LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 357: TJE’s Anxiety: Reaper’s Commercial Value is Far Greater than Faker’s

Immediately afterwards, SSG got Sejuani and Malhaza on the second and third floors.

Seeing Malzahar being taken down again, the audience was shocked:
"No, SKT really dared to release it, and SSG really dared to choose it."

"Since you've already let it go, if I don't choose, wouldn't that be a sign of weakness?"

"Come on, let's fight. Whoever is timid is a grandson. When two brave men meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins!"

"Crown is really stubborn, and Faker is also stubborn."

"What is Faker going to do against Malzahar in this game?"

"To be honest, I'm a little scared. I don't think SKT will end up with Malzahar."

It was SKT's turn to choose, and they chose to lock in Diana on the third floor and enter the second round of BP.

Guan Zeyuan commented: "SKT banned Shen and Jarvan II in the second round, and then directly targeted Karma. This is the mid laner Karma!"

Wawa continued: "It's obvious that Faker is trying to find a way to target Malzahar. He changed three heroes in three games, from Cassiopeia to suppress the laning phase, to Ryze to roam and support, and now to Karma. It feels like he is mainly trying to serve his teammates."

Miller: "Samsung is doomed to lose Lulu and Cho'Gate. Cho'Gate in the top lane? It seems that Cuvve is ready to withstand the pressure."

After this big bug was chosen, the comments in the official live broadcast room were boiling:

[Hahaha, is he giving in? I thought he really dared to keep playing tricks with Reaper.]

[It seems that Cuvve is also very flexible. When he can't win, he starts to retreat. 】

[This top lane matchup was a one-sided suppression. ]

[That's good too. He picked a big bug and was suppressed, at least it was useful. ]

Fans of both SKT and Samsung are happy to see this.

For SKT fans, it means that top laner Cuvve was defeated by Chen Yi Qiu and admitted that he could not win in the laning phase.

For Samsung fans, they can stay in the top lane and develop without giving up, which makes it easier to win the game overall.

At this time, Chen Yi Qiu's top laner had not been selected yet, and the whole world's focus was on him.

"Night Hunter, Vayne." Chen Yi Qiu made a choice.

Li Zaiwan became excited: "Brother, do you want to play top lane Vayne? Are you sure? To play it so big?"

Chen Yiqiu responded: "I'm sure."

Kkoma standing behind Chen Yiqiu is under tremendous pressure!

His original idea was that Chen Yi Qiu would choose a regular top lane hero according to the previous rhythm and win the game using the same playing style as in the previous two games.

Don't ask for too many dramatic events, just win it steadily.

However, Chen Yi Qiu suddenly wanted to do something different at this time, and this is the variable.

If SKT was trailing 0-2, Kkoma would definitely agree with Chen Yi Qiu playing like this and give it a try.

But now that SKT is in the lead, there seems to be no need to take risks.

"Have you thought it through?" Kkoma asked.

"I've thought it through." Chen Yi Qiu turned his head and glanced at Pei Junzhi.

Pei Junzhi gave him a thumbs up: "I'll watch you operate."

Seeing Chen Yiqiu so sure, Kkoma said, "Then take it... It's not like we haven't played it before... Yeah."

Li Zaiwan showed Vayne on the fifth floor.

"Let us hunt those who fall into the darkness."

When Vayne was revealed, the audience was shocked.

Wawa smiled and said, "You're being naughty again. I think SKT can choose a solo laner in this game..."

Wawa also wanted to analyze that SKT has already locked Vayne.

The smile on the doll's face froze and twisted, and then it let out a long "oh":

"SKT picked it? SKT actually picked Vayne. What's going on?"

Miller exclaimed: "SKT picked Vayne in the third game. This is not against the meta, this is against the sky!"

Guan Zeyuan was not optimistic: "Can Vayne really do it? I doubt it. The fault tolerance rate of top lane Vayne is too low. If she doesn't become a Buddha, she will become a devil!"

In the official live broadcast room, the barrage has exploded:
[Are you serious? Are you serious? Reaper, the god of top lane! ]

[This is Reaper. You never know what tricks he will suddenly come up with.]

[This time, Reaper announced that he took over the game! 】

[Brothers, the opportunity has come. SKT's lineup feels so bad. 】

[Top lane Vayne? If we catch him, we will win this game. ]

[Vayne can't develop well, not as good as a super soldier, this time there is a real chance. 】

[Have you forgotten how strong Chen Sheng's Vayne is? ]

SKT and Samsung fans are very happy.

SKT fans believe in Chen Yi Qiu's ability, so they think that since Chen Yi Qiu uses Vayne, he can carry the game.

Samsung's fans see Vayne as a breakthrough.

Both teams adjusted their summoner skills and rune talents, and the last 20 seconds were counted down. The lineup was completely determined:

SKT on the red side: top lane Vayne, jungle Gragas, mid lane Karma, ADC Tristana, support Leona.

Three stars on the blue side: top lane Cho'Zetian, jungle Sejuani, mid lane Malzahar, ADC Varus, support Lulu.

Kkoma was about to shake hands and leave the court. He patted Chen Yiqiu on the shoulder and said, "I leave it to you."

Kkoma knew very well that Vayne was either a carry or completely useless, and there was almost no possibility of her becoming invisible.

As long as you choose Vayne, she will become the protagonist of this game.

Chen Yi Qiu didn't say anything, nor did he even turn around. He just gave Kkoma a thumbs up to reassure him.

On Samsung's side, seeing that Vayne is in the top lane, Ambition reminds the top laner:

"Hold steady for the first three levels in the top lane, and I'll come to help you. This kind of hero will be useless if he gets caught once or twice."

Cuvve responded: "Well, I'll try my best."

He is actually under a lot of pressure now, even though he has no experience in laning against Cho'Gate and Vayne.

But based on his understanding of these two heroes, he knew they were very difficult to beat.

Now we can only rely on the jungler.

At this time, in Jin Yibo's office, Ponytail, who was in a meeting, was also watching the game.

Although she thinks SKT will definitely win in the end, she still has to be prepared for the worst, and she also needs to observe Chen Yi Qiu's performance.

SKT chose Vayne as the top laner, and the popularity of the live broadcast room began to soar.

Ponytail looks at the game from a different perspective, she focuses on the commercial value.

Commercial value is determined by many factors, such as performance, which is critical but not the only one.

It’s like Bengi is also a triple champion like Faker, but the commercial value of the two is very different.

There are also players who have never won the S-League championship, but are also very popular. This is determined by the player's performance, playing style, and other factors on the field.

Chen Yi Qiu is a more perfect player than Faker. Not to mention his achievements, his playing style is more varied and radical than Faker's.

The audience will enjoy watching it and it has very high commercial value.

The surge in the number of people watching live broadcasts now is a perfect example of this.

Therefore, we must take down Chen Yiqiu no matter what! Only he can save LPL!

"Everyone, you should be able to feel the value of Reaper. It's not just about personal strength, but all-round." said Ponytail.

"I personally think his commercial value is probably much higher than Faker's due to various factors."

"Yes, if he can play perfectly in this game and lead SKT to victory, then they can move to the next level."

"I guess it's not just us. Other LCK teams, as well as those in the European and American regions, are probably eyeing him."

"To be honest, if he could come back..."

Ponytail stood up, took two steps, and then sat back down.

She started to get anxious!

What these people said makes sense. It’s not just the LPL region that has money and is interested in Chen Yi Qiu. The other major regions are also keeping an eye on him.

If we fail to act immediately and adopt a solid and effective approach to contact Chen Yi Qiu, we probably won't even have a chance to talk.

Entering the game screen, Chen Yi Qiu chose Doran's Blade and went straight to the top lane.

Peanut started to set the pace: "Brother, be careful in the top lane, the opponent will definitely target you."

Chen Yiqiu responded: "It's okay, just follow your own pace, there's no need to take special care of the road."

In fact, Xiaohuasheng is very conflicted now. He is not worried about Chen Yiqiu's laning problem, as he is sure he can win in the laning phase.

But Vayne is easy to be caught, and once she falls into a disadvantage, it is easy for her to die and become an ATM.

And Vayne herself has almost no ability to cooperate with the jungler in ganking.

Therefore, if Xiaohuasheng repeatedly goes to the top lane to counter-gank, but the opponent does not come to GANK in the top lane, then he is wasting time, but if he does not go, he is worried that he will be caught by the opponent in the top lane.

The director's camera was fixed on Vayne, following Vayne all the way to the top lane and into the top lane bush.

Guan Zeyuan explained: "Vayne is very strong at level 1. He didn't go to the river to guard. Is he planning to increase his strength at level 1?"

Wawa analyzed: "Not really. Although Vayne has the advantage of long arms, he can't hold his own against the enemy."

Miller: "I think it's just a little bit of consumption. You can't keep suppressing it. Vayne can't withstand the output of the minions in the early stage."

Soon, the military line came out, and the opponent's big worm came along with the military line.

Moreover, the big bug walked directly towards the grass, as if it wanted to hide in the grass.

All of this was within Chen Yi Qiu's calculations.

When a short-handed player fights against a long-handed player, they will occupy the bushes in the early stages, so as to avoid being consumed to the greatest extent.

When the big bug was about to enter the bush, Chen Yi Qiu started to attack, fighting and retreating at the same time.

"Huh?" Cuvve was startled. He thought he was ambushed by several people.

It turned out that there was only one Vayne, and this Vayne had not learned W, so she did not have the ability to deal true damage with three rings, and her output was very average.

So the big worm chose to observe Vayne's movement first, and then used a predictive Q skill.


Vayne dodged this Q skill by moving around, and she didn't even need to use the Q skill.

There was no choice, Cuvve's big worm could only choose to retreat, and Chen Yiqiu's Vayne began to chase forward.

The big worm was driven under the defensive tower. Cuvve was not very convinced and turned back to use the Q skill.

The last Q predicted Vayne's retreat, this time he predicted Vayne's move forward.

As a result, Wayne rolled to the side to avoid it.

Now Cuvve knew what was going on; his prediction was meaningless!

Because when Vayne dodges his Q skill, she first determines the position and then decides whether to roll to avoid it.

This kind of dodging has nothing to do with luck, unless Vayne herself makes a mistake, which is very unlikely.

Chen Yi Qiu stood behind the line of soldiers and did not give the big bug any experience.

The most outrageous thing is that Vayne didn’t even kill the first three melee soldiers herself, just to prevent the big worm from gaining experience.

Wawa exclaimed: "I can only say that this is Reaper's personal ability. In the first two games, Cuvve selected Kennen and Gnar with long arms to compete in laning operations."

"We were beaten by Reaper's warrior hero. Now Cuvve wants to pick a tank hero to resist the pressure, so Reaper directly brought out Vayne and didn't even give him any experience."

Miller: "Yeah, Reaper always has the hero that makes the opponent most uncomfortable, which is very scary. The hero pool is completely unlimited."

When the second wave of soldiers came, Chen Yi Qiu turned back to finish off the enemy. The big worm followed the soldiers and wanted to go forward to finish off the enemy with his Q skill.

However, after the two sides' troop lines came into contact with each other, Chen Yi Qiu began to push forward again, approaching the big bug from the bushes nearby.

The big worm used his Q skill to kill a soldier.

But just because of that little bit of greed, Chen Yi Qiu seized the opportunity.

Chen Yi Qiu chased after the big worm and dealt damage. Since the big worm had already used his Q skill, Vayne didn't need to hold on to his Q and could just chase and attack him all the way.

The big bug was driven back to the defense tower again, with most of its health gone, and could only use blood bottles to replenish.

Wawa expressed sympathy: "How uncomfortable is it to be on the top lane? From the beginning to now, he was killed by a minion and lost more than half of his health. It's too uncomfortable."

Miller: "Now Vayne only needs to defend the jungler. The big worm can't pose any threat to him. Vayne in this game seems to be very successful. He crushed the big worm."

At the same time, in the middle lane, Li Xianghe was also strengthening the opposing Malzahar.

The hero Karma is very strong in laning phase, pushes the lane quickly, and has strong consumption ability.

Crown felt a lot of pressure, but there was nothing he could do. Malzahar was good at seizing opportunities, and he was counting on this to beat SKT.

The game time was approaching four minutes, and as usual, Peanut came to the river in the top lane to help place wards to prevent Vayne from being ganked from behind.

As for counter-camping, Xiaohuasheng is worried that Ambition may not come, and it would be a waste of time if he fails to counter-camp.

However, from a God’s perspective, Ambition is already here!
Ambition's Sejuani was seen walking towards the Baron pit. After entering the Baron pit, he placed a ward through the wall at the triangle grass on the red side's top lane. After confirming that there was no one there, he used his Q skill to cross the wall.

Guan Zeyuan saw the opportunity: "Here she comes. Sejuani is here with double buffs to punish Vayne. She is very smart. She can pass through the wall from the Baron pit to avoid the river vision."

Wawa seemed to have discovered something and exclaimed, "Wait a minute, wasn't Gragas putting the vision in the river? Vayne didn't go over there to get vision, Cuvve would definitely tell Ambition about this, so why did Ambition have to go around it?"

Miller said, "I understand. In the last game, Peanut also came to the top lane to gain vision at this time. Samsung must have noticed this when they were reviewing the game in the background. Vayne is in danger!"

Ambition's Sejuani was waiting for her skill CD, and at the same time gave the signal to the top laner: "Get ready."

However, there is a large wave of soldiers about to enter the defense tower. Cuvve's big worm is only level one. He gives Sejuani a retreat signal: "We can't fight. There are too many soldiers. I'm not even level two, and he's level three. If we really fight, there might be problems."

Ambition knew that he shouldn't take action in this situation, but he couldn't miss this opportunity.

"You eat the soldiers first and level up. I'll wait."

Ambition was squatting in the red side's triangle grass, the soldiers in the top lane entered the tower, and the big worm started to make up for the tower damage. (End of this chapter)

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