Your Highness is too enchanting

◆5◆ 1 times per night

"Hehe... I'd better tell you directly," the night elf's enchanting and charming laughter resounded in a low voice, and I saw the young man's delicate and perfect thin lips gently approaching Qianli's delicate ears, and his charming and sleepy voice was ambiguous. murmured:

"Just now, I took... strong, sexual, spring, and medicine."

The evil and playful male voice lingered in Qianli's ears in a low voice, faintly exuding wisps of bewitching charm.

Qian Li lazily raised her water eyes to look at the handsome and perfect face in front of her. There was mist in the water eyes, and there was a trace of cold playfulness hidden in the bottom of the eyes.

Well, he is ruthless enough.

Indeed - worthy of playing with her!

Qian Li blinked her hazy pupils slowly, the depths of her pupils seemed to crush the light and swaying stars, shining brightly.She looked at the drugged liquor in the crystal glass, and was silent for a while.

Immediately, the corners of Qianli's lips frowned slightly, she raised her head to look at the boy seriously, and said suspiciously:

"Brother, it is said that the potent aphrodisiac has extremely strong properties. After a woman takes it, she must have sex with a very tough AV man at least seven times a night. You are so... thin, can you really do it?"

With the most innocent smile on Qianli's lips, she asked the most obscene questions.

The juvenile's bewitching rose-colored jewel pupils narrowed slightly, a dangerous and mysterious stream of light flickered around, giving him a natural domineering aura.

She actually... said he was thin!

She actually... Suspected that he was not good at that!

She actually... dared to challenge the most untouchable bottom line of a man!

The smile on the young man's lips bloomed more and more enchanting and charming, as mysterious and profound as the forest magic fog, full of exquisite charm, he bent down gracefully, his slender and beautiful figure completely enveloped Qian Li's petite body, a kind of enchanting A treacherous sense of oppression suddenly invaded Qianli:

"Whether I can do it or not, you will know soon. Qianli, now, let's drink the wine first."

His captivating and intoxicating smile is filled with deadly poisonous magic under the rich and charming rose fragrance of Versailles.

Qian Li gently lowered her black curled eyelashes.

There was a faint mist of water soaking in the delicate eyebrows and eyes, hiding her murderousness and coldness to the extreme.

She wanted to irritate him, but she never thought that this young man was so rational and calm under this kind of insult, and he never forgot to ask Qian Xun to drink that glass of strong wine.

Now, is she going to drink, or not?

Oh, what a tough question to decide.

But soon, Qian Li smiled in relief.Since it’s so hard to choose, let’s take a gamble——


I saw her white and slender fingers gently lift the goblet, and move it to her lips calmly.The rim of the cup, which is crystal clear and cool, gently pressed against the soft pink lips like rose petals, like applying charming and intoxicating lip gloss, or rubbing on charming and charming rouge.

Without any hesitation, Qian Li raised her head and drank it all in one gulp!

There was a moment of silence.

"Crack..." The goblet fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

The crystal shards were scattered all over the ground, like torn pieces of tulle, which looked soft and translucent.

"Oh, I'm drunk, I'm so dizzy...if I die..."

Qian Li stood where she was, with a drunken blush on her snow-white cheeks, and she began to sway, her already misty eyes became more and more hazy, like a pair of soft and lazy eyes soaked in fine wine. lazy look.

It's just that she doesn't know whether Qian Li is really drunk or fake drunk.

The young man looked at Qian Li's charming, blushing face, and at Qian Li's watery eyes shrouded in mist.The pair of beautiful eyes with unique charm, seemingly gentle and obedient, are actually unruly and wild.

All these easily aroused his desire to conquer.

Immediately, the boy's eyes darkened, and a beguiling stream of light slipped through the depths of his rose-colored pupils. He stepped forward and hugged Qianli's soft body horizontally, and walked towards the spacious and luxurious bedroom with his slender legs...

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