LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 327 Shanghai, here we come! Chen Sheng's waist was broken! Loving father SKT meets fili

"Reaper is a strong player. He can give you a sense of security no matter where you are."

Guan Zeyuan said: "If you talk about Jess, the game has been killed in advance. I think this sentence is the highest praise for Reaper from the audience around the world."

"...MSF showed a different tactical style from the group stage in today's first game, but it seems to have little effect so far... I hope they can adjust their mentality in the future. A BO5 victory is never a determined outcome. , and let us look forward to the next game together..."

As soon as the words fell, everyone in SKT had already walked out of the competition room and walked backstage.

Along the way, the audience at the Guangzhou Stadium was extremely enthusiastic and waved wildly to the SKT people in the center.

"How do you feel after finishing this game?"

Chen Yiqiu asked Li Sanghyuk.

"Work harder and go to Shanghai. We will point our sword at the Bird's Nest."

Lee Sang Hyuk was in a good mood after winning the game and made a joke that Chen Yiqiu often played.

"I would like to ask Reaper player, if you meet RNG again, what do you want to say?"

Pei Junzhi had already acted as the interview host in advance. He clenched his pretentious hand into a fist and handed it to Chen Yiqiu's mouth.

"I'm in a good mood, but I must know that our team's ADC player Bae Junzhi must be in a bad mood, because he is not the best ADC in the world."

Pei Junzhi: "?"

"Hahaha... You've gone too far. Be careful if someone records you and sends it out later."

The teammates burst into laughter, walked into the lounge in a happy atmosphere, and began to prepare for the second game of BO5.

Ten minutes later, the director announced that SKT was on stage again.

Today's second BO5 game officially begins.

In this game, MSF unexpectedly picked out an unpopular version of the auxiliary robot. As soon as this selection came out, it caused a huge sensation at the scene.

Because MSF was crushed by SKT in today's first match, everyone looked at MSF's selection with strong doubts and confusion.

——Black technology, or have you already started to make preparations in advance?

After the game started, MSF told everyone the answer.

The auxiliary robot that assists igNar, combined with the mid laner Karma, performed superbly in the early and mid-term. Especially in terms of lane roaming, the hit rate of the hook was exaggerated and the proficiency was so high that it once hooked SKT. Somewhat confused.

MSF showed a completely different state and strength in this game from the first game, and once had a huge advantage.

In this case, Chen Yiqiu cooperated with Lee Sang Hyuk several times. In the last big team battle, Chen Yiqiu's Kennen released the perfect ultimate move. Five people from Tianlei used electrocution to treat the rabbit first. Faker pulled out the ultimate move. SKT was over. this game.

Narrowly won the second game.

But after this game, audiences around the world had a completely different impression of the Rabbitohs, because they suddenly discovered that the Rabbitohs did not seem weak, and the black technology used in the last game did have a sense of indestructibility and survival.

This feeling continued into the third game and became more obvious.

This feeling becomes more serious when SKT directly bans the robot support from the BP start and spends a ban position to target a hero that no one uses in the version.

——They banned the support three times!
MSF went completely crazy. After the hook robot in the second game, the support igNar once again took out the unpopular female tank in the version.

A female tank who is passionate about war!

Such novel ideas and selection methods made SKT's bottom lane fall into a state of confusion after the start.

And MSF obviously studied and designed the early laning cooperation in the bottom lane. The small gun did not upgrade E at level 1, but clicked W. Just three minutes into the game, it cooperated with a strong female tank teammate to double kill SKT in the bottom lane.

Then just one minute later, he cooperated with jungler Kunkun to kill Wolf.

Several consecutive waves of almost perfect team-starting designs have completely revitalized MSF's lineup. At the same time, the supporting ID igNar has truly entered the eyes of the world's audience for the first time.

A world-class support person who is full of spirituality, personal ability and outstanding performance, he became famous in this battle.

SKT's disadvantage in this game was even greater than in the previous game, and it was once pushed to the high ground in the later stages.

But it’s still a familiar script and a familiar routine.

The two IDs of Reaper and Faker are like a big mountain firmly blocking MSF. Wanting to climb the mountain, defeat the dynasty, and become a legend seems to be close at hand, but also seems to be far away.

As Rabbits assistant igNar said in today's quarterfinals promotional video.

——"If we can defeat SKT on today's stage, we will be famous all over the world."

They didn't defeat SKT in the end, but they did it and became famous all over the world.

The game lasted for 40 minutes. Reaper, the top laner of SKT, performed in a team battle that stunned everyone. The God King descended to earth again. His Ryze seized a vision gap and decisively flashed forward to beat him. MSF develops a strong double C.

Faker's Galio seized the opportunity to dodge and taunt four of them with W, and then other teammates followed. MSF was killed in four of the most critical late-game groups, and only the mid laner was left alive, but he was helpless.

"MSF...MSF has fallen...the dream is broken!!"

"SKT is demolishing the tower. The Rabbitohs have a long time to resurrect. They can do it in one wave... they can do it in one wave."

"Chen Sheng's waist was really broken today..."


"MSF ultimately failed to fulfill their pre-game vision. They became one of the countless strong teams that fell at the feet of SKT, but... their performance today far exceeded all of our expectations."

LPL division commentator Guan Zeyuan looked at the MSF people on the court who were holding their heads in pain and feeling extremely disappointed. He shook his head and said with emotion: "They have done things that many so-called strong teams cannot do, and they can push SKT to this level... … I think everyone should give them a round of applause.”


Loud applause erupted in the Guangzhou Stadium.

From being unknown before the game to the full cheers now, MSF was defeated 0-3. In fact, in the minds of many people, it is still similar to EDG in the group stage.

But comparing the reputation and gap between the two sides, MSF's various superb performances in the last two games did indeed contribute to the two most exciting games in this year's quarterfinals so far.

——"They will lose just because they are facing SKT today. If it were not SKT, I think they can fight any team in the top eight."

Although the local European commentator was defeated, he was in high spirits: "I believe we can still see this magical rabbit next year!"

"Congratulations to SKT!"

"——SKT, welcome to Shanghai!"

SKT, welcome to Shanghai.

The results of today's top eight BO5 have been decided. SKT successfully advanced to the semi-finals of the 2017 Global Finals. Soon, they will officially face off against their "old friend" RNG.

At the same time, by the semi-finals, most of this year's S competition has passed, which also indicates that Chen Yiqiu and everyone in SKT are only one step away from the Bird's Nest.


The competition ended, and everyone in SKT finally walked out of the competition room, shook hands with MSF, and returned to the backstage.

"Robot-assisted, war-zealous female tank... tsk tsk, this guy has something in his head, how did he come up with it?"

Li Zaiwan was walking in the corridor, saying this, but his heart was filled with an uncomfortable sense of frustration.

He hadn't felt this kind of frustration for a long time. As the craziest person in the SKT team, it can be said that except for SKT, there are not many players who can catch his eye.

But in today's game, he was taught online by his opponent in the early stage for two consecutive games, which made him feel like his IQ was being rubbed on the ground.

SKT’s brain has ever encountered this kind of situation?
He was confident at the worst times, but this experience in the quarterfinals seemed to have finally made him realize that he and Bae Junzhi were no longer young, and this SKT team did not seem to be as strong as he thought.

"...Stop talking, let's give Yiqiu and Xianghe a kiss later."

Pei Junzhi was in a much more relaxed state than Li Zaiwan. Hearing the sound at this moment, he knew what Li Zaiwan was thinking, so he shrugged and made a joke.

In today's BO5, Chen Yiqiu's performance was outrageous. Guan Zeyuan could express his emotion in one sentence: "Chen Sheng's waist was broken today."

That's really dragging SKT forward.

Although Lee Sang Hyuk and Chen Yi Qiu's cooperation is very impressive, it can be clearly felt that the once arrogant devil has become infinitely closer to a team mid laner in this year's S competition.

It's not that he can't carry heroes, but the effect after he carries is not as extreme as Chen Yiqiu, so he chooses to sacrifice himself to achieve the "strongest" state in the team.

That is, a state in which the game can be won.

Obviously, Lee Sang Hyuk did it. Today's Chen Yiqiu perfectly interpreted the title of the world's best thug, which made everyone in the LPL next door laugh out loud.

Many anti-fans couldn't help but post online: "How would you rate Reaper's waist strength today?" ", "Why is a Chinese man fighting so hard? ", "He really loves Faker, I cried to death. 》.

"I have actually said before that there are many strong teams this year and we cannot rest on our laurels forever."

Lee Sang Hyuk turned to look at Bae Jun Sik and Lee Jae Wan: "You usually blame me for asking everyone to train, but in fact if we didn't have that kind of training intensity, we would probably be eliminated today."

"...Xianghe, look at you, we are joking, don't be so serious, I'm scared."

Li Zaiwan muttered a few times, a little afraid of the current Li Sang Hyuk.

In fact, Mr. Li is really in a bad mood right now.

——When a team can only count on a certain player to perform at a miraculous level in every game and win every game through late comebacks, can this team really go far?

In other words, does it deserve to win the championship?
This was what worried him the most.

"Don't worry, Sang Hyuk, we will win. At least this year, we have come this far."

Li Zaiwan said with a serious face: "We will train very hard next."

Lee Sang Hyuk glanced at Bae Junzhi.

", training, I like training."

Pei Junzhi put his head in his hands and made a gesture of surrender: "I really admire you. Don't be so serious, okay? We won today. We won. We defeated our opponents three to zero."

"Kkoma is coming."

Chen Yiqiu, who had been silent for the whole time, reminded him aloud.

Kkoma and other SKT staff members have already greeted them out of the lounge door.

"Well done, boys!"

Kkoma patted several people on the shoulders happily and advanced to the semi-finals. For the Triple Crown Dynasty, it seems that they have returned to the field they are most familiar with.

After all, as long as SKT advances to the S tournament, there will never be a time when the crotch is pulled, and this year will not be an exception.

Kkoma was already a little metaphysically determined. After praising Chen Yiqiu and Lee Sang Hyuk, it didn't take long before the post-match interview notice was given.

This time Chen Yiqiu and Lee Sang Hyuk were both invited to the LPL interview booth.

This is also the advantage of the home court. Because of Chen Yiqiu's relationship and SKT's current popularity in China, SKT is happy to give face to LPL.

Chen Yiqiu put on his team uniform and came to the LPL interview stage with Lee Sang Hyuk.

This time it’s still Yu Shuang’s interview.

Many stories happened in this year’s S7, and many legends were born.

For example, in the quarterfinals that just ended, MSF became famous in one battle, and igNar became a star support from an ordinary player who was not well known before.

There is also the strong rise of RNG, which is stirring up the situation in LPL.

As for hosting, Yu Shuang wore a blue and white porcelain cheongsam, which obviously hit the hearts of audiences around the world, and was also regarded as "famous in one battle."

Seeing Chen Yiqiu again at this moment, the hostility she had during the group stage was no longer the same. Her eyes looking at Chen Yiqiu now were even a little complicated.

It's too difficult. In fact, from the 10,000 gold comeback in the group stage, many people with good observation skills can tell that in every game of SKT now, Chen Yiqiu is the most tired.

A top laner has changed his fate several times in the bottom lane version, which is really a bit abstract.

Even as an "enemy", she now admires Chen Yiqiu from the bottom of her heart.

Dedicated, powerful, and so powerful that the entire LPL region is feared.

"Welcome Reaper, Faker, and say hello to everyone."

"Hello everyone, I am SKT's top laner Reaper."

"Okay, I'm SKT's mid laner, Feike'er."

Brother Li said hello in Chinese called Chen Yiqiu, and there was a burst of laughter.

Then there was a bigger uproar.

"Reaper!! Reaper!!"

"Faker! Faker!!"

"Chen Sheng! Is your waist okay? I cried to death. Can you do the same to LPL?"

"I was completely impressed by today's competition. The one who wins the Reaper wins the world!"

"Lee Sang Hyuk get out of here, let go of Chen Sheng and let us LPL come!"


The two people on the stage kept their expressions unchanged, and Yu Shuang couldn't help but smile.

"Well, first of all, congratulations to SKT for successfully advancing to this year's semi-finals and getting a ticket to Shanghai. In today's game, you eliminated your opponent 3-0, but the game process looked very exciting. Now that you have won 3-0, I feel in my heart. Is there anything you want to say?”

Hearing the sound, Li Sanghe motioned for Chen Yiqiu to speak first.

Chen Yiqiu thought for a moment and picked up the microphone: "I had a great time playing today's game. Well... I just felt great. I felt like I had shown my strength."

【? 】

[High EQ: I had a great time playing the game today and showed my strength. Low EQ: I was too tired from playing today and my waist has been broken. 】

[6. Chen Sheng is indeed Chen Sheng, he continues to carry steadily both on and off the court! 】(End of this chapter)

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