Your Highness is too enchanting

◆64◆ Swallow in 1 bite

Because of that tremor, Qian Li was slightly distracted, and accidentally let go of the other hand that was holding the bath towel tightly.

The towel slipped off, revealing the girl's graceful body.

Gu Lanye raised his face, and when he saw this scene, his eyes froze...

With Gu Lanye's noble status, he has seen countless beauties, but he has never been so amazed.

The delicate and moist skin is like frost Saixue, and the thin water mist still lingers on Qianli's exquisite and delicate snow skin when she comes out of the bath, exuding the pure and clear taste like uncarved jade, and the spring light of ice and snow is condensed on every inch of it. A shocking encounter on Bai Jiao's skin.

It was supposed to be a well-behaved and immature body, but it was subversively paired with unruly wild leopard prints, dark and ghostly fishnet black silk, and evilly outlined a slender, white and beautiful neck and sexy, hot and enchanting curves. , flaunting wildness and contemptuousness, extremely captivating.

The dark traits and arrogance hidden in her are also revealed at this moment, perfectly blending the noble and graceful royal temperament, and the charming and fairy-like devil charm, which is enough to turn all living beings upside down.

And the most fascinating thing is the elegant and harmless faint fragrance on Qianli's body, which is as refreshing and refreshing as the hazy mist in the forest in the morning.Coquettish and simple, wild and well-behaved, it's almost impossible to restrain the madness!

The subversion of a person's own image is called shock; after the subversion, it shows a more shocking beauty, which is called beauty.

Gu Lanye could imagine that Qian Li wouldn't look vulgar in a leopard print outfit, but it shouldn't be this stunning.

So much so that he forgot his words, and just carefully looked at the girl in his arms as if he had found a treasure.

At this time, someone suddenly entered the door.

Qian Li was slightly startled, and subconsciously raised her water eyes to look at Gu Lanye.But Gu Lanye had already reacted even faster, holding Qianli tightly in his arms, leaning over, and then both of them fell to the side of the big bed...

A thousand li down, Gu Lan night up.

Gu Lanye turned sideways slightly, his slender body completely blocked Qian Li's petite body, so that no one who entered the door would be able to see anything.

In fact, it was only a man in black who entered the door, Gu Lanye's subordinate.

"Your Highness..." The man in black was taken aback when he saw the ecstatic posture on the bed.

"Get out." Gu Lanye ordered coldly, "From now on, you are not allowed to enter my room without my permission."

In the past, Gu Langye never had any women around him, so he let his confidants come and go freely, since they were all men anyway, there was nothing to be taboo about.But it's different now, the beauty that Qian Li only showed in front of him, Gu Lanye didn't want to be seen by any man except him.

"Yes." The man in black responded, and the next second he left the room and closed the door tactfully.

The surroundings became quiet, but the two people in the room still maintained that ambiguous posture...

"You're so beautiful." Gu Lanye looked down at Qianli, lazily stretching his arms, a dazzling light gleamed from the bottom of his rosy eyes.

Gu Lanye didn't get up, Qian Li was pressed down by him, blinked her hazy eyes, pursed her lips slightly, didn't speak, just looked at him innocently.Qian Li has nothing to be shy about, she's exposed, she's suppressed, she's taken advantage of everything, what else do you want to do?

But Qian Li forgot that there is no lower limit to how shameless someone can go.

"Little girl, don't look at me like that."

Gu Lanye's seductive and seductive voice was languidly smiling, slightly hoarse, as if trying to restrain something.

He smiled bewitchingly, tilted his head slightly, his seductive thin red lips approached Qianli's ear, evilly engulfed Qianli's delicate earlobe like a jade bead, and sucked it gently.

That charming voice quenched with honey poison is more breathtaking than the extravagant fragrance of roses, "I'm really afraid that I can't help it and swallow you in one gulp..."

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