LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 270 The two kings in the SKT team, a murder caused by a river crab

Chapter 270 The two kings of SKT team, a murder caused by a river crab

"Okay, brother."

Hearing the sound, Little Peanut nodded immediately and his eyes quickly locked on a certain position.

——The blind monk had already made preparations to invade the opposite jungle area in the previous half minute.

And this is also one of several tactics SKT has previewed.

If Syndra develops smoothly in the early stage and gets the lead and advantage in experience, then Chen Yiqiu needs to interact with Peanut.

Many people may think that Syndra, who is on the road, has no ability to link up with the jungler in the early stage.

In fact, this also depends on the situation.

For example, in the situation on the court at this moment, Chen Yiqiu relied on his own personal ability to achieve a visible lead in the lane. In this case, with SKT's current jungle strength and personal ability, it is entirely possible to complete the linkage.

"The timing of my jam is a bit limited. After a long time, the opponent will become suspicious. If you go around from behind, you should be able to block him and buy me some time."

After Syndra moved to twist Olaf's crucial Q skill, she immediately moved in the opposite direction and continued to draw A. At the same time, when the opponent Olaf had already moved crazily and twisted his waist, QE was predictive. Sweeped out.

G2 is no weakling either. The first time Trick saw Chen Yiqiu, he realized that the opposite Peanut should also be in his jungle area at this moment.

But Xiaohuahua obviously believed in Chen Yiqiu's judgment.

Judging from the current support speed, G2 does not have any advantage at all.

"I'm rushing. I'm rushing."

At the same time, Little Peanut's blind monk threw out his own Tianyin Wave.

The blind monk invaded the wild area first. Instead of directly scaring Olaf away, he chose to hit the center and circle around from the side.

Whoa, bang!
The dark ball was as accurate as ever. Olaf, who had not yet reached level six, did not have the ability to instantly release the control. He was stunned in place by Chen Yiqiu's double QE.

Teammates responded one after another.


Miller Doll and both of them were speechless.

But then again, if you have TP in the middle, doesn’t Faker in my middle teleport?

It was accompanied by commentary from major competition areas around the world and crazy cheers and screams from the audience.

"SKT had a perfect linkage after the sixth level of the jungle card. They caught Trick in the jungle. G2's rhythm engine died once. SKT's offensive continues!"

Olaf, who originally still had most of his blood and was very healthy, was now completely empty and fell to the ground.

Feeling bad.

[SKT Reaper killed G2 Trick! 】

The first Q hits, the second Q follows up, and after landing, he uses AEA to hit his highest burst damage so far.

Chen Yiqiu took advantage of this time to accumulate another ball. Syndra's ultimate move gathered into a continuous bead shape, and the dark energy like meteors poured into Olaf.

He predicted Olaf's current jungle route. In fact, it is very scary, and the fault tolerance rate is also very low. It is one of the cores of the linkage between the jungle and the jungle.

Chen Yiqiu's Syndra here had already started to AW, grabbed a stone beetle on the partition wall, and hit Olaf.

Chen Yiqiu entered the upper half of G2's jungle area with his vision stuck, and directed Little Peanut's movements at the same time.

The kill prompt sounded.

The essence of this wave of SKT upper and jungle gank linkage is that they have an early insight into the path position of G2 jungler at this point in time.

The only difference is that the coordination operation for this kill is gorgeous or not, and the coordination is not perfect.

At the same time, it is also the most critical point - Syndra has no skills available.

Therefore, after Chen Yiqiu met Olaf in this wave, when Trick failed to realize in advance that SKT Ueno was going to attack him, Olaf's outcome was already doomed.

Unless Ah P in the middle now directly TPs.

"Sindra has come to the jungle, and the opponent's jungler may be there too."

"Syndra's positioning is very beautiful! The prediction twisted Olaf's Q. What's wrong? This wave of Trick is a little too impatient. Peanut is right behind him, and the rest of G2 are still far away... This Something is going to happen to Bo."

In just a few seconds, Chen Yiqiu had already "encountered" Olaf in the jungle.

——Chen Yiqiu gave the answer with his own practical actions.

Outside, several commentators in the LPL commentary box felt their hearts pounding when they saw this scene.


Chen Yiqiu moved flexibly and easily twisted away.

Swish bang bang bang…

Otherwise, just relying on the current Syndra, although Chen Yiqiu is far ahead, he is still not a match for the jungle king Olaf.

So on point!
If the camera has been focused on the top lane since the beginning of this game, it will not be difficult for everyone to find that the Syndra in Chen Yiqiu's hands is more than just accurate in skills.

"Olav, he's dead... This Syndra QE is so accurate!!"

"Death once at this time around level 2 will be very harmful to the rhythm of the game after G!"

Trick couldn't move to avoid the W, but he threw out his ax at the same time.

It's so outrageous that "every shot hits a hundred hits."

Syndra's QE second consecutive hit rate and difficulty are actually not high, but even if it is Faker, the devil in the middle, it seems that he cannot achieve the point of "hitting easily".

This is even scarier than having a keyboard and mouse.

"Reaper Syndra's proficiency is far beyond anything we could have imagined."

Dancing with hallucinogenic excitement: "Although we have 'overestimated' Reaper Syndra's proficiency before... But obviously, facts have proven that we still underestimated the strength of Syndra, the world's top top laner. …”

Syndra, the world’s top top laner…

Why does this sound so weird...

The kid next to him, Miller, touched his nose when he heard this. He always felt that this sentence was somewhat abstract and outrageous when applied to a top laner.

But if you change this ID to Reaper, if you think of Reaper's previous career history...

It doesn't seem like it's unacceptable.

But if you open this mind...

"Is it possible that we will see many mid lane heroes appearing on the top lane in the future?"

"How do other teams in the competition region play this? Do they have to spend all their energy in every game to target, research, and prevent Reaper's 'black technology'?"

Everyone was speechless.

"...Actually, I don't think there is any need to think so. A gameplay routine like Syndra's taking the road can only be played once at most. If it is played too many times, prevention will naturally occur. And...there is also a very important point. The official will sit back and watch this happen. A behavior?"

The doll comforted him and gave out his trademark awkward smile: "Haha, that... this kind of gameplay where a hundred flowers bloom... we can look forward to the follow-up development."

"Then... In this case, G2 is feeling very uncomfortable now. The jungler is dead now and is about to reach level 2. It is equivalent to saying that SKT has interrupted G's rhythm this time, and Olaf's strongest gank since level is over. It’s been resolved like this.”

After calming down, Miller returned his gaze to the big screen and analyzed: "Currently, the situation on the no longer conducive to G2."

The situation on the court is not conducive to G2.

He doesn't need to say this. Everyone saw it after Syndra single-handedly killed Rambo in the early stages of the road.

It can only be said that after the end of this wave of SKT's top and jungle linkage, G2's disadvantage has expanded a lot.

And if G2 wants to have the last laugh today, it may not be able to let this situation continue.


"Syndra already has two heads, we can't let Reaper continue to take the head."

G2 team voice. Ah P was in a very bad mood at the moment.

Before the finals started today, their team had actually been studying how to target Reaper.

Because through careful research, they found that in the current SKT team, Reaper's role is actually much greater than Faker.

The outside world is now generally focusing on Faker and Reaper.

Even more of the former than the latter.

This is a "problem of the century" that every player serving in SKT cannot avoid.

After all, the Big Devil is the number one player in the history of the league. It is difficult for everyone to ignore him and focus on a certain player wholeheartedly.

Reaper is no exception to this trend.

In this case, G2 got the answer very clearly. If they want to win the finals, they must find a way to solve the problem of Reaper.

This cannot be achieved by simply targeting. Countless teams have proven before that this solution does not work.

What to do?
"Don't give him time to develop, just hit him directly."

Ah P made a decision.

In this game, G2's lineup was a little weaker than SKT online in the early stage, but at this moment, Rambo Olaf and other strong points have already reached level six.

And although Syndra now has an advantage, it is obvious that she has not completely gained weight.

What G2 has to do is to frantically look for a fight with SKT before Syndra takes off completely, and they also have to use their most powerful Rambo + Olaf double-speed lineup to cooperate with several other lines to gain sufficient advantages.

Use your own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses, and try to choose the upper half of the wild area or the river as the battlefield.

This tactic is a gamble. If you win, you will punch the master to death. I don't know, the effect is much better than those teams that madly target Reaper, but the result is useless.

But the result of losing is also very heavy, that is, the game will be directly declared over, and SKT will become stronger as it kills.

For the sake of the championship, G2 thought it would give it a try.

With just over ten minutes of game time, G2 seized an opportunity.

On the road, Rambo made the first move. After Chen Yiqiu pushed his troops, he just swam to the river and had not yet made any moves.

This was really without warning, because before this, SKT had no idea that G2 had any thoughts and intentions of fighting.

Because of Rambo's disadvantage on the top lane, G2's strong point has not yet come.

In addition, the layout of G2's eye position also surprised SKT.

"The other side wants to kill me."

Chen Yiqiu notified his teammates by voice in the team, and then subconsciously moved around to avoid it as much as possible.

But Rambo's ultimate move is extremely sticky, and G2's thinking is indeed very clear. At this point in time, Rambo's disadvantage is a disadvantage, but he has not been crushed.

Relying on the hero mechanism and super high ultimate skill damage, he can still pose an absolute threat to SKT, especially a crispy Syndra.

Olaf walked out from the shadow of the river in the opposite direction.

He raised his hand and struck an axe.

This time, Chen Yiqiu was stuck and couldn't dodge while moving, so he was successfully hit by Olaf's axe.

"Syndra!! Caught! Rambo's ultimate move, the damage and deceleration ability are exaggerated, how can you run away?"

Seeing this scene, the doll let out a roar and stood up instantly.

"G2's wave is very beautiful, and this wave is not just about the top laner and jungler, Perkz and AD support are also here...G2 wants to finish the wave and change lanes!"

Miller had already noticed G2's recent actions.

Although there were some twists and turns in the bot lane laning in this game, overall G2 was relatively stable.

At the time of just over ten minutes, G2 seized the time difference of a line change and combined with the eye position arrangement, successfully launched a wave of team battles with more people and fewer people in the upper half of the river near their own jungle area.

The ideas and tactics are very beautiful, and SKT did not expect it at all.

At this moment, Peanut is still in his own jungle area, Faker has just returned home, and TP still has little time.

Pei Junzhi chose to return to the city after the G2 bottom lane duo returned to the city.

The only person very close to Chen Yiqiu now is Wolf, an auxiliary bullhead who just swam over.

But Niutou will definitely not dare to come over now, because once it comes, this wave will not be as simple as killing a Sindra.

It’s buy one get one free.

"Jai Wan, please don't come over here, I might get cold this time."

Chen Yiqiu judged the situation very accurately. He did not forcefully call his teammates. After trying it out and finding that there was almost no chance to run, he was ready to force a substitution.

But right now.


A swift crab appeared not far from him, looking up and around in confusion.


Chen Yiqiu's eyes lit up instantly. He and Lee Sang Hyuk both had the habit of cutting the screen to observe the position of their teammates.

So there was no hesitation or time to hesitate at this moment.

Syndra gave up the idea of ​​a forced substitution, raised her hand with a W, grabbed the newly born Swift Crab, and flashed it instantly.

With a bang, he threw it backwards under the wall of his jungle area.


There was no need for him to remind Xiaohuahua that he immediately understood Chen Yiqiu's thoughts the moment Syndra W took action.

SKT has done similar operations several times.

But this time may be the most unified time.


The Blind Monk was thousands of yards away, still in his own jungle area, and his Q skill Tianyin Wave had already been thrown at the Swift Crab.

The second stage Q flew over and landed, and then flashed in front of Chen Yiqiu.


The policewoman's ultimate move from a distance was perfectly blocked by the blind monk.

"Blind Sin! Syndra W dodged, and Blind Sin Q reached the river crab... and flew directly over! Helping Syndra block the policewoman's ultimate move..."

“And they even came with support!!”

Miller exclaimed: "No, why were the two people on G2 stunned?!"


Everyone was startled.

Then it was discovered that just before Syndra W "led" her teammates, Rambo and Snake were stunned in the crowd of G2 chasing Syndra.

——Syndra’s QE!

The moment the Swift Crab spawned and W flashed, he actually QE first and stunned the two G2 people? !

Did he think of the situation that would evolve later the moment he took action?
What kind of brain is this? Still human?
Are you afraid that you are not a weapon spirit?

The commentators and audiences in various competition areas around the world were in a whirlwind of thoughts at the moment, and were completely confused by Chen Yiqiu's series of instant "muscle reactions."

A murder caused by a river crab, something seems to be wrong with this wave of team fights.

(End of this chapter)

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