Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 301 Planning to falsify the application form

Chapter 301 Planning to falsify the application form

Jiangcheng, Machinery Factory Office.

It has been almost a week since Luo Cheng came to Jiangcheng this time. Another batch of chickens was sent to the poultry factory for exchange, and Zheng Ke was called to live in the office. This made life more convenient, but it also affected his ability to move things around. Therefore, on the day of the 'exchange', Luo Cheng specially asked Zheng Ke to stay in the dormitory for a day, saying that a colleague was coming to deliver the goods. The two of them had not yet signed up, so it was not good for them to live together.

In the future era, with Shen Han's help, Luo Cheng simply stayed in Yiwu for a few days and then went back. Even without Shen Han's help, Luo Cheng would have gone back at about the same time. He had to bring back the chickens raised in the poultry factory in Jiangcheng.

The exchange this time was not too much, but things had to happen slowly. With this successful exchange, Luo Cheng has already asked the company's marketing department to start looking for suitable stores to open a local chicken restaurant branch.

"Luo Cheng, who was that woman just now?"

"A comrade is a clerk from the Women's Federation. The Women's Federation takes in a lot of people, as well as a children's home. Let's do some handicrafts for them. Life is difficult now, so any help you can will be helpful."

"Oh, I've already asked for leave. You can go buy a ticket tomorrow."

"Okay, there's a bus the day after tomorrow. I'll go buy the bus tickets tomorrow, and you pack your things. Let's bring some canned sausages and tea. I also have tobacco and alcohol tickets here, so I'll buy some tomorrow too, and by the way, there are also pastries. This is my first visit, so it’s pretty good.”

"Luo Cheng, this is too much. My parents are both enlightened people. As long as you are a good person, it doesn't matter if you don't bring anything."

"Bring more of this and that, and it will also show my ability. Otherwise, how can your family trust me and leave you to me? By the way, if you leave the day after tomorrow, ask Yueyue to come over for a meal. She doesn't live in the same city as you. Well, let’s see if there’s anything she wants us to bring back.”

"Oh, I'll tell her."

Hearing Luo Cheng's words, Zheng Ke frowned, but returned to normal in an instant. She didn't know why, but she felt uncomfortable when she saw Luo Cheng talking to other young women or getting close to him, even though she knew nothing was wrong.

As for her good friend Zhang Yueyue, she even felt a little disgusted in her heart. Luo Cheng had only been in Jiangcheng for a few days. I've gone to Luo Cheng several times 'privately' to buy cans, tea and the like.

Although he knew that Luo Cheng had asked Zhang Yueyue to help handle this, the price was not cheap and Zhang Yueyue could get some benefits. But Zheng Ke now feels that if Zhang Yueyue wants something, he can just tell her, and she can just give it to Zhang Yueyue. Luo Cheng is her partner, and he wants to meet his parents to get married, so she shouldn't come here to look for him all the time, even though the thing belongs to Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng said that he would call Zhang Yueyue over for dinner tomorrow. Zheng Ke would go find Zhang Yueyue, but at most he would ask her what she wanted to bring back. He didn't plan to call her to eat. If Luo Cheng asked, Zheng Ke planned to pretend that he had forgotten to call her to eat.

"Luo Cheng, it's a good deal to deal with these cans like this. This morning, the president came to see me and wanted five cans of meat. He gave me the money and told me about becoming a full-time employee."

"Well, I can get cans at the cannery here, and I can get them from other places too. If I don't process them, I can't use them for food."

Luo Cheng said, and after just a few words of conversation, Zheng Ke was already leaning on him. Luo Cheng is already somewhat immune to such intimate behavior. The main reason is that the two of them are together, and Zheng Ke sticks to him when they have free time.

Luo Cheng admitted that Zheng Ke was very delicate and a rare natural beauty in this era. Every time she came over before, Luo Cheng would kiss her and hug her. It was better during the day. Luo Cheng had to go out to contact some factories and units, and Zheng Ke also had to go to work. But starting from get off work in the afternoon, I had time to eat and tidy up.

The two of them had almost always been tired of being together. As a passionate man, Luo Cheng couldn't do this with Zheng Ke and just be intimate with each other. These days, Luo Chengcheng is just like he was when he first got together with Zhao Qian, because at that time, he had just experienced things between men and women and had no restraint.

Recently when he was with Zheng Ke, Luo Cheng was the same, without restraint. And Zheng Ke was one of those people who did whatever Luo Cheng said. He only cooperated and never objected once.

As time passed, Luo Cheng knew that he could not continue like this. That is to say, I am young and in good health, but for another person, my energy and energy may have collapsed in a few days.

So now that Zheng Ke is tired of being close to Luo Cheng again, he doesn't want to respond. Even if he responds, it will be a simple hug at most. Just like before, when he sees those pure lips, he kisses her. Zheng Ke will immediately respond and kiss her, and then he kisses her head and finally gets tired.

Of course, although there was no response, Luo Cheng didn't show any disgust either.

But at this point, marrying Zheng Ke is inevitable. If you are getting married, if you have an employer, ask your employer to issue a letter of introduction. If you don’t have an employer, you have to ask the street office.

Each unit has its own introduction format for this letter of introduction, but the format is different but the content is similar. Fill in the information of both parties, not only your own, but also the woman’s place of residence, work unit, age and name.

It is said to be a letter of introduction, but it is actually no different from an application. Most of them have to be filled out in person first, and then taken to the leadership. They just write an agreement and then stamp the official seal of the unit.

Luo Cheng and Zhao Qian have not registered their marriage now because they were not old enough when they were together. Even now, both of them are actually a few months away from registration. But if it’s just a little bit off, they will basically issue you a certificate.

If he didn't have to fill in the woman's information, Luo Chengdu would like to ask the leader to issue a certificate first, and then say that he lost it and issue another one. But because the marriage application required filling in the woman's information, Luo Cheng couldn't write Zhao Qian's and then apply for Zheng Ke's.

So Luo Cheng planned to forge the application form so that he could get a blank marriage application form in the factory. When he spends money to get a seal in the future, he doesn't believe in this era without the Internet, and Zheng Ke's household registration was transferred to Jiangcheng due to work reasons. Zheng Ke had a work dormitory in Jiangcheng, so he used a forged certificate to register his marriage here in Jiangcheng. He didn't believe that future technology would not be able to fool even this point.

If the incident really comes to light, Luo Chengcheng will make Zheng Ke cry, make trouble, and hang himself, saying that he and Zhao Qian have no feelings. Because of certain things, the other person's body was taken away from him, and his reputation was not good. He married the other person out of righteousness.

How could he and Zheng Ke meet and fall in love like this? If this doesn't work, I'll kneel down and beg, saying I can't live without you. If that doesn't work, try some trick and try to commit suicide.

Luo Cheng believed that he had never done anything too immoral, except that he failed to control his belt. But now that the matter was over, apart from deception, he had to think of a way out. Netizens say that this type of content is easy to fool, but they have to prevent the other party from going to extremes and end up together.

If you really want to find something wrong, although he is not guilty of bigamy these days, if he is labeled as having a style problem, no one can really protect him. Therefore, Luo Chengdu had already thought about his retreat. If he really encountered a situation that he couldn't handle, he would just run away. Flee the country and go to Xiangjiang.

Of course, this is not the way out now, nor is it because of Zheng Ke. Instead, he was squandering supplies. After all, many things were obtained from the future era. People were squandering supplies without knowing their origins in order to conceal them. Luo Cheng's supplies are truly of unknown origin. Many of the things Luo Cheng is doing now are actually based on the lack of information in this era and making half-truths. But he has also been worried about the day when he will be separated from each other.

So he has recently thought about not doing too many projects, just getting some rope and bamboo products. In addition, he secretly exchanged chickens for rice. For other projects, Luo Cheng actually went to Yiwu to do some handiwork, but he could actually do a lot.

But there is really no need to bother. In the future, he will not dare to put money in a bank even if he makes money now. I am afraid that there will be a temporary worker, and even if there are no temporary workers, there are too many staff who are good for you. If you use your own money, people will be afraid that you will be cheated, and they will not use it for you.

For people like Luo Cheng who are not very good at dealing with certain people, making too much money is not necessarily a good thing.

Let’s just say that the breeding base he is building in the future era is under the management of a certain town because the scale of native chickens is slowly increasing. Nowadays, people often come to inspect things. If you don’t treat them well, this time it’s an inspection, but next time they might just find faults.

It's not that Luo Cheng wants to talk about environmental protection. Raising things will always produce feces. Even if you deal with it reasonably, if someone asks you to correct it if it is irregular, there is nothing you can do.

The business environment here in Jiangcheng is relatively good. If you encounter bad things, you will eat and take them.

After a simple meal at noon, Luo Cheng asked Zheng Ke to go to Zhang Yueyue's place early, so as not to hang around him until he had no free time. Luo Cheng could actually go find Zhang Yueyue himself, but Zheng Ke wouldn't let him go, saying that she didn't even have a partner. If he always went to find her, those who knew him would have nothing, and those who didn't would think that he and Zhang Yueyue had something to do with each other. .

In the afternoon, Luo Cheng locked the door and went to the textile factory.

In the future era, old cotton quilts and quilts will be really easy to collect. Especially now that the weather is getting hot, cotton wool can no longer hold it. And many people who work in factories buy refurbished beds for tens of yuan a bed. It's okay for workers who care about hygiene, but for those who don't, many eat and drink in bed. The imprint of the cotton wool was really dirty and unsightly.

Many people just threw it next to the trash can. Anyway, it only cost a few dozen yuan, and they would buy it when the weather gets cooler in a few months. Luo Cheng asked some waste collectors to help collect cotton products. Even if they were dirty, it didn't matter. They cost 50 cents a pound more than in some regular places. Therefore, a lot of waste was collected within a few days. Some of those who collected waste collected it while others picked it up.

Especially those that were picked up, with feces and urine on them. It may be caused by some elderly people being sick and having incontinence of feces and urine. Anyway, stacked together, the smell is really unpleasant when the distance is close.

The amount was too large, and Luo Cheng couldn't give it all to the textile factory in Changcheng. For a factory, Luo Cheng might not be able to get much, and basically needed as much as he needed. But personally, Na Luo Cheng has made a lot. These days, everyone is short of fabrics to make clothes. The old cotton batting and other things he made are not big for the factory, but they are big for an individual.

Even those old cotton quilts are not sold in textile factories. If anyone knows that he has so much cotton quilts, people will come to Luo Cheng to buy them.

It doesn't matter if the old ones are dirty. There are companies that specialize in beating cotton. They can clean them and renovate them for you for a little money. He can even make clothes. He can make some cloth by himself and make cotton-padded jackets.

But there is one thing. Luo Cheng can sell cotton wool and other things to textile factories. If he sells it to individuals, it actually falls into that category. It was illegal in this era, and if it was sold to a textile factory, it could not be said to be a sale. Just like in Changcheng, a purchase entrustment certificate had to be issued, and Luo Cheng was entrusted to help collect it.

As Luo Cheng expected, the main reason why cloth tickets are so tight is the lack of cloth. The lack of cloth is not due to slow production, but to the lack of raw materials. Cotton cloth requires cotton, and Luo Cheng can get old cotton wadding, quilts, etc. It doesn't make much difference to get cotton.

At the textile factory, Luo Cheng reached a verbal agreement with the factory. Next time Luo Cheng came over, he would really like to get a batch of old cotton batting or something. If Luo Cheng wants a bicycle ticket, their textile factory promises to solve it for him.

Here in Jiangcheng, it was really troublesome for Luo Cheng not to have a bicycle. You have to walk everywhere. Buses can only be accessed by some main roads. Many places can only be temporarily taken for one or two stops, and then you have to walk again.

Now some of the units that Luo Cheng is cooperating with may not have bicycle tickets themselves. If you want to get bicycle tickets, you have to find a large unit with many workers.

If the textile factory couldn't give Luo Cheng a bicycle ticket, he would rather not deal with the dirty cotton wool than sell it to the textile factory just for money.

If Jiangcheng Textile Factory doesn't have it, he can go to other cities to get it next time. He still had supplies such as tea and cans on hand, and he didn't believe that other units couldn't get a bicycle ticket.

In fact, if they want bicycle tickets, Luo Cheng can also ask Zheng Ke and Zhang Yueyue to ask their leaders if they have any. When he lived in the dormitory before, he noticed that there were several bicycles parked under the dormitory building. It feels like this magazine and newspaper office may not have many employees, but it has a lot of energy.

However, I thought that after I got the bicycle, I would get one for Zheng Ke in the future, so I didn’t plan to ask Zheng Ke for the time being. But now that I have taken a trip to the textile factory, I might be able to solve the bicycle problem next time.

After returning from the textile factory, it was already time to get off work in the afternoon. The weather is a bit hot. According to the month, it feels a bit early.

At about 5:20, Zheng Ke also returned to the office, unless there was something to sort out temporarily in the unit. Luo Cheng discovered that Zheng Ke basically got home at this point. Unlike Luo Cheng, when he was off work at Changcheng Machinery Factory, he might chat for a while when someone greeted him.

After dinner in the evening, Luo Cheng read the newspaper for a while, and Zheng Ke packed everything up. Then we got some water and washed our faces together. It was after seven o'clock and it was very dark outside. Luo Cheng and Zheng Ke just lay down. The light bulb in the room was not on. Luo Cheng planned to change it to a bright one next time so that reading newspapers or magazines at night would not hurt the eyes.

"Coco, it's a little hot, don't stick so close."

"Luo Cheng, let me find a fan to fan you."

"Well, this damn weather has already started to get hot like this."

The freshness had worn off, and Luo Cheng felt that he could not hold her so tightly even when he slept, not to mention that the weather was indeed hot. Luo Cheng didn't mean that two people couldn't be intimate while sleeping, but at most they could just use his arm as a pillow or put a leg on him. How much area can Zheng Ke touch?

Soon Zheng Ke returned to bed. Without a fan, he found a magazine and kept fanning Luo Cheng. This time, he didn't press his body against Luo Cheng, for fear that Luo Cheng would say he was too hot later. While fanning Luo Cheng, Zheng Ke also told him how to settle the marriage between the two of them when they returned home. She longed for a beautiful future life for the two of them.

At night, when they were about to fall asleep, the two of them were very close again, mainly because it was late at night and a little cooler. Luo Cheng, on the other hand, has a bad habit of sleeping with women around him. He likes to put his hands on parts that men don't have.

(End of this chapter)

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