LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 350 SKT's ultimate top and jungle collaboration, how can one person with less play the

The game was still going on, and Chen Yi Qiu TPed to the top lane after replenishing supplies.

Xiaohuasheng was looking for an opportunity in the bottom lane and used the flash of the opposing Janna.

In the middle lane, Li Xianghe's snake girl is trying to suppress Malzahar.

But the effect was average. Crown played very methodically. He did not use his skills to deliberately consume the snake girl, but just pushed the line hard, making full use of the advantages of the hero Malzahar.

Although Snake Lady is very strong in laning battles, she is unable to push the minion line.

Li Xianghe also knew this, so he kept trying to use Q to output Malzahar. If the Q skill hit, he could chase Malzahar and output.

However, Crown's positioning was very good and he never gave us any chance.

Guan Zeyuan commented: "Crown held steady in this match and was not unilaterally overwhelmed. Judging from the number of last hits, it was a 50-50 match, and he was hardly suppressed."

Wawa: "It still depends on the top lane. Jayce has such a big advantage now, Kennen will have a very difficult time against him."

In the top lane, after Chen Yiqiu's Jayce came online, the military line was pushed over.

So he began to control the line of troops, staying on the side of the line and preventing Kennen from getting close.

As long as Kennen gets close to the line of troops, Chen Yi Qiu will go up to put pressure on him and fight him head-on.

Moreover, it’s not as simple as not giving you the last hit, it’s not giving you any experience.

After being suppressed by a wave of soldiers, Cuvve obviously couldn't stand it anymore. He tried to get close to Chen Yi Qiu and chose to use the Q skill to output.

In fact, for Kennen who is an AD player, the damage of this Q skill is very low, so it’s okay even if it hits.

Even so, Chen Yi Qiu still chose to move away and kill the person.

Kennen used his E skill and started moving, making various S-shaped movements, trying to confuse Chen Yi Qiu and make him evade his skills.

But Chen Yi Qiu was not in a hurry to attack. He chased forward, and when Kennen's E skill acceleration ended, he fired a QE and hit it!
The audience laughed:
"I don't know what Kennen is doing with his positioning, but he still has to be hit by skills in the end."

"Kennen is going to suffer a lot this time. He won't be given any experience points."

"There is a price to pay for being pretentious. He likes to manipulate. If he can't beat him, he will be ruthlessly suppressed."

“It’s basically impossible to play on the road.”

The game time reached five and a half minutes, and the solo laners and junglers of both sides reached level six one after another.

Except Kennan, of course.

In the top lane, Chen Yi Qiu was always controlling the minion line, making Kennen very painful.

Cuvve tried to signal his teammates to let the jungler come to the top lane to help.

"If you don't reach level 6 first, we won't have a chance." Ambition was also helpless.

The failure of the previous gank in the top lane had already caused him a lot of losses.

So unless Kennen reaches level 6, he will never be able to go to the top lane.

This makes Kennen very embarrassed. The jungler won't come until he reaches level 6, but he can't reach level 6 unless the jungler comes. Isn't this a vicious circle?

Suddenly, Crown in the middle lane gave a signal: "Snake Lady didn't flash."

In the middle lane, Crown's Malhaza's ultimate had already been used, but Lee Sang-hyeok's Snake Girl had only a trace of blood left and no flash.

Guan Zeyuan was a little surprised: "Ah? Crown actually used Snake Lady's Flash in a single line? Is this true?"

Wawa felt confused: "It shouldn't be possible, but no one went to the middle lane. It was a single player who fought on the laning line. This is quite interesting."

The director showed me the replay. Crown's Malzahar walked down to the river, and Snake Girl went over to harass him, and the two began to fight.

The snake girl's first Q missed, and Malhaza turned around and used a set of skills, summoning three worms to chase the snake girl.

At this time, both sides were almost full of health. The snake girl retreated first, waited for the skill CD, and hit with a Q!

Then the snake girl rushed up and chased Malzahar to attack, but before she could hit him twice, Malzahar used his ultimate skill.

The control effect of Malhaza's ultimate skill combined with the output of the three bugs caused the snake girl's health to drop rapidly and finally hit bottom!
In order to avoid being killed alone, Snake Girl had to give up her flash and retreat.

Seeing this scene, Wawa was shocked: "Oh my god, just such a simple operation? He almost killed Faker alone. I feel that the strength of Malhaza is a bit exaggerated."

Guan Zeyuan agreed, "This hero is quite powerful in the current version, and has a high appearance rate in the mid lane. This time, Snake Lady was a bit too aggressive, fighting against three bugs, which was a bit of a mistake."

On Samsung's side, Crown immediately told Ambition: "There is no flash in the middle lane."

After hearing this, Ambition understood!

When laning against Malzahar in the middle lane, if Malzahar has flash and the opponent uses it, as a jungler, the next step is very simple: gank the mid lane!
Eight minutes into the game, in the top lane, the minion line was finally out of control, and Chen Yi Qiu's Jayce pushed the minion line forward.

At this time, Jayce is level eight and Kennen is only level five!

However, this was a large wave of soldiers entering the defensive tower, enough for Kennen to reach level six.

After the soldiers entered the tower, Cuvve was planning to eat a lot.

"Happy time is about to begin." The wine barrel appeared.

Gragas came over from the side jungle area holding a big wooden barrel.

"Xiba..." The moment Kenan saw the barrel, he was very desperate.

With so many soldiers entering the tower and he doesn't have flash, he will be killed if he is killed by the enemy outside the tower.

Although he now has two-thirds of his health left, his level is too low and he is very fragile. He can't withstand the concentrated fire of two people.

So Kennen made a quick decision, activated his E skill and rushed over the minions, followed by W...

His idea was to eat as many soldiers as he could.

But he only got one because the damage was not enough!

Gragas was full of energy, Jayce used QE to activate W to switch to hammer form, and then used Sky Leap to kill Kennen with a set of skills.

Wawa laughed and said, "It exploded. It really exploded. At least none of the three waves of soldiers could be eaten. Who can withstand it?"

Miller: "There's nothing we can do. It was doomed when he chose Kennen. In the top lane, he either beats the opponent or gets beaten. Now it's the second situation."

As the two were talking, suddenly, something went wrong in SKT's mid lane.

Crown flashed and used his ultimate to hold the enemy back, Ambition's Zac used his E skill to fly over to deal damage and control, and Lee Sang-hyuk's Snake Girl was killed instantly!

"Malzahar doesn't have a big move." After being killed, Li Xianghe was still quite calm.

Li Zaiwan joked: "Why did you get hit by a single line and flash before? Otherwise, you wouldn't have died in this wave."

Li Xianghe did not explain anything. If he did not play well, he did not play well. The hero was too strong, which was all nonsense and excuses.

"Nice! Play like this, nice!" Jin Yibo was happy now. Originally, he became autistic when he saw how difficult it was to play Kennen in the top lane, but now that he had an advantage in the middle lane, he felt comfortable again.

Ambition also took the little dragon by the way, trying to maximize the advantage. In the top lane, after Cuvve's Kennen was resurrected, he wanted to return to the line to continue developing.

But it’s not that simple. Although he can see Jayce pushing the tower, he doesn’t know where Gragas is.

So Cuvve moved closer to the wall and placed a ward through it.

Sure enough, the barrel was waiting right there at the dividing wall.

Kennen was in a bit of a tough spot now. He was spinning around in circles, not daring to go back to the top lane to fight.

Moreover, he can't call the jungler. Ambition just said that he has to wait until the top lane reaches level 6. How can he reach level 6 if he can't even get on the line?

In the official live broadcast room of the S game, everyone was madly making fun of it on the barrage:

[Xiaohuasheng is really a rude person. He won't even let Kennen go back to develop? ]

[When it comes to being inappropriate, Peanut is a professional. ]

[This is mainly due to Jace's fault. If Jace wasn't so strong, Peanut wouldn't have had this opportunity.]

[Anyone who plays top lane against these two will be in real trouble. ]

So half a minute later, Chen Yi Qiu found Kennen appeared in the middle.

Kennen is not level 6 yet, so he can’t gank, he can only pass by to gain experience.

Nine minutes into the game, Kennen followed Zac to the bottom lane for a gank and killed Li Jae-wan's Lulu.

Li Zaiwan was confused: "Why would the opposing Kennen follow the jungler? Kennen is only level 5?"

Peanut laughed and said, "You really don't look at the minimap, brother. We are fighting the enemy in the top lane, and Kennen doesn't dare to go online."

Pei Junzhi responded: "Then we will stabilize the bottom lane, and you can quickly expand your advantage."

Eleven minutes into the game, Chen Yi Qiu took a tower in the top lane.

Most of the health of this defense tower is taken away by minions. If the defense tower can make up for the loss and develop, the equipment of this defense tower will be very good.

At this moment, bad news came from the middle lane again. The opposing jungler and support ganked the middle lane together, and took advantage of the Snake Lady's flash to kill her again.

"Xi..." Li Xianghe touched his chin. The feeling that Crown gave him was indeed different from before. He was no longer the Crown that he could easily defeat.

In addition, the hero Malzahar is indeed very strong in the current version, making it very difficult for him to be in the middle lane.

The mid and bottom lanes are still in the laning phase. Chen Yi Qiu has no plans to change lanes. After replenishing supplies, he will continue to push the top lane.

The opponent's upper jungle area is refreshed and the soldiers are eaten, and the development speed is very fast.

Fifteen minutes into the game, SKT's bottom lane tower was taken down and both sides prepared to switch lanes.

However, after switching lanes, Samsung chose to group up and attack the Rift Herald first, while Crown's Malhaza was still nearby.

On the SKT side, Peanut asked: "The opponent seems to be planning to take the Rift Herald, should we take it?"

"You can take it. I have two sets of equipment." Chen Yi Qiu decisively asked his teammates to huddle together.

"Two-piece suit?" Peanut and the SKT team then noticed that Chen Yi Qiu's equipment was indeed a two-piece suit!
It's only been fifteen minutes. Although armor-piercing equipment is relatively cheap, two pieces of equipment at this point in time are too scary.

The SKT players also started to huddle together, with Peanut's Gragas exploring the way ahead, trying to gain vision.

Just as the SKT team was approaching the river grass, suddenly, Malzahar appeared!

This Malhaza directly used his ultimate on Gragas.

"Huh?" Peanut was completely confused. He couldn't understand why the opponent's Malhaza would directly use his ultimate skill on him. He was a tank.

When Malzahar uses his ultimate, he himself cannot move, so the worst that can happen is a one-for-one trade.

"Kennen, be careful of Kennen!" Suddenly, Li Jae-wan reminded everyone in SKT.

Kennen is on the side, and the position at the river entrance is stuck. If they go to the top lane to help Gragas now, Kennen will come in from the side and everyone will be hit by Kennen's ultimate.

Although this Kennen has poor development and low output, Kennen's ultimate can produce a group control effect, which is also very deadly!
Guan Zeyuan commented: "This time, Samsung found a perfect ambush position. Kennen got in position and attacked the front row. Xayah followed up with damage output, and Janna knocked him into the air. Gragas could only stand and take the beating. He couldn't take it anymore, absolutely not at all!"

"Janna went to the back and used her ultimate, and Gragas was blown back. There was no chance for him to survive."

Everyone could only watch as Xiaohuasheng’s Gragas was killed by the opposing double Cs, and Lulu didn’t even dare to go up and use her ultimate.

"The Malzahar on the opposite side doesn't have a big move." Xiaohuasheng was a little embarrassed. He could only use these words to cover up his embarrassment.

The pressure is put on the remaining four members of SKT. What should they do now?
"It's okay, keep fighting." Chen Yi Qiu remained calm. While the opponent went back to attack the Rift Herald, Li Xianghe's Snake Girl went to find Kennen and forced Kennen away, so that everyone else could continue to move forward without worrying about being stuck.

This time, Chen Yi Qiu's Jayce took the lead, placed a ward in the river grass, saw the opponent's position, and launched a QE!

The moment QE was launched, the opponent's Zac wanted to block it, but he failed to block it and directly hit Xayah and Janna!
The Wind Girl gave the shield to Xia and lost half of her own health!
Wawa exclaimed: "What a high damage, this shot hit the aorta, but it doesn't seem to solve the problem. The opponent still has one more person, and SKT has no front row, so we can't even start a team fight."

Chen Yi Qiu continued to wait for the skill CD to run out. He was not in a hurry and fought slowly.

Just as Chen Yi Qiu was waiting for the skills, suddenly, Zac jumped out from the side and went straight to find Chen Yi Qiu's Jayce.

However, Chen Yi Qiu was well prepared. He switched forms and rushed forward, then knocked Zack back with a thundering blow.

Then he moved to avoid Zac's Q skill, turned around and counterattacked, AWAAA...

Zac could only retreat. He had no skills now and was chased by Jayce, with half of his health left.

Chen Yiqiu was giving orders while directing: "Don't worry, let's keep pulling."

Li Zaiwan said: "I can only protect now. I can't start a team fight as a hero."

Chen Yiqiu responded: "There's no need to start a group fight, just pull it together."

Chen Yiqiu's next E skill CD was ready, so he continued to explore forward, looking for an opportunity, and used QE again...

This time the opposing Janna learned her lesson. She first saw that Jayce's QE was aimed at her, so she gave the shield to herself.

But I still lost a lot of blood, and my blood volume has dropped to one third!
"I can't take it anymore. This Jayce's output is too high." Corejj retreated all the way and hid at the back.

At this time, the Rift Herald still had half of its health, and Chen Yi Qiu led his teammates to push forward.

The opposing Kennen has been driven back by Faker's Cassiopeia, so the SKT players don't have to worry about being outflanked.

Chen Yi Qiu's Jayce approached Zac, seeming to want to deal damage, Chi Di's Xayah came up with Janna's shield. He had his ultimate and was not afraid of fighting Jayce at all.

However, Chen Yi Qiu did not give him this opportunity. He pulled back and forth at the extreme distance, and Xia just couldn't get out.

Suddenly, Jayce used QE, and when Xia wanted to move, it was too late, and it hit!

This time, Janna had no shield, and Xayah lost nearly half of her health.

Guan Zeyuan commented: "No, Samsung's Jayce was injured by himself. This teamfight is wrong. If we start now, it's hard to say who will win."

Wawa: "SKT pressed forward, and they fought like they had more people even with one less person. Samsung also didn't want to give up the Rift Herald, so they just fought hard!" (End of this chapter)

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