LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 354: The God of the Top, a Man Who is Strong Enough to Be Trusted in Any Situation

Seeing the top laner being killed, Ambition felt a lot of pressure.

The original intention was to stabilize the top lane and target the middle lane at level 6.

Now this wave of GANK at level 6 must be taken, otherwise it will be difficult to fight later.

The game lasted six minutes. The Prince was at level six, and Malzahar was also at level six.

According to the plan made previously, the prince will go to the middle lane immediately after reaching level 6.

Now Malhaza has flash, and he can use the flash ultimate to kill one person at a time when combined with the jungler.

"I'm coming." Corejj's Janna also touched the middle lane, mainly because he was worried that Gragas would counter-camp in the middle lane.

Two against two is suspenseful, but three against two is a crushing defeat.

"Get ready." The Prince gave Ryze a kill mark.

Crown's Malhaza approached Ryze. This time he did not use flash directly, but tried it first.

It would be best if you could save flash and use the ultimate skill directly.

Sure enough, when he went up to test him, Ryze fought back directly. This is Lee Sang-hyuk's style!

Wawa commented: "It's over. Ryze doesn't seem to realize that Malhaza is seducing him. He's going to die."

As soon as Wawa finished speaking, Prince and Wind Girl walked out of the bush, and Malzahar used his ultimate to control Ryze.

The Prince followed up with two consecutive EQs, and Ryze's health dropped to the bottom in an instant.

However, at this moment, the wine barrel appeared!
Gragas used his E skill to attack from the side and used his ultimate on Malzahar, who was blown back.

"It's okay, I still have my ultimate." Ambition was not panicked at all. If Ryze flashed away, he could use his ultimate to keep him.

"It hurts so much!" But the next moment, Yasuo followed up with his ultimate move!

"Why is Yasuo here too?" Crown was stunned.

He thought that Gragas used his ultimate just to interrupt his ultimate.

Guan Zeyuan commented: "A three-on-three situation broke out in the middle lane. Ryze's health was running low and he flashed back. Even if Prince used his ultimate to catch up, he would still die. However, Malhaza was also going to die. He flashed away and Gragas' Q skill slowed him down..."

"Janna's wind was blown to cover Malhaza's retreat. Yasuo's wind wall confiscated Janna's wind and chased after Malhaza to kill him!"

The scene was a bit chaotic for a while, but Chen Yiqiu's mind was clear: "The prince on the opposite side didn't flash, let's get him."

Chen Yiqiu gave the Prince a kill mark, so the Barrel turned back to look for the Prince, and Chen Yiqiu used the line of troops to get closer.

The opposing Janna can only use W to slow down the opponent and can't do anything else.

After getting close to the Prince, Chen Yi Qiu attacked crazily. The Prince finally waited for his EQ to refresh, and used an EQ, but was blown away by Yasuo's wind. The Barrel was full of energy and hit him, and Yasuo took the kill.

Miller commented: "It was a very timely support. The two sides fought one for two, and SKT won. I didn't expect Yasuo to run to the middle lane to support. Is this Reaper's awareness?"

Wawa: "SKT seems to have understood this game. If the three-star mid laner takes Malzahar, the three-star will target the mid lane, and then SKT will counter-camp and wait for you to come to the mid lane to cause trouble."

The game lasted ten minutes, and the director gave a close-up of Chen Yi Qiu. He was wearing an electric knife, attack speed shoes, and a critical strike cloak. His equipment could only be described as exaggerated.

Chen Yi Qiu returned to the top lane to continue laning, but at this moment, problems arose in the middle lane again.

Ambition took advantage of Ryze's lack of flash and ganked the middle lane again, using EQ's two ultimates to cover him, leaving Ryze with no way out.

He couldn't use his ultimate and run away, because Malzahar was catching up with him.

Wawa commented: "Again? This time Ambition is targeting the middle lane. There's a TP. Whose TP is it? Yasuo TPs over! Gnar also TPs over. This wave of mid lane brawl is about to start again."

The moment Chen Yiqiu's TP landed, Ryze had been killed by the opposing Malzahar.

Chen Yi Qiu took action immediately and used the minion line to find the opposing Malhazahar. Malzahar began to move around frantically, trying to avoid Yasuo's Q.

Guan Zeyuan's eyes suddenly lit up: "Gnar TP landed, this is a bigger Gnar, and he just reached level 6, with a big move!"

Gnar used his E skill to jump over, and used his W skill to try to control Chen Yi Qiu, but Chen Yi Qiu used his Step Forward to avoid it.

Gnar threw a stone over, Yasuo stepped forward and slashed at the bug that was targeting Malzahar, then continued to move and easily dodged it.

"Xiba..." Seeing that he was about to become smaller, Cuvve no longer hesitated and suddenly flashed his ultimate move...

Guan Zeyuan became excited: "Gnar flashed and used his ultimate, but Yasuo didn't react. He didn't even react!"

Wawa was very surprised: "Isn't Reaper's reaction speed very fast? Why didn't he react? Yasuo was going to be killed instantly, with chain control and silence."

"Yasuo! Kill Yasuo, kill Yasuo!"

"Kill him, sir!"

"He's gone..."

The three players in Samsung, Zhong, Shangye and Ye were very excited, this was a big head.

The most important thing is that Chen Yi Qiu never died in the previous game, which put huge psychological pressure on everyone in Samsung.

If they could kill Chen Yi Qiu once, it would greatly boost their morale.

The Samsung fans at the scene were also cheering, as if the kill had already been obtained and it was just a matter of kill distribution.

However, just when Yasuo’s health was running low, an exploding barrel fell from the sky.

"If you want to kill me, take your friends with you."

Gragas's ultimate skill exploded in the faces of the three opponents! Chen Yiqiu followed up with his EQ ultimate skill, double wind, and dealt full damage!

At the same time, Gragas flashed over with E and hit three people at the same time, followed by a Q and a basic attack with W damage.

Yasuo's ultimate skill landed, and he used his Q skill to kill the opponent's Malzahar instantly.

Wawa exclaimed: "Grand Barrel arrived in time and saved the world with one ultimate. Malzahar was killed! However, Yasuo's health is also at the bottom. Can he survive?"

Chen Yi Qiu's Yasuo started to operate, and a wind wall blocked Gnar's output. At this time, Gnar had become smaller.

Seeing that his output was blocked, Gnar made a circle and tried to go around the side of the wind wall. Chen Yiqiu also adjusted his position, which made Gnar very uncomfortable.

"I can't A-him, I can't A-him!" Cuvve put on the mask of pain.

Yasuo's Q can hit him, but his basic attack is blocked by the wind wall.

Yasuo used his blowtorch to knock up both the opposing Gnar and Yasuo at the same time, and then took Gnar away with a single basic attack.

At the same time, the Prince's EQ has reached CD.

The Prince used EQ twice in a row, but Chen Yi Qiu reacted quickly, moved sideways, and passed by!

But Ambition saw it, he used his flash, EQ to knock the opponent into the air... and then used a basic attack to take him away!

However, this was just his beautiful fantasy, and an outrageous scene occurred.

The moment the Prince used EQ flash, Yasuo also used flash, and the Prince's EQ flash missed!
This is not the most fatal thing. Yasuo's flash is very short and he didn't completely pull away. He just avoided the Prince's EQ flash and turned around to Q the Prince!
Miller became excited: "What a show! This time, the Prince's idea was completely seen through. Yasuo turned around and fought back, Q, Q, blowing wind to knock him up, and then Q..."

"Hasa, Hasa..." Chen Yi Qiu's Yasuo pulled back and forth, making it impossible for the Prince to A him, while he could Q the Prince.

"Xiba!" Ambition was very desperate. He was also pulling, but his pulling was so weak in front of Chen Yi Qiu.

Gragas followed up with an E skill to control the Prince, and Yasuo continued to output and took down the Prince.

Guan Zeyuan was furious: "Damn it, he can't be killed? This Yasuo is really too manipulative. I feel like there was no mistake made by Samsung in this wave. He was just manipulated."

Wawa agreed, "That's right. I can only say that Yasuo's operation in this game was at its best. Moreover, SKT's thinking was very clear. If you like to target the middle lane, then we will all fight in the middle lane."

On the SKT side, Lee Sang-hyuk, who had been very serious, looked a little better.

Chen Yiqiu joked, "Is it accurate? I said that the opponent would definitely continue to target the middle lane. This time, we should choose a mid-top-jungle fighting lineup and keep fighting with the opponent and that's it."

Peanut was delighted: "That's great, you guys draw the fire, I'll use my ultimate skill, and the team fight will be over."

Chen Yiqiu reminded him: "Don't waste your ultimate in the follow-up, otherwise it will be difficult to win the team battle."

Little Peanut: "Don't worry, bro. My ultimate move is very stable."

Chen Yi Qiu naturally didn't believe it, but there was nothing he could do. It was unrealistic for you to play as a Gragas and not miss a few ultimates in a game.

Especially when Gragas is paired with Yasuo, the opponent will be extra careful, and the probability of Gragas' ultimate being in vain is high.

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:

[This is the God of Top! He can kill the opponent alone, and he can also operate and support when the jungler comes. It's so terrifying! ]

[If my teammates had this ability, would I still be unable to reach Gold? ]

[Dude, you can’t even raise your gold level, shouldn’t you consider your own problems? ]

[This Yasuo is so awesome. Why do I feel like I’m playing a different hero than him? ]

[Is it possible that you guys weren't playing the same hero in the first place? ]

[Otherwise it feels like we are not playing the same game. ]

Fifteen minutes into the game, Chen Yi Qiu's Yasuo took a tower in the top lane.

Gnar didn't dare to defend at all and retreated early.

Chen Yi Qiu also caused the defensive tower to take on two more waves of soldiers.

Cuvve felt heartbroken, but there was nothing she could do. If she went up to find Chen Yi Qiu, she would be courting death.

Ambition's rhythm was also disrupted.

Under normal circumstances, the rhythm would have been set from the middle lane after the previous two successful GANKs.

By then, he will take Malhaza with him to capture people everywhere. Wouldn't that make him invincible?

This is Yasuo!

Whenever he thought of Chen Yi Qiu’s ID, he got a headache. It would be great if this ID didn’t exist in this world. Maybe they would be the champions this year.

Now that Yasuo has TP, Ambition dares not act rashly. If he fails again, he will be unable to fight.

Chen Yi Qiu was leading the team in the top lane, pushing the troops past the defensive tower and heading to the opposite jungle to plunder resources.

Taking advantage of the top lane advantage, Xiaohuasheng took the Rift Herald, came to the top lane and released it, helping Chen Yiqiu take down the second tower on the top lane.

At the same time, Ambition appeared in the bottom lane, and the two SKT bottom lane players retreated early, leaving the bottom lane tower behind.

Wawa explained: "The two sides exchanged resources, which is fine. It's not unacceptable to Samsung. It's better than having resources taken unilaterally."

Miller responded: "Yasuo's Infinity Edge is out. At this time, Yasuo with Infinity Edge and Electric Knife will kill squishy targets in three hits. It's a bit scary!" (End of this chapter)

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