I made the Dragon God in the game.

Chapter 406: Thunder Stone Town

Chapter 406: Thunder Stone Town

This is Fang Bai’s pattern.

So Fang Bai only regretted that there were too few people in Tiangong Pavilion.

There are too few real official members.

How can we research so many projects with such a small number of people?
There are never enough people.

There are never enough high-end talents like this. Even if Fang Bai sends invitations every month to invite top talents in the real world to join, the staff is still very short.

After all, research talents are treasures no matter where they are. There are no such people wandering around outside. Basically, all researchers are controlled by major forces and guilds.

“Hao Wei and his team definitely have many more researchers on hand.

Really, I proposed to hold an exchange meeting to Hao Wei before, but he didn’t agree.

How can research be done behind closed doors? We should strengthen communication.

Wouldn't it be more conducive to research if the two forces strengthened communication?
It would have been fine if he didn't agree to communicate, but he didn't even let me visit the site and even specifically asked the gate guard to remember my face.

Tell them not to let me in.

If I look at it, I will die."

Fang Bai muttered in dissatisfaction, then sighed.

"Where can we find more people?"

Fang Bai muttered softly.

"It would be great if I had a million or eight hundred thousand research talents."

After sitting there dreaming for a while, Fang Bai shook his head slightly.

"Don't even mention 1,000,000 or 800,000. Even 10,000 is still a long way off."

There are definitely more than 10,000 people in Tiangong Pavilion, but there are only about 2,000 formal members who are recognized by Fang Bai and can conduct independent research.

This is the result of Fang Bai recruiting people in real life and poaching people in the game.

But the consequences are also serious.

Just like when they went to Hongfeng City before, when they passed by the player's new city, Hao Wei and other guild leaders would rather go out of the city to greet them than let Fang Bai in.

There were more than a dozen presidents present at the time, but not even one of them invited Fang Bai to sit with them.

Not even half.

"Like a thief."

Fang Bai said dissatisfiedly.

"Just wait for me, don't let me find the opportunity."

Time passed by minute by minute. After two days, Fang Bai had arrived at a pipeline when he was in the right direction.

The official road, which is simply compacted soil, is actually just a dirt road.

Lei Shi Town is quite remote, with no large number of players passing by, and naturally no one would repave the road with stones or debris, so the official road here still maintains its most original appearance, bumpy and uneven.

After finding the official road and figuring out the direction, Fang Bai started walking along it.

He was studying as he walked, trying to transform the fireball spell model into runes.

Fang Bai felt that if the fireball technique was transformed into a rune, it might undergo a transformation.

For low-level spells, rune culture itself is also a kind of transformation and upgrade.

However, before Fang Bai could come up with any results, he had already arrived at the edge of a small town.

The town is surrounded by a thin stone wall about four or five meters high. Looking at the height and thickness of the stone wall, Fang Bai finds it hard to believe that it has the ability to defend against monsters.

Behind the stone wall are several watchtowers, and soldiers can be vaguely seen standing on them.

At the entrance of the town, there were scattered farmers coming in and out, and otherwise there was no crowd.

Fang Bai didn't even see many players. This area was too remote. According to previous information, Lei Shi Town was the farthest town from Hongfeng City. Except for the players who ran around the map at the beginning, there were basically no active players.

Not only the players, but even the indigenous people have very little communication with each other. Although the area near the official road is considered human territory, the monsters will avoid it.

However, the lack of maintenance of the official road did not have a very good effect. If a professional-level extraordinary person traveled long distances on the official road alone, he might even encounter danger.

In addition, after the specialty thunderstone mine was completely exhausted, even the caravans rarely came here.

Only the worst-off caravans would sell some daily necessities here, and then buy some unique marine fish and animal skins before leaving.

This is basically a small town isolated from the world.

Fang Bai approached. The arrival of the new face attracted the attention of the guards and some natives, but they did not stop or question them.

Anyone who dares to come alone from other towns is not someone they can mess with.

Who knows what kind of temper he has? If he dies in vain, his death will be in vain.

Fang Bai walked into Lei Shi Town. Although it was called a town, it looked more like a village. There were only a few shops on the only street.

He walked towards the only hotel in Lei Shi Town, looked at the people in the hotel who were holding weapons and wearing armor, and walked forward.

"Black Rhino Mercenaries?"

Several people looked over when they heard this, and one of them, a burly man with a beard, stood up.

"Yes, we are the Black Rhino Mercenary Group, and you are Fang Bai, our employer for this trip?

We have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Sorry, I took the wrong route and was delayed for a while."

After Fang Bai finished speaking, the sturdy man took a look at Fang Bai. Seeing that Fang Bai was wearing a tight suit, with empty hands, without any weapons, and alone, he felt awe in his heart.

He immediately understood that this employer was definitely very strong.

“It’s okay, as long as you pay the commission, we can wait as long as we want.

But shall we set off now?"

Fang Bai pondered slightly.

He asked Zeng Bin to help with the investigation. The group of players who had searched for the dungeon where the players were imprisoned in Red Maple City had gone further and further on the road of intelligence information collection and analysis.

While preventing nobles or other natives from continuing to imprison players, they also work part-time as detectives and information dealers to maintain the normal operation of the organizational structure, forming a special highly cohesive loose alliance organization.

Fang Bai asked Zeng Bin to help investigate the matter of magnetic crystal ore. When Zeng Bin investigated the Thunder Valley, he also found the only mercenary group that had entered the Thunder Valley and had not gotten lost, and hired them for Fang Bai.

That is the Black Rhino Mercenary Group in front of them. They mainly act as guides in the Thunder Valley, which is large in area but has complex terrain.

Of course, the job they received was to escort Fang Bai into the depths of Thunder Valley and bring him out safely.

In fact, Fang Bai did not plan to hire a mercenary group, but considering that Zeng Bin said that the terrain of Thunder Valley was complex, the frequent thunder also formed strange supernatural phenomena, and even supernatural people would easily get lost in it.

So Fang Bai still hired this mercenary group.

"I heard that the situation in Thunder Valley is complicated. Is it appropriate to go in now?"

“We are still a long way from Thunder Valley, I suggest we set off as soon as possible.

And I feel.”

"What does it feel like?"

The bearded man shook his head.

“Before, my feeling had been urging me to leave, as if there was some danger.

This omen is becoming stronger and stronger, so we originally planned that if you don't come today, we will wait for you on the road tomorrow.

But for some reason, this warning sign disappeared after you arrived."


Fang Bai was slightly stunned, and the bearded man in front of him continued speaking.

"But I still suggest that we set off as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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