LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 264: Being beaten out of mental illness by Chen Sheng, even real people were beaten to death

Chapter 264: Being beaten out of mental illness by Chen Sheng, the real person was beaten to death
[SKT Reaper killed FW SwordArt! 】

"Snake also fell, and Reaper got the kill...SKT's first-level team fight was so good...Reaper, this is Reaper, his E is so spiritual, and this hook...defeated all the rhythm of FW in the early stage!"

LMS commentary seat.

When several commentators saw that FW was beaten like this by SKT at the beginning, their vision went dark and they almost vomited blood.

Tragic, too tragic.

Whether it was team collaboration, the individual abilities of the players, or even spirituality, the gap between the two teams was reflected in this wave of small team battles.

Chen Yiqiu had an idea and used a card vision blind E, which helped SKT lay the foundation for victory almost instantly.

——This is no exaggeration at all.

In comparison, 99.9% of professional players are unable to make such a "decisive" operation.

This is also the reason why "super" is added in front of superstar players.

After Chen Yiqiu killed Snake, the rest of FW had already rushed over.

Karsa hugged his head in annoyance, he was now blaming himself very much.

MMD is not the top top laner, but he is still a player who has entered several S games. He is not lacking in competition experience, mentality and hero proficiency with Gnar.

SKT would like to discuss and contact FW, but FW will definitely not be that stupid.

Although they may feel very aggrieved now, but... the situation is stronger than people. In order to avoid greater losses, they can only temporarily suppress their unwillingness.

I remember opening my mouth, shaking my head and saying.

Lee Sang Hyuk cut the screen again to take a look.

But they discovered that while they were talking just now, Chen Yiqiu made a tentative dash and rushed over.

But as he continued to fight, he saw that as long as he moved forward and simply added a small soldier in front, the MMD on the opposite side would be like a mouse meeting a cat. It would be shocked and retreat crazily.

But there is a saying that goes well: be afraid of comparison in everything.

At the beginning of the match, Chen Yiqiu felt that he had to respect MMD, defend Gnar, and pay attention to the opponent's long-hand pull and consumption ability.

Although the death of the first-level team will not affect some subsequent resources, unlike the game entering the laning phase, death gradually becomes more important.

The first level team has always had more people or the one who goes first has the advantage, but now there are two people on the FW side, one of whom is the main output AD of the first level team.

That's not all. Due to too much panic, Gnar's first E failed to find the springboard, and the second E failed to trigger. After the first E landed, he continued running forward without looking back.

Pei Junzhi, who was on the bottom lane, suddenly felt happy.

Snake has always been the lively person in the team, and he is also a good guy in the team. Everyone is willing to listen to him.

After hearing what he said, the FW team was silent for a moment, but in the end they didn't say much.

But for FW, especially those who were not optimistic before the start of the game...the gap and impact on morale and mental state are unparalleled.

Two minutes later.

This scene not only confused everyone in SKT and Chen Yiqiu.

"It's okay. Let's hold on. Our lineup is great. We still have a chance."

"No, this brother is just playing Gnar, why is he always shrinking back?"

"Withdraw, withdraw, we can't fight this wave..."

But the changes in the game situation will not change because of their silence.

Logically speaking, even if the hero Nuoshou gets a kill in the first-level team, due to his short-legged heroic characteristics, he cannot beat Gnar in the early laning on the top lane.

Both sides went online separately, but Chen Yiqiu, who got a head, was already a bit "letting go".

"In this case... can FW keep SKT's people in the future... There is no need to keep them. SKT has more people, and FW only has three people left, which is a bit difficult to beat."

Next to him, Lee Sang Hyuk was a veteran. He also saw this scene. He was slightly silent and said this.

So the two sides couldn't continue fighting at this moment.

The dead Snake was silent for less than a second, and immediately decisively stopped Karsa from getting up.

But now the teamfight strength of both sides has shown a one-sided trend.

"...He might be a little too afraid of you."

Suddenly, I was able to react faster just now. If this wave of team decision-making could be more perfect, maybe the opposite Reaper wouldn't be able to find this kind of loophole.

On the field.

Therefore, as soon as MMD came to the top lane in this game, the style of the game was very submissive, and Chen Yiqiu was a little unable to hold his nerve when playing in the lane.

"Aha, I was laughing so hard."

The opponent he is facing now has the ID of Reaper.

It is no exaggeration to say that just seeing this ID will weaken the psychological momentum of the players facing Reaper by three points, let alone the situation where they have already obtained a kill in the early stage.

It was as if Chen Yiqiu could transform into the Lord of Hell in the next moment and pull him directly into the underworld.

"...Ah, I'm so angry, this shouldn't happen."

When the MMD on the opposite side saw this, he instantly handed over his E skill to distance himself.

Even the audiences in major competition areas around the world and even the backstage directors couldn't stand it.

"Uh, too cautious!"

Guan Zeyuan choked for a long time before he managed to utter such a comment, which was barely enough to help his provincial team.

As a commentator, he cannot make any radical remarks on the spot, but the audience and everyone in the LPL have no such concerns.

"Hahaha... This MMD made me laugh to death. It's the first time in my life that I can be scared like this when Gnar fights a Nuo hand."

Mala Xiangguo laughed like crazy and commented vulgarly: "Trash, Lese!"

"That's a bit outrageous, brother. I'm a top laner, so I can do it too."

The kid on IG happily patted his belly: "As for being scared like this by an ID, this is still the semi-finals of the World Championship. How embarrassing."

"Another famous scene was born."

Xiaohu smashed his mouth.

"One thing to say, Chen Yiqiu is still strong. Most people can't accept his style of play. Let's talk about you kid. I feel that if you really go up and face Reaper for the first time, you will probably be better than MMD."

Xiye has a high status in the LPL circle, and he has a good personal relationship with the child, so he pointed out the child's pretentiousness very bluntly.

"Hey, you're not interested anymore. I'm just having fun. Who doesn't know that my God King is awesome?"

The child was also a hermaphrodite, and upon hearing the sound, he immediately started shaking his head and muttering.

"...Okay, okay, let's take a look. I feel like FW is really going to be in trouble today. The mental quality of this team member is too poor. If Nuoshou beats Gnar, you won't really want to chop him down, right?"

Someone reminded everyone, and everyone's eyes fell on the big screen again.

I found that the top lane laning situation at this moment has become very abstract and magical.

Since Chen Yiqiu had already figured out the "virtual reality" of the opponent's MMD, after Chen Yiqiu had the answer in his mind, he naturally became less polite about his playing style and style.

His laning style is now known to the whole world - the more you are afraid of me, the more shameless I will be.

If you are not afraid of me, I will be more shameless! This laning style has directly led to the fact that everyone who has played against Chen Yiqiu head-on so far has more or less suffered from "laning phobia" in their hearts.

This is the psychological shadow that was forced out of them, causing them to be scared out of their wits whenever the Reaper made the slightest move.

MMD this is not a special case, it's just that today's game is too important and the attention is too high, so he happened to be seen.

In less than five minutes of laning, Nuoshou still had a little experience to reach level six.

On the opposite side, Gnar has been reversely pressured to do double the CS.

This was before any conflicts occurred on the road - Chen Yiqiu wanted to have a conflict and fight with Gnar.

But the problem is that MMD's performance is too "stable", as can be seen from the series of actions just now.

Although he lost face, it has to be said that it also created a big "obstacle" for Chen Yiqiu's murder.

"Hiss... Oops, this one is really hard to kill on the road."

Another attack "failed", and Chen Yiqiu couldn't help but have a headache.

According to his original script, Gnar actually took advantage of his long hand advantage against Noshou in the early stage to proactively find opportunities and then kill Noshou alone.

Because professional players are not human beings, they are as strong as Reaper and Faker. They were okay when they first debuted. At this stage, everyone who faces Chen Yiqiu has already prepared themselves twelve points in advance.

In this case, it is difficult to say that it is a unilateral and random killing online.

Therefore, actively looking for opportunities to counterattack, choosing a disadvantage, allowing the opponent to gain the upper hand to suppress it, and then looking for opportunities to counterattack, is the move that Chen Yiqiu is most accustomed to and the most tried-and-true move.

When many professional teams are studying SKT and Chen Yiqiu, they are always very confused as to why SKT's top lane is so strong, but it is difficult to find a way to target it.

Whether it is the BP stage or the jungle targeting after entering the game, the effect on Chen Yiqiu is minimal.

The opponent can still "dominate" on the top lane.

This is actually Chen Yiqiu's own secret, and it is also the core "secret book".

It's a pity that Chen Yiqiu's single-kill secrets are now ineffective when facing MMD...

The opponent's style of play is really a bit abstract. Even if he exposes a flaw that others think is huge, it will be a shame if he doesn't succeed.

MMD is also dismissive, without even looking at it, and even spits it out.

"I turns out that this is the ultimate tactic to restrain Reaper."

When many professional top laners off the field saw this scene, they couldn't help but feel as if they were awakening from a big dream.

So far...MMD is very effective.

Don't worry about whether it looks good or not, just play SKT or Reaper, as long as it works, you can win!

Just now.

[SKT Peanut killed FW SwordArt! 】

Bottom lane.

Little Peanut visited the bottom lane for the second time, and finally caught the loopholes of a wave of snakes, and cooperated with Pei Junzhi and Li Zaiwan to successfully kill the opponent's support.

FW's AD ran wildly.

"It's a pity... But the rhythm of this wave of little peanuts is very beautiful. He played it once and came back. After being seen by FW that the gank failed, less than ten seconds later, he took the initiative to block the vision and came over. FW was caught off guard.”

I remember commenting in admiration, and then looked at the laning situation of other lanes on the field: "Now in other lanes, SKT also occupies... Oh~! Karsa, it's him again!"

The words have not yet fallen.

However, the director's camera suddenly switched from the top lane to the middle lane. FW's jungler, Wolf King Karsa, after Peanut just caught his own support, cooperated with his mid laner and also caught and killed a Faker who wanted to retreat.

[FW Karsa killed SKT Faker! 】

Faker died, and the LMS audience who had been silent finally burst into cheers.

"Faker was caught to death. Why are you pretending to be Faker?"

The LMS commentator immediately stood up and swayed, pointed at the big screen and said: "This wave of Faker is really too pretentious. Peanut has already appeared in the bottom lane. He hasn't retreated in time and is still struggling with our players. It's better now." Hey, he’s dead.”

"We, the electric wolves, are weak, but you can't ignore them like that."

Another commentator smiled and said: "NONONO, I hope SKT can do this kind of operation more times. In that case..."

"We won?"

"Hahaha, yes."

"Okay, let's see, now there is a kill in the middle. I feel that it will greatly improve our overall morale... Uh!"

It's like a repeat of the previous wave.

Before the LMS commentator finished speaking, he saw the director who had just moved the "Great Shift" of the camera to the middle lane, and immediately reset it again and returned to the top lane.

As soon as the camera started to hit the road, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

I saw that the road at this moment was very different from before.

A few seconds ago, due to MMD's excessive caution, Gnar's state still had more than half of his health, and Chen Yiqiu had no chance of a solo kill.

But it only takes a few seconds.

When everyone looked back, they found that MMD, which had been "stable" for so long, had been cut to less than half health by Nuoshou.

Moreover, Chen Yiqiu is still clinging to him and slashing.

Looking at the skill CD, Gnar E has just entered the cooldown, obviously it has only been used recently.

"It's over."

Seeing this scene, several LMS commentators buzzed in their heads and finished secretly.

Nuoshou is now at level six. With this bloodline, how can Gnar escape without E?


Chen Yiqiu chased after him for a few steps with the blood axe, and finally leveled A twice. The effect of five layers of blood rage had even appeared on Naer's body.


Darius' rough voice seemed to follow Chen Yiqiu's movements.

The butcher raised his butcher knife, jumped up high, and slashed down.

Nal, who was scared to death, stopped suddenly, and his head fell to the ground.

[SKT Reaper killed FW MMD! 】

"Novo! Guillotine! Gnar is dead!! He went on the road and finally completed the online solo kill just before 7 minutes of game time!!"

Guan Zeyuan shouted with inexplicable enthusiasm: "Not only that, except for this head, Nuoshou has a short hand. Until now, he has been ahead of MMD in more than half of the last hits of Nnar. Now Nuoshou is level 6 and a half. , Nar is even just level 5, almost one and a half levels of experience ahead!!"

"Reaper... Wow, this man is really unreasonable. After Nuoshou's chops, his last-hit kills have taken off. Even if he enters a team battle, it feels like FW will not be easy to fight."

I remember watching Nuoshou moving around on the field, and Nuoshou, who had returned to the line and continued to replenish troops, sighed in a complicated tone.

When Nuoshou chops it off, the FW is basically cold.

Do you want to congratulate SKT in advance for advancing to the finals?

(End of this chapter)

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