

Gu Lanye leaned over gently, leaning close to Qianli's ear, with a charming and elegant mellow voice, with a charming smile:

"With His Royal Highness, double cultivation."

Only double cultivation can transform the dull black rose into a noble and dazzling silver-purple royal rose!

"..." Qian Li was stunned.

"Do you want to change? Do you want to change? Tonight..." Gu Lanye chuckled enchantingly, and the rosy crimson pupils shone with excitement, like dazzling stars inlaid in the sky, scattered without a trace Gorgeous color.

If people in the Gulanth Empire saw this scene, they would surely shed tears.

Your Majesty His Majesty...

You accepted the stunning dancer from a foreign country with a smile, and then fed it to the snake.

The nobles of Gulance tried their best to give it to your daughter, you accepted it with a smile, and then fed it to the snake.

Even the beautiful bed companion that His Majesty personally gave you, you accepted it with a smile, and then fed it to the snake...

Finally found a girl, if you don't throw snakes in the hole, you will stick to her with a shameless face, and you will still sleep!

But the problem now seems to be that this girl is not very willing to sleep with His Highness...

"Hmm..." Qian Li stared at Gu Lanye's handsome face, and thoughtfully responded softly.Then, before Gu Lanye's crimson eyes showed surprise, Qian Li asked calmly, "Are you a virgin?"

The face is not red and the heart is not beating.

When Qian Li asked this sentence, her tone was as normal as asking "Have you had dinner tonight".

"..." This time, it was Gu Lanye who was stunned.

His pupils narrowed slightly, and he stared at Qianli's earnest and confused face for a long time, and finally he couldn't help laughing, his rose-red pupils were filled with gorgeous colors, "You little girl, I thought you were very pure at first... "

"Don't call me a little girl," Qian Li glanced at Gu Lanye, "I'm already seventeen this year."

"I'm older than you." Gu Lanye raised her beautiful brows alluringly.Receiving Qian Li's questioning look, his seductive eyes flashed, and he seemed a little reluctant to say, " year old."

But Qian Li didn't make fun of him, she meditated quietly, then frowned slightly, shook her head slowly, and sighed vicissitudes of life, "My man, hey... I guess he's not a virgin anymore."

"You seem to be very experienced?" Gu Lanye narrowed his eyes, touched the delicate jaw elegantly and evilly, and looked at Qianli.

"Of course." Qian Li smiled coquettishly, and answered calmly.

"Huh?" Hearing Qian Li's words, a trace of displeasure slipped across Gu Lanye's evil eyes, and he snorted treacherously and dangerously, staring quietly at Qian Li's small face.

"A man's first time is usually around the age of 17. What's more, as the heir to the world's most powerful country, you must have already had a group of wives and concubines, and you have countless daughters." Qian Li was very soft and indifferent when she first started talking. At the last sentence, she suddenly found herself gnashing her teeth a bit.

"You mind?" Hearing Qian Li's slightly sour tone, Gu Lanye was no longer angry, he smiled bewitchingly, and asked Xie Mei.

"Of course I mind. It's only right and proper for a virgin to be paired with a virgin. I only see men who are pure in body and mind." Qian Li looked directly at Gu Lanye's smiling crimson eyes, her tone was light, but there was a unique firmness and tenacity.

"This young master is very in line with your standards, do you want to try?"

The smile in Gu Lanye's eyes was even stronger, especially when he heard "a virgin deserves a virgin", his bewitching pupils shone brightly, like the noble moonlight of the silver charm, sprinkled into the bloody Mary mixed with poison, Extravagant and intoxicating, with the soul-stirring agate bright red.

Although there is an absolute temptation in front of him, Qian Li is still keenly aware that Gu Lanye calls himself "Young Master".

Did someone come?

Qian Li's hazy and innocent eyes glanced towards the distance seemingly inadvertently, and found that someone was approaching quietly nearly a hundred meters away...

------------------------- (above 1180 characters)

ps: Seeing that many relatives in the comment area asked Momo what "double cultivation" means, Momo wanted to go berserk.relative! Don't you know about "double cultivation"?really do not know?real?real?oh!Oh well!

But Momo won't tell you~!Because it is impossible for children with a little understanding and imagination not to know this meaning!


Friend Ye Moxian's new article "Vampire Daddy Loves Little Sweetheart" fake father and daughter, three daddies and one daughter, the only favorite article~

http://www. . /partlist/222399. html

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