"Lianna, it's your turn."

"...No! Ye, please spare me! No! Ah——!"

The subordinate with an indifferent and cold face had already torn Moleena's clothes without any scruples.What greeted Mo Lianna was the same cruel punishment as King Tans, gouging out the flesh of her back alive and feeding it to poisonous snakes.

However, Gu Lanye didn't do it himself, he hated this vicious and jealous woman, and even more hated seeing her body.

The subordinates offered Gu Lanye a specially brewed blood-enriching scented tea. The rich scented tea was as bright as blood, but it was not as glamorous as the sharp and cold smile on his bright red thin lips, which was tainted with deadly poison.Red lips and white teeth, a lazy and charming color in the cold darkness, turned into the most coquettish and cruel color in the greedy voice of the poisonous snake.

The last person—is Devier.

Compared with Mo Lianna, although Da Wei'er's face was as pale as paper, she also seemed to be confident.It was tonight that she accidentally found out about Gu Lanye's real identity from her brother César, and also learned about César's promise to Gu Lanye.

His Royal Highness the prince of the Gulanth Empire, the heir to the royal family!

In this world, there will never be a man with a more noble status than him, no man with a more handsome appearance than him, no man with more physical strength than him.

Therefore, when Mo Lianna tried to win her over, Devier made a decisive decision and secretly mixed the death eagle that Gu Lanye had given to César into the golden eagle of the Tansi royal family, planning to kill Qian Li in one fell swoop.She succeeded.In her budget, Gu Lanye might be angry, but she wouldn't do anything to her, because she was César's younger sister.

"Wei'er, heh... I really underestimated you."

After dragging the unconscious two people down, in the dark room filled with bloody smell, Gu Lanye gracefully sipped a mouthful of warm scented tea, and casually placed the exquisite gold-encrusted porcelain cup aside, his movements were smooth and charming, like flowing clouds and flowing water .

He quietly raised his eyes, with a trace of sarcasm and a cruel smile on his lips, "Who gave you the courage to use the death eagle to murder Qian Li?"

Devier was terrified in her heart, and was forced to tremble slightly by the extremely cold and cold eyes. She bit her lip and tried to explain in a low voice: "Ye... I, I know that you are the prince of the Gulanth Empire, I think ...I think you shouldn't be fooled by that lowly woman..."

Gu Langye laughed back in anger, his bony fingers were as cold as ice and jade, and the thin and exquisite porcelain cup was gently crushed by him, the bright red flower tea juice overflowed, and the white fingertips were stained with a touch of enchanting demon red .

"Then who do you think I should be confused by? You?" He lightly licked Mi Li's thin lips, exuding an enchanting and cruel taste that penetrated deep into the bone marrow, cold and ruthless, mocking Devier's stupidity and ignorance.

Gu Lanye was lazily reclining on the rose velvet sofa, his noble and graceful domineering aura was vividly displayed in the enchanting eyebrows and eyes.He knew that he was trying his best to restrain himself, so as not to directly tear Dawier in front of him.It's more fun to keep it to torture slowly.

"You know, killing you is too light a punishment." Gu Lanye squinted his eyes wildly and arrogantly.

It turned out that the extreme coquettishness was the bewitchment of blood.

His rosy pupils were shrouded in blood-stained frost, and his lips curled up in bewilderment, holding a sharp knife with a cold light in his hand, shaking it gently.It seemed that in the next second, he would stab the sharp knife at the terrified girl in front of him.

Dawei'er was really scared, her body trembled uncontrollably, she said indiscriminately: "Ye, you can't treat me like this...my brother is César, and I'm his biological sister... My brother will ascend the throne soon, he is still your brother, if he knows that you treat me like this, he will hate you to death..."

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