Your Highness is too enchanting

◆8◆ Teasing Your Highness

Thinking of this, Qian Li quickly got up from the bed and stepped into the bathroom.After entering the bathroom, Qian Li realized that there was something hidden inside...

The milky white mist is lingering, and the faint, lazy and charming rose fragrance is blurred.

Qian Li felt that it was not a deliberate rose fragrance, but a mysterious fragrance that really came from the ancient royal family.Because there is no rose fragrance that can show such supreme dignity and luxury.

The smooth ground paved with precious jade was covered with a thin layer of mist.

Qian Li walked on it barefoot and walked forward.Not far away, she saw a young man leaning lazily by the bathtub. In the hazy mist, he could vaguely see his slightly wet hair, and his graceful, smooth and delicate shoulders.

His complexion is as white as frost, as bright and luxurious as bright jade beads.But people don't feel femininity, only feel a kind of enchanting to the bone.

"Come in front of me, Qianli." Gu Lanye's bewitching voice sounded in a low voice, he didn't turn his head, but turned his back to Qianli.

"Oh." Qian Li wrinkled her nose and agreed.

The lazy mist was slightly warm, lingering around her, soothing and relaxing even the nerves.

She walked slowly to the side of the bath, and was about to turn to Gu Lanye, when suddenly Qianli felt a strong attack, and suddenly dragged her into the water!

"Hmm..." He plunged into the water, not only choked on several mouthfuls of water, but Qian Li was also pale from the cold.

damn it……

Qian Li raised her head and stared at Gu Lanye angrily.

It was this guy who suddenly dragged her into the water!

And what Gu Lanye soaked in was not a hot spring at all, but the extremely cold glacier water!

Qian Li looked at Gu Lan Ye shivering from the cold, but only heard Gu Lan Ye's bewitching chuckle, "Hehe... Qian Li, this is the first time you've looked at me so angrily. It's just that I didn't expect you to dislike soaking in ice springs."

Those rosy pupils were filled with bewitching evil spirit, all kinds of seductiveness blended into one body.

"No, I like it very much." The biting chill calmed Qian Li down. She took a breath, raised the corners of her lips slightly and looked at Gu Lanye, her beautiful eyes still hazy like water, "I can see His Highness With such a flawless figure, what's the point of soaking in the ice spring?"

"You are really eloquent." Gu Lanye narrowed his eyes bewitchingly, curled up his thin red lips, lingering a trace of evil charm, and continued, "However, after seeing your figure, my highness is very disappointed."

Hearing this, Qian Li followed Gu Lanye's Xie Sisi's line of sight, all the way to see her chest...

Because the clothes were already very thin, and all of them were soaked in water, they became translucent.A thin layer of cloth clings tightly to her skin, almost... a, silk, no, hang!

What is the girl's first reaction after encountering this situation?

Yes, scream.

Actually, Qian Li was very calm, she didn't want to scream at first.However, in order to cooperate with Gu Lanye, she rolled her eyes, and finally decided to yell in a bloody way: "Ah——!! Pervert——!"

When the ear-piercing screams almost pierced her eardrums, Qian Li immediately escaped from the bathroom.

When she ran out, she rolled out the bathrobe and underwear that Gu Lanye had placed by the bathtub, and then closed the bathroom door tightly. It is said that the sound insulation effect of this door is very good.

Gu Lanye's bathrobe was put on by Qian Li herself, and Gu Lanye's underwear was thrown into the trash by Qian Li.

Hearing Qian Li's scream, Gu Lanye's men in black thought something was wrong, and immediately came to the bedroom, just in time to see Qian Li scurrying out of the bathroom in a bathrobe.

Seeing the people in black, Qian Li wrapped her bathrobe tightly, lowered her head shyly towards them, and twisted her body slightly.The people in black understood immediately, and disappeared in an instant when they exited the bedroom. half an hour.

"Huh? Where's my underwear?!" In the bathroom, a seductive voice filled with anger rang out.

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