I made the Dragon God in the game.

Chapter 11 Tower Remains

Chapter 11 Tower Remains
"It seems to be over there."

Fang Bai looked to the southwest and estimated the distance from which the sound came.

It doesn't seem that far.

Suddenly, Fang Bai thought of something, took out the map he picked up, and slid his fingers up along the route bit by bit.
When you reach the end of the route, follow the trend upwards, come to the center point of the entire map, and knock.

"That's where it is!"

"This map is newly drawn, no, no, to be precise, it should be copied from an old map.

Although the mapper deliberately hid it, he still neglected to do so. The location of the end point did not change and was still placed in the center of the map!
Nothing changed during the copying process. The destination of this group of people was not the iron mine, but this! "

Fang Bai's eyes lit up and he looked up at the area where the sound came from. After thinking for a moment, he immediately put away the map, put the newly built holder on his back, and then hung up the tower shield.

In addition, Fang Bai also brought an additional lightweight straight long Tang knife, held it in his hand, and walked towards the southwest in a fully armed posture.

“This group of people spent more than 20 days risking their lives across the primeval forest just to explore this place.

There must be something good here! "

After thinking about it for a long time, Fang Bai decided to go and have a look, just for a look without going in.

Fang Bai is located in the southeast of the open-pit hematite mine. To go to the southwest, he needs to cross a corner of the open-pit hematite mine.

The hematite bed is relatively flat overall, with no grass growing on it, and only giant hematite ore lying or standing.

It took a certain amount of time to walk through the hematite to the edge of the forest in the west, use the Tang Dao to open the way, and quickly move in the direction of the sound.

Although Fang Bai only listened to one sound, he had already locked the position of the sound.

At this point, Fang Bai's talent is not bad. He also relied on this ability to lock the position of the corpse before.

The forest was much livelier than usual today, and Fang Bai could detect the movement of wild beasts leaving quickly from time to time.

This time it was not away from Fang Bai, but away from the direction from which the sound came.

Massive beasts leave their habitat.

Fang Bai couldn't help but have this idea pop up in his mind, and immediately continued to swim upstream against the direction of the beast's movement.

Although it was said that the place where the beasts fled was very likely to be dangerous, Fang Bai had no intention of looking back.

Who is he?

Danger?What you are looking for is danger, if not death.

If you give too much, it is not impossible to seek death.

However, not being afraid of death does not mean that he is willing to die. Fang Bai was still more cautious, slowed down his steps, put away the Tang Dao in his hand, and slowly approached.

Fang Bai's heart beat slowly, and a feeling of palpitations made his chest feel tight. He couldn't help but gasp for air and continued to approach the southwest.

As the distance got closer, the feeling of palpitations intensified, and the center of his brows beat with alarm. Fang Bai almost wanted to turn around and leave here immediately, but he still suppressed his instinct to escape and continued to move forward.

After walking for about 30 minutes, the originally relatively flat ground suddenly became rugged. After Fang Bai climbed up and down over several boulders and cliffs, he suddenly felt good and stopped immediately.

"Why is it so regular?!"

Fang Bai swung his long Tang knife directly towards the vines on the boulder.

Swish swish!
After cutting it down with a sharp Tang knife, the vines scattered and fell, and you could see the thick entangled tree roots below and the flat moss below.

Wiping away the moss reveals flat stones underneath.

Fang Bai immediately started to move around and cleaned up a few places, only to find that the bottom of this "cliff" was all covered with large blue rocks. How could this be a cliff?

"It's a collapsed wall!"

Fang Bai looked back and saw what boulders and cliffs he had passed. "This is clearly a house and the remaining city walls."

Fang Bai took out the map again and tapped his finger on the center of the map a few times.

“It makes sense that they are looking for this ruin.

But why do such ruins exist in this primeval forest?

And why did those people come all the way to find this ruins? It couldn't be for archeology, right? "

"Profits, only sufficient profits will drive them to risk their lives and go deep into the virgin forest."

After thinking for a moment, Fang Bai cut open the entrance of a house and entered to investigate, but he came out soon and went to another house.

After searching several houses in a row, nothing was found. Everything inside the house had rotted. Even the house was full of plants and tree roots, which had no value.

“Things that are worth looking at must be non-perishable or stored in a protected area.

Either it is not afraid of rot, but looking at the growth time of the tree roots, it has been abandoned for a long time. Even the metal will be rusted through for such a long time.

Therefore, the former is more likely. In this kind of ruins, there is a high probability that there is a separate area for storing precious resources. It is definitely not an ordinary house like this. "

Fang Bai did not continue to explore, and immediately crossed these houses and continued deeper. No matter what, he first found the shaking place.

Gradually going deeper into the ruins, Fang Bai discovered that the ruins seemed to be a small town, with a small area and only one main path leading directly to the center of the town.

As he got closer to the center of the town, Fang Bai realized that this was the source of the previous sound, and his judgment was correct.

And when Fang Bai came to the center of the town, his eyes suddenly brightened.

There is a square in the center of the town. What is very strange is that all the weeds and trees here stop at the edge of the square, and not a single root system crosses it. This makes Fang Bai look sideways.

Fang Bai came to the edge of the square, looked up at the sky, and then moved his eyes down to the center of the square.

There is the remains of a tall tower in the center of the dusty square.

The collapsed tower spanned the entire square, and the top of the tower fell directly to the area outside the square, smashing several large trees outside.

The broken remains of the tower splashed all over the square.

At this moment, there is still dust falling in the air.

"Is that the sound of this tower collapsing just now?"

Fang Bai thought to himself, and then turned to look at the remaining base of the tower, where the heart-stopping terrifying aura emanated.

Fang Bai thought for a while, then climbed up the tree, stood on the tree and looked towards the remaining base. He found that what was exposed was not the bottom of the tower, but a hole. It was so dark inside that he couldn't see anything or the depth. , seems to be bottomless, but it exudes a terrifying aura that makes people palpitate and feel tight in the chest.

It's as if a ferocious beast is pouncing out of it at any moment to devour someone.

Fang Bai resisted his increasingly severe heart palpitations and did not enter the square. Instead, he walked around the square in the direction of the collapsed tower.

Here there is a section of the spire that breaks out of the square.

It didn't take long for Fang Bai to approach the top of the tower.

Standing close, Fang Bai found that the tower was taller and more spectacular than it looked from a distance. He felt very small just standing on the edge of a tower spire. He couldn't imagine that such a tower was standing in the forest before it collapsed. What a spectacular sight the Central Committee looks like.

"This height. By the way, why have you never seen this tower before?"

A trace of doubt arose in Fang Bai's heart, but before he could think about it, a voice sounded from the top of the tower.

His footsteps stopped abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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