LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 348: Battle at the Bird's Nest! Chen Sheng: I will give them failure and despair, chall

After hearing this, Kkoma led the SKT team onto the stage.

Walking through the passage and onto the stage, your vision instantly opens up.

"SKT! SKT! SKT!" There was thunderous applause and overwhelming cheers.

The seats in the distance are all red, these are SKT fans!
"Ah! Reaper! I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Lee Sang Hyuk, hold the cup!"

"Bae Jun-sik, I love you forever!"

"Little Peanut, prove yourself, you deserve a championship!"

Sitting on the stage you can actually hear the shouts of the audience in the front row.

Chen Yi Qiu suddenly felt his heart pounding.

This is the largest live League of Legends match ever.

I've never felt this way before.

On the other side, welcomed by Ren Dong, the Samsung team also came on stage.

Samsung fans at the scene were equally enthusiastic: "Samsung! Samsung! Samsung!"

At Ren Dong's invitation, the two teams came to the center of the stage, turned around and faced each other.

Chen Yi Qiu’s opponent is naturally Cuvve, the top laner.

It feels different from the LCK. Now Cuvve seems to have completed some kind of transformation. His eyes are very determined and he doesn't show any fear in front of Chen Yi Qiu.

Chen Yi Qiu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. He could foresee that this would be a showdown of the century. The process might be very difficult, but also very enjoyable.

The two sides shook hands, then turned around and went their separate ways!

Then, the pre-match trash talk segment that had been recorded in advance began to play on the big screen.

First, there are the group shots of both teams.

The audience fell silent instantly.

The five SKT players appeared on the screen, their figures blurred, and the classic scene of two Zeds appeared.

The background sound is the voice of the game commentator:
"Faker is in a bit of trouble. Yue Lun's Zed is launching a sneak attack on the high ground. Is Faker going to be killed?"

"Faker used his ultimate, and he was operating, moving, dodging skills. Oh my god, Faker completed a counter-kill, an impossible counter-kill!"

The live broadcast room's barrage instantly boiled over:
[Wow, you guys haven't let Yue Lun go yet? 】

【Yue Lun: “No, it’s not over yet, right?”】

[Classic whipping of Yue Lun's corpse. ]

[The person who wants Faker to retire the most in the world is probably Yue Lun. 】

[I guess Yue Lun had a nightmare at night, and he dreamed about this part.]

Then, Marin asked the sky for another forty seconds, and Bang's four-on-one Lucian changed the fate of the team.

Classic scenes from the SKT dynasty emerged one by one.

"If RNG can take down this Baron, the game will be over. What is Shen doing..."

"Salvin entered the game! With one final precision kick, Salvin shattered RNG's dream of winning the game!"

The familiar scene appeared again. After UZI was killed instantly, it was immediately accompanied by UZI's surprised and helpless expression.

Then came the most classic scene, the SKT trio made a stunning comeback...

"Kassadin flashed in with R, but it was too slow... The Baron is gone, why? The Baron was taken by Kassadin! Kassadin is level 16! Damn it, it still doesn't work..."

What followed was Kassadin's crazy harvest.

At this time, the director gave a close-up of Colonel Guan in the commentary booth.

Colonel Guan himself was quite embarrassed, but also felt very honored.

Because he knows that his voice will live on with these classic scenes.

After recalling the story of SKT as a whole, it is Samsung's turn.

Samsung's heritage started from S4, the battle between the blue and white duo of Samsung, and then they were defeated by SKT successively. After a year of transformation and evolution, they started their counterattack in the S game, defeated strong teams one after another, and reached the finals.

After a brief review of the two teams' situations, background music started playing and Pei Junzhi's voice came:
"Many people are asking when SKT's dynasty will end."

Chen Yiqiu, Li Xianghe and Bae Junzhi appeared on the screen, the three emperors of SKT! They just corresponded to the three stars on the team uniforms.

Lee Sang-hyeok replied: "As long as we are all here, SKT's dynasty will not end."

Entering the individual player segment, the first screen is given to Kkoma.

"I think SKT players have an invisible mysterious power. Every time they are about to lose a game and are in a desperate situation, they can always survive because they are SKT."

The scene suddenly turned to Samsung.

Entering Crown's monologue:
"There is a legend in LCK that all LCK mid laners are afraid of Faker and that we can't play to our full potential when we meet Faker."

"I used to be a 'scientophobia patient'..."

Crown's image was blurred, and the screen showed a scene where, after being slaughtered by Faker, Faker was in high spirits with a smile on his face, while Crown was crying bitterly.

Crown continued: "For quite a long time, every time I saw Faker's ID, my hands would shake, my thoughts would get confused, and my breathing would become difficult. Later, when I played against SKT, I had to block everyone's ID."

"At that time, when I stood opposite SKT again, on the finals stage, I no longer felt that fear. I thought it was time for SKT's dynasty to end."

The scene changed and Lee Sang Hyuk appeared.

"Compared to evaluating other players, I am more focused on ourselves. We have won all the S-League championships we have participated in. If we get runner-up this time, it will be a lifelong regret."

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded instantly:

[Fuck, this is the pattern! ]

[The gap is too big to be compared.]

[The big devil is still the big devil after all. There are countless heroes, but there is only one big devil! ]

【Who else but me! 】

Then, Ambition appeared on the screen:

"I don't know if it's fate, but we still have a second chance. This time, I want revenge!"

Then there are the peanuts:

"In the semi-finals against RNG, the final score was 3-0. At that time, I saw UZI sitting on a chair and crying. At that moment, I was thinking, I must win it all. Now that the trophy is in front of me, I have to consider whether this will be my only chance in this life."

"I came to SKT only for the championship. I don't want to leave any regrets in my life, so I will definitely go all out this time."

As soon as these words came out, the official live broadcast room was filled with comments:

[What does Peanut mean? Is this intentional? Uzi didn't even come to the finals, yet you're still blackmailing him? ]

[Yue Lun didn't come either, so he was also whipped dead? ]

[The strong should severely humiliate the weak! ]

[UZI's failure was not in vain, at least it inspired Peanut, right?] [If Peanut wins the championship, shouldn't 30% of the credit go to Uzi?]

[30%? Why don't you give 70% to Uzi? ]

[Make a wish at Wangba Pond, this is not the place to make a wish. 】

At the same time, UZI, who was fishing by the river, suddenly sneezed:
"Who is it? Who is slandering me again?"

As everyone was talking, the trash talk session entered its final stage.

The background music suddenly disappeared and the screen turned black. Then, dots of light appeared at the top of the screen, and a series of stairs could be seen in the blur.

The camera moved upwards, moving forward along the stairs, the speed getting faster and faster. After an unknown amount of time, the camera suddenly slowed down and a chair appeared on everyone's screen.

Continuing to move upwards, everyone found a person sitting on a chair. The chair was located on a high platform, overlooking the world!
Although only the back of this person can be seen, the word "Reaper" on his back is enough to reveal his identity.

A deep female voice came:

"Every challenger who comes here carries expectations and hopes, and each has his or her own story."

"I will grant them failure and despair, so challenge me, hate me."

In the official live broadcast room of the S game, the comments were boiling:
[Fear! Brothers, I am already beginning to be afraid! ]

[No matter how touching the story is, it is meaningless in the face of absolute power! ]

[There can be countless heroes, but there is only one devil! ]

[One general's success is the result of the sacrifice of thousands of men. This world is so cruel! ]

【See the despair from the depths of the soul! 】

The players from both sides came to their respective positions and got ready.

The camera switches to the commentary booth.

Guan Zeyuan commented: "The game is about to begin. No matter what the outcome is, we pay our highest respects to the ten players from these two teams!"

Wawa continued, "Both players are ready. Now, the first round of the finals officially begins!"

Entering the first BP, the live music stopped and everyone's attention was on the ten players on the field.

SKT is on the red side and Samsung is on the blue side.

Enter the BAN stage.

Colonel Guan commented: "In this game, SKT banned Galio, Tristana, and Kalista as the first three, targeting the bottom lane. Although Galio was banned in the middle lane, I guess it was mainly because they were worried that Galio would support the bottom lane and help the bottom lane gain an advantage."

Wawa continued, "That's right. Samsung banned Shen, Rakan, and Sejuani in the first three rounds. When it came to the hero selection stage, Samsung on the blue side locked on Janna on the first floor. This is a versatile choice that can be paired with any popular ADC in the version."

"Samsung didn't choose to target Reaper's other signature heroes. I think about the finals, they also have their own ideas and plans."

Miller nodded: "It's SKT's turn. SKT locked Varus on the first floor and got the barrel on the second floor."

"Then, the three-star second floor got Xia, and the third floor was Malhazahar. Here it comes, Crown's Malzahar, a hero he seems to like very much."

At this time, Kkoma walked behind Lee Sang-hyeok on SKT and said, "What are you going to play in the mid lane? Crown is in good form recently. His Malhaza is good at finding opportunities, and this hero fits the version very well."

Li Xianghe didn't seem to be under any pressure and said casually: "Snake girl, I'll look for an opportunity online."

Kkoma understood: "Okay, but you have to be careful of the jungler's ganks."

So SKT locked on the Snake Girl on the third floor!

When this snake girl was brought out, many SKT fans at the scene reacted:
"Here it comes, Faker's Cassiopeia, this game is mainly about the laning phase."

"I don't know if Crown can handle it. I think it will be a bit difficult."

"Crown is pretty stable, and doesn't he still have a jungler? Ambition is in much better shape than Peanut right now."

"I'm just worried that Peanut will fail. Ambition has been getting stronger and stronger from the group stage to now."

"It doesn't matter. If things don't work, we still have Reaper."

In the second round of BP, Wawa continued to explain: "SKT banned Jarvan and Shen in the second round. Samsung also played Shen quite well, and it was a system."

Miller: "Then Samsung banned Crocodile and Fiora, and continued to increase the top lane. SKT has not released a top lane hero yet, so it is okay to ban them."

As the two were talking, SKT got Lulu on the fourth floor, and it was Samsung's turn.

Samsung locks on Kennen and Zac!
Wawa analyzed: "You know what, Samsung's lineup is very proactive. Their Zac, Kennen, and Malhaza are all heroes who actively look for opportunities. I originally thought that Samsung would choose a conservative lineup."

Guan Zeyuan continued, "I think so too. It seems that Samsung is really confident now. After all, they have fought their way up and defeated many strong teams."

Miller said: "SKT's top laner hasn't come out yet, this is very critical."

The director gave a close-up of Chen Yi Qiu. Kkoma was right behind him but didn't say anything. It seemed that he was going to let Chen Yi Qiu make the decision himself.

Without any hesitation, SKT got Jayce on the fifth floor!
The lineups of both teams have been determined:

SKT on the red side: top lane Jayce, jungle Gragas, mid lane Cassiopeia, ADC Varus, support Lulu.

Three stars on the blue side: Kennen top, Zac jungle, Malzahar mid, Xayah ADC, Janna support.

Seeing the lineups of both sides, Guan Zeyuan began to analyze:
"I personally prefer Samsung's lineup. It is very comprehensive, has a strong ability to find opportunities, has a full teamfight capability, and can attack and counterattack."

Wawa: "What you said makes sense, but I still want to say that Jayce is the variable of this game. Jayce is a completely individualistic hero who pursues the ultimate laning advantage. And... this is Chen Sheng's Jayce!"

Miller affirmed: "Yes, I have every reason to believe that after getting Jayce, Reaper can play a big enough advantage in the top lane."

"What Ze Yuan said just now makes sense. The three-star lineup is indeed powerful in teamfights, but who can limit Jayce when he is solo laning? This is also a problem."

Entering the game screen, Chen Yi Qiu's Jayce chose Doran's Blade to go out.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed the talent of Kennen on the opposite side and reminded him:
"The opponent's Kennen is going to play AD."

"AD?" Peanut was stunned.

Li Xianghe also noticed it: "Kennen has War Fervor, so he must be an AD."

Pei Junzhi asked, "Is it great to play AD? Kennen."

Chen Yiqiu explained: "He wants to play against me in the lane, and then play solo. If he builds AP, Jayce only needs to build Hexdrinker, and Kennen will be completely defeated. However, if he builds AD, it depends on the operation and development."

Pei Junzhi smiled: "Does that mean he plans to challenge you? Then I don't think much of his idea."

Chen Yi Qiu went straight to the river in the upper lane to stand guard. SKT had no intention of invading in this game, and all five players chose to stand in a defensive position.

It is easy to fail if the first-level invasion tactics are used continuously. In the previous BO5 with RNG, we failed in the third game.

When the first wave of soldiers came out, Chen Yi Qiu came to the line and faced the enemy normally.

However, before he touched the line of soldiers, Chen Yi Qiu discovered something unusual.

Kenan did not appear.

Normally, Kennen would definitely return to the line at this point, and the two sides should be mirror images.

Unless... Kennen has other ideas and is playing tricks.

So Chen Yi Qiu suddenly stopped and took a step back.

The moment he stepped back, Kennen's Q skill flew out from the bushes and passed by Jayce, missing him. (End of this chapter)

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