LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 385: The reluctant Zaozi! The first victory! Faker's first LPL interview

The two sides started to face off, and the focus of this game was the middle and top lanes.

Chen Yi Qiu and Li Xianghe's playing style is very simple, which is to steal without thinking. If they can kill alone, they will definitely try, but it doesn't matter if they can't kill alone.

Chen Yiqiu's Swain QA'd Gnar, constantly using skills and basic attacks to steal things.

Swain's equipment bar began to become richer. At the beginning, he only had one starting item, but gradually, he had everything.

Lucky bag, jewelry eye, red medicine, blue medicine.

Wawa commented: "In this game, I feel that we only need to see what Top Esports' mid and top laners are stealing. Nothing else matters. As for the bottom lane, although RNG has an advantage in the bottom lane, the advantage is limited. And because it's a hero like Master Yi, I feel that even if they gain an advantage, it won't pose much of a threat to Top Esports."

Miller: "That's right, the middle and top lanes are both suppressed, and RNG is in a very unfavorable situation now."

Six minutes into the game, Chen Yi Qiu's Swain completed a solo kill in the top lane!

Immediately afterwards, Mlxg’s GANK in the middle lane failed and he failed to catch anyone, so Xiaohu’s Clockwork ultimate was in vain.

Eight minutes into the game, Li Xianghe's Ryze went to the top lane and cooperated with Xiaohuasheng to get a kill with three packs and one kill.

Mlxg GANK bottom lane and helped UZI get a kill.

Originally, RNG's playing style was to focus on the mid and top lane in this game, at least that's what UZI thought.

But there was no way, the mid and top lanes were not strong enough, so Mlxg had to go to the bottom lane to find a solution.

An outrageous thing happened. Although UZI got the kill, he was not happy at all. Instead, he said:
"Just go help the mid and top lane, I'll just be a mess in the bottom lane."

Mlxg could see that UZI really wanted the mid and top laners to carry the game.

In this case, let’s try it.

Ten minutes into the game, Mlxg GANKs the top lane, forming a two-on-one situation with Letme.

Chen Yi Qiu's Swain used his ultimate to counterattack and killed two people!

After this wave of attacks, Swain will become invincible!
Wawa commented: "RNG has a problem. How can they raise Swain? To deal with this kind of hero, you should rely on ADC, but in this game, RNG's bottom lane is a playmaker. This hero is notoriously slow in hitting tanks. Without enough output, it is impossible to kill Swain."

Miller agreed: "The situation is very bad for RNG now. It was very strange from the beginning of the BP. Swain got the kill again. In addition, Swain has Kleptomancy, so he stole a lot of money. If this continues, he will be invincible."

Just as the commentator thought, when the team-up phase came, RNG simply couldn't kill Swain.

Chen Yi Qiu's Swain activated his ultimate skill and flew over the faces of the five RNG players.

Not only is he disgustingly tanky, but his output is also very high.

In the end, RNG was flattened in less than 30 minutes, and UZI's plan of letting the mid and top carry the game was completely ruined!

Wawa passionately commented: "With the explosion of the RNG base crystal, let us congratulate Top Esports. This is the first BO3 they have won since their formation. Although they still have some flaws in the bottom lane, overall it is better than I expected."

Miller agreed: "That's right. Top Esports has such strong mid, top and jungle players, which can at least guarantee the bottom line, so their bottom lane still has time to adjust and learn. Through this BO3, we can see that Reaper is still so strong and Faker is still so invincible!"

After the game, everyone at Top Esports took off their headphones, stood up, and lined up to shake hands with RNG.

First was Letme. As soon as Letme saw Chen Yi Qiu, he was like a mouse seeing a cat. He got scared and hid himself inwardly.

Then it was Mlxg. Mlxg was still the same, very unconvinced. However, he did not like to say anything sarcastic to someone’s face. He was just simply unconvinced.

Xiaohu in the middle lane, Xiaohu is the same as before, always giving people a cowardly feeling. To put it bluntly, he is timid and irresponsible.

Finally it was the bottom lane. UZI in the bottom lane had a dark face. When he saw Chen Yiqiu coming over, he reluctantly stretched out his hand to shake hands with Chen Yiqiu.

The next one is Ming, who should be considered the most normal.

In the audience, Ponytail, who was watching the game, felt very pleased. At least judging from the audience's reaction so far, this Top Esports band will definitely be very popular in the future. Of course, the popularity is already very explosive now, but there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Soon, Ponytail received a message from his subordinates: "After this BO3, 11.2% of the audience who expressed disappointment with LPL now feel hopeful again."

The number "11.2%" is a bit small for a ponytail, but it's a good start so take your time.

On the stage, Chen Yi Qiu was invited to the interview booth to be interviewed. In addition to him, there was also Li Xianghe.

Although both MVPs belong to Chen Yi Qiu, in terms of popularity, Li Xianghe's popularity is almost the same as Chen Yi Qiu, so they must be called together. The opening game is almost equivalent to a promotional video. The game itself is not the key. The important thing is to create heat.

The person in charge of the interview today is Luo Xin. When the interview started, Luo Xin greeted:
"Congratulations to Top Esports once again. Congratulations on their victory. Now we have invited Top Esports' starting top laner Reaper and mid laner Faker to accept our interview together."

Luo Xin handed the microphone to Chen Yi Qiu and Li Xianghe, one each.

Chen Yiqiu spoke first: "Hello everyone, I am Reaper, the starting top laner of Top Esports."

Then it was Lee Sang-hyuk's turn. He said in Chinese: "Hello everyone, I am Top Esports' starting mid laner, Faker."

The audience went crazy:

"Reaper! Reaper! Reaper!"

"Faker! Faker!"

Chen Yi Qiu felt as if the entire venue was vibrating, the audience was so enthusiastic!
As the host, Luo Xin didn't even have the chance to speak. He could only wait for the audience to calm down.

The cheers lasted for half a minute before slowly subsiding.

Luo Xin said: "The audience is so enthusiastic. This is probably the most enthusiastic I have ever seen in LPL. Okay, now let's start asking questions."

"If I don't specify which contestant should answer, the two of you can decide who will answer, or who will answer first."

Chen Yiqiu and Li Xianghe nodded.

Luo Xin began to ask questions: "The first question is that there has been a doubtful voice on the Internet recently. They are wondering why Top Esports would pair a new player in the bottom lane after having such a strong mid, top and jungle."

"Wouldn't Top Esports be stronger if they had an experienced, capable, and well-coordinated bottom lane duo? This is probably the question that most netizens have."

This question can only be answered by Chen Yi Qiu, after all, it is his decision.

Chen Yiqiu responded: "Indeed, if we find a mature bottom lane combination, it will definitely be easier to cooperate in the short term, but in the long run, I think it is better to cultivate a bottom lane combination that suits our Top Esports team."

"Since we are training them, we naturally have to look for young and talented players. You can trust my judgment in this regard."

Luo Xin asked curiously, "Reaper said that everyone should trust your vision. Do you mean that you found the bottom lane duo of Top Esports?"

Chen Yiqiu responded: "You can say that."

So in the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:
[That’s fine, trust Reaper’s careful selection. ]

[It won't be a problem. Although Reaper is very good at playing games, it doesn't mean he has good vision. ]

【Just believe it and it’s all done. 】

[I think we can observe a little more, since this is the first time we play a game.]

[As long as you can make rapid progress later, it is acceptable to be a little worse now. 】

[Their ADC looks quite honest, he should be a hard-working person. ]

Luo Xin continued to ask questions: "Second question, in these two games, both of you used Kleptomancy and played very well." "In your opinion, what is the talent of Kleptomancy? Is it the answer in the current version?"

Chen Yi Qiu looked at Li Xianghe and let him speak first.

Li Xianghe said: "I think we need to divide people. If you want to achieve good results with Kleptomancy, you must trigger it frequently at the beginning of the laning phase, which requires constant exchange of blood with the opponent."

"So this talent is very suitable for players with a more aggressive play style. Of course, it also depends on the hero. Some heroes are not suitable for Kleptomancy."

Luo Xin looked at Chen Yiqiu: "Does Reaper have the same opinion?"

Chen Yiqiu responded: "It's about the same. Not everyone is suitable for stealing omens. Don't force it."

At this time, other LPL teams were paying attention to this game, even after the game was over.

They also want to know how to play this version.

Different clubs have different understandings of the same version. Which one is more suitable depends on the effect in the specific game. Top Esports is an important reference. After all, they have SKT's mid, top and jungle!

Although both Chen Yi Qiu and Li Xianghe said that not every lineup or every player is suitable.

However, in the eyes of most LPL clubs, they are suitable!

Then let’s get started, train the players to use the ability of Kleptomancy, and research the related BP!

Chen Yi Qiu did not realize that these two games would have a profound impact on the development direction of major LPL clubs.

Luo Xin continued to ask questions: "Next question, I want to know what is the goal of Top Esports in the new season. As a newly formed team, what kind of results do you want to achieve?"

Chen Yiqiu and Li Xianghe spoke almost at the same time: "Champion!"


Then, Chen Yiqiu explained: "For us, since we are playing professionally, we must win the championship, otherwise it will be meaningless."

Lee Sang-hyuk agreed: "Besides the championship, there is no difference in other rankings. We only have the championship in our eyes."

The audience was excited:

"Fuck, they are crazy! They are the ones who are crazy about it!"

"This is the world's number one mid-upper! Who else?!"

"If you are not convinced, go find Topbo and let's see who can defeat Topbo."

"I feel like it's not an exaggeration when these two people say this."

On the other side, in the Top Esports lounge, the three people who had returned earlier were paying attention to the interview.

Seeing Chen Yiqiu and Li Xianghe utter such harsh words, Xiaohuasheng was very excited:
"I don't know when I can be interviewed with Brother Yi Qiu. I will say such cruel words then!"

Hongmi smiled and said, "They are not saying harsh words, they are just speaking their mind, that's what they think."

Chen Wei, who was sitting next to him, was staring at Chen Yi Qiu on the screen in a trance. Everything that had happened so far was like a dream to him. He was still at school, but suddenly he was pulled in to play in a game, and he was playing against the world's number one mid, top and jungle player.

In the opening game, he faced RNG, the team he had always admired, and he won in the end.

Looking at Chen Yi Qiu on the screen, Chen Wei suddenly felt something burning in his chest. He also wanted to go on stage to be interviewed like Chen Yi Qiu and receive the audience's attention and admiration!

Isn’t this the meaning of playing games and becoming a professional?

Chen Yiqiu and Li Xianghe came back after the interview, and Hongmi greeted them: "Thank you for your hard work, this BO3 was successfully won thanks to you."

Guo Hao also stepped forward and said, "Thank you for your hard work, everyone. Now that we have won the opening game, let's go have a meal to celebrate. The box is ready, just go over there."

So everyone packed up their things and, led by Guo Hao, left the competition venue and headed straight for the hotel.

After entering the hotel box, everyone from Top Entertainment found a seat and sat down. Xiao Huasheng sat next to Chen Yi Qiu.

Seeing Chen Yi Qiu take out his cell phone, Xiao Huasheng immediately leaned over to take a look, wanting to see what was going on online.

Although he now has a domestic phone number and has even registered an account on Tieba, he can watch it anytime he wants.

But he always felt that he was not as comfortable watching it alone as he was with Chen Yi Qiu.

Chen Yi Qiu entered the Anti-Pressure Bar, and sure enough, the bar friends were now discussing two things, one was the omen of theft, and the other was the performance of Top Esports and RNG in today's game.

#Did you hear that? Reaper said that only those who have suppression power and take the initiative can bring Kleptomancy.

#I don’t care, I’m going to bring it anyway.

#RNG is crazy today? Suddenly started to attack mid, top and jungle, RNG doesn't have the ability to do that, you know.

#I feel that this season, all teams that play four-protect-one will have problems.

#Times have changed. Now is the multi-core era. The four-protect-one fault tolerance rate is too low and it is easy to fail.

#Other LPL teams just need to learn Top Esports’ playing style and stop doing unnecessary things all the time.

Chen Yiqiu was reading a forum when Peanut suddenly asked, "Is it true that junglers can't use Kleptomancy?"

Chen Yi Qiu was suddenly speechless. How could a jungler be the leader?

Seeing Chen Yiqiu's performance, Peanut understood and quickly tried to make amends: "I was just asking, it was just a joke."

Soon, the waiter brought all the dishes, and Guo Hao personally poured drinks for everyone, saying:
"Since you are all professional players, let's not drink alcohol. Let's just have some drinks."

Guo Hao raised his cup and continued, "This is the first time we have played a game since the establishment of Top Esports. I am very happy to have won a great victory. I am also very honored to be the leader of Top Esports and work with such outstanding players and coaches. Congratulations to everyone for their achievements in this new season!"

Everyone clinked their glasses and drank it all.

Chen Yi Qiu could tell that Guo Hao still lacked confidence and did not think that Top Esports could win the championship.

It is understandable, after all, Top Esports has just been established.

Everyone started eating and chatting, having a great time.

Chen Yi Qiu took the initiative to talk to Chen Wei. Chen Wei was a bit introverted and reserved, and Liu Qingsong was also a quiet person.

These two people just sat there and focused on eating. We have to let them join in the conversation.

Chen Yiqiu asked, "Chen Wei, how is your ADC performance?"

Chen Wei raised his head and replied, "It's pretty average. I prefer to play heroes that rely on basic attacks for output."

Chen Yiqiu: "EZ can also rely on basic attacks to deal damage, but it requires interspersed skills. Now I'm giving you a task. Go back and practice EZ, and practice EZ with Kleptomancy."

Chen Yi Qiu glanced at Hongmi. This should have been arranged by Hongmi.

Hongmi understood: "I think this is a good suggestion. Chen Wei, you should practice more when you get back." (End of this chapter)

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