arcane emperor

Chapter 482 The Tree of Life Sapling

Chapter 482 The Tree of Life Sapling (4 updates)
"You mean, are you planning to turn the future Mage Tower into a huge research base?"

Looking through the drawings in his hand, the Grand Arcanist Kenoman learned about the development path Matthew had planned for the Gulf Territory.

He also became more concerned about this half-student who was full of "wonderful ideas".

Instead of retorting or scolding him as expected, he began to think about the purpose and benefits of doing so.

"Yes, considering safety and confidentiality, the mage tower is the most suitable building."

"Moreover, research and experiments have very high energy requirements, and various accidents may occasionally occur."

"However, research cannot delay other production and development, so it is most appropriate to separate."

As for Matthew's first reaction was to consider safety, Kenomanor felt a little dumbfounded, but at the same time he could understand his performance.

After all, as one of the few geniuses who can escape from the elves' "plots", maybe that's why he can survive so many times.

In this state, Matthew's talent can be brought out better.

"Theoretically, there is no problem. Anyway, you already have another legendary element crystal."

"It's a bit extravagant to build an elemental energy pool for the mage tower alone, but there is really no problem."

"However, according to your design, the size of the mage tower is five times larger than that of an ordinary mage, and the expenditure must be at least three times greater. Are you sure you can afford such a large sum of money?"

Kenoman made simple calculations on various materials, instruments, and props, and came up with a price that Matthew couldn't bear.

A full 6000 gold coins!
Moreover, this money must be independent of the entire Gulf Territory project.

First, it is to avoid drawing attention to others.

Secondly, it is to prevent others from detecting the truth.

In the end, even the Gulf Colliers had no money.

In order to maintain the operation of the Bloody Pass, in order to continuously hunt the cowardly demons, to ensure the stability of the abyss rift.

The Gulf Territory will spend an extra 100 million gold coins every month!
Half of the 200 million gold coins dug out of the gold mine were divided instantly.

As for the remaining 100 million gold coins, the Gulf Territory will use it to recruit the population of the turbulent Eastern Province and the Karl Plain.

This opportunity for expansion and development must not be missed.

Because of this, if Matthew wants to build the mage tower he envisioned as soon as possible, he must earn gold coins immediately!

At least 1000 million gold coins are required every month, and it will last for 6 months, or even more.

After all, it is not uncommon to exceed planned expenditures.

Looking at Matthew's thoughtful expression, the Grand Arcanist showed a faint smile and couldn't help but knock him and said:

"Don't worry too much. This is a relatively long-term process. Just take your time and things will be accumulated bit by bit..."

"Ideals always come at a high price."

The Grand Arcanist of Kennoman did not always stay in the Gulf Territory.

After spending a month, it was a strange time for him.

The Grand Arcanist left the Gulf Territory with Matthew's treasure of delicacies.

His task was very heavy. He had just stabilized the completely destroyed Blood Fortress, and he had to rush to the underground world.

There, the unfortunate dwarf kingdom is facing the invasion of the drow army.

Compared with the threat of the orcs, the drow, who are more powerful and have no shortage of resources, are undoubtedly a bigger trouble.

However, he had already made an agreement with Matthew.

Next month, on August 8, he will return to the Bay Territory and take the two of them to Sevington.

Matthew browsed through the drawings designed by the Grand Arcanist of Kennoman, noted down the marked materials and requirements, and carefully treasured them.

You still have to make money first!

Matthew already has a plan, but before that, he must make preliminary preparations.

7 month 21 day.

Bay collar.

clear.Another large number of adventurers came to the Gulf Territory in admiration.

They all rushed to the Bloody Pass and Ruby Mine to pick up gold coins.

Then they will find out, after trying a brief temporary "beautiful" experience.

You will face the dilemma of shortage of achievements.

In the Gulf Territory, they must learn how to achieve more.

In the Druid Greenhouse.

Dozens of elves who had just arrived in the Bay Territory, led by Aini, looked curiously at Matthew who was holding the seeds of the Tree of Life.

In their opinion, although Matthew's idea is good, the possibility of success is really low.

After all, if only the tree of life were that easy to grow.

They will not be without the protection of the tree of life for a full 300 years after the last tree of life dies.

But in their hearts, they inevitably hold some unrealistic fantasies.

If Matthew can really succeed, it will give the El Elf a glimmer of hope in its originally despairing future.

Compared to their struggles, Matthew, as the instigator, was much more relaxed.

He held the tree of life seeds in his hand very easily, and continuously poured the power of destiny into them.

A very eye-catching progress bar tells him how long it will take to activate.





Every 10% requires 100 million of the power of destiny.

It is equivalent to reversing and changing the fate of 100 million ordinary souls.

Alona, ​​who was standing next to him, was watching his every move curiously, hoping very much that he could successfully activate it.

After all, being able to cultivate a tree of life is what all druids dream of.

Next to Alona, ​​Guoguo, who was sleeping soundly, was snoring gently. Fortunately, the wisdom tree in her arms was still shining with light.

Lao Li, who was thinking silently, carefully felt the subtle changes in the seeds of the Tree of Life in Matthew's hand, but still found nothing.

Waited about 10 minutes.

Aini's original joyful mood gradually became nervous.

She looked at the indifferent smile on Matthew's face and couldn't help but pray silently in her heart.

As for the other El elves, most of them already showed disappointed expressions.

Many elves were looking around, looking at the rather wide Druid greenhouse.


The crisp sound attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone looked over at the same time, and saw the green seedlings protruding from the cracks in the seeds in Matthew's hand, and couldn't help but breathe heavily.

Matthew, who had no time to feel sorry for the power of fate, carefully looked at the tree of life in his hand, with a little surprise flashing in his eyes.

"Sapling of life, extraordinary plant,???"

No, that’s only half the battle!
The shocking mortality rate of the life saplings is the most troublesome problem for the elves!

The El elves have accumulated thousands of years of accumulation, and the seeds will definitely be able to grow saplings, but the survival rate is too low.

Almost 0!

 4 more today

  Please give me a monthly ticket and rush!
(End of this chapter)

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