Chapter 5: Did you buy the song?

The reason why Shen Huai chose the song "Decent" is because it fits the current situation and mood very well.

Faced with Sweet's willfulness and reluctance, whether it was an argument or an argument, the scene seemed a bit ugly.

In this case, using a song to reply and end this communication has become the best way.

More importantly, it looks super cool when you do it!
Maybe you can turn around your bad reputation! ()
After adjusting the position of the phone's camera, Shen Huai sat in front of the piano.

Although his creative talent is limited, he still plays a few mainstream instruments very well.

Especially the guitar and piano, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are of professional quality.

As far as this song is concerned, piano playing and singing are the best presentation without arrangement.

Taking a breath, Shen Huai raised his head slightly, brewing his emotions, his expression solemn and focused.

The warm light from the overhead downlight shone down, and the slightly raised brow bones cast small shadows on his eyelids.

In a daze, that bright and dark face actually had an indescribable sense of coldness and alienation.

Seeing this live broadcast, even those male viewers who wanted to deliberately find trouble had to admit that he was handsome.

But admit it, admit it, it is absolutely impossible for them to praise Shen Huai in the live broadcast room.

We didn't scold you, you were already very good, but you still want us to praise you, haha, you are daydreaming!
Of course, the female audience was much more tolerant towards Shen Huai.

Although his business ability is not good and his character is poor, as long as he is handsome enough, these can be forgiven!
After a moment of silence, the performance officially began.

The slender fingers danced on the black and white keys, and the soothing and low melody slowly flowed into the ears of every audience.

The pulsating notes were unexpectedly pleasant to their ears, and even produced a sense of pleasure similar to enjoyment.

Everyone in the live broadcast room opened their eyes wide and looked solemn, as if facing a formidable enemy.

[Shit, this melody seems okay? 】

[The prelude is very nice. I didn’t know Shen Huai played the piano so well. 】

[Damn it, I actually think Shen Huai is kind of handsome! 】

[You cannot surrender to the enemy, everyone, this is all an illusion! 】

[Hold on tight and don’t panic, maybe the main part of the song will stretch your crotch. 】


Shen Huai had no time to pay attention to the many comments in the live broadcast room at this time.

He was playing the piano seriously and was completely immersed in the emotion of the song.

From some perspectives, Shen Huai still likes and enjoys music.

It's just that the previous songs were more electronic music and rap, so it was more like trying to be cool.

"Don't pile up nostalgia and make the plot boring. Why ruin a classic after loving it for many years?

I’m an adult and don’t default on anything. I’m willing to waste time, just like an actor taking his final call when the lights go out..."

As soon as the slightly low and highly textured singing voice sounded, the audience in the live broadcast room was instantly stunned.

Those emotions of doubt, scrutiny, or disdain were shattered in an instant.

Countless spectators involuntarily opened their mouths slightly, with expressions of sluggishness and disbelief on their faces.

In the live broadcast, Shen Huai, who was singing softly with his eyes closed, seemed to be glowing with light.

【? ? ? 】

[Holy shit!Shen Huai's singing is so good, it's fake! 】

【Outrageous!Huaizi, where is your electronic music that even your mother can recognize? 】

[Did something go wrong?Is this really Shen Huai? 】

【Lip-synching!Absolutely lip-synching! 】


"The breakup should be decent, no one should say sorry, there is no need to owe anything, I dare to be heartbroken if I dare to give.

In front of the camera is our former self, cheering and crying at the top of our lungs..."

Compared with the audience in the live broadcast room, Gan Tian was obviously more familiar with Shen Huai.But precisely because of this, the shock and surprise in her heart were so strong.

As a little queen of love songs, Gan Tian naturally has deep knowledge in this type of songs.

In her opinion, Shen Huai's "Decent" is even more stunning and beautiful than many of her own love songs!
She never knew that Shen Huai had such creative talent!

But what made her heart sway even more... was the sincere and touching emotion in this song.

"It's too late to make a big deal, so just keep the dignity of saying goodbye. I love you without regrets and respect the end of the story."

"Don't let obsession ruin yesterday. I loved you cleanly and simply. Goodbye is worth meeting!"

The most regrettable thing in love is probably that it starts with full of joy, but ends in embarrassment at the end, without being able to say goodbye properly at the end!
The love used to be passionate, both parties were serious and dedicated, so don't let the obsession of this love ruin the beauty of the past.

End it cleanly and say goodbye decently, so that two people can live up to their love for each other.

Is this what you want to tell me...

But...but I...don't want to say goodbye so easily!

Thinking like this, Gan Tian's clear eyes gradually became moist.

The sweetness and beauty of the two of them being together emerged one by one in her mind, very clearly, as if it was yesterday.

In the past, she naively thought that Shen Huai was only leaving temporarily and would return to her again one day.

But it wasn't until this moment that she discovered that the two of them had ended a long time ago...


After singing the song, Gan Tian quietly exited the live broadcast room.

Shen Huai took a look and hung up the connection, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

I hope she can get out of this relationship as soon as possible...

At this time, the live broadcast room was extremely lively with countless people expressing their emotions and exclamations.

[Damn, this sounds so good! 】

[It sounds surprisingly good, and the lyrics are also very well written. 】

[It’s unbelievable, I’m going crazy! 】

[I must be dreaming, this is not the Shen Huai I know! 】

[When I heard this song, I instantly thought of my 23 exes. It was so heartbreaking! 】

【Why are you so confused if you did this earlier? 】


Shen Huai looked at these admiring comments and couldn't help feeling a little proud.

But just when Shen Huai was feeling complacent, a few questioning replies made him roll his eyes.

[Huaizi, you didn’t compose this song, right? How can you have such talent? 】

[Yes, please tell me which songwriter’s work it is, I’ll pay attention to it! 】

[How much did this song cost?It shouldn’t be cheap! 】


I'm so angry!They actually look down on me!Shen Huai thought angrily.

What's even more annoying is that, as the anti-fans said, he really can't write such a song!

But fortunately, there is no author of this song in this world.

Then I, Shen, am the original author of this song! ╭(╯^╰)╮

It's so shameless, what can you do!
Shen Huai calmed down and said with a smile: "I know it's a little difficult for you to accept the fact that I am a musical talent.

But the so-called facts all have one characteristic, that is, they are not changed by human will and opinions.

So whether you believe it or not, I am a genius. Are you angry? "

(End of this chapter)

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